Biology UNIT 4 Key Terms PDF

Title Biology UNIT 4 Key Terms
Course Biology
Institution High School - Canada
Pages 3
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Textbook notes from Grade 12 Biology. It is an intensive course and most words should be known. I have removed the un-needed key words that were not tested on (Mr. Chanson)...


UNIT FOUR o Chapter 10: pg 337-347 – Begin reading at Chapter 10 start and stop reading at the end of “Formation of White Blood Cells and Platelets o Chapter 11: pg 356-367 – Begin reading at Chapter 11 start and stop reading at the end of “Cardiac Cycle and Heart Sounds” o Chapter 11: pg 370-373 – Begin reading at “Blood Vessels” and stop reading at end of “Microscopic Anatomy of Blood Vessels” o Chapter 11: pg 386-388 – Begin reading at “Capillary Exchange of Gases and Nutrients and stop reading at the end of “Capillary Exchange of Gases and Nutrients” o Chapter 12: pg 398-400 – Begin reading at Chapter 12 start and stop reading at end of “Lymphatic Vessels”

blood — liquid connective tissue composed of plasma and cells responsible for transporting substances such as nutrients and oxygen around the body formed elements — cellular portion of blood plasma — the fluid portion of the blood buffy coat — hematocrit — the percentage of erythrocytes to total blood volume albumin — a protein found in virtually all animals; the most abundant plasma protein erythrocytes — red blood cells red blood cells (RBCs) — see erythrocytes hemoglobin (Hb) — the oxygen-transporting pigment of erythrocytes anemia — reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood caused by a decreased number of erythrocytes or decreased percentage of hemoglobin in the blood sickle cell anemia (SCA) — sickle cell trait — polycythemia — presence of an abnormally large number of erythrocytes in the blood leukocyte — white blood cell white blood cell (WBC) — see leukocyte diapedesis — the passage of blood cells through intact vessel walls into the tissues positive chemotaxis — amoeboid motion — leukocytosis — cytosis — leukopenia — leukemia — a cancerous condition in which there is an excessive production of immature leukocytes granulocytes — neutrophils — the most abundant of the white blood cells eosinophils — granular white blood cells whose granules readily take up a stain called eosin

basophils — white blood cells whose granules stain deep blue with basic dye; have a relatively pale nucleus and granular-appearing cytoplasm histamine — a substance that causes vasodilation and increased vascular permeability agranulocytes — lymphocytes — agranular white blood cells formed in the bone marrow that mature in the lymphoid tissue monocyte — large single-nuclear white blood cell; agranular leukocyte platelet — one of the irregular cell fragments of blood; involved in clotting megakaryocytes — large, multinucleate cells that fragment to produce platelets hematopoiesis — formation of blood cells myeloid tissue — myelin — a white, fatty lipid substance hemocytoblasts — stem cells that give rise to all the formed elements of the blood stem cell — reticulocyte — erythropoietin — hormone that stimulates erythrocyte production; secreted by kidneys colony stimulating factors (CSFs) — thrombopoietin — vascular system — artery — a vessel that carries blood away from the heart arteriole — minute artery capillary beds — venule — a small vein vein — a vessel carrying blood away from the tissues toward the heart tunica intima — the innermost lining of blood vessels made of endothelium on a basement membrane; the only layer forming a capillary wall lumen — the space inside a tube, blood vessel, or hollow organ tunica media — the middle layer of blood vessel walls containing smooth muscle and elastic fibers tunica externa — outermost layer of blood vessel walls made of fibrous connective tissue valves microcirculation — structures that close to prevent backflow of blood in the heart or in large veins vascular shunt — a vessel that directly connects the arteriole and venule of a capillary bed terminal arteriole — postcapillary venule — precapillary sphincter — thrombophlebitis — pulmonary embolism — interstitial fluid — the fluid between the cells; also called tissue fluid; see also extracellular fluid tissue fluid — see interstitial fluid and extracellular fluid extracellular fluid (ECF) — fluid within the body but outside the cells; also called tissue fluid; see interstitial fluid

atherosclerosis — changes in the walls of large arteries consisting of lipid deposits on the artery walls; the early stage of arteriosclerosis and increased rigidity fatty streak stage — fibrous plaques — atherosclerotic plaques — arteriosclerosis — any of a number of proliferative and degenerative changes in the arteries leading to their decreased elasticity and hardening; end stage of atherosclerosis complicated plaques — myocardial infarction — a condition characterized by dead tissue areas in the myocardium caused by interruption of blood supply to the area intercellular clefts — fenestrated capillaries — unique capillaries with large pores that allow extensive exchange...

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