UGBA 135 Fall 2020 Syllabus PDF

Title UGBA 135 Fall 2020 Syllabus
Author angry bird
Course Health Assessment
Institution Berkeley College
Pages 9
File Size 183 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 48
Total Views 161




UGBA 135: Fall 2020 Virtual Syllabus Personal Financial Management Course Description: Are you concerned about your financial future in a complex world of credit cards, debit cards, student loan debt, credit reports, credit scores, identity theft, 401(K) plans and IRAs; the best ways to buy a house, lease or purchase a car, and reduce taxes; invest in stocks, bonds, index funds, mutual funds, and real estate; the soaring cost of healthcare, and starting a business? This course gives you a solid background in these subjects as you prepare for your career in a world where important financial choices are made, and mistakes can be costly. Units of credit: 2:


Instructors: Fred Selinger: Contact:

[email protected]

Terrance Odean: Contact: [email protected] Section 1: Virtual Zoom Mon. 12-2pm UGBA 135 Lec.1, CCN 20271 Final Exam: Friday, Dec. 18, 2020, 11:30am-2:30pm Readers: Adita Goyal

[email protected]

Nick Palmer [email protected] Saumya Goyal [email protected] Yuan Xie

[email protected]

Section 2: Virtual Zoom Mon. 4-6pm UGBA 135 Lec.2, CCN 20272 Final Exam: Thursday, Dec. 17, 8am-11am Readers: Dylan Alcantara [email protected] Ziyan Lei

[email protected]

Jessica Kim

[email protected]

Evelyn Bruton

[email protected]


Required Textbook:“The Missing Link: From College to Career and Beyond, Sixth Edition”, by Fred Selinger, Pearson, 2018. Sixth Edition Only There are two options for obtaining the required textbook. Option 1: Print book: Estimated Price $65 a.

Local students may purchase copies of the print book at the ASUC Store.

b. Distance students can order print books direct from Pearson mailed to your location The price should include tax and shipping which could take a week or more to receive. Ordering early is recommended. Here is the direct link:

Option 2: E-Text Rental: Estimated Price $45 Students may register to rent a special online copy of the textbook directly from Pearson to access the e-text for the semester only. Please follow these instructions. 1. Go to: 2. Under Register, select student. 3. Confirm you have the information needed, then select OK! Register now 4. Enter the instructor’s course ID: selinger55452 and Continue 5. If you have ever used a MyLab or Mastering product, enter your existing Pearson account username and password to Sign In. If you do not have an account, select Create and complete the required fields. 6. Buy access using a credit card or PayPal. 7. From the “You’re Done”! page, select Go To My Courses 8. Select the course name UGBA 135-E-Book to address your e-book.

To sign in later, go to: Select Sign In and enter your Pearson username, password, and Sign In.

Course Videos: The required course videos are listed in the Tentative Schedule below and can be viewed on bCourses.

Prerequisites: The curriculum is specifically designed for both non-business and business majors. No special math skills are required. Grading: There will be one midterm (20 points) and a final exam (30 points). There are five homework Assignments (5 x 8 points each=40 points) and online quizzes based on the videos (10 points) for a course total of 100 points. All Assignments, quizzes, and exams are on bCourses and are open book. Business majors will receive a letter grade. Other students may elect to receive a letter grade or P/NP. The minimum grade for a Pass is C-. Your course grade is based on total points. Point guidelines are: A+=98-100 points, A=9497 points, A-=91-93 points, B+=88-90 points, B=84-87, B-=81-83 points, C+=78-80 points, C=74-77 points, C-=71-73 points, D=65-70 points, and below 65 is an F.

Class Format: A virtual weekly lecture, plus videos posted on bCourses to be watched outside of class time. Additional class material and information will be posted on bCources. Instructor Drop/Exam Conflicts: The Haas Undergraduate Program Office controls enrollment. Everyone enrolled in the class or on the waitlist must attend the first two classes—August 31st and September 14th. Students who do not attend the first two classes may be dropped from the class to make room for students on the waitlist. Be sure to sign-in as required. Students are required to complete their assignments on time and take the midterm and the final exam with their enrolled section. Given the large enrollment, we are not always able to accommodate individual scheduling requests. Please check your midterm and final exam schedules to make sure you do not have midterm or final exam conflicts. Attendance: There are a limited number of 2-hour classes in this course, and since each meeting is equivalent to two one-hour classes, missing a single class may impact your ability to successfully complete the course. Students are expected to attend all classes synchronously. Because some students are currently living overseas, and others may experience temporary Internet service disruptions, we plan to post recordings of each class to bCourses for 18 hours after the class. This plan is subject to change. If you anticipate an

event or an emergency that conflicts with an exam or Assignment due date, please contact the Fred Selinger or a course reader in advance. If you are not able to document such absence your grade for the missed work will be zero. Office hours: The times and dates of office hours will be scheduled and/or announced in class. Appointments may be required.

Special Accommodations: If you require special accommodations as per UC policy, please present a letter of accommodation or request to the instructors as soon as possible for review and action.

Reading Assignments and Videos: Reading assignments and videos are coordinated with the corresponding classes. You are responsible for the information covered in and out of class including lecture material, reading, and videos. All quizzes and homework will be available on bCourses and must be completed on time. If you must miss a class, be sure to get notes from a fellow student. Please read all class Announcements on bCourses.

Remote instruction norms: We ask that you to adhere to the following course norms for remote instruction: 1. Camera-on by default. We realize that there will times when your location and/or Internet connection are not suitable for having your camera on. We ask though, that when possible, you turn your camera on. This is particularly helpful for break-out group conversations. (Note that you can control whether to hid or show yourself in your own video display during a Zoom meeting. See: <,or%20join%20a%20Zoom%20me eting.&text=Right%2Dclick%20your%20video%20to,see%20the%20video%20of%20you. > 2. Mute by default except when speaking. 3. Strive to learn from one another and build on one another’s contributions. 4. Treat our virtual classroom as you would a physical classroom, e.g., arrive on time, dress as you would in a physical classroom. 5. Don’t post or share (even privately) inappropriate material. 6. Try to find a quiet location for your zoom classroom; if you do not wish to have your background on camera consider using a Zoom virtual background (not all computers will support this feature). If possible, position a light behind your camera but directed toward you such as a window or desk lamp. Lighting from the side is acceptable, but if the source comes from behind, you will be in shadow. 7. Be respectful and inclusive of one another both when speaking and in chat conversations. 8. Be aware of strong language, all caps, and exclamation points. 9. Do not drive while zooming into a classroom. 10. Students who are concerned about their ability to meet these norms should communicate with their instructor to set agreements.

UGBA 135 FALL 2020 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE CLASS 1: AUGUST 31 Introduction to class. No readings or videos required prior to this class meeting. CLASS 2: SEPTEMBER 14 Personal Financial Management Who Are the Millionaires? Financial Planning in a World of Credit and Debt Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapters 1, 2, and 3 Required Videos: “Credit Scores” “Credit Reports” “Looking up your credit report” “Bankruptcy with UC Berkeley Law Professor Ken Ayotte” CLASS 3: SEPTEMBER 21 Financial Planning in a World of Credit and Debt (cont’d) Contracts Understanding Social Security, Medicare and You Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapters 4, 5 and 6 Required Videos: “Getting Out of Debt” “Overcoming Debt Interview” “Social Security” “Medicare with David Sayen” COMPLETE: ASSIGNMENT #1: CHAPTERS 1-6/VIDEOS, DUE SEPT. 28, 2PM CLASS 4: SEPTEMBER 28: ASSIGNMENT #1 DUE BEFORE 2PM The W-4 Form Government Revenue and Expenses Personal Income Taxes and Cash Flow Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapter 7. Required Videos: “Prioritize Saving” “Save Early, Save Now” “Save More” COMPLETE: ASSIGNMENT #2, DUE OCTOBER 5 BY 2PM CLASS 5: OCTOBER 5 ASSIGNMENT #2 DUE BEFORE 2PM Beginning to Save Investment Vehicles Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapters 8 and 9 Required Videos: “Stocks & Bonds” “Diversification” “Asset Allocation part 1” “Asset Allocation part 2”

CLASS 6: OCTOBER 12 Investing in Stocks (Mutual Funds, Exchange Traded Funds, etc.) Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapter 10 Required Videos: “Index Funds” “Looking up Mutual Fund Fees” “Advertising to Investors” CLASS 7: OCTOBER 19 Time Value of Money Investing in Bonds Stock Options and Grants Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapters 11 and 12 Required Videos: “Time Value of Money with Brad Barber” “Why is it hard to beat the market? “Investing in Risky Markets” “Risk and Return” “Options, Futures, Commodities, & Gold” COMPLETE: ASSIGNMENT#3, CHAPTERS 7-12/VIDEOS, DUE 2PM, OCT. 26 CLASS 8: OCTOBER 26: ASSIGNMENT #3 DUE BEFORE 2PM Love and Money Midterm Review Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapter 13 Required Videos: “A Penny Saved is a Partner Earned with Jenny Olson” “Spending for Happiness” “Financial Advisors” “Questions to Ask Financial Advisors” CLASS 9: NOVEMBER 2: MIDTERM EXAM CLASS 10: NOVEMBER 9 Purchasing a Home Renting an Apartment Homeowner’s/Rental Insurance Subprime Mortgages Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17 Required Videos: “Buying versus Renting” “Homeowners Insurance” “Renters Insurance”

CLASS 11: NOVEMBER 16 What You Should Know About Individual Retirement Accounts Understanding the 401(k) and Your Choices: Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapters 18 and 19 Required Videos: “When Things Go Wrong” “How Does Insurance Work?” “Individual Investors: Heuristics” “Individual Investors: Overconfidence” COMPLETE: ASSIGNMENT #4: DUE NOVEMBER 23 BY 2PM CLASS 12: NOVEMBER 23: ASSIGNMENT #4 DUE BEFORE 2PM Investing in Real Estate Repayment of Student Loans Purchasing or Leasing a Car Automobile Insurance Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapters 20, 21, 22, 23. Required Videos: “Should You Lease or Buy a Car?” “Auto Insurance” “Individual Investors: Disposition Effect & Attention” “Individual Investors: Chasing Performance” “Individual Investors: Fees” COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT #5, CHAPTERS 14-23/VIDEOS, DUE NOV. 30, 2PM CLASS 13: NOVEMBER 30: ASSIGNMENT #5 DUE, BEFOR 2PM Choosing a Career Health Insurance: Health Savings Accounts/Flexible Savings Accounts Disability Insurance Life Insurance What Makes a Business Successful? Required Reading: The Missing Link: Chapters 24 – 27 Required Videos: “Life Insurance” “Disability Insurance” “Advance Directives, Wills, and Trusts” “Financial Decisions as We Age” CLASS 14: DECEMBER 7: RRR FINAL EXAM REVIEW

FINAL EXAM: The final exam will be given only at these scheduled times: UGBA 135 Lec.1, 12-2pm: Friday, December 18, 2020, 11:30am-2:30pm UGBA 135 Lec. 2, 4-6pm: Thursday, December 17, 2020, 8am-11:00am CAUTION: There will be NO SWITCHING OF DAYS OR TIMES for the midterm or the final exam. Exceptions will only be considered for verified medical emergencies or special situations in compliance with UC policy. Contact instructors in advance.

CALENDAR THESE DUE DATES: September 28 October 5 October 26 November 2 November 23 November 30 December 7 December 18 December 17

Assignment #1 Due 2pm Assignment #2 Due 2pm Assignment #3 Due 2pm Midterm Assignment #4 Due 2pm Assignment #5 Due 2pm RRR Final Exam Review Final Exam: 12-2 Section 1 11:30 am-2:30 pm Final Exam: 4-6 Section 2 8:00 am -11:00 am

DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of personal financial management. From time to time, for educational purposes only, the instructor may discuss specific companies, stocks, or other investments. These examples should not be construed as investment recommendations. The laws, rules, and regulations dealing with taxes, interest rates, credit, government programs, lenders, corporate governance, etc. are always subject to change. Each student should check professional sources for the current laws, rules, and regulations in force when making important financial decisions....

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