Unit 1 case study. Gursharn PDF

Title Unit 1 case study. Gursharn
Author Gurr e Sekhon
Course Project teams and leadership
Institution Yorkville University
Pages 7
File Size 89.6 KB
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Unit 1 case study...


1 Menlo Innovations: A new approach to workplace and project management. Unit 1 Case study BUSI 3613 Project Teams and Leadership Yorkville University – Vancouver Campus 1/18/2020 Winter 2021

Abstract This Case study research paper demonstrates how Menlo innovations were able to get success through flexible workplace practices inspired by Thomas Edison and with integration of agile

2 project management. It also describes about company, workplace environment, way of operating and other practices of business.


3 In this age of Innovation, it is getting harder and complex for IT companies to cope up with quickly changing, highly competitive world. One of the perfect example is Menlo innovations company which came at time of crises in IT industry (during 2000s) showed that innovation could be driven successfully through implementation of effective human resource practices, strategies in workplace with integration of project management methods. The company Menlo innovation LLC Menlo was launched in June 2001 founded by Richard Sheridan with his colleagues from college. Furthermore, this paper demonstrates about Company, its approach with project management, success factors and answering several questions on Menlo innovations. Comparing Menlo’s approach with project management with traditional software project management. Certainly, it is true that Menlo’s CEO Sheridan had a trust and believe in project management to be most effective for creativity and software implementation. Moreover, Company used the approach of agile project management, It helped company to handle more projects at one time which stopped the expenses and complex strategies on management hierarchies. Company also emphasized on extreme programming which was quite contrast of what other corporates were using in software project management. Extreme programming provides free environment as comparison to the compact offices, rather than working individually on every code or pieces all of software programmers were grouped together in code stewardship which means every programmer owns the code and could work on each other’s pieces of software. In extreme programming one could share their thinking process but in traditional ways it was more of personal thing because there individual only writes about that he or she think of problem. Menlo was getting into more of informal style of working which was quite different

4 than what other companies were doing that is following systematic way of working, communicating and even thinking as well. Outline of significance of project management in Melons Innovations. Primarily, Menlo innovations adopted agile project management which had significance on companies’ performance and improved efficiency. With the help extreme programming and agile project management company was able to handle number of projects at single time with effective planning, execution and implementation of software applications. Given the fact that employees were given freedom in workplace with flexibility to overcome problems or change certain instructions with quick feedback and testing. It enabled project managers to quickly respond to customers concerns. (D. H. 2008). Further, the main idea of TEAM that is Together everyone achieves more, following this idea there was team formed of developers, coach who supervised developers both worked on software development project. Agile project management also helped company to deliver projects on timely manner to customers. Overall, Agile project management with practices of workplace led to significant and constant success of Melons innovations. How did the implementation of the innovative working environment benefit the company and the employees? Discuss the challenges faced in implementing such a system in a corporate environment? Practices implemented in workplace of melons innovation helped employees to work in flexible environment where they could have number of holidays to go on vacation which helped in employee engagement and employee retention. Moreover, it helped in creating positive environment where everyone was authorized to speak freely and express their views, intangible perks also helped company to boost motivation of employees. Overall, providing a opportunity

5 to employees for being innovative. The challenge could be that there is high uncertainty whether the practices are applicable and successful or not, taking that uncertainty in new business might be highly danger approach. Moreover, Critiques also say that not everyone in workplace are extroverts, so it becomes challenge with introverts’ persons. My opinion of Menlo’s approach towards innovation. I strongly believe that implementation of workplace and agile project management practices helped company to grow and expand its business. The reason is that project management gives the flexibility to team where they can change or adapt to changes in circumstances which is extremely difficult in other traditional management strategies. These methodologies helped company to operate in uncertain and everchanging industry environment where they were able to handle technological and market changes which were very crucial in IT industry at that time. Sheridan’s approach to flexible workplace from Thomas Edison invention factory? How it helped employees and the company? Would you like to work in a company with such environment? Sheridan not only implemented workplace principles of Thomas Edison invention factory in its own business but also provided teaching services to other companies those were interested in Edison principle to implement in their businesses. It was quite moderate approach considering the time of its launching in workplace because at that time all business workplaces were primarily systematic based. Moreover, for employees it made fun and great place to work for, employees knew every piece of project which increased their understanding and interrelationships as well. which overall made company to complete projects on time without compromising quality. Lastly, I would love to work for such a company where I get freedom to

6 express my views with great intangible perks, smart think tank where surely I will contribute and grow all along.

Reference Purkayastha, D., & Faheem, H. (2008). Menlo Innovations: A New Approach to Workplace and Project Management. Menlo Innovations: A New Approach to Workplace and Project

7 Management | The Case Centre, for students. https://www.thecasecentre.org/students/products/view?id=85815....

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