Train Like Me 21 Day Home Challenge PDF

Title Train Like Me 21 Day Home Challenge
Author Marwa Chiboub
Course Die Lebensmittelkette (Teil II) - Veterinary Public Health
Institution Freie Universität Berlin
Pages 38
File Size 1.6 MB
File Type PDF
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Good to lose weight just follow the construction make sure you read the whole thing...


e m e k i train l 2 1 D A Y C H A L L E N G E


B O D I E S B Y R A C H E L . C O M . A U

DISCLAIMER This guide has been by written by Rachel Dillon, Founder & Director of Bodies by Rachel [Global Fitness Pty Ltd]. Qualifications: Cert III & IV in Fitness, Accredited Certificate of Nutrition. [ABN 57 611 288 834] © Rachel Dillon 2018. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and/or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author. This guide is not intended as medical advice and should not be relied on as such. This guide has not been personalised to suit an individual’s specific nutrient requirements, deficiencies or any other medical conditions. It is the individual’s personal responsibility to consult with a professionally accredited physician prior to the utilisation of any of the information contained in this guide. The information contained in this book should be considered only as a guideline to a healthier lifestyle. Appropriate professional health advice should always be sought by the individual before partaking in the use of any information or material from this book.

Before you start


IF YOU DO NOT ALREADY, PLEASE PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING PIECES OF EQUIPMENT Dumbbells, Booty Bands, Exercise Ball, Resistance Band and Ankle Weights. You can purchase our BBR booty band set here:


I RECOMMEND YOU DOWNLOAD AN INTERVAL TIMER ON YOUR PHONE FOR HIIT DAYS! I use an app called ‘SIIT’, it’s free and really easy to use!

3. 4.

PLEASE DOWNLOAD A PHOTO COLLAGE APP to compare your start images with your final!


PLEASE FOLLOW THE ‘BODIES BY RACHEL’ VIMEO ACCONT BIT.LY/ BBREXERCISEDEMOS as this is where all video demonstrations of each exercise can be found. You will easily be able to find the workouts by clicking the link below your workout.

6. 7.

WE WOULD LOVE TO FOLLOW YOUR JOURNEY so please tag us on Instagram and Facebook #bodiesbyrachel #teambbr #BBR @racheljdillon @bodiesbyrachel

JOIN THE ‘BODIES BY RACHEL PERSONAL TRAINING FORUM” on Facebook. We have built an amazing community with thousands of girls. The forum is a great place for discussion topics and questions. JOINBBRSQUAD

WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT AND GUIDE YOU THROUGHOUT THIS CHALLENGE so if you have any questions you can email [email protected]

DUMBBELLS B OOTY B A NDS P u r c h a s e h e re : h t t p : // b i t . l y/ B B R B O OT Y B A N D S

Equipment you’ll need EXERCISE BALL





These numbers and letters represent which exercises go together in any one set. For example, A1, A2 and A3 should be completed together before resting.


How many times you are to complete the exercises. For example, set A (A1, A2 + A3) should each be completed the specified amount of times through (e.g four) before moving onto set B (B1, B2 + B3.)


The amount of times you complete each specific exercise. For example, you are asked to do 15 squats and 20 romanian deadlifts.


The length of time you perform as many reps of an exercise as you can. For example, 30 seconds of squats. You do as many reps of squats as possible in 30 seconds.



The speed of the movement. For example, 4020. The first number (as in 4020) is the amount of time you should take to perform the eccentric portion, or, the lowering of the weight or exercise. The third number (as in 4020) is the amount of time you should take to perform the concentric portion or the raising of the exercise or weight. The second number (as in 4020) is the amount of time to hold the weight/pause/ pulse at the bottom of the exercise. The fourth number (as in 4020) is the amount of time to hold the weight/pause at the top of the exercise. Each workout video is demonstrated on the BBR Vimeo Workout Library. Simply use the search bar and enter the exercise hashtag listed to view the video. You can access the videos here:

Abbreviations BB DB KB RB

Barbell Dumbbell Kettlebell Resistance Band

EB Exercise Ball E/W Each Way E/L Each Leg E/A Each Arm

DS Drop Set (Start with a heavy weight, do as many reps as you can. Next set, choose a lighter weight and do as many reps as you can, repeating for the specified amount of sets.)

train like me

TRAIN LIKE ME EVER WANTED TO HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO? WELL THIS TIME YOU CAN! WE ALL WANT THE VERY BEST GLUTES, THE TIGHTEST WAIST AND THE LEANEST BODY, SO I DECIDED TO CREATE SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOU TO SHARE MY FAVORITE WORKOUTS FROM EACH OF MY 3 CHALLENGES: BBR BOOTY, BIKINI AND SHRED. I chose to do this for a few reasons. Firstly, some of you want to get a real taste for the challenge so you can decide which best suits you to join for the next 6 weeks. Secondly (for those who are like me and genuinely cannot choose between the challenges), it gives you an opportunity to try the best bits from all 3 Challenges! I have taken my favorite sessions from each team and combined them in to 3 weeks of killer workouts. You’ll get a week of glute growing heaven, a week

1. B U I LD A B OOT Y! UE! 2. S C U L P T YO U R P H Y S I Q 3 . T I M E TO S H R E D !


WHY BUILD A BOOTY & WHAT ARE WE FOCUSING ON! Why might you try TEAM BOOTY? Booty is for those of you who are looking to grow and sculpt your glutes, as well as leaning out your legs and reducing overall body fat. This week is for girls who love to lift and who really want to get that peach popping. WHY I LOVE THIS PROGRAM! In today’s society everything you see is glute related; Wednesdays are dedicated to the “hump”, every rap song mentions the mighty peach and tights are now being made solely to flatter our booty. It isn’t hard to see that as women, when it comes to the gym and physique goals, our focus is on having nice round glutes and lean legs. This program is 90 percent glute focused, so if this appeals to you, then you’ve found your challenge! I personally love this program as it focuses on my favorite body part, with lots of variety. You have heavier lifts, then you may have plyo days and lower body HIIT or sculpting and isolation days and full leg days. WEEK 1 WORKOUT SPLIT The split for the “BOOTY” component of this plan focuses on growing your glutes and leaning out your legs. The glutes can and should be targeted 3-4 times a week for optimal growth. This first week gives you 4 weighted lower body sessions, one day of HIIT and Core, an upper body day and a rest day. This split is perfect for glute growth and fat burning!

WHY THIS STYLE OF TRAINING? The methods used in the booty programs are my trialled and tested methods to grow the glutes. I know from firsthand experience that this works. The workouts in this program include both purely weighted sessions and HIIT. Weight training is essential for muscle growth. It increases the metabolism and is amazing for hormone health. Full body HIIT is also included to ensure you stay lean whilst obtaining growth in the glutes. This type of training elevates your heart rate quickly and then keeps your heart rate up, allowing you to burn more fat in less time. HIIT increases the body’s need for oxygen during the training and thus creates an oxygen shortage, causing your body to ask for more during your recovery. This after burn effect is referred to as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) and is the reason why intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular training does.

WHY GLUTE ACTIVATION? The holy grail of glute activation would definitely be the booty band! As many of you know, booty bands are my absolute favourite way to activate my glutes prior to a booty or leg session and they are equally as fantastic for keeping tension on your glutes during the session itself. Before a leg day, I always suggest that my BBR girls “activate” or fire up their glutes, the reason for this is that in order to grow your glutes, they need to be “switched” on. Most people cannot develop their glutes effectively because they cannot activate or “fire” their glutes correctly during their training sessions. What this means is that instead of your glutes doing the work in your lower body sessions, the other parts of your legs are compensating, leading to growth in the hamstrings and quadriceps but not the glutes. Glute activation techniques such as booty band work or ankle weight sessions help us to form a deeper mind to muscle connection between our brains and our booty. This connection allows for an increased “burn” and blood flow to the site during our training, which, results in more effective glute sessions and increased muscle growth. The burn you feel with these bands are no joke and I can honestly say that since adding band work to my sessions regularly, my glutes have developed in an unprecedented way.

WHY THIS REP RANGE? Reps play an important role in the way in which we grow muscles. Time under tension is the key to glute growth and for this reason I have focused on timed sets or a rep range of 12-15 to ensure your glutes are feeling that burn. WEIGHT SELECTION I do not give weight outlines in my programs and the reason for this is simple; everyone is at a different level in their fitness journey and every person has different strength levels. So, how do you choose your weight? When you choose your weight, I want you to consider two things; - Is this weight challenging for the reps and exercise given? - Am I still performing good quality reps using this weight? The key is to choose a weight which is challenging for you, but still allowing you to perform your reps with good form. I would aim to slightly increase your weight each week. If you feel like you are getting stronger and the weight is no longer challenging you, then up your weight. You have to be able to push and challenge yourself.

REST PERIOD A moderate rest period of 90 seconds in between your sets or supersets on heavier lifts is suggested. This is because building muscle requires time under tension and you need to tire your muscle out. However, you also want to rest long enough that you can repeatedly use a weight heavy enough to stimulate growth. Resting for enough time ensures that the weights you are lifting are still heavy enough to target the muscle fibres with the greatest potential for growth, and the fatigue is sufficient enough to result in muscle growth.


WHY BIKINI BODY? Bodies by Rachel prides itself on creating and delivering the very best programs when it comes to helping women all over the world achieve their ultimate bikini bodies. The perfect waist to booty ratio - every girl’s dream! Nothing says feminine like a beautifully sculpted and curved hourglass shape. If we aren’t genetically born with the hourglass shape, the good news is that there are things that we can do to help us “create” those beautifully feminine curves that we all seek. WHAT ARE WE FOCUSING ON! This program specifically focuses on enhancing or creating the attributes that makes a woman look feminine; we aim to tighten up your waist and focus on building the booty. We focus the training throughout this program on these two things specifically, and coupled with perfect nutrition, we can help you sculpt an hourglass shape and give you curves in all the right places. In order to create the illusion of, or build an hourglass shape, we want to train our shoulders and back to give them a beautifully strong structure and shape, which, will in turn cause a tapering effect down to our waists (think of an upside-down triangle). From here we need to ensure our waist and core is nice and tight so that it appears “small”. For this to happen, we need to strengthen our core with lower back, oblique and abdominal exercises and also focus on burning fat with HIIT training. Diet is absolutely the biggest factor when it comes to a lean core and tight waist, so if this is your goal ensure your diet is on point and you are adhering to your meal plan.

Now that we have our upper bodies covered, in order to not look like an inverted triangle, we need to build our booty! This will create those sexy curves in all the right places. WHY I LOVE THIS PROGRAM! What’s to love about this program? EVERYTHING. My physique goal, like so many of you, is to have a round booty, with a tiny waist and a beautifully sculpted upper body. This challenge gives you all of my tips and tricks to having the perfect feminine body. WEEK 2 WORKOUT SPLIT The split for bikini will have you sculpted and sweating. Each week you will have one full lower body day with two other days dedicated to cardio and isolation glute sculpting. You then have a weighted full body session, as well as a strength and stability session which will focus more on the upper body. You then have rest day. This split is perfectly created to target every area mentioned above, helping you to build muscle where required, cinch your waist and shred total body fat. The cardio given is a mix of HIIT and LISS to maximize fat burning whilst retaining muscle.

WHY THIS STYLE OF TRAINING? Bikini Body incorporates HIIT, strength training as well as core training and stability work. - Strength training – this will help us to sculpt and shape our upper body to create the taper we want, to offer the illusion of a tiny waist and to also help to grow our glutes. - Core training and stability work – this will keep our core tight and ensure our poster is correct, which helps with the “waist” part of the equation. - and of course, HIIT - to torch body fat and allow us to hold our beautiful muscles. WHY THIS REP RANGE? The rep range for this portion of the program is normally 12-15 reps per set, then there are timed sets as well. This is perfect for sculpting and toning the body. Timed sets create longer periods of “time under tension”, which help to break down muscle fibres and exhaust your working muscle, leading to better growth. WEIGHT SELECTION The weight selection for this section of the program will be more of a medium weight, as opposed to a really heavy selection. This is because you need to be able to move this weight for longer periods of time. In addition to this, I want you to focus on the squeeze and the depth of each rep. Time under tension and proper contractions will help to sculpt your body. REST PERIOD In this section, you will have varying rest ranges. We utilise both medium rest periods and shorter rest times. When you have your lift days, you will rest for a moderate time of 90 seconds in between your sets or supersets like you did with booty. This is because building muscle requires time under tension and you tiring the muscle out. However, you also want to rest long enough that you can repeatedly use a weight heavy enough to stimulate growth. On sculpting days and HIIT work, you will have shorter rest periods of 30-50 seconds. This is because tiring your muscles is key to getting them bigger. By limiting rest periods between exercises, you’ll do just that. As you do not require supreme strength on sculpting days, you do not need your muscles to recover like you do on heavier lift days, so let those muscles burn. Shorter rests also build muscle endurance and overall fitness!


WHY SHRED & WHAT ARE WE FOCUSING ON! The SHRED section of this challenge is primarily based around HIIT functional training. These workouts are not for the faint hearted; they may be short, but they are intense. This type of training elevates your heart rate quickly and then keeps it up; burning more fat in less time. This portion is saved for last as you’ve put in the work to sculpt and build muscle in the previous two weeks, now it is time to shred body fat to reveal what you’ve achieved! WHY I LOVE THIS PROGRAM! I honestly love a challenge, and this week is exactly that. The shred sessions are the most physically taxing of the 21-day Challenge. These workouts will test both your physical and mental strength, but I promise you, the reward after these sessions is well worth it. What I love about the SHRED Challenge is the almost instantaneous changes you notice in your body; you’re viably leaner and much fitter in just days. When I am getting ready for a show, I always add in some of these SHRED workouts to lean me out as much as possible in my final weeks. WEEK 1 WORKOUT SPLIT The workout split for this section of your challenge includes two HIIT cardio days, two upper body HIIT days, two lower body weighted days and a day of rest. The days alternate so you are not hitting the same muscle twice, allowing you to recover before we hit them hard on the next session. WHY THIS STYLE OF TRAINING? This training includes a variety of weighted HIIT, body-weight HIIT, plyometrics, cardio, weighted compound movements and weighted isolation movements to target your

entire body. HIIT increases the body’s need for oxygen during the training, which creates an oxygen shortage, causing your body to ask for more during your recovery. This after burn effect is referred to as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) and is the reason why intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular training does. You then have your upper body HIIT days to sculpt your muscles whilst keeping you lean. The lower body sessions are more weighted to maximise growth potential in the glutes. Every session is created to help you torch body fat, revealing the lovely lean muscles that you have built. WHY THIS REP RANGE? Like Bikini, the rep range for this portion of the program is normally 12-15 reps per set and then there is also timed sets as well ranging from 20-60 seconds. Timed sets and higher reps are going to set your heart rate nice and high, torching body fat whilst tiring your muscles, helping them build in a beautifully lean way.

WEIGHT SELECTION You will generally be looking to choose light to medium weights for this last week. The lighter reps will allow you to perform reps at maximum efficiency for the duration of the sets. The set length and lighter reps will get your heart rate soaring, your muscles toning and your fat burning! REST PERIOD There is no rest for the wicked when it comes to burning body fat; although these sessions are tough, your rest is short, 30-60 seconds maximum after your sets or rounds. Fatigue is the goal here; we want to keep your heart rate high throughout the entirety of the session, so you are burning as many calories as possible. The shorter rest will also help increase your fitness and endurance levels.

RECOVERY + S T RETC HIN G L E T ’ S TA L K R E COV E R Y A N D R E S T DAY S Resistance training breaks down body tissues and muscles, causing microscopic tears. Rest days give your muscles, nerves, bones, and connective tissues time to recover and rebuild. When you implement excessive amounts of exercise without having a proper rest day and if you don’t have adequate time for recovery, you may experience decreased performance, fatigue, altered hormonal states, poor sleeping patterns and a lowered immune system. The rejuvenation process is so important. This requires adequate amounts water (2.5- 3L if you are doing my guide), proper nutrition, good quality sleep (8 hours), ample amounts of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and recovery supplements. These things allow your body to rebuild its tissues letting them grow back stronger. Your rest day and type of rest will depend on how advanced you are and your intensity of training. If you’re just now starting out in the fitness world, your rest day should probably be a real rest day in which case you do not do any activity at all. A more experienced person may cho...

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