Tutorial work - tutorial problems, handouts PDF

Title Tutorial work - tutorial problems, handouts
Course Structural Design 2
Institution University of Wollongong
Pages 24
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Location: Wollongong Terrain: Distance of terrain category 4= 500 m; afterward terrain category 3 for 500 m and then terrain category 2. Topography: The building is located on a 20m high hill; horizontal distance upwind to the half hill is 100 m; upwind distance of the building from the crest is 5m. Shielding: Number of shielding building within 450 radius is 20 with average height= 50 m and average breadth= 30 m Dimension: Height of the building = 24 m; Plan dimension= 30 m x 22 m Building orientation: Major axis East-West Building construction: Reinforced concrete Calculate the wind forces on windward and leeward walls for the wind from West

Solution: 4 steps of calculation of wind speed (I) Determine site wind speed (II) Determine design wind speed (III) Determine design wind pressure (IV) Calculate wind action


[Equation 2.2]

Determine VR Consider the building is of Importance category 3 Average recurrence interval for serviceability limit state= Table 3.1 and 3.3] Average recurrence interval for ultimate limit state= 3.1 and 3.3]

years [AS1170.0- 2002

years [AS1170.0- 2002 Table

Wind Region=A2 [Figure 3.1 AS/NZS 1170.2-2002] for Wollongong VR= V25=______________ m/s (Serviceability Limit State) [Table 3.1] VR=V1000=______________ m/s (Ultimate Limit State) [Table 3.1]

Determine Md Wind direction Multiplier Md= __________[Table 3.2] [Region A2 for wind from West] Determine Terrain/Height Multiplier (Mz,cat) (Building height is less than 25m; hence, a single value of design wind pressure would be conservative. So, Mz,cat needs to be determined for the total height of the building) Height of the building= 24 m Mzcat for terrain categories: (Table 4.1 (A)] Mz,4= ______ Mz,3= ______ Mz,2= ______ Averaging distance= 1000 m [Table 4.2(A)] Roughness length for the terrain categories [Table 4.2(B)] For terrain category 2= For terrain category 3= For terrain category 4= Lag distance 1 (TC4 to TC3) 1.25

⎡ z ⎤ xi = z 0,r ⎢ ⎥ ⎢⎣0.3z 0,r ⎥⎦ x1=_________________ Lag distance 2 (TC3 to TC2) x2=_________________ Hence, xt4= ______________ xt3=_______________ xt2= _______________ Mz,cat= (Mz4*xt4+Mz3*xt3+Mz2*xt2)/Averaging distance =_______ =________ Determine Shielding Multiplier (Ms) Average upwind gradient Mlee [Section 4.4] Height of the hill H= 20 m Horizontal distance upwind to half height below the crest Lu= 100 m Distance of the building from the crest x= 5m Reference height z= 24 m (wind action is calculated at the roof height)

H/(2Lu)= 20/ (20*100)=0.1> 0.05

[Section 4.4.2]

x⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ H M h = 1+ ⎢ ⎢1 − ⎥ ⎥ ⎣ 3.5( z + L1 ) ⎦ ⎣ L2 ⎦ L1=0.36Lu>0.4H =__________ L2=4L1 =__________ Mh=___________ Mlee= 1.0 Hence, Mt=__________ Calculation of site wind speed Vsit,β= Vsit,β=

[Serviceability Limit Sate] [Ultimate Limit State]

(II) DETERMINE DESIGN WIND SPEED (Vdesθ) Vdesθ= ________ [Serviceability Limit State]

[Section 2.3]

Vdesθ= _________ [Ultimate Limit State]

[Section 2.3]

(III) DETERMINE DESIGN WIND PRESSURE p = 0.5 ρair [Vdes , θ ]2 C fig C dyn

[Equation 2.4(2)]

ρair= 1.2 kg/m3 Cfig=? Cdyn=? Determine aerodynamic shape factor Cfig Cfig=Cp,e Ka Kc Kl Kp (for external pressure) [Equation 5.2(1)] Cfig= Cp,i Kc (for internal pressure) [Equation 5.2(2)] Determine Internal Pressure Coefficient (Cp,i) The building is effectively sealed and having non-opening windows Cp,i= - 0.2 or 0 (whichever is more severe for combined forces) [Table 5.1(A)] Determine External Pressure Coefficient (Cp,e) Windward wall: Wind speed is taken at roof height (z=h) and h...

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