TUA Management - Grade: B+ PDF

Title TUA Management - Grade: B+
Author Tegumailagi Toganivalu
Course Introduction To Management
Institution The University of the South Pacific
Pages 16
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Explains the breakdown of leadership style...


MG101- Introduction to Management Assignment 2

Names: Simon Willy - s11069218 Adi Tegumailagi Toganivalu - s11175531 Semester: 1, 2020 Campus: Laucala, Fiji .


1.1Concepts and Definitions: ● Public Sector Organization: The government owns and operates different organizations which all together make up the Public Sector whose sole purpose is to serve the citizens of the Country. ● Competitive Advantage: The leverage an organization has over its competitors. ● Re-engineering Process:Making process improvements through a development plan for a business. It is a redesign of the structures for a constructive purpose. ● Ethical Issues: These are moral dilemmas, where one has to choose between what is right (ethical) or wrong (unethical). ● Legal Advisor: Lawyers that provide legal advice and services to the organization and its employees. ● General Managers: Managers that are tasked with overseeing the daily operations of an organization or department. ● Board of Directors: ensures the organizations success by overseeing and collectively leading/making decisions for appropriate interests of its shareholders and relevant stakeholders. ● C.E..O: Chief Executive Officer - responsible for all activities within the organization. ● C.O.O: Chief Operating Officer- Second in command to the C.E.O and oversees the daily operational and administrative functions of a business. ● C.F.O: Chief Financial Officer- responsible solely for the financial side of the business. ● S.W.O.T analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis of a businesses internal and external environment. 1.2 Expectation of the Reader: There are two public sector organizations which will be discussed in this project: (1) Water Authority of Fiji and (2) Fiji Shipping Cooperation. The reader shall expect to learn and understand the roles of a Public sector organization, understand the S.W.O.T analysis of both the organization, understand the current processes and re-engineering process of an organization and its structure as well as learn more about leadership. 1.3 Brief Overview of the Organization and the Project: ● Water Authority of Fiji (W.A.F): is a new Commercial Statutory Authority (CSA). It was established by the Government of Fiji to provide efficient and effective water and wastewater services in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner. (http://www.waterauthority.com.fj/en/history/) ● Fiji Shipping Cooperation: It was a Government owned company which was tasked to administer the shipping franchise scheme in 2003 until it’s closure in 2009. The reason for setting up the company outside direct ministerial control was to prevent official corruption which rife within the ministry of communication and transport at that time. ● Project: In Part A of this project it shall highlight an overview of the Water Authority of Fiji; explain more on the organization's mission, goals, target customers, and conduct a S.W.O.T analysis, current process analysis, competitive advantage analysis and re-engineering plan of the organization. Part B revolves around Leadership and we have chosen a Leader of Fiji Shipping Cooperation; highlighting his style,straits, sources of power/authority as well as conducting a S.W.O.T analysis on his leadership and making recommendations for his leadership popularity.


LITERATURE REVIEW : “Water institutions in Fiji can be categorized based on their usage and service delivery. The Public Works Department (Fiji Water Authority) looks after urban water supply and sanitation. Water used for irrigation is controlled by the Ministry of Agriculture. The City Council, Municipal Council, and the Public Works Department are institutions that look after urban drainage. The Ministry of Agriculture in limited areas puts in place measures to mitigate flooding. The Fiji Electricity Authority is the only agency that operates hydro dams to generate electricity” (https://iahr.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07900620903392216? scroll=top&needAccess=true#.XtNHqzozbIU). This abstract finding displays and confirms the fact that Fiji Water Authority is a Public sector organization as it is controlled by the Public Works department which is under the Government of Fiji. It also states three institutions that look after urban drainage and gives useful information through the academic article about the importance of Water in Fiji.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: ● Identify the Topic/Task : Discovering and reading through the project question.

Highlighlighting the task words, topic words and keywords. ● Literature Review : Understanding the past academic research journal articles and websites that will help produce information and findings for this project. ● Specifying a Purpose for Research : Finding what is needed and sectioning the Project into different spaces so that is spread out and recognizable to be easy to understand. Understanding what is required from the project question of identifying a public sector organization and a leader. ● Collect the Data: This is through reading through scholarly journals/articles, the organizations official website, emailing a questionnaire with project related questions to the organization, conducting an interview with a leader and reading through the assigned Management textbook Chapter 8 & 11 for part A and Chapter 13 for part B. . ● Analyze and Interpreting Data : Reading through all the information gathered and actually understanding what is being written/spoken by others . ● Reporting and Evaluating research : Understanding the data so that one can report and evaluate the information/data gathered by putting pen to paper in one's own words. The data should help answer the project requirements.

PART A: Water Authority of Fiji (i.) Organization mission We are committed to optimism water and wastewater service through: ● Resilience: the physical property of a material that can return to its original shape or position after deformation that does not exceed its elastic limit.

● Innovation: a process resulting from study and experimentation ● Capacity building:Ensuring that there is enough building for the organisation. ● Engaging Stakeholders: All the stakeholder to be informed and well advised of what is the updates over the organization. ● Modernization: upgrading of the organization system to be updated to the level that does the world standard and especially the goods and service the company offers. ● Being Environmentally Focused:The WAF has a very high concern of being environment friendly. ● Safe Working Practices: (ii.) SWOT of the organization STRENGTHS • Water Authority of Fiji has a monopoly market structure whereby they are the single seller/distributor of water in Fiji. • W.A.F has no competition as they are the sole provider and have no close substitute. • Water is a Basic need, so it is demanded by everyone. • W.A.F has a Bill SMS Service whereby they will get access to their accounts and check on their balance via their phone which is easier for them. • There are a total of 55 water treatment plants and facilities through-out the country providing safe and clean drinking water to all Fijians. • W.A.F provides water and clears waste water from domestic, commercial and industrial areas. • There are chemicals used to treat the water. • When WAF recognizes hard workers, they are able to send them overseas to undergo training to improve their skill set in a way to encourage their workers to work harder and to be more efficient/productive. WEAKNESSES • The water pipes are not able to reach the interior parts of Fiji. • The pipes and machinery are old and need to be changed. • Water disruptions are now common because of old equipment and pumps which require emergency repairs because they have either burst or collapsed (Unplanned). • inexperienced workers which are college graduates which take years from them to upskills are common whereby they are hired and do not know how to do their job beforehand and need to undergo special training to learn. • Loss of experienced technical staff because their being attracted to overseas and they hire people from overseas (pay them hire salaries equivalent to their overseas conditions and pay) e.g. Mr. Sosiveni who worked for Water Authority went to work at Sydney Water Authority and then got contracted back to Fiji where they paid him the equivalent salary from Sydney.

OPPORTUNITIES • The Government can increase their budget allocation to help them improve/advance the WAFs Treatment plants, pipes and organization as a whole. • The Government can give grants/scholarships to recognize workers for their hard work so that they can go overseas and upskill their knowledge so that when they come back they can help the business which in turn helps the economy. • The Water Authority of Fiji can ask for assistance from other countries e.g. AusAID and China AID to help support their business to fund projects. For instance, to create a water

treatment plant that pumps clean water to villages that do not have access to the main water supply or the Aid can help improve their facilities/processes. • The WAFs can do outreach to Families to save water so that people can be wise about their use. This takes away the strain on pumps and reduces water wastage. THREATS • Natural disasters: I. Floods and Tropical Cyclones: These natural disasters can damage pipes, pumps and treatment plants, as well as contaminate water and cause water disruptions throughout the country. II. Earthquakes: Can crack/weaken Dams and displace pipes affecting water supply. III. Drought: Dries up pumps and Dams making it hard for WAF to supply water, so they have to resource to ration water causing water disruptions and cuts. • Political Instability: The WAF comes under Government and if there is instability in the Government there will be instability in the economy which will impact the business. Change in Government can mean Change in policies, processes and leadership which can drastically change the organization. • Disease Outbreaks: I. Most recently Covid-19 (Coronavirus) which has implemented lockdowns and quarantine as well as raise alarm to people which can impact them psychologically, physically and emotionally. Social Distancing is a harsh restriction because of the virus and is difficult to have when running a business. Workers throughout the economy are also being laid off and are told to stay home; there is no way to earn money to even pay the water bills. • Misuse of Resources & Damage to Property: People tend to waste water by using it for unnecessary things and tend to ignore ways of saving water e.g. a big waste of water is through leaks from Pipes and taps. Some pipes are underground and sometimes are damaged because of the pressure from on top or maybe damage because a car hit it; there are many ways a pipe or equipment can be damaged, but it is a threat because we cannot control it. (iii.) Goals of the organization Clean water sanitation for a better life. WAFFY: Water Authority of Fiji For You The WAFFY crafted from a water droplet, in many ways epitomizes the way staff of WAF carry out their role in the supply of water and wastewater services to the people of Fiji, WAFFY stands by their slogan “Every Drop is Precious.” (iv.) Target customers The Water Authority of Fiji targets all the households, we serve for all the households of different races and ages. Communicates and interacts with all our valued commercial and residential customers in the three regions (Central/Eastern, Western, Northern) about our services. It looks after strategic relations and communications, billing, debt management and compliance. The key aim is the delivery of effective customer services 24/7, at least cost. The continuous identification and implementation of improvements is mandatory. Supporting units within this SBU are: • Customer Accounts Unit • Billing Unit -

• Call Centre – 24/7 operation • The organization serves customers from all walks of life as we provide access to quality drinking water and waste water services. (v.) Process analysis (current processes) Water Authority of Fiji serve the Fiji households to: a. harvest treat and reticulate water for supply to its customers; b. to comply with standards in relation to the supply and quality of water in its Water System; c. to collect, transport, treat and discharge waste water for the purposes of this Promulgation; d. to establish, operate and maintain systems for the provision of water and sewerage services; e. to maintain any State assets transferred to and vested in it by the Government pursuant to this Promulgation or any other written law; j. to provide technical or expert advice to any other person on matters relating to its functions and powers; g. to progressively achieve economic viability in the provision of water supply and sewerage services; h. to be environmentally responsible in the performance of all its activities; i. to assist in protecting, managing and conserving water resources; j. to assist in the formulation and implementation of national policies or urban and rural land use planning, relating to the use and control of water bodies and resources. For the purposes of carrying out its functions and objectives, the Authority has the following powers: a. to acquire, construct, install, maintain and operate plant, equipment, machinery or any other facility or assets, for the supply of water and the provision for sewerage services and other services; b. to acquire the legal right to water sources and the right to obtain or draw water from the water sources for the purposes of its Water System; c. to enter any premises for the purposes of constructing, installing, maintaining, repairing or operating its plant, equipment, machinery or any other facility or asset; d. for the purposes of its Water and Sewerage System, to construct, use or access any road, area, premises, structure, machinery, State asset or other property of other person, for such purposes; e. to use any natural watercourse for the discharge of overflows from its activities under this Promulgation, subject to the requirements under other written laws; 1. to acquire easements or other legal right of way or access to any private property or State assets; g. whenever necessary, to control or ration the supply of water; h. to recover the capital cost of supplying water or other services to premises on terms and conditions, as the Authority determines; i. to investigate any breach of this Promulgation, or any act that affects the ability of the Authority to provide services under this Promulgation, and to take steps as it considers necessary to secure compliance with this Promulgation or to prevent interference with the activities of the Authority, subject to the general powers of investigation of the police; j. to formulate, monitor, enforce and review policies, procedures, standards, codes of practice and practice directions; k. to disconnect or refuse to connect to its assets any work which has been carried out by a customer or any other person, which contravenes this Promulgation or its policy, procedure, standard or code of practice; l. to exercise other powers conferred upon it under this Promulgation or any other written

law. (vi.)

Competitive advantage

From our results, we have found that Fiji's Water Authority (WAF or Water Authority) is a new Formal Commercial Authority (CSA). The Government of Fiji was established to provide efficient and reliable water and wastewater services in an environmentally sound and sustainable way. For this function the WAF Promulgation 2007 was produced. Fiji's government launched reform. The goal of this reform was to enhance the efficient delivery of water and sewerage services to appropriate service levels. The reform aimed at improving the then Department of Water and Sewerage (WSD) before forming the Fiji Water Authority, which is committed to the provision of water supply and sewerage facilities, autonomous and capable of mobilizing the required resources to meet the needs. Supply, effectively and efficiently at the quality levels required. As of 1 January 2010, WAF has officially assumed responsibilities, functions, and operations previously performed by WSD. And thus, they have no other competition in the region to provide their service, and this is a positive and highly advantageous role that W.A.F is playing. (vii.) Process Improvements or Development plan (Re-engineering process plan) Process Analysis: WAF has a national duty to provide pure and freshwater for Fiji households, WAF has ensured within the organization that: - Enough Water Supply - All water supply was treated - The services provided to its customers are fair and affordable. Human Resource, Information & Finance: - To promote and enhance the upholding of public service values and their code of conduct. All their workers are well educated and have professional job experience at their respective positions - Develop a solid human resources management framework for the Organization. - Provide Terms of Reference (TOR) to all staff or to any hiring officer. - Have a safe working environment. Economic Planning and Statistics: - keep updated records of their employees, customers and all their services. - Standard in the WATER SUPPLY STATISTIC - increase the numbers of depots for easy supply of water to all households Occupational Health Safety - Ensuring that all their employees have a better understanding of their roles and their safeties within their working environment. Research Status - WAF used chlorine and other types of chemicals for water treated with the help of donors.

- The Government of Fiji ensured that WATER supply is safe to be used. - Water treatment process WAF has yet ongoing projects that are mainly focus in ensuring that the supply of water and regeneration of waste water service to reach out to all the life in FIJI.

(viii.) Team (manpower) The Board of the Water Authority of Fiji is led by the Chairman who is Mr.Bhavesh Patel and his board members consist of Mr. Umarji Musa, Mr. Vijay. P. Maharaj, Mr. Kamal Gounder, Mr. PL. Munasinghe, and Mr. Hemant Kumar. Together they collectively elect and employ the Chief Executive Officer of Water Authority of Fiji who is Mr. Barry Omundson. The Chief Operating Officer is Mr.Seru Soderberg. The Acting Financial Controller is Mr. Mohammed Dean. The General Manager Commercial and Corporate services is Mr. Micheal Lal. The General Manager Legal and Governance is Ms.Talei Ligairi and there are many more leaders and managers that oversee WAF that have a channel of workers from management units down to the ground workers and most of this service are mainly machineries except the connecting and ensuring the supply of water to all households around Fiji. There are many officers and treatment plants based all over the country and there are many workers that make up the team in the Water Authority of Fiji.

PART B: LEADERSHIP. Identify a Leader: Mr. Waqa Ledua Organization: Fiji Shipping Corporation Ltd. (2005-2008) Position: Chief Executive Officer Discuss his leadership style: Affiliative Leadership Style A type of leadership first described by Daniel Goleman in 2002 as one of his six leadership styles. An affiliative leader promotes harmony among his or her followers and helps to solve

any conflict. This type of leader will also build teams that make sure that their followers feel connected to each other. (https://status.net/articles/affiliative-leadership/). Affiliative Leadership Style: ● Conflict Resolution- This is a style of mutual leadership that relates to healing rifts and getting rid of animosity. They make employee emotional needs a priority and work to prevent team conflict. The conflict is mostly with the disgruntled passengers who are not happy with the shipping companies’ services so they take into consideration the points they the passengers have made and improve their services as a way to find consensus. Ledua,2020 ● Others Awareness- As a Leader he must practice this style so that he has a dedicated knowledge of other people's emotions and wellbeing. Leaders have to be adept at readi...

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