Unit 1 Study Guide PDF

Title Unit 1 Study Guide
Author Shandon Pendleton
Course Honors World Civilization to 1500
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 2
File Size 105.3 KB
File Type PDF
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FIRST UNIT EXAM STUDY GUIDE History 201, Doxey Test advice Some of the test is “objective,” that is, multiple-choice, true/false, and so forth. Some of the test is short-answer, fill in the blank, and brief essay. You do not need a Blue Book. Paper is provided. History exams usually test two things: (1) your familiarity with the material, and (2) your ability to identify and reason about its significance. The latter usually includes an ability to explain causes and factors leading to certain developments in history. Sometimes you are asked to compare and contrast different aspects of history. The underlined headings below are the main topics we have studied so far. The words underneath the headings are some of the things we covered as part of that topic. Be sure to study the slides and the other items posted on the Content tab of Learning Suite and your notes from class. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the words under the unit headings below are some sort of vocabulary test. The list is a reminder of some of the things and concepts we have studied, but these are not the only things. Obviously, if there is an item below that is unfamiliar to you, you’ll want to identify it and understand its significance; but vocabulary is not the emphasis on the test.

What is history? Patterns in history (cyclical, progressive, divine Providenc, etc.)

Creation Myths Mythos Logos doctrine Evolution as a mythos Ex nihilo creation Major similarities and differences of myths

Early Civilizations “Civilization” (define) Settled vs. nomadic Agricultural revolution Animal Husbandry Agricultural surplus Stratification of society Paleolithic Neolithic Chalcolithic Bronze Age Importance of river valleys

Mesopotamia Geography’s influence Sumer Babylonia Akkadians Canals City-states Religion in Mesopotamia Ur Epic of Gilgamesh Ziggurat Code of Hammurabi Cuneiform

“I saw Aunt Rose” (earliest writing system principle) Tigris Euphrates Semitic, Indo-European, Hamitic speakers

Egypt Geography’s influence Nile Upper Egypt Lower Egypt Hieroglyphics Hieratic script Demotic script Papyrus Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms Hyksos Hittites Religious views on eternal life Ma'at Osiris Isis Horus Amon-Ra (Amon-Re) Stylized art Pharaoh Sea Peoples Greco-Roman Egypt and syncretism Cleopatra

Phoenicians Tyre and Sidon Alphabet Cedars of Lebanon Shipping and trade Phoenician Empire? Carthage

Child sacrifice

Assyrians Nineveh How they succeeded Client states Their legacy? Lost Ten Tribes

Persians Indo-Europeans Iran Medes and Persians Cyrus the Great Satrap and Satrapy Why successful Persepolis Zoroaster or Zarathustra Basic beliefs of Zoroastrianism Ahura Mazda Ahriman Zend Avesta Fire temples

Hebrews Sense of identity as a people Going from nomad to settled Tribal elders Saul David Solomon Jeroboam Rehoboam Kingdom of Israel Kingdom of Judah Diaspora (scattered Israel) Monotheism Development of kingship

Sample short answer questions 1. What can be meant by “empire”? “City-state”? “Kingdom”? 2. How is an alphabet different from a pictographic writing system? 3. What do we mean by “civilization” in our discussions about ancient societies? 4. Who were the “Sea Peoples” who invaded and destabilized ancient Egypt? Sample Essay Questions 1. Outline the development of the institution of kingship among the ancient Israelites from Saul to the division of the kingdom. Explain what factors contributed to these developments. 2. Compare what we have studied about the ancient versions of Buddhism and Hinduism, which are both religions that arose out of ancient Indian culture. In what major ways are they essentially the same or different? 3. What importance did the Nile River have in the economic, political, and cultural development of Egypt? In what ways was the Egyptian experience different than the experience of other ancient societies who settled in river valleys? Explain how geography contributed to the difference....

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