To kill a mockingbird summary setting PDF

Title To kill a mockingbird summary setting
Author Jessica Meza
Course US history
Institution Texas College
Pages 2
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A basic summary of the book to kill a mockingbird with details about settings....


Summary setting ‘To kill a mockingbird’ On page 132 and 133 they walked past Mrs Dubose’s house and talked to her, this was described in the past. You can see this from the quote: ‘When we were small, Jem and I confined our activities to the southern neighbourhood.’ Mrs Dubose also has a garden with many camellia bushes, and this becomes clear from the quote: ‘He did not begin to calm down until he had cut the tops of every camellia bush that Mrs Dubose owned until the ground was littered with green buds and leaves.’ On page 137 they go home in the living room where he picked up a magazine. And on page 138 it says that the living room also has a rocking chair that Jem had vacated, because it quotes: Atticus picked up the mobile press and sat down in the rocking chair Jem had vacated. On page 141 it’s clarified that Mrs Dubose has steep front steps and an open hallway, because it quotes: The following Monday afternoon Jem and I climbed the steep front steps to Mrs Dubose’s house and padded down the open hallway. His house also has a brass bed in the corner of the room where Mrs Dubose was in, with a marble-topped washstand by her bed. On page 142 it says that in the room there is a bed and there are 3 chairs, you can relate that from the quote: “come to the side of the bed” and “we moved our chairs forward”. Part two of the book starts on page 153. On this page, the fact that Jem is in puberty is described. He was together with Calpurnia, that appears from the sentence; ‘I burst into tears and fled to Calpurnia.’ On page 154 a part is written about the beginning of the summer. Jem was together with Dill and Calpurnia; ‘The beginning of that summer boded well: Jem could do as he pleased; Calpurnia would do until Dill came’. Dill, Jem and Calpurnia went to the First Purchase African ME church on page 157. This appears from the quote that Calpurnia says; ‘Now you all quit that. You are gonna go to First Purchase with smiles on your faces.’ This was an ancient paint-peeled frame building, the only church in Maycomb with a steeple and bell. This derives from the sentence ‘It was an ancient paint-peeled frame building, the only church in Maycomb with a steeple and bell, called First Purchase because it was paid for from the first earnings of freed slaves.’ On page 158 Calpurnia talks with Lula, a tall Negro woman. Her weight was on one leg; she rested her left elbow in the curve of her hip, pointing at us with upturned palm. From the sentence ‘She was bullet-headed with strange almond-shaped eyes, straight nose and an Indian Bow mouth’, you can derive that Lula was an extraordinary woman. She seemed seven feet high. On the pages 159-162, they are in the nigger church. There were many different coloured people in the church. This fact can be inferred from the sentence ‘Lula was gone. In her place there was a solid mass of colored people’ on page 159. Reverend Sykes talks about Tom Robinson. This is said in the sentence ‘You all know Brother Tom Robinson’s trouble’, said by Reverend Sykes on page 160. On page 162 they are are still in the nigger church, they close the doors attempting to collect more money. This appears from the statement; “Alec, shut the doors. Nobody leaves here till we have ten dollars”. Said by Reverend Sykes on page 162. On page 163 the doors open, which can be seen in the sentence; “Slowly, painfully, the ten dollars was collected. The door was opened, and the gust of warm air revived us.” on page 163, later they talk to Reverend Sykes. On page 164 they head homeward, as stated in the sentences;”Jem echoed me, and we made our way homeward” on page 164. They keep talking during the journey back home.

On page 168 they are almost at home which appears in the sentence; “we were on the sidewalk by the Radley Place” on page 168. They see aunt Alexandra, as is seen in the following sentences on page 168; “ I looked down the street. Enamoured, upright, uncompromising, Aunt Alexandra was sitting in a rocking chair exactly as if she had sat there every day of her life. On page 169 they enter the house, stated in the sentence; “ Calpurnia picked up Aunty’s heavy suitcase and opened the door”. On page 170 Atticus comes home in the afternoon as stated in the following sentences; “The remainder of the afternoon went by in the gentle gloom that descends when relatives appear, but was dispelled when we hear a car turn in the driveway. It was Atticus, home from Montgomery. On page 173 they are still at home, but there is a description about Maycomb: ‘It was twenty miles east of Finch’s Landing, awkwardly inland for such an old town.’ On page 174 there is a throwback to the past, located in the pub Sinkfield’s Tavern. ‘Maycomb grew and sprawled out from its hub, Sinkfield’s Tavern’ Also on page 174, you see that Maycomb is in Alabama: ‘ Maycomb was spared the grubbiness that distinguished most Alabama towns its size.’ On page 175, it also they played outside and came inside, and the living room would be full of people ‘It was summer and we were outdoors. Of course, some afternoons when I would run inside for a drink of water, I would find the living room overrun with Maycomb ladies.’ On page 177, Scout, Jem and Atticus are in Jem’s room to tell something important: ‘Before bedtime, I was in Jem’s room trying to borrow a book, when Atticus knocked and entered.’ On page 179 Atticus leaves the room. Scout and Jem stay inside Jem’s room. ‘He went to the door and out of the room, shutting the door behind him.’ On page 180 Atticus, Scout and Aunt Alexandra are in the living room which can be seen from the sentence ‘He was in his chair by the window. Pages 180 through 192 the story takes place in the house of the Finch family but in different rooms.On page 183 Scout and Jem go to Jem’s room. This is mentioned in the sentence ‘He led me to his room and closed the door’. They go here while Atticus and Aunt Alexandra are having a conversation in the living room which you can see from the sentence on page 182 ‘Returning, I lingered in the hall to hear a fierce discussion going on in the living room.’ On page 185 Scout goes back to her own room. This is made clear in the sentence ‘Ours were adjoining rooms: as I shut the door between them Jem said, “Night Scout”.’ On page 186, also Dill arrives which can be seen by the sentence ‘Jem raised the broom and missed Dill’s head by an inch when it appeared. On page 189 they are in the dining room with Dill which you can see in the sentence ‘We left them in the dining room, Atticus still mopping his face....

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