UGBA 10 -- Fall 2020 -- Detailed Exam Instructions PDF

Title UGBA 10 -- Fall 2020 -- Detailed Exam Instructions
Course Principles Of Business
Institution University of California, Berkeley
Pages 3
File Size 139 KB
File Type PDF
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UGBA 10 -- Fall 2020 -- Detailed Exam Instructions...


UGBA10: Principles of Business Fall 2020 Detailed Exam Instructions

General The course has four module exams, each accounting for 20% of your final score (total 80%). To avoid any misunderstandings that can result in losing points or being dismissed from an exam, read this document thoroughly. All four module exams are open notes/open book, and will take place on Fridays during lecture time, at 8:10-9:00am Pacific Time, regardless of a student’s location. Exams will be administered through bCourses Quizzes and students may use a computer, tablet or smartphone to take the exam. Exam dates In order to successfully complete the course, you have to attend all 4 exams: Friday, 9/18/2020 – Module 1: Finance & Accounting Friday, 10/9/2020 – Module 2: Operations & Sustainability Friday, 11/6/2020 – Module 3: Marketing Friday, 12/4/2020 – Module 4: Leadership Taking the exam Exams are set to begin at 8:10am Pacific Time. Students are encouraged to start immediately; the countdown clock showing time remaining is visible in bCourses Quizzes, and students should use it to pace themselves to ensure sufficient time to complete the exam. Exams are multiple choice and the “back button” is disabled, meaning students must answer questions in the order they are presented and must answer each question before seeing the next one. Students are NOT able to review or revise answers once they have been submitted. As a result, students may have to adjust their test-taking strategy to accommodate UGBA10 exam design. Technical issues during the exam Students who encounter technical issues during an exam (e.g., images not loading, bCourses not responding) should email their GSI ASAP to report the issue and provide a screenshot of the problem or error message. In addition, they should log out of bCourses and log back in immediately to see if that resolves the problem. Another potential solution is to log back in using a different browser.


No questions or clarifications Answer the exam questions as written as best you can by picking the best answer from the options provided. If you believe there is a mistake in a question or a typographical error that changes the meaning of the question, attempt to answer the question to the best of your understanding. If there is indeed a mistake, we will retroactively eliminate the question. Feeling ill If you feel so ill on the day of the exam that you cannot take it, do not begin the exam. We cannot void an exam once it has been started. Instead, seek medical attention and be sure to obtain official documentation supporting your inability to take the exam. You will need to submit formal documentation to Professor Romero-Hernandez as soon as possible to support your case for being excused from an exam, as detailed below under “missing an exam”. Missing an exam There are no makeup exams in UGBA10. Only one absence from an exam may be excused for documented reasons that are beyond your control, as detailed below. In all cases, no more than one exam can be excused. If you have a serious illness or athletic obligations that result in missing more than one exam, you will have to retake the course. If you are an athlete on an NCAA sanctioned sports team and need to miss an exam because of an unavoidable conflict, refer to the athlete policy for further instructions. What counts as an excused absence? 1. Beyond your control Other than for athletic activities, excused absences are such that are completely beyond your control, such as a Serious illness (of student) and bereavement of immediate family count. This does not include: vacations/travel even with non-refundable airline tickets, conferences or competitions, over-sleeping, car trouble, sniffles or minor ailment, family weddings or graduations or other celebrations, illness in the family, “late night”, unreliable alarm clocks or poor scheduling. 2. Contemporary documentation The absence must be supported by contemporary documentation proving incapacity to take the exam. Documentation means - written, independent evidence of your claim to have been absent beyond your control (e.g. emergency room admission sheet). Contemporary means - you were incapacitated before or right up until and/or during the time of the exam. This does not include: After-the-fact doctors’ notes with self-report of minor illness. Clinic “Proof of visit,” which only indicates that you attended the doctor’s office but not that you 2

were unable to take the exam. Faculty are not qualified to analyze and will not attempt to analyze unclear, technical or inconclusive medical documentation – if in doubt, the exam will not be excused. What to do if you miss an exam? On missing an exam, notify both your GSI and Professor Romero-Hernandez by email as soon as possible so we know why there is a missing score. Please note that it is your responsibility to provide full and sufficient documentation as to the reason you missed the exam. If there is any uncertainty about whether you could have attended the exam, or if your documentation is in any way deficient, your absence will not be excused, in which case your score of zero will stand. How would missing an exam impact your score? If you miss an exam without being excused, your score will be zero. If you are excused, your score on the excused exam will be imputed at the end of the semester using your performance in the other 3 exams. We will calculate your score by adjusting the class average for the module exam you missed up or down according to your individual performance on the other three exams relative to the class average. Students with accommodations Students with approved DSP accommodations must inform us of their approved accommodation no less than two weeks before the exam for the accommodation to be registered. We will confirm via email that you have been added to the UGBA10 accommodation list and will inform you separately of exam day logistics. If you have not received email confirmation of your accommodation, then it was registered too late and your accommodation will not be in effect until the next module exam.


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