UNV-104-RS-Topic 1 Navigating the Online GCU Library Assignment PDF

Title UNV-104-RS-Topic 1 Navigating the Online GCU Library Assignment
Author Holly VanStockum
Course 21st Century Skills Communication and Information Literacy
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 9
File Size 520.9 KB
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Answering questions about the navigation of the online library at GCU....


Holly VanStockum UNV-104 June 19, 2019 Dr. Oren Cox

Navigating the Online GCU Library Overview: The GCU Library will be a vital resource for you during your academic career. The Library contains a wealth of resources that will help you find, research, and broaden your understanding on any given topic. Learning to correctly use resources to support your writing is an essential component of your academic success. Directions: Each step of this assignment will ask you to navigate and explore different components of the GCU Library. There are eight steps, each containing a question. Record your answers to the questions in the appropriate sections. Before starting this assignment, review the short walk-through tutorial on the GCU Library. http://tutorials.gcumedia.com/mediaElement/library-walk-through-tutorial/library-walk-through-tutorial-v1.1.php

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Step 1: How to Access the Library There are a number of ways to access the library’s website; here is one path to reach the Library Research & Resources page: Please click on the following link: http://library.gcu.edu/

Question 1: On the Library Research & Resources Page, list three ways in which you can contact the library for assistance if needed. Three ways to contact a librarian are, ask a librarian, which you send a message, and a librarian will answer the message. Secondly, you may call 1.800.800.9776 during business hours to ask a question. There is also a live chat option, to speak online with a librarian,

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Step 2: How to Find Books Books have increasingly become available electronically. Unfortunately, these are rarely free, unless they are in the public domain. Most public domain books are quite old, so if you wish to find more current books, the best place to go is the library website. Because you have access to the GCU Library, you have access to over 100,000 books—free. Note: The library also lists the physical books available on the Phoenix campus. You can remove those from your search for your convenience. See below for instructions. 1. 2. 3. 4.

On the Library Research & Resources page, click the link that says: Find Books and More. In the LopeCat search box type: study skills and click the Search button. Under Form of Item in the column on the left, click Electronic. To access an electronic book of your choice, under the listing of the book, click the link below the word Online, or if that is not available, click the title of the book, and click the link that says View E-resource in the box below the title information. Sign in if prompted, using your GCU Username and password.

Question 2: Write the Title, Author, and Publisher of the 3rd book in the list of results you retrieved. Title- Study skills for psychology: succeeding in your degree Authors- Richard P.J. Freeman and Tony Stone Publisher- Sage Publications

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Step 3: Library Databases The vast majority of resources available are in the library’s databases. These are collections of articles that you can access using various search platforms. Resources available include magazines, newspapers, reports, journal articles, encyclopedias, and streaming videos. The easiest way to find articles on your topic is to search in a database that specializes in your subject area. This allows you to search for more relevant information without having to sort through masses of sources not related to your topic. 1. On the Library Research & Resources page, click the link that says: Find Journal Articles. 2. Choose a Subject in the list located under Find Databases by Subject. (Hint: Choose one related to your degree program.) 3. Scroll down to see all of the databases relevant to this subject. Those in the first section under Recommended are the top databases in that discipline.

Question 3: State what subject you chose and list the first three databases in this subject area: The subject I chose was education. The first three databases listed under the subject of education are Children’s Literature Comprehensive Databases, Education Research Complete, and Educator’s Reference Complete.

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Step 4: Narrowing Your Search for Articles For this section, you will be working in a database called Academic Search Complete. ASC is a multidisciplinary database containing a variety of topics and types of resources including magazines, newspapers, and scholarly journals and publications. There will be times when it may seem easier to use magazines and newspapers, but in general, focusing on scholarly sources (mostly located in peer-reviewed journals) will bring a stronger academic quality to your research. Follow the instructions below to access and begin searching in Academic Search Complete. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

On the Library Research & Resources page, click the link Find Journal Articles. Under the Find Databases by Subject section, click General Research Under the Recommended Databases section, click the link for Academic Search Complete Sign in if prompted, using your GCU Username and password. On the Search page, scroll down to the Limit Your Results section. Check the box beside Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals and make sure Full Text is checked as well.

Question 4: Explain why checking the boxes beside “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals” are important. In addition, when might you want to leave the boxes unchecked? Hint: review your textbook readings and lecture for this week to help understand the definition of what scholarly and peer reviewed sources are. The following link will also guide you to the page in the GCU Library which also explains these terms: https://libguides.gcu.edu/EvaluatingSources/ScholarlySources Checking the boxes for full text and peer reviewed are important to narrow the search results of research. Retrieving full text ensures us that we are getting the full articles the library has available. Retrieving peer reviewed articles ensures us that we are retrieving articles that are expertly written and reviewed by other experts to confirm the information is correct. While doing research a person may not want to check full text, or peer reviewed if they are looking for information beyond what the library has in the database, and if the research requires you to find opinions about a subject. © 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Step 5: Finding Journal Articles The key to successful searching is using keywords appropriately. Combining terms and thinking of alternative words (such as synonyms) will help you find better and more relevant articles. 1. On the page you ended at in Step 4, scroll to the top. (Make sure the Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals and Full Text boxes are still checked.) In the first search box under Searching: Academic Search Complete, type the words classroom management. 2. In the second box down, to the right of the word AND, type the words learning disabilities. 3. Click the Search button located to the right of the search boxes. 4. Scroll down to see the articles retrieved by the database.

Question 5: Provide the title of the third journal article that is listed in the results The title of the Third journal article is Delivering a learning disability education programme in India.

© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Step 6: Article Details In addition to the actual full text of the article, the databases will provide valuable information about an article. You will see things such as authors, source, subject terms, and abstract. The abstract is a brief summary of the article you found. 1. Click on the title of the third article you found in Step 5. 2. Scroll down this page and find the Article Abstract.

Question 6: Copy and paste the abstract from the article you have found in the space below. Explain how an abstract is valuable to your research process and how it will save you time. Thear t i cl epr ovi desi nf or mat i onont heout comeofaoneweekt r ai ni ngc our s eonl ear ni ngdi sabi l i t yeducat i onf ort eacher si ns out her nI ndi a del i v er edbyBi r mi ngham Ci t yUni v er si t yacademi csi nEngl and.Thecommont y pesofl ear ni ngdi sabi l i t i esi nI ndi aar ei nr ecept i v el anguage, ex pr es si v el anguageandbasi cr eadi ngski l l s .Awor kmanualappr oachandaudi ovi sual ai dswer eus edbyt heacademi c st oaddr ess communi cat i ondi ffic ul t i esandcul t ur al di ffer ences.Al sodescr i bedar et hecl assr oom st r at egi esandcl assr oom managementt opi cst ac kl ed.

© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Step 7: Permanent and Persistent Links Databases are designed as powerful searching tools; unfortunately, this means the website link located at the top of any page in a database is temporary and is based on your search at the time. Should you try to save that link as a bookmark or copy and paste it to use at a later time, it will not work. However, the databases have links that are tied directly to the articles you find. Follow the steps below to find the permalink (persistent, durable link, or document URL) to the article you accessed in Step 5. 1. On the same page where you found the abstract, look to the right for the Tools column. 2. Click on the link that says Permalink. 3. A box will pop up above the article title with a permanent link.

Question 7: Copy and paste the permalink to the article you have found in the space below. Explain why a permalink could be an important item to copy. https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=45390523&site=ehostlive&scope=site A permalink is important to copy, because while doing research an article may need to be revisited. If the exact search criteria is not the same the article may be hard to find. The permalink will also be useful for the work cited page, if the professor or reader needs to check the information, the link will take the person directly to the article. The permalink is a permanent link, while the link in the browser is a session link and may be timed out when the link is revisited.

© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Step 8: Using Library Databases to Cite Articles Another important option under the tool bar is the Cite button. In academic writing, citing your sources is very important. It will tell your reader that the information that you are using is the property of someone else. It will also show your reader exactly where you found this information and how to access this information again. This is a necessary step in avoiding academic dishonesty issues like plagiarism. Note: Remember, GCU Style required for your undergraduate coursework is a simplified version of APA. It is possible for there to be errors in the reference citations available in the GCU Library database, so check the GCU style manual located in the Student Success Center: The Writing Center to ensure your reference is properly formatted. 1. On the same page where you found the abstract look to the right for the Tools column. 2. Click on the link that says Cite. 3. A box will pop up above the article title with different citation styles.

Question 8: Copy and paste the APA citation you have found from the article in the space below. According to the GCU Style Guide, where should you include this information in your essay? Jukes, M., & Vassel, N. A. (2009). Delivering a learning disability education programme in India. Learning Disability Practice, 12(9), 21–25. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.7748/ldp2009.

According to the GCU style guide the citation should go in the reference list at the end of an essay. © 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved....

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