Unit 03 Networks 3 - Banks PDF

Title Unit 03 Networks 3 - Banks
Author Maddie Hamilton
Course Computer Concepts
Institution University of Windsor
Pages 13
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Unit 03 Networks 1. Networkscanbeclassifiedaccordingtotheirsizeandgeographicscope. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 2. Which type of network connects smart devices or consumer electronics within a range of about 30 feet (10 meters andwithouttheuseofwiresorcables. a. PAN b. LAN c. WAN d. V PN ANSWER: a 3. Which type of network cover a large geographical area and usually consists of several smaller networks, which mightusedifferentcomputerplatformsandnetworktechnologies. a. PAN b. LAN c. WAN d. V PN ANSWER: c 4. TheInternetistheworld’slargestWAN. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 5. Acommunication_________isthemediumusedtotransportinformationfromonenetworkdevicetoanother. ANSWER: channel 6. Which type of cables are used for high-capacity trunk lines that provide main routes for telephone, cable, and Internetcommunications? a. C  ategory6cables b. f iberopticcables c. c oaxialcables d. a lloftheabove ANSWER: b

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Unit 03 Networks 7. Whichofthefollowingisanadvantageofwiredconnection? a. moresecure b. m  oredependable c. fasterspeeds d. a lloftheabove ANSWER: d 8. ThemostwidespreadwirelesschannelsforcommunicationnetworksaremicrowavesandRFsignals. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 9. Inawirelessnetwork,RFsignalsaresentandreceivedbya______________. ANSWER: transceiver 10. Microwaveshavemorecarryingcapacitythanradiowaves. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 11. Wheninterferenceaffectsawirelesssignal,datamustberetransmitted. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 12. Wireless connections use unlicensed frequencies that are available for public use, including 2.4 GHz and _____ GHz.whichissubjecttolessinterferencefromotherdevices,butithasamorelimitedrange. ANSWER: 5,five 13. Wirelessconnectionsuselicensedfrequenciesthatareavailableforpublicuse. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 14. ________isthetermfortransmissioncapacityofacommunicationchannel. ANSWER: Bandwidth

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Unit 03 Networks 15. Thebandwidthofachannelthatcarriesdigitaldataisusuallymeasuredin___________. a. b ytespersecond b. b itspersecond c. G  hz d. m  icrowaves ANSWER: b 16. N  etworkchannelsthatarecapableofmovingatleasttwomegabitsofdatapersecondareclassifiedas _________ channels. ANSWER: broadband 17. In the context of communication networks, the term __________ refers to the structure and layout of network components ANSWER: topology 18. Whichtypeofnetworktopologyconnectsaperipheraldevicetoahostdevice? a. M  esh b. S  tar c. B  us d. P  ointtopoint ANSWER: d 19. Which type of network topology allows for redundant paths between devices that can be used to bypass failed devices? a. M  esh b. S  tar c. B  us d. P  ointtoPoint ANSWER: a 20. Whichtypeofnetworktopologyconnectsmultipledevicestoacentraldevice? a. M  esh b. S  tar c. B  us d. P  ointtopoint ANSWER: b

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Unit 03 Networks 21. Datacannotflowovermultiplenetworksthathavedifferenttopologies. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 22. Anydeviceinanetworkiscalleda(n)__________. ANSWER: node 23. Onanetwork,anydevicethatstoresorgeneratesdataisconsideredtobea(n)_________. a. r outer b. D  TE c. DCE d. ATP ANSWER: b 24. WhichofthefollowingisanexampleofaDCE? a. r outer b. m  odem c. h ub d. a lloftheabove ANSWER: d 25. WhichDCEwouldyouuseifyouwantedtoextendawirednetworkbyaddingmoreports? a. H  ub b. S  witch c. B  ridge d. Repeater ANSWER: a 26. In the context of networks, a communication __________ refers to a set of rules for efficiently transmitting data fromonenetworknodetoanother. ANSWER: protocol 27. Twodevicesonanetworknegotiatetheircommunicationprotocolsthroughaprocesscalled___________. ANSWER: handshaking 28. Networks use more than one protocol, and the collection of protocols for a network is referred to as a protocol ________. ANSWER: stack

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Unit 03 Networks 29. Whichtypeofcommunicationprotocolconvertsdataintostandardformatsthatcanbeusedbyapplications? a. P  hysical b. T  ransport c. A  rrival d. N  oneoftheabove ANSWER: c 30. TheorganizationthatsupervisesInternetaddressingisARPANET. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 31. TheorganizationthatsupervisesInternetaddressingis___________. ANSWER: ICANN 32. WhichnetworktierformstheInternetbackbone? a. T  ier1 b. T  ier2 c. T  ier3 d. T  ier4 ANSWER: a 33. WhenconnectingtotheInternet,mostInternetusersconnecttoaTier1network. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 34. NetworksthatformtheInternetaremaintainedbywho? a. ISPs b. IXPs c. ICANN d. A  lloftheabove ANSWER: a 35. Parcelsofdatathataresentoveranetworkarecalled________. ANSWER: packets

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Unit 03 Networks 36. _________ technology divides a message into several packets that can be routed independently to their destination. a. H  andshaking b. P  acketswitching c. P  acketsniffing d. c ircuitswitching ANSWER: b 37. U  DPisfasterthanTCPbutdoesnotperformerrorchecking. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 38. On a network, which protocol is responsible for dividing files into chunks, adding headers containing information fo reassemblingpacketsintheiroriginalorder,anderrorchecking? a. U DP b. IP c. TCP d. FTP ANSWER: c 39. Acommunicationportisaphysicalcircuitthroughwhichdataflows. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 40. Acommunication______isavirtualendpointfordataenteringandleavingadigitaldevice. ANSWER: port 41. Internetaddressesarecontrolledbywhichoneofthefollowingprotocols? a. TCP b. IP c. U DP d. HTTP ANSWER: b 42. __________uses32bitaddressestouniquelyidentifydevicesconnectedtotheInternet. ANSWER: IPv4

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Unit 03 Networks 43. __________uses128bitaddressestouniquelyidentifydevicesconnectedtotheInternet. ANSWER: IPv6 44. Suppose you wanted to run a Web server or FTP server from your home. What type of IP address would you want? a. D  ynamic b. S  tatic c. TCP d. B  roadband ANSWER: b 45. Internetaddressesthataretemporarilyassignedarecalled________addresses. ANSWER: dynamic 46. IP addresses can be assigned by a network administrator, but more commonly they are automatically assigned by _________. ANSWER: DHCP 47. AprivateIPaddresscanbeusedtosenddataovertheInternet. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 48. When a router connects to and communicates over the Internet, it has a ________ IP address that is routable ove theInternet. ANSWER: public 49. ThemechanismfortrackingdomainnamesandtheircorrespondingIPaddressesiscalledthe________. ANSWER: DNS,domainnamesystem 50. Whatorganizationisthetoplevelauthorityforsupervisingdomainnamerequests? a. DNS b. HTTP c. ISPs d. ICANN ANSWER: d 51. Adomainnameendswitha(n)________thatindicatesitstopleveldomain. ANSWER: extension

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Unit 03 Networks 52. DomainnameserversmaintainlistsofalldomainnamesandtheircorrespondingIPaddresses. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 53. AWebsitecannotbeaccessedbyitsdomainnameuntilthenameisaddedtothedomainnameserverlists. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 54. UnauthorizedchangestotheDNSarecalledDNS________. ANSWER: spoofing 55. YoumaybeabletobypassDNSoutagesbychangingyourDNSserver. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 56. Connectionspeedistechnicallyameasureofcapacity. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 57. Yourbandwidth_________isthetopspeedallowedbyyourISPplan. ANSWER: cap 58. WhattypeofInternetconnectiondoyouhavewhenuploadspeeddiffersfromdownloadspeed? a. D  ynamic b. A  symmetric c. B  roadband d. S  ymmetric ANSWER: b 59. MostInternetconnectionsaresymmetrical. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 60. ________isutilitysoftwaredesignedtomeasureresponsivenessofanInternetconnection. ANSWER: Ping Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero

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Unit 03 Networks 61. On a network, _______ is the elapsed time for data to make a round-trip from point A to point B and back to poin A. ANSWER: latency 62. Packetlossoflessthan2%isrequiredforacceptablestreaming,gaming,Skype,andvoicecalls. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 63. _____________ is a network diagnostic tool that shows you each router and server that your data encounters as travelsovertheInternet. ANSWER: Traceroute 64. DSLisanexampleofwhattypeofInternetaccess? a. M  obile b. P  ortable c. F  ixed d. W  ireless ANSWER: c 65. Themaximumspeedofadialupconnectionis_____Kbps, ANSWER: 56,fiftysix 66. _______isahighspeed,digital,alwayson,Internetaccesstechnologythatrunsoverstandardphonelines. ANSWER: DSL,digitalsubscriberline 67. _______involvestheuseofhighcapacityfiberopticcablestoconnecthomestobroadermunicipalnetworks. ANSWER: FTTH,fibertothehome 68. WhichtypeofbroadbandInternetaccessinvolvesusingcellulardatanetworks? a. F  ixed b. P  ortable c. M  obile d. D  ialup ANSWER: c

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Unit 03 Networks 69. Whichtypeofmobilebroadbandservicehasmaximumdownloadratesof300Mbpsanduploadratesof75Mbps? a. TCP b. ICANN c. 3 G d. 4 G ANSWER: d 70. MobilebroadbandcanbeusedtoaccesstheInternetfromalaptopordesktopcomputer. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 71. AWiFi______isawirelesslocalareanetworkthatprovidesInternetaccesstothepublic. ANSWER: hotspot 72. _______ are designed to provide connectivity for devices within a limited area, typically within the premises of a home,officebuilding,business,orschool. a. WANs b. PANs c. LANs d. BANs ANSWER: c 73. LANsusemanyofthesamenetworktechnologiesastheInternet. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 74. MostwirelessLANsuselicensedfrequenciesthatrequireapplyingtotheFCCforpermission. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 75. ThecircuitrythatenablesadevicetoaccessaLANiscalleda(n)________. ANSWER: NIC,networkinterfacecontroller 76. A______addressisusedtouniquelyidentifydevicesonLANs. ANSWER: MAC,mediaaccesscontrol

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Unit 03 Networks 77. DHCPassignsanIPaddresstoadeviceandlinksittothedevice’s_______address. ANSWER: MAC 78. ________isawirednetworktechnologythatisdefinedbyIEEE802.3standards. ANSWER: Ethernet 79. __________ LANs are usually arranged in a star topology with computers wired to central switching circuitry tha isincorporatedinmodernrouters. a. I nternet b. E  thernet c. W  ireless d. M  obile ANSWER: b 80. A ________ device transmits data as radio waves and is compatible with Ethernet, so you can use the two technologiesinasinglenetwork. ANSWER: WiFi 81. YoucansetupWiFitousewirelessmeshtopologyORstartopology. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 82. With wired connections, such as Ethernet, the rated speed and range are usually quite different to actual performance. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 83. WiFisignalsmayreachupto300feetfromtherouter. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 84. Whichwirelessstandardisfaster:802.11nor802.11ac? ANSWER: 802.11ac

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Unit 03 Networks 85. WhensettingupaWiFinetwork,therouteryouselectshouldsupportthefastestdeviceyou’llwanttouseonthe network. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 86. A(n)________isthebroadcastednameofawirelessnetwork. ANSWER: SSID 87. Wireless_______scramblesthedatatransmittedbetweenwirelessdevices. ANSWER: encryption 88. A ________ networks allow visitors to access the Internet through a LAN, but doesn't allow them to access othe resourcesanddataonthenetwork. ANSWER: guest 89. The___________connectsactivesensorsandpassivetagstocommunicationnetworks. ANSWER: IOT,InternetofThings 90. Many RFID and NFC tags contain no power source of their own and depend on the receiving device to provide the powerfordataexchange. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 91. On a network, file sharing allows users to open, view, edit, copy, and delete files from a remote device, providing thattheyhavetheproper___________. ANSWER: permissions 92. Network _________ enables your computer to see other devices on a network, and whether your computer can beseenbyothers. ANSWER: discovery 93. Networkdiscoveryworksintheexactsamewayonalldevices. a. True b. False ANSWER: False

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Unit 03 Networks 94. Filesharingposesnorealsecurityrisks. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 95. __________specifyhowsharedfilescanbeused. ANSWER: Permissions 96. Which type of protocol provides a way to transfer files from one computer to another over any TCP/IP network, suchasaLANortheInternet. a. FTP b. U DP c. TCP d. PAN ANSWER: a 97. YoucanaccessFTPserverswithabrowser. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 98. Dropboxisanexampleofafilehostingservice. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 99. Whichfilesharingprotocoldistributestheroleofafileserveracrossacollectionofdispersedcomputers? a. FTP b. U DP c. D  ropbox d. B  itTorrent ANSWER: d 100. Napsterspurredthedevelopmentofsophisticated,distributedprotocolssuchasBitTorrent. a. True b. False ANSWER: True

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