Umayyad Dynasty PDF

Title Umayyad Dynasty
Course Introduction to Syariah Law
Institution Multimedia University
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The main traits and the reasons for the downfall of the Umayyad Dynasty...


1. Discuss the main traits and the reasons for the downfall of the Umayyad Dynasty. The first hereditary dynasty of caliphs in Islam were the Umayyad. Mu'awiyyah (r.a), the son of Abu Sufyan, of the Umayyah clan of the Quraysh of Mecca was the founder of the dynasty. The Muslim Empire expanded at a speed rate, entanding by 732 from the Atlantic and the borders between France and Spain in the West, to the borders of India and China in the East in that year Charles Martel halted the Arab advance at Poitiers and Tours, under the Umayyads. The foundations were laid for a great flourishing of trading, architecture, crafts, and learning, in Spain. The final expulsion of the Muslims did not take place until the 17th century. But elsewhere the Umayyads ruled more autocratically and severely. The last Umayyad caliph, Marwan II, 'the wild ass of Mesopotamia', was beheaded in Egypt in 750 (AH 132). The "Abbäsids'' succeeded, although an Umayyad dynasty continued in Spain, known as the Western Caliphate. The Umayyad Dynasty, started by Mu'awiya, was up for almost 100 years, with Mu'awiya leading for 20 years. The Umayyads established the practice of hereditary succession for the caliph, the head of the Muslim world. This change reduced the quantity of discussions that had tormented the of the four caliphs. The Umayyads were responsible for the Muslim triumph of Central Asia, Spain, and North Africa. The development of the Islamic Empire during the Umayyad period; can be known as the first Islamic state. The caliphate developed more common and less strict during this time, as leading the empire took precedence over the religious conversion of the conquered peoples. After almost 100 of years, a few relatives of Muhammad's uncle, Abbas, succeeded in overthrowing the first Islamic dynasty and setting up their own dynasty, the Abbasid, which kept going in various structures until the Mongol attack in 1258. There are 8 types of main traits of the Umayyad Dynasty. First and foremost, there was advancement in Architectural buildings and the palaces. The Umayyad architecture is a significant observer of the dynasty, with various buildings still surviving. Extensive municipal architectural programmes were attempted, notwithstanding those constructions that were worked by request of the Umayyad royal family. Furthermore, there were the constructions of various mosques and the Dome of the Rock. Both the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus seem to have been worked as images of Umayyad victory and power, and these buildings actually give an impression of the greatness of the dynasty's architecture. Thirdly, there were numerous palaces utilized for celebrations and the presence of fortresses and ruins. Also, the incredible building structures in the past known as desert castles keep on entrancing us for the window they give into Umayyad court life and ceremonials. Fourthly, there was the construction of full-fledged cities. There were broad building programs embraced to support the local area just as for the decision. Urban areas, for example, Amman had a palatial complex, a mosque, a market place and a water supply, and hence served the public authority and the organization of the country notwithstanding the necessities of the local area. Vitally important foundations like dams, storages and water supplies were built and connections were raised. Fifthly, there were various styles and cultures of various nations utilized by the Umayyad. In this developmental stage one cannot speak strictly of an all-out Islamic craftsmanship as it is the juxtaposition and innovative combination of different styles and themes drawn from various creative customs that delivered such striking outcomes and caused them to seem unique. Sixthly, there was the establishment of independent policy. During the caliphate of Abd al-Malik receptacle Marwan (r. 65-S6/685-705), an arrangement of regulatory and political centralisation was started. Every region had its own specific manner of organization and policy. Nevertheless, the rulers and lead representatives will be responsible for the monetary turn of events and issues.

Seventhly, there was the acquaintance of a pay with be allocated for individuals from the state and the part of the Bait ul Maal. In the financial administration, still, the Arabs acquainted an inventive system concurring with which all completely fledged individuals from the new polity were qualified for standard allowances ('ata'); a system that was financed by the expenses of the locals. The fundamental assessments were land charge (kharaj), a fixed rate in kind or cash and the survey charge (jizya), which was forced on each develop non-Muslim and means tried by pay. Ministers, priests, and the debilitated were absolved from paying jizya. Eighthly, there was the introduction of the authority Arabic coinage. A standard Arabic coinage was created to replace the Arab-Byzantine and Arab Sassanian types which had been utilized around this time. From the coin change on, all Umayyad coinage was of a normalized weight and plan: simply epigraphic, an engraving giving the date and a strict recipe, these measures served to present a unity which heretofore had been inadequate. The main explanation behind the downfall of the Umayyad Dynasty is there was a battle between Karbala and the Ahlu Bait by Yazid the child of Mu'awiyah where lots of people from the group of the Prophet Muhammad SAW were murdered and among them there was Saidina Hussein. Second explanation is there were an excessive number of illegal activities and thoughts like prostitution, adultery, the Bait-ul-Maal turned into the kingdom's property accordingly. People hated that system. Thirdly, there were bribes which were disseminated to acquire popularities and election by the governors of the future caliph. They were purchasing their seats for the caliphate. Fourthly, interest was dropping and a lot of freedom was given to non-Muslims invarious fields. The pace of interest forced by the leader over the Muslims and non-Muslims was very high. The rich become richer and the poor are becoming poorer. Fifthly, there was a return of islamisation from the great caliphs which also implied a decrease of unlawful addition. In this way the corrupted people made an effort to kill them, the great caliphs. Sixthly, both the Jews and the Christian were not faithful to the caliph and they plotted against them for personnel Interest. They were never for the caliphate or the Islamic state as during the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. More issues were added to the list when the Umayyads started to break. A series of palace coups disrupted the leadership in the last few years of the dynasty. Many of the Umayyads' enemies set up a bound together gathering to restrict the rulers. This group, guided by relatives of Prophet Muhammad SAW's uncle, Abbas, considered themselves as the Abbasids. After a few military clashes between the two groups the Abbasids prevailed with regards to toss the Umayyads in 750, and installing their own caliph on the throne. The Abbasids promised their supporters, many of whom were mawali, and introducing their seat, that religion would beat the new dynasty, and all Muslims would be dealt the same way. The Abbasid Revolution introduced another era for the Islamic world, one which would see much more territorial gains for the Muslims, notwithstanding the number of political events that saw Islam started to part, regardless of the Abbasids' promise of Islamic unity. Inside the principal century after the Prophet Muhammad SAW's demise in 632, Islam was established as a major world religion, and the Islamic empire as a major military force....

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