Unit 1 Assignment on a case study about cultural intelligence PDF

Title Unit 1 Assignment on a case study about cultural intelligence
Author Annie Og
Course Understanding The Self
Institution University of Phayao
Pages 5
File Size 80.5 KB
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Unit 1 Assignment on a case study about cultural intelligence in todays global economy and how cultural intelligence is important to the success of any organization...



Bus 5211: Managing in the global economy Case study 2: young, confident, and moving too fast September 2021

Abstract This case study highlights the working disparities between two women: Joanne and Julia, from different generations. One is young and eager to learn and move fast in the work environment, the other is older and more experienced and values quality over speed in the work environment. The study shows the two women making assumptions about each other causing a mind battle and resentment in the younger woman. This paper will answer the questions of the beliefs that root their individual conceptions of self, suggest ways they can work together and with other in different age groups, as well as propose some cultural intelligence principles to resolve their intercultural situation. Introduction Cultural differences have become more important within organizations at a time where globalization has resulted in diversity and thus attracted more cultural variances such as age and ethnic background. This is more important for managers in today’s working environment. Cultural intelligence (CQ) is a term that has been developed to describe the ability to be able to understand and adapt to new cultural settings. People with high CQ are considered experts in any kind of culture and can excel in unfamiliar or ambiguous organizations (Mind Tools Team, n.d.). Managers who are culturally intelligent tend to be better managers as they are more tolerant and promote trust among their workforces. Joanne and Julia’s Individual Conceptions of Self The concept of self is used to describe how a person thinks about themselves; their ability, behavior, and unique characteristics (Cherry, 2021). This concept is built and influenced by our interactions with important people or figures in our lives.

Julia’s individual concept of self is rooted in her independence and confidence. She is a woman who is young and very intelligent and has been known for her innovative abilities by peers and superiors. She is highly motivated and passionate and has sought a career in social justice which aligns with her goals (Schmitz). On the other hand, Joanne’s individual concept of self is rooted in experience and quality of work. She is well-versed in the workings of her job and knows that burn-out can occur when an employee is working at a certain pace and cause mistakes for her and the company. Their conceptions of self-shows the cultural differences that can occur when working in an organization with generational differences. This can cause friction between managers and their subordinates and lead to organizations losing their young, fresh minds. Suggestions for Joanne and Julia when working with persons of other generations In the fast-changing economy and with increasing globalization and the use of technology, each generation will be exposed to different views and methods of operation. In this case both Joanne and Julia have different beliefs due to the difference in age. Joanne is under the assumption that Julia would make the same mistakes she made when she was young while Julia fails to understand that her lack of experience in the workforce could be detrimental to her success in the organization. I believe it is important for both parties to learn to respect, understand and accept their differences while being more flexible and accommodating of each other’s needs and preferences. Furthermore, it is imperative to avoid stereotyping and be reminded that everyone is unique regardless of their generation. Also worthy of note is that communication styles should be tailored and understandable by the other generation. Julia and Joanne can work better together be effectively communicating their needs and goals. As a good manager it is important to keep the

subordinate happy and feeling fulfilled at their roles in the organization. Thus, Joanne can ensure Julia does not get burnt out be regularly mandating rest days every month or creating a unique way for employees to stay mentally and physically strong. Cultural intelligence Principles for Intercultural Situations Cultural intelligence principles can be broken down into; cognitive, motivation and behavior. Cognitive refers to your ability to think and learn, motivation refers to one’s concept of self and level of confidence, while behavior is one’s ability to adapt your behavior to a new environment with interpersonal skills (Slayor Academy, 2012). These principles are manifestations of cultural intelligence and can be used in this case study. Joanne can learn about Julia’s past achievements and adapt to her unique way of working and achieving personal and organizational goals. This would help her stop stereotyping Julia as they are both different individuals from different backgrounds. Also, Julia can learn to respect authority and understand Joanne’s concern and communicate effectivity to prover herself on the job while building trust as well as gaining the experience she needs to excel in the organization. Conclusion Cultural intelligence is right next to emotional intelligence. It is a skill that is learned and acquired by allowing ourselves to be openminded and willing to accept others and their differences. The need for cultural intelligence in today’s workforce has become increasingly important as diversity grows. Misunderstanding and conflicts within employees can be avoided and effective collaboration can be fostered through intelligence trainings and application. Organizations have an obligation to equip its personnel with all the right skills they need to excel in the global economy regardless of its size of workforce. According to David Livermore “given

the increasing diversity among customers and employees, organizations that attend to cultural intelligence are more successful”. References

Cherry, K. (2021, April 18). What is self-concept? Retrieved from Verywellmind.com: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-self-concept-2795865 Mind Tools Team. (n.d.). Cultural Intelligence. Retrieved from Mindtools.com: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/cultural-intelligence.htm Schmitz, A. (n.d.). Case Study 2: Young, confident and moving too fast. Cultural intelligence for Leaders. creative cummons. Slayor Academy. (2012). cultural intelligence model. Retrieved from saylordotorg.github.: https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_leading-with-cultural-intelligence/s05-02-culturalintelligence-model.html...

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