UEH500 - Grade: B+ PDF

Title UEH500 - Grade: B+
Author Như Quỳnh Quỳnh
Course Accounting
Institution Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Pages 42
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OVERVIEW The reason of this research: In 1990s, Asia became a part of World Trade Organization. Vietnam and many other countries have essentially integrated into the globalization with the rest of the world. Ever since the need of studying a second language has become significant on the path of each Asian’s career development. Many parents have already realized this while they are still in their business. In other words, they start to think about providing their children the best opportunity to learn another language. By conducting this research, we hope that we can have a further understanding of what parents’ expectation and how much they can support for their children at the stage of studying and even more, their future development. The purpose of this research: There are several ways to learn a second language. One can learn it at home (self-studying), going to class and attending some language classes, having a private tutor or enjoying some courses at a well-known language center. In this paper, English is assumed to be the most wanted-to-learn second language and it aims at studying the motivation and attitudes of parents at sending their kids to English centers. It also did some surveys and interviews toward parents whose children are studying at such places and many related departments. This research tends to look at customer behavior in the marketing for education – which is mainly about teaching English as a second language and to become a part of it. The main methods used in our research are included as the indepth interview and Iceberg analysis. The content of the research: This project includes four parts: literature review, methods, finding and discussion, conclusion. For the literature review, the readers could overview the definition of attitude, motivation and in – depth interview. Besides, the methods would show the process for conducting in – depth interview is developing a sampling strategy, writing an in-depth interview guide, conducting the interview and analyzing the data. Goes along with methodology is the finding and discussion to find out the attitude, motivation and what latent motives is. According to segmentation set for parents includes age, sexual and income, they have different attitude and motivation, we establish the table to compare and easy to discussion. With the result we have, we could summarize the parent’s attitude and motivation to find out the latent motives for this topic in conclusion section.

The development orientation of the research: Our orientation to develop the research is following a set of the work flow. By using a system of plentiful evidence coming from the actual interviews made on our preparation process which is also rearranged systematically on only one kind of form, the every first analysis is created and generated by bar charts and pie charts with the highly appreciated credibility. As the next step, with the application of Ice-berg analysis, the reasoning are classified and performed as the result of the paper


In the modern world nowadays, learning English is the most common need for one. Therefore, parents attend their children into English centers more recently. But why English centers? What is the motivation and attitude when sending their kids to the centers? The main purpose of this report is to have deeper understanding what parents’ motivation and attitude to send their children to English Center by interviewing not only parents who have kids are learning at English Center but also Teaching Assistant at English centers – who have frequent contact of parents and know thoroughly about parents’ attitude and motivation with questionnaire have set before based on in-depth interview method. Afterwards, we explore what motivate and what attitude do parents have in order to put out that decision. According to that motivate and attitude, we find out the latent motives do parents want to do that. However, there are three main groups of readers who will be beneficial to this project: parents, Teaching assistant and English Centers. Firstly, about parents – they would understand more about the motivation, attitude and know that motivation – attitude is should or should not to follow to decides which is suitable for kids, avoid following the crowed. Secondly, English Centers would have knowledge about parent’s attitude, motivation to have suitable marketing and approach customers. They could foresee information they might concern based on customer’s demand to study at English Center Thirdly, teaching assistants – who are teaching at English centers would have overview of this job and have more experience’s knowledge to meet the demand of parents and avoid making the mistake when communicate with them In this report, the readers will perceive an overview brief of most of motivation, attitude of parents send their kids to English Centers, specific the reason why parents meet teaching assistant at English centers. Introduction Due to the open gated of market of Vietnam and the joining WTO has led to the needs of English. Because of that, Vietnamese parents are doing their best to their kids in order to have a better knowledge about English by many ways. One of the ways is

send their children into English centres. But what motivate and what attitude persuade them to do so instead of learning English by another ways. Our project is “To explore the motivation and attitude of parents who are sending their kids to English centre when using in-depth interviews to present the findings”. So the goal our project is to find out the latent motives and what attitude that leads them to choose English centre is the place they send their children in. In this report, the readers will perceive a brief overview of parent’s reason when they send kids to English Center, know the latent motives and what in – depth interview is. This project includes four parts: literature review, methods, finding and discussion, conclusion. For the literature review, the readers could overview the definition of attitude, motivation and in – depth interview. Besides, the methods would show the process for conducting in – depth interview is developing a sampling strategy, writing an in-depth interview guide, conducting the interview and analyzing the data. Goes along with methodology is the finding and discussion to find out the attitude, motivation and what latent motives is. According to segmentation set for parents includes age, sexual and income, they have different attitude and motivation, we establish the table to compare and easy to discussion. With the result we have, we could summarize the parent’s attitude and motivation to find out the latent motives for this topic in conclusion section. Literature Review In-depth interview is a qualitative research whose aim is “to complement and compare findings on opinions of the media professional with a quantitative study of the general population using face-to-face interviews and a structured questionnaire… ”, said Lucas (2014). It is likely an open-ended method to collect information as “deep” as possible from the participants. According to the Wallace Foundation (n.d.), this method is highly recommended for some “highly sensitive topics” which may not be easy for the respondents to answer in honest; and also for the impossibility of gathering all the respondents at one place at the same time, which is referred to as “logistically difficult” situations. Ever since the scale of the answers is dispensable, the flow of asking questions never gets any better than this. In other kinds of doing research, the sample may take from 20 to even more than 100 representatives to make those accurate. That counts the size of the sample. In an in-

depth interview, in some particular aspects, the size can somehow influence to the quality of the research. But generally, the conductors tend to focus more on how to gain the best answers from the respondents. We may ask ones that are associated with a problem to figure out what their opinions are, whether they have any related experiences before, or how they want the problem to be solved and by whom they want the problem to be figured out. In-depth interview can be said as an art and also science of making people to share their latent consideration toward an issue. Therefore, it shall take a journey for an amateur to make a good interview since the interviewer is required to be able to use effective interview techniques to make appropriate questions and to make the interviewee comfortable, which strongly recommends the interviewer needs to be trained before an interview (Boyce and Neale, 2006). Furthermore, the key is not just about the interviewers. Boyce and Neale also stated that, the process for conducting an in-depth interview is related to many other significant factors, which is combined into a process of 6 steps following: Step 1: Planning Step 2: Develop instruments Step 3: Train data collectors Step 4: Collect data Step 5: Analyze data Step 6: Disseminate findings However, this process is basically expensive and time-consuming, especially for the amateur who are less well-trained and highly-skilled. To make things short and simple, this research follows the process of Wallace Foundation, which involves: Step 1: Developing a sampling strategy In this step, the research tends to identify what kind of information needed to receive from whom. According to Neale, the research has to be ensured to be in the international and national ethical research standards, not to mention to be reviewed by the ethical committees. Step 2: Writing an in-depth interview guide Despite the free flow of asking questions, there has to be at least one questionnaire prepared before the interview. This guides the interviewers to ask questions in the most nearly expected way since many new questions may come out from the respondent’s answer.

Step 3: Conducting the interview This step is about setting up interviews with potential respondents. As Boyce stated, the step involves “re-explain the purpose of the interview, why the stakeholder has been chosen, expected duration of the interview, whether and how the information will be kept confidential, and the use of note taker and/ or tape recorder”. Step 4: Analyzing the data The Wallace Foundation called this step “to make sense of the findings”. The answers can be grouped particularly, such as by kinds of respondents or of responses. Also, the fact that analyzing data is time-consuming and challenging is inevitable. It will be clarified later in this report. The effort of this method basically helps collect detailed information than any other method can do. However, it takes time to collect all the satisfied data, which includes training, researching communication techniques and especially trying to avoid biased answers as much as possible (for example: the interviewee tends to focus on one side of the issue because of their personal reason) In the interview, there are two factors and two objects needed to be focused on respectively: “motivation” and “attitude”, “English center” and “private tutor”. Not only one pair supports themselves, they also give a hand to the other pair of conducting and analyzing the interviews. Motivation According to the Business Dictionary (n.d.), motivation includes “internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject or to make an effort to attain a goal”. It can be said that, motivation is one of the best explanations for behavior. There is always at least one reason that motivates you to behave in such a way. It creates a difference between staying up late studying to get a flying color and staying up late asking what you can do with the rest of this life. Therefore, when it is required to take into accounts one’s concern or action, motivation should be the main core to be centralized in. Deci et al (as cited in Mizuno et al., 2008) has stated that although there are extrinsic and intrinsic motivations, better outcomes such as higher performances, better quality, much increasing persistence and effort, and better psychological adjustments, they all come internally, especially in terms of education.

Relating to the case this researching is doing, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Miner, 1984, as cited in Brooks, 2007) is one of the best illustrations for it. The pyramid represents the level of needs continuously and gradually in which one level derives from its previous level. In his own research, Brooks brought an idea about the physiological needs that, “people [...] who feel hungry, hot or in pain will be willing to be concentrating more on fulfilling the physiological need than being motivated […]”. Things come similarly when the safety needs are concerned. However, the objective this research doing about is the parents, the ones who save the best for their children. They logically expect their kids to have a much better life than they do. The greatest things may come from the lowest levels of needs. They may also want their kids to be accepted by the social or to have more relationships, which are partly derived from a Vietnamese idiom: We learn not only at school but in life. Community can teach such experiences that may not frequently be learned at school and that’s exactly the social needs parents are looking for. Moving up to higher levels shares the same concern. Whether the parents are respected or not, have status or not, achieve or not, they all want to enrich the pathways for their kids and expect them to do better than their fathers and mothers can do (esteem needs). And after four needs are met, parents will do whatever they can to fulfill the self-actualization needs for their children. Second thoughts, from the expectation of parents, they want to make sure their kids will meet the five needs and they will have different points of view to get them. This will be discussed later in this report. Look on the other aspect of what have already been generated, it can be seen that parents set goals for their kids since they are very young. Obviously, “specific and clear goals lead to greater output and better performance” (Management Study Guide, n.d.), which can be related to the goal-setting theory of motivation by Edwin Locke. There are many ways for a child to develop, but if the parents draw goals in his future, things will turn out to be easier to know what to do next for their sweethearts. And such goals and parents’ behavior will definitely have great impacts on their children on growing up. Attitude It can be referred that, one will perform their mood by somehow showing their attitudes. Those attitudes can be positive or negative expression toward the beingmentioned object(s). For simply saying, this is a hypothetical construct illustrating the

level of like or dislike of the subject(s) toward the object(s) (Aljubran, 2010). In many circumstances, attitude’s structure can be best described in terms of 3 components: affective, behavior and cognitive components, each of which has strong impacts on actions and responses of the subject; and they are derived from feelings, emotions, beliefs, knowledge and behavioral tendencies. Another explanation from Eagly & Chaiken (as cited in Mc Leod, 2014), attitude is "a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor" that “influences an individual's choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards (together called stimuli)” (Business Dictionary, n.d.) In the case of this research, the learning theory plays an extremely important role. Let make it simple: there are many ways to learn attitudes from others. Hence, children can learn from their parents and parents can learn from other parents as well. According to the learning theory (Lecture 2 – Social Psych, n.d.), people seems to repeat the actions that have positive consequences than those with negative consequences. The story can be like this: one mother saw her friend who was also a mother taking her daughter to an English center and then, that little girl became extremely good at English. At that time, the mother thought about her son and she had a new perception about English center and things might go differently. It is also stated that attitudes may come from observation learning. For instance, one father learned English with private tutor when he was young; therefore, he knew the advantages and disadvantages of tutoring. Although there are many other factors that help him make decision, this factor plays an important role in shaping his point of view about private tutor. English center and Private tutor Nowadays, English has already become one of the most popular languages on earth. According to the research about the current situation of teaching English in Vietnam (Van Van, 2010), although one student may have already spent 700 hours studying English in schools, their knowledge and skills are still considered as a modest level. In the report, the author also strongly recommended that the student not only should be taught theoretically and correctly but also their knowledge should be revised, reviewed and expanded; meanwhile, the four most important skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) should be given enough drills from the easy level to the more difficult ones, which all require a longer time to study and understand English

Going along with the development of studying English, the number of English centers, public and private ones, has also been developed rapidly. They can be simply defined as “non-formal educational sectors” (Van Van, 2010). There is a variety of English courses that serve different needs of different English learners, and as a result, it leads to a variance of the quality of those English centers. After conducting the interview, we realized that even though there were many of them, but “The Big Four” that were most mentioned about are British Council, ILA, VUS and ACET, which are best well-known about their reputation, quality and their trustworthy. Table 1.1 was done based on our experiences and doing some research about these centers (by visiting their web pages, having talks with the salesperson, etc.) Beside the fact that parents want to send their kids to such popular institutes, some parents are also willing to have a private tutor at home. There are many forms of tutoring privately in Vietnam, which is mostly organized by student’s parents or by teachers. “Private tutor is interesting to study not just because it is a widespread phenomenon, but also because of its potentially significant impact on student’s academic performance”, stated Dang (2011). Initially, it was used to make up the poor ability of students for understanding lessons in class, help them keep tracks with the required level and to pass the examination; but many years later, the meaning of private tutor has changed. In the research of Dang (2008) about private tutoring in Vietnam, 40% of the respondents stated that it offered much further knowledge that could not be taught at school; while 15% of them emphasized that it provided daycare for children. ILA






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