Tutorial work - 7 - Church wardens accounts, morebath PDF

Title Tutorial work - 7 - Church wardens accounts, morebath
Course World Histories: Contact, Conflict and Culture from Ancient to Modern
Institution University of Southampton
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Church Wardens accounts, Morebath ...


A selection of entries from the Church Wardens’ accounts from Morebath

1528 William Porter of Poole left a hive of bees to the church which John Morsse managed supplying wax to the altar of Jesus and St Sidwell ‘to maintain a lamp burning before the figure of Jesus and before St Sidwell every principal feast in the year, to burn from the first evensong until high Mass be done the next day. 1529 We received by the death of Joan Rumbelow, widow, to a new image of Our Lady, the which image was her executor with us Wardens, as is expressed before upon her testament 1531 Thomas Glasse the carver ‘so we be at a clear point with him, that he shall make us a new George and a new horse to our dragon at his own proper cost and charge…and for the making of this he shall have our George again and 13s 4d of money and if he do well his part he shall have of us 15s when it is done and set up. William Robins, a young man, did bequeath unto this church 3s 4d which money received the vicar, and he hath paid again of the same money for two pair of timber candlesticks, one pair before the high altar and the other pair upon St Sidwell’s altar, 20d, and so the other 20d resteth in the vicar’s hands, he to bestow it for the church’s advantage as it pleases him. 1532 And thus is the church hedge made from the east church style to the west church style. Howbeit there is more ground in this aforesaid space a little more than the measure and that is made amongst them peaceably and under this manner this churchyard is closed and shall be from thence, for ever. 1534 Betwixt Friday and Saturday a thief with a ladder got up upon the church and pulled up the ladder after him, and set the ladder to the tower window and broke up that window and so got unto the bells and from the bells came down into the church. [the thief then broke into the church and stole the chalice and the silver show from the shrine of St Sidwell] So upon this the young men and maidens of this parish drew themselves together and with their gifts and provision they bought another chalice without any charges on the parish. 1538 Item of Richard Webber we received of the bequest of his wife Joan a gown and kirtle, the which was sold to John at Poole for 13s 4d for the which money the Four Men will make you account, as hereafter ye shall hear; and Richard Webber will desire you that

you will lay forth this money again of the church stock, in remembrance of his wife Joan, when you buy a cope for this church. 1547 To see an order taken after their conscience for the gathering of the Tenth and Fifteenth for ever hereafter; what every man should pay for his part and again they should see every man was conscientiously paid of all such duties as had been paid for the wellbeing of the parish before this day. 1548 Anno Domini 1548 was High Warden of this church Lucy Scely and in her time the church goods were sold away without commission, as afterwards appears, and no gift given to the church but all from the church, and thus it continued from Lucy’s time unto Richard Cruce, and from Cruce unto Richard Hukeley, and from Hukeley unto Richard Robyns and from Robyns unto Robin at More and in all these men’s time the which was in the time of King Edward VI, the church ever decayed: and then died the King and Queen Mary’s Grace did succeed and how the church was restored again by her time hereafter ye shall have knowledge of it and in this last year of the King and the first year of the Queen was Lewis Trychay High Warden. 1549 Item they received a communion book and a psalter book of the gift of William Hurley and of Ellen his wife price 10s besides carriage from London – thanks be to God. 1553 They received one altar cloth, and two other altar cloths with rings that served for curtains, an old altar cloth that came from Poole, a diaper towel and other poor little towel, a napkin for the priest’s hands, an old silken banner, a black hearse cloth of buckram, two tapers, a little piece of say with a fringe, two sacring bells, two lych bells, the foot of the cross and one length of brass of the staff that bore the cross, the holy water bucket, two pieces of lead, a collar of a bell with two irons about, the higher part of the censer and the ship. 1554 Anno Domini 1554 was High Warden of this church Joan Morsse widow and Thomas Timewell and how this church was comforted again in their time and what gifts were given to the church now ye shall have knowledge of. 1557 Joan Scely left the parish 3s 4d ‘the which should have been bestowed now in the church in the case the painted had kept his promise, and so should William at Timewell’s 3s 4d and the 2s 5d that was received for the basin…that hung over the sacrament also, but notwithstanding, it shall be bestowed in this church as soon as we can get a workman painter, by the Grace of God....

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