Unit 3 and 4 Crossword Puzzles for Biology PDF

Title Unit 3 and 4 Crossword Puzzles for Biology
Author Steph Hurst
Course Biology
Institution University of Queensland
Pages 1
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From year 12 study for Biology, but in relation to Biology in University. Revision for exam at end of year exams. Great revision...


UNIT 4 REVISION UNIT 3 REVISION Across 8. the drifting of the frequency of alleles relative to that of other alleles in a population over time Across as a result of a chance or random event 2. isisannot abiotic biotic factor that restricts the number of individuals in a 11. any chromosome that a sex or chromosome population 14. a segment of a DNA or RNA molecule containing information coding for a protein or peptide sequence the amount of chemical energy, typically expressed as carbon biomass, 16. the condition of4.having a diploid chromosome complement in which one chromosome lacks itsthat homologous primary producers create in a given length of time partner 6. results when organisms struggle to survive in a habitat with limited resources 18. the region of a chromosome to which the microtubules of the spindle attach, via the kinetochore, during cell division13. the role and space that an organism fills in an ecosystem, including all its interactions andspecies abioticthat factors of its environment 26. the similar development of a with traitthe in biotic distinct are not closely related, but share a 17. in theresponse ultimatetosource of evolutionary energy for organisms similar original trait similar pressure.found in an ecosystem 20. selection a plant orwhere animal a unique and in crucial role in the an 30. type of phenotypic thethat mostplays common phenotype the population is way selected for and ecosystem functions continues to dominate in future generations. 22. the energy stored as biomass (gross production – energy lost as heat in 32. type of sugar in DNA respiration) 34. speciation and macroevolutionary changes result from an accumulation of these changes over time the area of each step isface proportional to the 35. populations with23. reduced genetic diversity an increased risknumbers of thisof organisms present at each trophic level 38. the process in which organisms that are not closely related independently evolve similar features 24. factors that are the living parts of the ecosystem 39. translation of mRNA into amino acid sequences occurs here consists of all the plants and animals that occupy a particular area 42. second stage of 28. protein synthesis group of organisms that consists of aconfer commona ancestor all its on lineal 43. this occurs when30. thea pressures of environmental selection selectiveand advantage a specific descendants phenotype to enhance its survival (viability) and reproduction (fecundity) process by between which communities of plants and animals colonise an area and to 47. the accumulation31. of adifferences closely related populations within a species, leading then, over time, are replaced by other, more varied organisms speciation. 33.DNA theatprocess of points identifying areas within an overall habitat, which may be very 55. these enzymes cut specific different from each other and which need to be sampled separately Down 35. thefrom position occupied by a group organisms in a food chain 1. relating to or arising non-genetic influences on of gene expression 36. dissolving limestone of deposits by rainincluding returns carbon atoms atmospheric 2. all the genetic material in the of chromosomes an organism, its genes andtoDNA sequences carbon dioxide 3. the first (primary) transcript from a protein coding gene that contains both introns and exons 39. tends to maximize population size and operates in populations living at a 4. RNA base that replaces thymine density near where the limit imposed by for their resources (carryingover capacity, K) 5. type of phenotypic selection extreme values a trait are favoured intermediate values 40.divided a growth pattern (J curve) that occurs in an ideal, unlimited environment and the population is into two distinct groups. 41. nucleotides stages of succession 6. a sequence of three forming a unit of genetic code in a transfer RNA molecule, 42. composed of varied habitats corresponding to a complementary codon in mRNA includes the diversity of from species ecosystems 7. the movement and 44. exchange of genes or alleles one and population of species to another Down 9. type of phenotypic selection where an extreme phenotype is favoured over other phenotypes, causing canover be hierarchical and based of on that different levels of similarity of the allele frequency1.tothis shift time in the direction phenotype. features, andofmolecular 10. the frequency ofphysical an allele relativemethods to thatofofreproduction other alleles the same sequences gene in a population 3. final stage of succession 12. base that pairs with adenine 5. the area of each step is proportional to the to total dry mass of all the 13. coding genes organisms in of that trophic or level. 15. the ability to produce an present abundance offspring new growth of fossil fuels releases stored carbon into the refers atmosphere 17. a trait in which7.a the geneburning is located on a sex chromosome. In humans, thedioxide term generally to 8. a measure of the relative abundance of the different species traits that are influenced by genes on the X chromosome the index used to estimate population 19. when two or more9.species reciprocally affect each other'ssize evolution through the process of natural 10. a sampling line over an environmental gradient selection. when living organisms (plants, animals and decomposers) do this they release 20. another word for11. survival carbon dioxide intoorthe atmosphere 21. a mutation caused by the addition deletion of a base pair or base pairs in the DNA of a gene 12. organisms that harness theinenergy of the sun to make biomass resulting in the translation of the genetic code an unnatural reading frame from the position of the 14. factors that are the non-living parts of the ecosystem mutation to the end of the gene 15. when complex, carbon in dead organisms, and faeces of areits broken 22. the set of observable characteristics of compounds an individual resulting from urine the interaction down into simpler carbon compounds by bacteria or fungi genotype with the environment 16. features include ability to fixate nitrogen, tolerance to extreme conditions, 23. a mutation affecting only one or very few nucleotides in a gene sequence rapid source germination of seeds, abilityastoitphotosynthesise 24. this is the ultimate of genetic variation, introduces new alleles to a population 17.factor can befamilies reduced regulate by calibrating equipment 25. HOX transcription this 18. type of succession where plants grow where none have grown before, starting 27. base that pairs with cytosine from bare rock water 28. an agent, such as radiation or or a chemical substance, which causes genetic mutation 19. or theRNA Sun’s light which energydoes is captured by green plants and the algae during of 29. a segment of a DNA molecule not code and for used proteins and interrupts sequence photosynthesis, to make this genes 21. the number of different species in an ecosystem 31. a compound structure at the end of a chromosome 23. process dioxide the atmosphere and form it 33. a type of RNA molecule that where helps plants decode absorb an mRNAcarbon sequence into from a protein sugar, starch and otheroforganic compounds. This is set the only process in the 36. the condition ofinto having an abnormal number chromosomes in a haploid carbon cycle that decreases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 37. region/s of DNA that are made up of nucleotides; the molecular unit of heredity 25. assumptions include commonly ancestry, bifurcation and 38. a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code physical in a DNA change or RNA molecule thesefrequencies are assumedattooraccumulate at a constant rate over time, time, resulting and 40. the variation of26. allele above the mutations level of species over geological therefore provide a method for dating divergence in the divergence of taxonomic groups, in which the descendant is in a different taxonomic group to the 27. a growth pattern (S curve) that occurs when environmental pressures slow the ancestor rate of growth 41. a double-stranded molecule that occurs bound to proteins (histones) in chromosomes in the nucleus 29. an example of an interspecific hybrid that does not produce fertile offspring 44. the amplification of recombinant DNA 32.sticky moves ends carbon form of biological molecules along the food chain 45. this enzyme binds of in DNAthe together a complex network of evolve inter-related food chains 46. speciation that 34. occurs when new species in contiguous, yet spatially segregated habitats. depends on the number added to of thegenes population from births and Individuals maintain37. a zone of contact and do of notindividuals cease the exchange completely. immigration, minus the number lost through deaths and emigration 48. this refers to an increase in taxonomic diversity or morphological disparity 38. plants grow where there has been a previous population that were destroyed by 49. the purpose of this to synthesise a functional gene product (protein or functional RNA); that the something like fire process can be regulated and is used by all known life 43. the size of the population that can be supported indefinitely on the 50. change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, which may result in available the development of new speciesresources and services of that ecosystem 51. a condition in which an extra copy of a chromosome is present in the cell nuclei, causing developmental abnormalities 52. this can lead to aneuploidy 53. small-scale variation of allele frequencies within a species or population, in which the descendant is of the same taxonomic group as the ancestor 54. type of sugar in RNA...

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