Study Guide - UNIT 1 PDF

Title Study Guide - UNIT 1
Author Kiet Le
Course American History To 1865
Institution University of Georgia
Pages 5
File Size 169.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
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UNIT 1...


What was significant about Spanish, French and English colonies in North America? -English and Spanish: Exploration and settlement -French: Exploration not settlement

How did the Mayflower Compact, 1620 illustrate the desires of Puritan leaders in Massachusetts Bay? - An agreement reached by the Pilgrims on the ship the Mayflower in 1620, just before they landed at Plymouth Rock. The Mayflower Compact bound them to live in a civil society according to their own laws. “self-governed” Which specific colonies comprised the New England, Middle and Southern regions? -The English colonies

What reasons did each colony have to be created?

What motivated Europeans to colonize the “New World”? -Gold, Glory, and God

How did the English Civil War affect the colonies?

Colonial Developments What was a Cash Crop? -A crop that had commercial value and high profit -Example: tobacco, rice, and indigo

According to George Alsop, what was the most important crop to the Chesapeake Colonies? -Tobacco

How did Bacon’s Rebellion clearly show the differences between the Gentry (wealthy) and Yeoman (poor) farmers throughout the Southern colonies?

How did the outcome of Bacon’s rebellion contribute to the importation of more slaves? -More lands must be available for future growth

Who was Olaudah Equiano? -He was born in Africa and captured to America and sold to many masters. -He was sent to the colony of Virginia and later sold to Michael Henry Pascal, a lieutenant in the Royal Navy -He bought his freedom in 1766 and became an active abolitionist -he gave speeches to the English about the cruelty of slavery and the slave trade

Explain how Puritan societies in New England were established? -Winthrop’s Model of Christian Charity -“City on a Hill”- rich and powerful offer money assistance to the poor and weak; the poor and weak give work, trust, and respect to the rich and powerful

What is Mercantilism? What was Triangular Trade? -Mercantilism is the economic theory that was popular during the 15th-16th centuries that stated empires power has directly connected to its amount of gold and silver. -Triangular Trade Raw Materials


Manufactored Goods/Weapon


9 million people brought to America between 1600-1850


What were the Navigation Acts, 1660? The British policy on the trade of product and commercial -All ships must be British -3/4 of crew members must be British -Certain goods might not leave the empire (spices, sugar, tobacco) -Certain goods must be sent to England to be accounted and taxed prior to final sale

SALUTARY NEGLECT!!! ☺ -Colonist begin to not follow laws passed by the Parliament when were not enforced

Colonial Unrest What was the main cause of the French & Indian War? -The colonist provoked the Indian by expanding their territory into the Indian’s area

What did Nathaniel Ames predict about the “future” state of North America? -Resources will be discovered and exploited -Improvement in the exercise of art and handcraft among men -“If you look at today’s continent, American’s resources are discovered and art are improved

What was the Proclamation of 1763? -British policy toward the colonies: All expansion beyond the borders of the Appalachian Mountains is hereby prohibited / denied

Who were the Sons of Liberty?

What was the purpose of the Sugar and Stamp Acts? -The Sugar and Stamp Acts were created primarily to tax the colonists from machineries to governors

How many people were killed during the Boston Massacre in March, 1770? -5 deaths

What was the result of the Boston Tea Party? -342 chests & 92,000 lbs = 1.7 million of tea was destroyed

What were the Coercive Acts? -Boston Harbor is closed until debt of tea is repaid

Where did the Battle of Bunker Hill occur? -Charles Town, Boston MA

List the parts of the Declaration of Independence.

What were the Advantages/Disadvantages of the Continental and British Armies during the Revolutionary War? American: +Advantage: -Home country -Supports from the Patriot -Supports from allies +Disadvantage: -Government was weak / Weak Leadership -New Country

British: +Advantage:

-Strong army -Adequate weapons -Strong merchant fleet -Good leadership -Money and resources +Disadvantage: -Long distance to the border of American continent -Lack of allies

What happened at the Battle of Saratoga? -In July, 1777 the British had planned to cut off New England from the rest of the colonies -General Burgoyne moved through the rugged terrain of upstate New York -As the Patriots retreated they destroyed bridges and felled trees to obstruct the British -By September, the British had run low on supplies and were surrounded by a growing Patriot Army -General Burgoyne’s surrender to Gates was an unbelievable defeat for the British -The victory secured French assistance to the American

How did the Battle of Yorktown result in the end of the Revolutionary War?...

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