Tutorial 1 2015 - week 1 PDF

Title Tutorial 1 2015 - week 1
Course C Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms
Institution Federation University Australia
Pages 1
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week 1...


ITECH3215-7215 Faculty of Science and Technology

Week 1 Tutorial Review the assessments for the class with your tutor. Make sure you understand the requirements of you in this class.

Assignment 1 (Due Week 4) The assignment 1 is due in week 4, not long! It is recommended that you create a study group to review and find material to use for this assignment. Further work carefully in the lab to answer the questions in the assignment.

Assignment 2 (Due Week 8) This assignment will be due in week 8, you need to work on IPtables to learn about the firewall and how to write rules to allow or disallow access to the application servers.

Assignment 3 (Due Week 11) The Major Assignment is due in Week 11. However there is a significant amount of work needed to properly complete the assignment. You need to research tools in the Kali and show how these tools work.

Plagiarism Keep in mind plagiarism rules, meaning that you cannot: (1) Submit the same work as another person (2) Submit work from the internet. A common misconception is that you can use sentences from other sources as long as they are cited or they are factual descriptions. Neither is true. All words submitted must be your own, except for quotations. Keep in mind that quotations should be minimised – any more than 1 sentence per page is probably too much, unless the quotation is a specific insight into a problem – not a factual description!

Resource of the week: Stay Smart Online https://www.staysmartonline.gov.au/ This website contains all the information you need to be secure online. It is targeted at home users and novices, but contains information on the latest threats and vulnerabilities. The language is very readable and provides a good platform for future research into threats (for example, for the week 4 assignment).

Resource of the week: Pico CTF https://picoctf.com/ This introduction to security game provides a fun interactive 8-bit adventure in security. You will need to solve challenges that build skills for penetration testing and other security skills. You gain points and progress as you complete these challenges. Have a shot at the game – some of the problems are quite challenging!

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