Study Guide UNIT 1 PDF

Title Study Guide UNIT 1
Course The Eternal Family
Institution Brigham Young University
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STUDY GUIDE FOR UNIT 1 ALL QUESTIONS “No Other Gods,” by Elder Dallin H. Oaks  What are the first two commandments given? (Readings, 1:1-2)  What does it mean, that the Lord is a jealous God? (Readings, 1:2)  According to Elder Oaks, what two factors have turned our priorities upside down? (Readings, 1:4)  What should our highest aspiration be? (Readings, 1:6)  “The United States now has the lowest _____________ in its history.” (Readings, 2:8)  In 2010, what percentage of young adults, ages 19-29, were married? (Readings, 2:9)  What is the median age for first marriages among men and women? (Readings, 2:9)  Today, out of wedlock births in our country are at _____ percent (Readings, 3:15)  Also, cohabitation now precedes _____ percent of marriages (Readings, 3:15)  How did President Monson define courage? (Readings, 3:20)  What is a moral coward? (Readings, 4:20) “Protect the Children,” by Elder Dallin H. Oaks        

Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught, “We are under the Savior’s command to love and care for each other and especially the ___________ and ____________.” (Readings, 5:3) How many children each year are victimized through the mediums of prostitution and pornography? (Readings, 5:7) Elder Oaks declared, “From the perspective of the plan of salvation, one of the most serious abuses of children is __________.” (Readings, 5:8) The US Birthrate is the lowest that is has been in the past ______. (Readings, 5:8) How many abortions are performed annually? (Readings, 5:9) What is happening with marriages today? (Readings, 6-7) The fertility replacement rate is 2.1. What is the family structure that produces the best outcomes? (Readings, 7:24)

“Teaching the Doctrine of the Family,” by Sister Julie B. Beck     

Julie Beck likes to ask young single adults, “Why does the First Presidency care so much about the youth of the Church, and why do they invest so much?” How do young single adults respond to her query? (Readings, 9:1) “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” was written to reinforce _______________.” (Readings, 9:11) According to Julie Beck, what are some serious threats to contemporary families? (Readings, 9-11) According to Julie Beck, “We know from our studies here at Church headquarters concerning the rising generation that our youth are increasingly less confident in the institution of __________.” (Readings, 10:13) According to Julie Beck, youth today do a poor job socializing with each other. This is directly related to the amount of time these youths spend _________________ (Readings, 10:14)

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According to Julie Beck, most messages regarding marriage and family relationships that are distributed through the government and mass media are anti-__________________. (Readings, 10:17) Any message that is anti-family is also _________. (Readings, 10:17) President Spencer W. Kimball prophesied that the time would come when only those who _______________ would be able to preserve their families. (Readings, 11:31-34)

“The Eternal Family,” by Elder Merrill J. Bateman       

“A key purpose of God’s plan is the formation of ____________.” (Readings, 13:5) What happens when a man understands how glorious a woman is, and when a woman understands the potential her husband has? (Readings, 14:10-11) “Men and women are created as __________.” (Readings, 14:11) According to Elder Bateman, “We believe that society has a stake in marriage in that the physical, emotional, spiritual, and economic health of its citizens is determined by __________.” (Readings, 15:18) From Merrill J. Bateman’s talk on the Eternal Family, he quoted David O. McKay, stating that the greatest thing a father can do for his children is to ________________. (Readings, 16:20) “One can assume that the longer the ____ a woman and man have regarding the marital relationship, the greater the probability of ____________.” (Readings, 16:25) What happened to Elder Bateman’s son, Michael? (Readings, 17-18).

“Becoming Like God,” LDS Essay  What is one of God’s attributes that most inspires, motivates, and humbles Church members? (19:4)  What does the Bible say about our divine potential? (19:5-7)  What happened in the course of history that changed the “deification of God”? (20:8-11)  What did Joseph Smith teach about deification? (20-21)  What did Joseph Smith teach about becoming gods? (21:18-20)  How does becoming a god impact the way we worship our Heavenly Father? (22-23:2429) “Our Identity and Our Destiny,” by Elder Tad R. Callister       

When the question was asked, “How do we help those struggling with pornography, Elder Russell M. Nelson stated, _________________.” (26:1-2) What did President Boyd K. Packer teach about our identity? (26:6) Why couldn’t Adam and Eve progress in the Garden of Eden? (26:13-14) Who is the happiest being in the Universe? (27:18) Did the Savior invite men to become perfect like himself? (28:24-25) How does our becoming like God marginalize our Heavenly Father’s role in our lives? (29:36-37) What did early Christian writers and theologians teach about us becoming like God? (3031:51-56)

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How did President Packer’s daughter respond when he told her that a baby chick would one day become a beautiful dog? (32:69-73) “A horse sires a horse, a man begets man, a god brings forth a ________.” (32:74) How is the power of Godliness manifest in the ordinances? (33-34:87-95) What doctrine is most basic, yet motivates one to personal righteousness? (34:104)

“The Eternal Family,” by Elder Robert D. Hales      

“Our doctrine of the family begins with our Heavenly _________.” (36:2) What blessings were restored in the 1800s to bind families together? (36:6-13) Besides the sealing power, what else must families do in order to be together forever?” (37:15) What are the duties of mothers and fathers according to the family proclamation? (Readings, 37:16) How does Satan seek to destroy the sanctity of the family? (37:17) What are the three questions Elder Hales discussed with his friend? (38:21-25).

“Families and the Great Plan of Happiness,” by Judd, Dorius, and Dollahite  According to Joseph F. Smith, men and women are not perfect without _______. (40:1)  According to Elder Hugh B. Brown, what is “our very concept of heaven” _______. (40:5)  What was the “center-piece” of Heavenly Father’s plan? (40:7)  According to President Joseph F. Smith, what is the truest greatness? (40:8)  What are some gospel truths about the creation that apply to family life? (41:11-14)  What are some gospel truths about the Fall that apply to family life? (41-43)  What are some gospel truths about the Atonement that apply to family life? (43:29-31)  Elder Henry B. Eyring stated that “Eternal life means to become like the Father and to _________.” (44:32)  What did Elder Bruce R. McConkie teach about temple marriage and the “whole gospel system”? (44:34)  How did Elder M. Russell Ballard explain the relationship between the family and the Church? (44:35)  According to D&C 132:19, what are some of the crucial blessings of temple marriage? (44:40)  What did Elder Theodore Tuttle teach about Temple Marriage? (44:44)  President Spencer W. Kimball said that temple marriage leads to ________. (45:45)  What was the Prophet Elijah’s role with Eternal Families? (445:50-55) “Marriage is Essential to His Eternal Plan,” by Elder David A. Bednar  Elder Bednar taught that no instrumentality or organization can take the place of the _________. (47:2)  Why is marriage essential? (47:8-17)

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“Righteous marriage is a commandment and an essential step in the process of creating __________.” (47:8). Male and female spirits complete and _________ each other. (47:10). “For divine purposes, male and female spirits are different, distinctive, and __________.” (48:12) “The unique combination of spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional capacities of both males and females were needed to implement ______________.” (48:13) How do men and women complete and perfect each other? (48:14) Why is eternal marriage essential to the father’s plan? What are the two reasons? (47-48) The sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only _____________. (48:16) What is the supreme setting for children to be raised in? (48:17) What are three key “guiding principles” that Elder Bednar taught for marriage and family life? (48-51). What did Joseph Smith teach Parley P. Pratt about marriage? (49:23-26) What is Satan’s role in destroying the family? (49:29) What is Satan’s overarching intent? (49:31) How can we protect ourselves against Satan’s attacks on the family? (49:33) As husbands and wives draw closer to the Lord, _______________ (50:36) How is ultimate happiness achieved? (50:36) What are our responsibilities to be better marriage partners? (50:43)

“Satan’s Rebellion,” by Mark A. Matthews  Some individuals use the idea of “Satan’s approach” to _________________. (52:1)  Satan actually wanted to provide “universal salvation” for ____________. (52:9)  In reality, Satan’s plan was actually the plan of ___________. (53:11)  The Bible Dictionary teaches that “Lucifer and his followers wanted salvation to come _______________.” (53:15)  Satan’s plan was not an innocent suggestion, but actually a __________________.” (54:19) “Why Marriage, Why Family,” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson        

What did German scholar, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, teach about marriage? (55:1-2) What is the “first estate” and “second estate” that Elder Christofferson refers to? (55:6-9) What were the four key ingredients needed for success in our Heavenly Father’s Divine plan? (56-57) What are the two key prerequisites of Eternal Life? (57:17) What is the best setting for God’s plan to thrive? (57:18) Why do we need a critical mass of families? (57:18) What is Satan doing today to destroy the family? (58:20) When is Satan most pleased? (58:20)

“Is Faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ Written in Our Hearts,” by Sister Linda K. Burton

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What promise did the Lord give to Jeremiah that gave Sister Linda K. Burton great strength? (59:3-5) According to Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, why did the pioneers do what they did? (59:7) “How can we expect to strengthen families or help others unless we first ___________________.” (59:13) According to Sister Burton, principle 1 is ___________________. (60:14) Sister Burton taught that life would be unfair unless we ______________. (60:15) Elder Oaks taught that conversion is most likely to come from ________. (60:16) What lessons about the Atonement can be learned from Mary Lois Walker? (60:17-21) According to Sister Burton, principle 2 is ________________. (60:22) How do we know that we have learned a doctrine or principle? (60:23) According to Elder Bednar, what does the Lord desire, through his Atonement? (61:26) According to Sister Burton, principle 3 is ______________. (61:29) Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught that the greatest evidence of Heavenly Father’s love for us is _________________. (61:30) What is the lesson from the $20 bill? (61:32) “Making, keeping, and rejoicing in our covenants will be the evidence that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is truly __________________.” (62:34)

“In the Strength of the Lord,” by Elder David A. Bednar  What was the context of the talk, “In the Strength of the Lord” by Elder Bednar? (63:1-4)  What is the purpose of the gospel, according to President David O. McKay? (63:5)  What is our handbook of instructions as we travel through this life? (63:6)  Elder Bednar believes that more members of the Church comprehend the redeeming power of the Atonement, but few grasp the _______________ power. (64:9)  “The gospel of the Savior is not simply about avoiding bad in our lives; it is also essentially about doing and _____________.” (64:10)  How is grace defined in the Bible Dictionary? (64-65)  What are some examples in the Book of Mormon of the enabling power of Christ? (6567)  How did the enabling power of the Atonement bless the life of Dan Jones? (67-68)  Who provided Elder Bednar with the greatest lessons on the enabling power of the atonement? (68:47)  Besides our sins, what else did the Savior suffer for? (68:49) “Justification and Sanctification,” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson  How did Elder Christofferson organize his talk on “Justification and Sanctification?” (70:1-5)  Law must exist for sin or disobedience just as much for __________ and ________. (70:10)  Lehi taught that if there be no righteousness, then there can be no ___________. (70:11)  Happiness is the product of ______________. (70:11)  What would happen if there weren’t laws? (71:13)

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What is the better way to live? (71:17) How does one “choose Christ”? (73:37) What does it mean to be “sanctified” (72:24-33)? What is spiritual rebirth? (72-73) Justification and Sanctification are accomplished by ____________. (73:47) How do we receive grace? (73:47) Justification and Sanctification are the prerequisites for ____________. (74:63) What did Elder McConkie teach about the straight and narrow path? (75:64-67) The Savior will judge us according to ______________. (75:67)

“Live According to the Words of the Prophets,” by Sister Carol F. McConkie  How does Sister McConkie define what a prophet is? (76:1)  Who is the one person on the earth authorized to exercise all priesthood keys? (76:2)  According to Doctrine and Covenants 21:4-6, how should we view the Prophet’s words? (76:4-7)  What does Doctrine and Covenants 68:4 teach us about the words of all the Prophets and Apostles? (76:9)  “When we choose to live according to the words of prophets, we are on the covenant path that leads to __________________.” (76:10)  What does the Story of Elijah and the widow woman from Zarephath teach us about following prophets? (77:11-16)  “We heed prophetic word even when it may seem unreasonable, inconvenient, and __________.” (77:18)  Does the Lord favor anyone? (77:19)  The Lord will feed those who _____________________. (77:20)  Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught, “In every age the Lord gives his people the direction they need ________________.” (77:21)  When we give heed to the words of living prophets, we build our homes __________________. (77:23)  When it comes to the teachings of living prophets, what is our choice? (77:24) “The Doctrine of Christ,” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson  What evidence do we have, from the Apostle Paul, of an apostasy? (79:1-4)  What is the “Doctrine of Christ”? (79-80)  According to J. Reuben Clark Jr., how is doctrine disseminated from the President of the Church? (80:13)  How does the Savior reveal his will and doctrine to prophets, seers, and revelators? (80:14)  What happened to the Apostle Peter in Joppa? (80-81)  What evidence from the New Testament do we have that revelation can come in a council setting? (81:25-28)  Is every statement made by a Church leader true doctrine? (82:30)  What was the difference in the two sermons preached by Brigham Young regarding Johnson’s Army? (82:31-33)

According to Joseph Smith, what are the fundamental principles of our religion? (82:34)

“The Plan of Happiness,” by President Boyd K. Packer               

President Packer taught that there are two essential ingredients to a happy marriage. They are _________________. (83:1) What temple were the Packer’s married in? (83:2) President Packer taught that the end of all activity in the Church is _______________. (83:3) “The commandment to multiply and replenish the earth has never been _________. (83:9) How did President Packer describe procreation? (83:9) How did President Packer describe long-time married love? (83:12) How did President Packer describe “true love”? (83:13) “Love is nourished by ________________.” (84:15) The spirit and the body constitute the ______________. (84:16) What is a bridle used for? (84:17) Because Satan cannot begat life, what does he do? (84:18) What are the only legitimate, authorized expressions of procreation? (84:21) To be sealed in the temple is more than ____________ (84:27) What is the greatest reward that has come to President Packer and his wife, Donna? (85:28) By what power can families be together forever? (85:29)

“Why Marriage and Family Matter—Everywhere in the World,” by Elder L. Tom Perry  According to Pope Francis, how is the culture of “temporary” impacting families? (86:12)  According to Elder L. Tom Perry, how as our view of the family, as Latter-day Saints, different from the rest of the world? (86:9-10)  Our entire theology centers on ______________. (87:14)  The family is the basic unit of society, here on this earth, and ______________. (87:16)  Why should marriage and family matter? (87:20)  How does New York Times columnist, David Brooks, feel about freedom vs. commitment? (87:22)  What impact does the media have on marriage and family? (87:23)  Elder Perry concluded his last ever conference talk by stating that “the older I get, the more I realize that family is _____________________.” (88:29-30) “It’s Not Good for Man or Woman to Be Alone,” Sister Sheri Dew  “Two are usually better than _________.” (102:3)  “Satan understands the power of men and women united _____________.” (102:4)  What is Lucifer determined to do? (102:4)  Men and women are not whole or complete without ____________. (102:5)

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The Highest ordinances of the Temple can only be received by ______________. Womanhood plus priesthood means _________________. (103:9) “A man is never more magnificent than when he is guided by the Spirit to honor __________________.” (103:11). “If you will marry a virtuous woman who can __________________, she will bless your life ___________________.” (103:12) Sheri Dew admonished the men of the Church to listen and learn from ____________________. (103:13) “Look to the Lord and not to the world for your ideas and ideals about _________________.” (104:18)

“Keys and Authority of the Priesthood,” by Elder Dallin H. Oaks            

Priesthood power blesses _____________. (105:2) What is the priesthood? (105:3) What are priesthood keys? (105:4) Priesthood authority and priesthood keys both enlarges and ____________. (105:5) What are priesthood keys that have not been given to mortal men? (106:7) Joseph Fielding Smith explained that women who serve in the Church do so with priesthood ______________. (106:9-12) Elder Oaks explained that whoever exercises priesthood authority should forget about their rights and concentrate on ___________________. (107:13) The Lord has directed that only men will _______________. (107:15) Although men hold the priesthood; they are not ____________________. (107:15) President Spencer W. Kimball stated that men and women are ____________. (107:19) “In the eyes of God, whether in the Church or in the family, women and men are equal, with different _______________.” (107:20) When men and women go to the temple, they are both ordained with _______________. (108:24)

“Let Us Think Straight,” by Elder M. Russell Ballard       

What were the last words of Elder Ballard’s dying grandfather? (110:8-9) “Today anyone who is clever, articulate, and glib can find an audience and _____________.” (110:11) Gender is ____________. (110:17) All men and women of the Church serve under those who _______________. (111:24) A woman cannot conceive a child without a man, and a man cannot fully _______________. (112:29) Men are not the ______________. (112:29) One-half of all the teaching that takes place in the Church is done by ________. (112:35)

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What council did Elder Ballard have more priesthood leaders who do not seek input from women? (113:39-42) Equal does not mean ______________. (113:43) Women come to earth with unique gifts and _______________. (114:46) “A husband and wife righteously working together ______________.” (114:47) What did President Joseph Fieldi...

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