Week 1 Tutorial Activities PDF

Title Week 1 Tutorial Activities
Course IT Shaping Society
Institution Monash University
Pages 2
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MONASH UNIVERSITY FIT1052 – Digital Futures: IT shaping society? Tutorial 1 Activity 1 The use and availability of different types of technology has changed massively since the end of World War 2. In learning about the history of ICT, it is not always easy to understand the social and economic context of the era in which digital computers were first developed and used. Watch the first fifteen minutes of this film that was produced in 1966. Although it does not accurately capture elements of everyday life for all Victorians at the time, it does give a sense of how the work and school day operated for many, which leisure activities people took part in, typical gender roles, etc. As you watch it, compare it to life today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC7D5T_m_-k The video clip “Life in Australia: Melbourne 1966” is also available on the Moodle Week 1 page. Now go to the Forums page on Moodle and find your class under the heading of “Week 1, Activity 1 Online Forum: Social and technological change”. Post a message containing five aspects of life which have changed markedly since the video was made and read through those that other students have submitted. Note that you will not be able to read posts from other students until you have submitted your own. If you are unsure how to post to a Moodle forum then refer here for more informationhttps://guides.lib.monash.edu/moodle/forums Activity 2 For Assignment 1 you will be required to select a paper to present in class. You will need to give a 15 minute oral presentation summarising aspects of a reading with the support of Powerpoint, some other kind of presentation software or other means. More information will be given to you next week, but for now go to the Assessments page on Moodle and read through the instructions and marking guide for Assignment 1. If you are currently residing in Australia, then look at the reading list and choose a paper to present. Write your name down for this paper on your class list, the link for which will be sent by your tutor. The reading list can be found herehttps://rl.talis.com/3/monash/lists/5DDC8C97-745A-A4FD-50921715E2791DB7.html?lang=en-GB&login=1 If you are not currently residing in Australia and will be completing work in the coming weeks online then you will be presenting in Weeks 11 and 12. You will be contacted soon about arrangements. Activity 3 You will have a variety of academic articles to read each week, as well as for your assessments. Please go to www.monash.edu/rlo/study-skills/reading-and-note-taking and work your way through the information and activities for tips and suggestions regarding effective reading and note taking.

For Week 2’s tutorial you have an article to read by Richard Ling. In class you will be expected to discuss the article. Check out the questions by looking at next week’s tutorial activities and bear them in mind while doing your reading. Activity 4 Watch the video and read the information at this website about evaluating the usefulness of information found on websites- https://web.library.uq.edu.au/research-toolstechniques/search-techniques/evaluate-information-you-find Now choose a topic from Wikipedia about which you know a great deal. If you are unable to access Wikipedia then find an online article about the topic. Make notes about the following questions so that you can discuss them with another student in class next week: (a) Why the Wikipedia or other article on your chosen topic is credible, useful and ‘quality information’ or not. (b) What criteria you used to evaluate the article? (c) What is the intended audience of the article? Does the article succeed in meeting the needs of that audience? (d) Where else would you look for ‘quality information’ on your chosen topic? Activity 5 This exercise aims to get you used to the idea that technologies can have both positive and negative aspects – in other words, that they aren’t necessarily neutral in their social development and application. Following is a list of some common technologies which have significantly influenced the way we live our lives. Imagine you are going to participate in a debate about the value of these technologies as seen from their social/economic/cultural effects (i.e. has this technology caused more harm than good?). You don’t know which side of the debate you will be on (i.e. for or against the technology). Choose one form of technology and write three positive and three negative aspects about it. Now go to the Forums page on Moodle and find your class under the heading of “Week 1, Activity 5: Negatives and positives of technology”. Post your ideas to the forum and consider those that others have submitted. Note that you will not be able to read posts from other students until you have submitted your own. a) b) c) d) e)

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