Training final - Mandatory PDF

Title Training final - Mandatory
Course Strategic Training & Development
Institution Fanshawe College
Pages 11
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MGMT 6047 – Final Evaluation Fall 2019

Prof. Melanie Hapke

Neenu Suresh Babu Fanshawe College

Date: 13 Dec, 2019

Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade

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MGMT 6047 – Final Evaluation Fall 2019 Evaluation rules:    

 

The final product must be in MS Word format. The file must be able to be opened by me. You must submit the templates provided. You will be allowed to make only one submission (file) to the drop box. You will be required to research your answers. Sources must be cited and all answers must be in your own words.Direct citations from your research will not be graded. Any research must be summarized in your own words. Failure to cite sources will result in a 0 grade for this assignment. Please use APA format. The completed file must be submitted to the drop box byFRIDAY DECEMBER 13THat 11:59PM. No late submissions will be accepted, however you may hand it in earlier.

Important Note: Please note that your technology or problems with your technology will not be considered as excuses for late submissions, non-submission or for documents that cannot be read in FOL. Be sure to check for confirmation that your submission has gone into the electronic Submissions Folder. Also ensure that you have submitted the correct document in the correct course. Email me if you have any questions.

Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade

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Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade

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TEMPLATE 1 – Needs Analysis Reason #1



Reason & explanation accurately reflect the program subject. The reason & explanation for the training program are comprehensive, reflect critical thinking and are relevant in a business context.

The response is characterized by clarity of argument, depth of insight into theoretical issues, originality of treatment, and relevance.

The response reflects best practices as outlined in the course and there is evidence of research where appropriate.

Reason #2

Fully meets & exceeds rubric requirements


Reason & explanation accurately reflect the program subject. The reason & explanation for the training program are comprehensive, reflect critical thinking and are relevant in a business context.

The response is characterized by clarity of argument, depth of insight into theoretical issues, originality of treatment, and relevance.

The response reflects best practices as outlined in the course and there is evidence of research where appropriate.

Reason #3

Fully meets & exceeds rubric requirements


Reason & explanation accurately reflect the program subject. The reason & explanation for the training program are comprehensive, reflect critical thinking and are relevant in a business context.

The response is characterized by clarity of argument, depth of insight into theoretical issues, originality of treatment, and relevance.

The response reflects best practices as outlined in the course and there is evidence of research where appropriate.

Fully meets & exceeds rubric requirements

TEMPLATE 2 – Lesson Plan Part 1 – Training Objective: The training scenario is represented in a training objective. The objective reflects best practices as outlined in the course and the text. Part 1 should reflect a practical training course that could be used in a business scenario. Part 2 – Materials, A/V Requirements & Methods: Each area is complete and reflects the training scenario and training objective. The details reflect best practices as outlined in the course and the text. Part 2 should



Meets all of the Meets basic rubric minimum rubric requirements requirements



Meets all of the Meets basic rubric minimum rubric requirements requirements



Meets all of the Meets basic rubric minimum rubric requirements requirements


5 Fully meets & exceeds rubric requirements

5 Fully meets & exceeds rubric requirements

Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade



Meets all of the Meets basic rubric minimum rubric requirements requirements



Meets all of the Meets basic rubric minimum rubric requirements requirements

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reflect a practical training course that could be used in a business scenario. Part 3 – Detailed Content:


The detailed content should reflect a practical training course that could be used in a business scenario.The detailed content includes all elements of the student’s experience and is linked to Parts 1 & 2. The plan is clear and has enough detail to allow someone else to follow it in the classroom. Timing is included. The details reflect best practices as outlined in the course assignments and the text.

Fully meets & exceeds rubric requirements

TEMPLATE 3 – Program Evaluation Level 1: Level is accurately identified. The level description includes how the program meets the level specifically and is appropriate for the lesson plan. It is comprehensive, reflects critical thinking and is relevant in a business context.

The response is characterized by clarity of argument, depth of insight into theoretical issues, originality of treatment, and relevance.

The response reflects best practices as outlined in the course and there is evidence of research where appropriate.

Level 2:

Fully meets & exceeds rubric requirements


Level is accurately identified. The level description includes how the program meets the level specifically and is appropriate for the lesson plan. It is comprehensive, reflects critical thinking and is relevant in a business context.

The response is characterized by clarity of argument, depth of insight into theoretical issues, originality of treatment, and relevance.

The response reflects best practices as outlined in the course and there is evidence of research where appropriate.

Level 3:

Fully meets & exceeds rubric requirements


Level is accurately identified. The level description includes how the program meets the level specifically and is appropriate for the lesson plan. It is comprehensive, reflects critical thinking and is relevant in a business context.

The response is characterized by clarity of argument, depth of insight into theoretical issues, originality of treatment, and relevance.

The response reflects best practices as outlined in the course and there is evidence of research where appropriate.

Level 3:

Fully meets & exceeds rubric requirements


Level is accurately identified. The level description includes how the program meets the level specifically and is appropriate for the lesson plan. It is comprehensive, reflects critical thinking and is relevant in a business context.

The response is characterized by clarity of argument, depth of insight into theoretical issues, originality of treatment, and relevance.

The response reflects best practices as outlined in the course and there is evidence of research where appropriate.





Meets all of the Meets basic rubric minimum rubric requirements requirements

Fully meets & exceeds rubric requirements


Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade



Meets Meets all of the basic rubric minimum rubric requirements requirements



Meets Meets all of the basic rubric minimum rubric requirements requirements



Meets all of the Meets basic rubric minimum rubric requirements requirements



Meets all of the Meets basic rubric minimum rubric requirements requirements


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Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade

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Scenario Your company has asked you to develop a Training Program for Managers on Self Awareness.This program will be Off the Job in a fully equipped training centre. Complete & submit each of the templates below. The templates must be used in order for the assignment to be graded.

TEMPLATE 1 – Needs Analysis Why is training in Self Awarenessimportant to an organization?  

Complete the following template and provide 3 potential reasons why a company would need this type of training. Provide an explanation for each reason. Your explanation should demonstrate your understanding of the training function and how it links to the success of the organization. Refer to the assignment grading rubric for how this template will be graded.



Why this training is important to the organization

Should demonstrate your understanding of the training function and how it links to the success of the organization

Reflects Empathy

Reflects Empathy It is important for every manager to think from the perspective of others. They should have the capabilities to see, acknowledge and understands others point of view. Therefore it is necessary for the managers to be self Aware to display empathy that makes them a better leader. (Ryerse, 2017)

Self Evaluation

Self Awareness helps the managers to conduct a self SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, and Opportunities Threats). Understanding their strong and weak point enable them to work more hard for improvement. This makes them self motivated which will have a definite improvement on their outcome. (Ryerse, 2017)

Controls Risk

Controls Risk Risk is inevitable in any business organization. As managers have to deal with risk in regular basis, it crucial to be self aware of

Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade

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Why this training is important to the organization

Should demonstrate your understanding of the training function and how it links to the success of the organization

every risk. In challenging decision-making circumstances, selfawareness brings a sense of confidence. (Ryerse, 2017)

Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade

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TEMPLATE 2 – Lesson Plan   

Provide a detailed Lesson Plan for the training program listed aboveusing the following template. The plan should have enough detail to allow someone else to follow it in the classroom. Timing and materials should be included. The plan should reflect a practical training course that could be used in a business scenario. For example, a 2 week long training program on how to operate a cash register in a retail store would not be realistic. Refer to the assignment grading rubric for how this template will be graded.

Objective Materials A/V Equipment Requirements Methods Used

Content Heading Classroom training Seminar group discussion



To enhance the self awareness of the employees notebook, pen/pencil Laptop, projector, Classroom training, seminar, group discussion, games Content Provide the detail of your training plan below. Content Details Classroom training provides theoretical knowledge of the concept of self-awareness. Small lecture class various personalities. The topic of the lecture will be self-awareness and other behavioral concepts. Managers will be team up into different group. each will be given a topic on which they have to present their thoughts on it. The discussion will be based on the topics taken in the classroom training and seminar. Various games will be arranged to make them engaged in the training session. And also personality games are also conducted evaluate their behavioral pattern on differentsituations. Feedback will be taken from each trainee individually and also ask them suggestions to improve in the future.

Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade

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TEMPLATE 3 – Program Evaluation   

All 4 levels of the Kirkpatrick Model must be met for this training program. Describe each level and how your program will meet each level in the template below. Reasoning should be provided. Refer to the assignment grading rubric for how this template will be graded.

Brief LEVEL Description Reaction Learning



How the Level Will be Met By conducting games we can identify the way in which they react to various situations In the group discussion, topics are given from the classroom training and seminal. The way they perform indicates how much they have learned through the classroom training and seminar. The personality test conducted in the gaming sections help us to understand their pattern of behavior. It also measures whether they have tried the tips given by the personality experts in the seminar. The training and seminar classes vividly explain the techniques to be self aware. If they have attend those sessions with interest it will be definitely seen on their performance in group discussion and personality tests.

Reference Ryerse, M. (2017, january 17). 5-reasons-self-awareness-matters-leaders. Retrieved December 13, 13, from gettingsmart:

Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade

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Fanshawe’s Academic Integrity Policy applies to this assignment - Cite all of your sources. Failure to cite will result in a 0 grade

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