Topic 1 Assignment- Navigating GCU Resources & Writing Expectations PDF

Title Topic 1 Assignment- Navigating GCU Resources & Writing Expectations
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Institution Grand Canyon University
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Topic 1 Assignment: Navigating GCU Resources & Writing Expectations...


1 Name: Course: UNV-103 Date: July 4, 2020 Instructor: Alan Guthrie

Topic 1 Assignment: Navigating GCU Resources & Writing Expectations Be sure to address all 18 questions in Part 1 & 2 and complete the matching in Part 3. When you have finished, save the document. While in the assignment drop box: 1) click BROWSE FROM MY COMPUTER, 2) upload your saved document, 3) SUBMIT to FINAL SUBMISSION. Purpose of Assignment: To become familiar with the GCU learning management system we refer to as the LoudCloud classroom, explore important GCU student resources, and become familiar with GCU’s collegiate level writing expectations. Grading Criteria: The assignment will be graded with an instructor answer key. Assignment Due Date: End of Topic 1

Part 1: Navigating the Loud Cloud LMS and GCU Website Directions: Type directly into this document. Please locate the correct response(s) to each of the questions below, and then provide your answer found, in one to two sentences, or short answer format. (The spacing will be adjusted as you type your responses. Please DO NOT forget to SAVE once you begin to answer the questions, so you do not lose any information.) The following questions are directed towards Loud Cloud: 1. Click on the DASHBOARD tab in the Loud Cloud classroom. Describe the following tabs (table will expand as needed):

Path Planner

Path is a way that takes you to your course materials and you can view your Topics for each week. Each topic is the lesson for the week. You can find your discussion questions and your weekly assignment. Planner is a calendar that can be viewed by month, week or by day. Viewing by month you can see your assignments and discussion © 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.


Student Resources





questions for the month. You can also add to the calendar and make it your own personal planner. This consists of the library, student success center, classroom policies, learning support and technical support. Each resource has its own purpose. Example the library can be used to do research and ask librarians questions. Another example is learning support, this resource helps us students with subjects we are having trouble with and it offers learning lessons online. This section is where you can view your grades. For each week you can see your grade for each assignment and discussion questions. Also, you can view comments left by the instructor. This is also another way you can see the day an assignment is due or upcoming assignments, the day an assignment was submitted and the grade score you have earned. This consists of Forums, class wall and roster. The forum has the discussion questions for each topic. Next, private forum is a way you can ask your instructor questions regarding the course or the assignments. Lastly you have, question to instructor forum. This section you can ask the instructor questions but your classmates can also view your question and his response. This section consists of notifications and announcements. Notifications you can see performance alerts and class updates. I believe performance alerts consists of alerts if you are not doing assignments and falling behind. Class updates from what I know it gives you a notification when your assignment has been graded. Lastly you have announcements, this is where your instructor submits any announcements regarding his information and information about the class. This is where you can modify your settings the GCU student portal. You can change where to launch when you login etc.

2. From the DASHBOARD in Loud Cloud, explain the steps to find your grades and instructor feedback.

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3 You can find your grades and instructor feedback various ways. From the dashboard, you can scroll all the way down and you will see “Gradebook”. You will see each assignment or discussion question that has been graded. You will only see the grade you earned. To view the instructor feedback, you have to click on the blue linked topics. Once you click on the one you desire to view, you will see submission grade. In the submission grade you will again see the points you earned and bellow that you will see “instructor’s comments”.

3. Under the DASHBOARD tab in LoudCloud, click on the STUDENT RESOURCES link and locate the STUDENT SUCCESS CENTER. Search for RESOURCES and locate THE WRITING CENTER. From there click on STYLE GUIDE AND TEMPLATES and locate GCU Style Guide and Template documents. (Right click and save these to your computer for future reference). Once you have read the Style Guide, why do you think academic writing requires such strict formatting? I think academic writing requires strict formatting for many reasons. For instance, it will keep your essays organized. You will have a paper that is consistent, and it will be clear to the person reading it. I also believe that strict formatting’s are required because it prevents people from copy right. You have to cite your sources and you are able to quote the person from another article. 4. Inside the Student Success Center, type “Tutorials & Webinars” in the search bar. List three tutorials or webinars that will help you most as you begin this course. For each, explain how you feel they will help. 1. Library walkthrough/Library webinar- I believe this section will help me the most because the walkthrough explains to me how to search for articles and books. The library webinar has an actual calendar of the month with different webinars and workshops for a certain class or topic you may need more information on or may need further research on the certain topic. 2. LMS Walkthrough- I found this tutorial helpful because it refreshed my memory a little more from the beginning when my student advisor taught me. It also gave me some other information I didn’t know about like; I would be able to see the course I will be taking next a few days before it begins. 3. Classroom success- I find this section to be very helpful to the students including myself. I like how it has videos on various tasks like note taking. These videos give tips on how to better your skills in either reading or note taking to be a successful student.

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4 5. From the Course Home page in Loud Cloud, click on the DASHBOARD tab and then click on CONNECT link and then FORUMS. Locate (at the top of the page) and explain the purpose of the Discussion Question Forum, Private Forum, and Questions to Instructor Forum. The Discussion Question Forum purpose is simply a way to view discussion questions for each week. You can see things like total posts and your total posts for each question. Private Forum is for you to ask your instructor questions regarding your grades or an assignment etc., in private. Lastly, the Questions to Instructor Forum is for you to ask questions or make a statement to the instructor as well although this is public. So, with that being said your classmates can view what you have asked. You can go in there and see if maybe one of your classmates already asked a question that you also may have and you won’t have to ask it because somebody already did.

6. Click on the DASHBOARD tab in the Loud Cloud classroom and select PATH. List the three headings across the top of the page and list their content. Path- In this tab you will see your course materials and topics. In each topic you will have discussion questions and assignments. Content- This tab provides you with a variety of resources that include links. For instance, you can view the universities handbook and also you have links to watch a video or read an article on each source. They give you helpful tips to better your college life and goal settings. Objectives- This tab gives you the details of the course you will be taking. It provides you with a gist of what you will be learning. 7. Go to the DASHBOARD tab and click on STUDENT RESOURCES and then LIBRARY. Under About Us click on the Frequently Asked Questions link. Describe how to get help from the librarian. From what I have seen you can get help from the librarian in various ways. First you can call the library at the number provided 1800-800-9776 EXT. 639-664. Second, you can email the librarian @ ask-a-librarian. Third, you can register for a webinar and get help from a librarian on a certain topic. Lastly, they have videos that are tutorials based on plagiarism, writing in APA, and many more. 8. Use the DASHBOARD tab, click on CONNECT, and then ROSTER. Review your instructor’s profile, provide his/her contact information, including office hours.

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5 Email is [email protected] , Phone number is (602)639-7347, Office hours are 10am-6pm Monday to Friday (Arizona time). 9. There are two different locations to review the ANNOUNCEMENTS. Locate and share the steps to find the Announcements through the DASHBOARD tab. In addition, where else on the homepage can you go directly to the Announcements (hint: it is an icon)? First way to find the announcements is when you’re starting off on the Dashboard and simply scroll down. You will see the section on your right side, and it says announcements. Second way is to click on the drop down at the top of the page on the left-hand side. It will drop down; you will select the icon that says messages. It will then drop down and you will see the icon that says announcements just click on it and it will direct you to the announcements. 10. Once logged into the LoudCloud classroom, within the DASHBOARD, locate the GCU TECHNICAL SUPPORT tab. List three ways in which you can contact them, and also provide their email address and phone number (hint: look for the “need help” Tab)? Click on the dropdown tab that says dashboard, then select student resources. Student resources has a dropdown and you will see technical support. Three ways to contact technical support is by email, phone, and chat. The email is [email protected]. There is two phone numbers (877)428-8447 and (602)639-7200 weekdays 6am-midnight and weekends from 7am-midnight. Lastly, you can chat with them by clicking the tab at the top right that says need help. You will see the option to chat and it will automatically open a chat and you can ask your questions and concerns. The following question is directed towards the GCU Website at: 11. On the Home page, click on Degree Programs, locate and click your area of interest, choose your Bachelor Program, click on Go To Program. Locate your Program Core Courses and list one course that looks most interesting to you. Why did you choose this course? Include the course name, course number and course description along with your explanation. HCA-360: Healthcare Information Technology and Management: “This course provides information and skills the health care administrator will require to integrate information technology and systems within the health care environment. Students examine basic components and functions of health care management information systems (HMIS) that work to manage data and resources which influence point-of-care decision-making by providers. Issues surrounding privacy, security, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care operations are also explored.” I chose this course because I believe it is one of the most important subject to learn for healthcare administrators. It is absolutely crucial to know what programs are best to keep your healthcare facilities to keep patient information protected. Security and privacy in healthcare is a top priority because they have a hold of © 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

6 your personal information. Which includes, Social security numbers, addresses, medical history that include diagnosis that can be sensitive information to the patient. It also needs to be efficient like stated in the description because, if your system keeps going down on a regular basis it can affect the doctors and the nurse’s workflow. It will increase the risk of making mistakes and providing incorrect information to the doctors and putting patients at risk for giving them the incorrect treatments.

The following questions are directed towards the GCU Website at: 12. On the Home Page, locate and click Student Affairs, then locate and click Spiritual Life. Describe which sections of this page interest you. Why? I admire this entire section of the school website. I have never been a very religious person, growing up my family taught me catholic values and that religion is an important part of life. As I got older I stopped attending church and praying. The part of that interest me the most is the “Watch Chapel Live”. The reason being is because like I had mentioned earlier I stopped attending church. I like how the school offers live services because you can watch from home without having to be surrounded by people. 13. On the Home page, locate and click Student Resources. Locate and click Student Success then click on Ace Centers and locate Academic Resources. What can a learning advocate (LEAD) do for you and how can you schedule an appointment? LEAD offers students tutoring for subjects they are having trouble with. You can schedule an appointment by contacting them by calling the number (602)629-8901 or via email @ [email protected].

Part 2: LoudCloud Quick Quiz Directions: Please highlight the correct response for the following questions. 14. What would you do if you wanted to ask your instructor a question in which you felt your classmates could benefit from the answer as well? a) Send him or her a personal email b) Post the question in the Discussion Question Forum c) Post the question in the Private Forum d) Post the question in the Questions to Instructor Forum © 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.


15. Where is the syllabus found in Loud Cloud? a) Student Resources tab b) Classroom Policies tab c) In the Forums d) Within the Path tab 16. Where is the planner found? a) The Syllabus b) Dashboard c) Main Forum d) Library 17. Where do you find the "Announcements" tab for a course in LoudCloud? a) Messages tab b) c) The instructor emails them to you at the start of each week. d) Both A and B 18. LoudCloud gives you the ability to personalize your “Planner”? a) True b) False

PART 3: GCU Writing Expectations The purpose of this section is to help you understand some of the academic writing expectations at GCU and in higher education. Included is a comprehensive list of writing expectations or guidelines you will want to adhere to during your academic career as well as ways to overcome common errors in college-level writing. After reviewing the Developing Academic Skills Guide and the Academic Writing Guidelines Resource located under Resources and the accompanying links, complete the sections below. In addition to this, you are welcome to use external resources such as the GCU Library, Google Scholar, or similar search engines to understand these guidelines and common errors more fully. © 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

8 Instructions: Place the correct guideline (the capital letters), next to the correct description of that guideline.



Guidelines: Contractions Writing in 3rd person Times New Roman 12pt Font Double Space Align Left

F 1st Lines of Paragraphs indent 0.5” G Conciseness H Run-on Sentences I Fragmented Sentences J Idioms


Spell Check Margins Text/Slang language Capitalization Essay Formatting

Guideline Descriptions: Microsoft Word has a sophisticated "checker" to identify most spelling, grammar, & consistency errors. Remove all before submission. An extra line between sentences accomplished by using the “Line and Paragraphing Spacing” option in Microsoft Word & selecting 2.0 Spacing The TAB key often makes a perfect 0.5-inch indentation by default. All four sides of each page in your document must default to 1.0” for the top, bottom, left, and right sides. Separates creative writing from formal academic writing including APA, MLA, & GCU Style. Strict adherence is required. Clichés slang or figurative language should be avoided. Instead, write out or use the definition instead of the cliché. Avoid the shortened forms of one or two words combined. Spell out both words. Be sure to use this appropriately for the first word in every sentence, proper nouns, and Netiquette. LOL is an example of a term that should not be used in academic writing. Most common standardized lettering and size in college level writing. Microsoft Word will underline these errors with a blue line. Rewrite the sentence until the blue line disappears. Paragraphs should be aligned to the left at the zero or null point on the Microsoft Word ruler. Avoid extraordinarily long sentences. The word "and" can often be a place to split up a Run-on. Avoid wordiness by deleting needless words and using Microsoft Word thesaurus for word ideas, synonyms, and antonyms. One would, A person could, They should, She, He, It are examples of writing in this point of view

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