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Japanese History Terminology....


Amaterasu-Is the Kami who is enshrined in the Ise Grand Shrine. Holiest shrine in Japan. Sun Goddess Daughter of Izanagi and Izanami. Most important Kami in the Shinto Religion Amida Buddha-Buddha presides over the Western Paradise Maitreya the Buddha of the future whose coming would usher a new or cosmic age. Antoku-Taira no Kiyomori made his son Emperor Antoku. His ascension spurred the Genpei War of 1180’s and he would soon after die as the only emperor in battle from the battle of Dano no Ura which led to the demise of the Taira Clan. Drowing of Emperor Antoku Ashikaga Takauji-(1338-1358) Moves Bakufu to Kyoto.Turns on bakufu and supports Daigo success but Daigo then tries to make his son a ruler in order to kick the warriors out. Takeuchi drives Daigo out of the country. Ashikaga Yoshimasa-(1449-1490_Succesor of Yoshimitsu creates the Silver Pavillion, Tea ceremony, Linked verse Renga Ashikaga Yoshimitsu-(1368-1408) Big Sponsor of No Theater Creator of the Golden Pavillion Patron activists. 3rd great patron and collector of Chinese paintings. Dengaku rice rituals. BE-Immigrants of the Korean Peninsula that supplied the Yamato court with food, tools, weapons, clothing etc. and caring for horses and serving scribes. Association of craftsmen to Yamato Kings. Biwa Hoshi-The Tale of Heike mentioned the Biwa hoshi for there lute priests’ practices during the battle between the Taira and Minamoto family. There ritual techniques included poetry, music, and spiritual purification with their lute guitar. Boddhisatva Kannon-The bodhistava that originally appeared as a male but over the centuries it became considered a woman. The concept of Nirvana with Heaven and Hell existed. One is rewarded in this life or the next for good deeds and that there’s an invisible moral order governing the universe. Beings who postponed their own salvation in order to help other living beings. Buddhism-The four noble truths life is suffering, pain and happiness are unavoidable, death is not the end, and living beings subject to reincarnation. The buddha shows the way to enlightment if you follow the right path of a positive mindset and good decisions. Byodoin- The estate of Michinaga Fujiwara who was famous for marriage politics. In addition, it was created during the Heian period and dedicated to the Amidda Buddha. Izanami-In the records of Kojiki and Nihon Shoki Izanami is mentioned as a divine deity born of the seven generations of Japanese mythology and Shinto. He is one of the gods who legends have it by people believe that he created the islands of Japan and gave birth to many gods. Jesuits-Members of the Society of Jesus founded in 1540 who formed the Catholic Counter reformation. During 1587 the Jesuits political and economic success helped the spread of Christianity but power brought risks to them. Nobunaga became friends with the Jesuits in (1532-1584) during Kyushu’s bloody power struggle. Jinshin War-was a war of succession in Japan after the death of Emperor Tenji in 671. Jito-Chinese capital was established by this handsome man in the city of Nara in the 8 th century. Jito (645-703) worked with Tenmu to extend and strengthen beau racy and survey the population by extracting taxes and military service and to reduce power of the preexisting regional authorities. Creation of political title tenmo and country name Nippon. Medevil stewards who were in charge of taxation and the administration and administrate the lands of farmers. Joel Code-Hojo concept of 1232 the first codification of warrior law. To define the duties of stewards and military governors. Clarify matters of land tenure and succession including the property rights of women. Settling warrior disputes usually over land rights. Jokyu Disturbance- 1221 a battle between retired emperor Go-Toba and those of the Hojo Clan in the Kamakura Shogunate. Go-Toba wanted to overthrow the Shogunate main battle occurs in Uji. Time to Seize the south.

Kamo no Chomei-An account of my hut Kana Writing-First system called Manyogana. Supposedly the Kana Writing System was written and invented by a Buddhist priest called Kukai in the 9 th century when he returned from china with a script. Vernacular writing used at the Heian court. Japanese poetry waka diaries tales monogatari. Kanmu-Emperor (737-860) Ascended the throne during the Heian period gain greater control of the states by reducing influence of the greater temples and noble kinship groups. Turned his back on Nara and supported Saicho the founder of Tendai Buddhism. Kenmu Restoration-1333-1336 The restoration of Go-Daigo was an attempt to reassert prerogatives of the throne. Ends of gathering a coalition of warriors to defy the bakufu. He wanted restoration of imperial rule. Came to an end in 1336 when Takuji defeated Nitta Yoshisada and then Go-Daigo is dethroned. Emperor Go-Daigo tries to get rid of it. Key Tombs-Kofun the big key tomb in Osaka belong to a very powerful emperor. Saicho- The founder of Tendai Buddhism located on Mt Hei. He was supported by Kamu and his belief in Tendai. Sei Shonagon-The Pillow Book late 10th century a conceited woman who talks about the court life and snide commentaries on contemporary manners and taste. The diarist and essayist Sei Shonogon during the Heian Period recorded her beliefs that a priest should be handsome so that the audience will have no inducement and a pleasure trip. Sekigahara-The most important battle of Japanese history between Ieyasu and what’s left of the Hideyoshi clan. After Hideyoshi’s death he asked Ieyasu to take care of his son and have him become next in power. Out wittingly Ieyaau did not keep his promise so the battle of Sekigahara unfolds in which ieyasu’s goal is to prevent the control of the country to the Hideyoshi. 1600 ieyasu wins over the hideyoshi with the support of the east as he was a great negotiator. This will begin to formulate the beginning of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Sen no Rikyu (1522-1591) The greatest of the tea masters appointed by Hideyoshi. Sen no Rikyu stressed harmony respect purity and tranquility. Influenced the power of Chojiro (1576-1592) his tea presented poverty while revealing wealth and great value. Shingon Buddhism-Founder Kukai located in MT Koya. The main text is the Dainichi Sutra and emphasizes Enlightment in this bodily existence. Esoteric practices included mudras, mantras, madalas. Founder of Shingon introduced tea to Japan. Shinran-The founder of the True Pure Land School during the Kamakura period. (1173-1262) Shiran insisted that humans were so debased to gain salvation and that they must depend on the power of the Amida buddah. Shinto-Indigenous religion of Japan Rich mythology. Polyestic religion many gods/spirits/kami. Combines ancestor worship, nature worship and Shamanism. Kami can be found everywhere. Amaterasu the most important kami of Shinto that resides in the Ise Shrine every few years or so. Shobo-A weapon of some sort and a religious factor of Buddhism that coheres with Mappo in some way. Shoen- A system of Public and private estates that could not be taxed or inspected by the aristocrats. Emperor usually gives the land to some people or peasants end up selling the land as provisional mobility and inheriting from it. This not only enrich government bureaucrats but reduces power of the states and revenue of the court. This system began during the Heian period. Daimyo soon came into control and exhort authority and raised taxes. Shomu-Emperor Shomu (701-756) (724-756) -the overseer who saw the expansion of the 8 th century state and the construction of the Great Buddha had a Fujiwara Mother and Wife. After Shomu died the marriage politics backfired. Shugo-The Kamakura age rulers who developed powerfully in the muromachi. During the Ashikaga

age the shugo were granted extensive taxation and adjudication rights including in the 14 th century fighting a commissariat tax of half estate dues. Shugo were able to attract local warriors as vassals. Held extensive territory, recruited local warriors as vassals to augment their power, and grew autonomous bakufu in Kyoto. Military governorships. Cloistered Emperors-Was a specific form of government in the Heian Period. (1068-1160) GO-Sanjo ascends the throne 1st emperor whose mother was not daughter of the Fujiwara. Goal to control the shoen system. Retired emperors become private estate owners. Shoen system. Retired emperor becomes powerful at the court. Warriors involved in disputes. Confucianisms-Emphasis on the arts of harminous government and proper relation. Benevolenve, Loyalty and Perfection. Daimyo-Warlords during the Sengoku period. Dogen(1200-1253) the founder of Soto Zen that appealed to the commoners. Silent meditation and shock and master disciple were involved. Dogu-Ceramic figures during the Jomon period that kind of looked like people. Made out of clay that emphaisized sympathetic magic. Most figurines are modeled by women. Legend has it that it could clear illness. Dual GovernmentEisai-(1141-1215) studied in China during the Kamakura Period. Made two trips to China brought back religious ideas and tea that would fuel japanaese zen. Follower of Rinzai and recommended Nenbutsu in Kyoto and observed Shingon and Tendai buddism. Go-Shirakawa (1155-1158) One of the retired emperors during the late Heian period. The retired emperor system came to an end under go-shirakawa. Was a supportive person in the Genpai War and helped the Kiyomori win. Was an ally of Kiyomri. Abdicated in hopes of controlling the government. The so-called Hôgen Rebellion ultimately ended in victory for Go-Shirakawa's supporters, and the exile of Retired Emperor Sutoku. Enrayakuji-Temple The base of operations of the Tendai sect in Mount hei founded by Saicho in 788 Francis Xavier-(1506-1552) an original member of society that landed on Kyushu and brought the Jesuists to spread Christianity.Was a very important man in Kyushu and arrived in a unprecedented time. Fujiwara No Michinaga-Marriage politics expert. (995-1027) Control court during 5 emperor reigns. Never took the title of Kanpaku Regent Title.Placing daughters with the Imperial Family. Employed Murasaki Shikibu Fujiwara No Nobuyori-(1133-1160) was one of the chief allies to Minamoto no Yoshitomo during the battle of Heiji Rebellion Supported Go-Shirakawa Fujiwara No Yoshifusa(804-872) head of the council state during the Heian Period. Placed his grandson on the throne and assume the title of sessho. Gekokujo-Wealthy peasants become landowners and take samurai status. Lower overtaking of a superior . Lazy taro and Delicious poison are examples of Gekokujo Genpei War-Protect noblemen in the capital. To bring an end to the Heian power that is shifting to court. Winner Minamoto Yoritomo Vs Taira Kiyomori Ginkakuji-Silver Pavillion that was built by Yoshimitsu. Contains Chinese elements located in Kyoto. Go-Sanjo-Emperor of the Heian Period. Mother is not of Fujiwara Descent. Haniwa-Terra Cotta figurines often found in buriual mounds portray people Heiji War-(1159-1160) Kiyomori vs Yoshitomo conflict between the cloistered emperors and the military men. A struggle of power between the two factions.

Heikegani-The Samurai Crab with a face. Believe to be reincarnation of Heike warriors. Defeated at the battle of Dan no oura. Hogen War (1156) Taira vs Shirikawa to breakdown the aristrocratic power. A power struggle battle for Japanese Succession. The dispute was also about the degree of control exercised by the Fujiwara clan who had become hereditary Imperial regents during the Heian period. Hojo Clan- The rulers of the Kamakura period from (1199-1333) Expelled afterwards by the Shogunate.Yoritomo established the Kamakura shogunate. Hojo excercised control over the bakufu. Reflected their concept of government with the Joel law code of 1232. Hojoki- is an important and popular short work of the early Kamakura period (1185–1333) in Japan by Kamo no Chōmei. Written in 1212, the work depicts the Buddhist concept of impermanence (mujō) through the description of various disasters such as earthquake, famine, whirlwind and conflagration that befall the people of the capital city Kyoto. The author Chōmei, who in his early career worked as court poet and was also an accomplished player of the biwa and koto, became a Buddhist monk in his fifties and moved farther and farther into the mountains, eventually living in a 10-foot square hut located at Mt. Hino. The work has been classified both as belonging to the zuihitsu genre and as Buddhist literature. Now considered as a Japanese literary classic, the work remains part of the Japanese school curriculum. The opening sentence of Hōjōki is famous in Japanese literature as an expression of mujō, the transience of things: Honen-Advanced in Pure land school. Honen offered the hope of rebirth in the land. Established Pure land buddism as an independent school. He stressed the practice of the nenbutsu. Honji Suijaku- Chinese Buddhist idea that was transmitted to Japan, greatly influencing the Shintō understanding of deity, or kami. As developed in the medieval period, the theory reinterpreted Japanese kami as the “manifest traces” of the “original substance” of buddhas or bodhisattvas. Ryōbu (“Dual Aspect”) Shintō is particularly expressive of this principle, and the Yui-itsu school of Shintō chauvinistically reversed the formula to make Japanese kami the “original substance.” This principle generally allowed for the pervasive blending of Shintō and Buddhist divinities and practices, a characteristic of Japanese religious life that continues in contemporary Japan Ink Paintings s a type of East Asian brush painting that uses black ink – as used in East Asian calligraphy – in different concentrations. Emerging in Tang dynasty China (618–907), it, and associated stylistic features, overturned earlier, more realistic techniques. These associated features include a preference for shades of black over variations in colour, and an emphasis on brushwork and the perceived "spirit" or "essence" of a subject over direct imitation.[2][3][4] It flourished in the Song dynasty (960–1279), as well as Japan after it was introduced by Zen Buddhist monks in the 14th century.[1] Ippen-One of the best known Ippen(1239-1289) practiced dance nenbutsu and became the famous subject of a illustrated scroll. Izanagi-Amtamerasu daughters and a divine diety. Kinkakuji fficially named Rokuon-ji (鹿苑寺, literally "Deer Garden Temple"), is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan.[2] It is one of the most popular buildings in Japan, attracting many visitors annually.[3] It is designated as a National Special Historic Site, a National Special Landscape and is one of 17 locations making up the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto which are World Heritage Sites.[4] Golden pavilion that was created by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu Kojiki- History of how Japan is made through Mythology. Origins of Japan. Provides justification for the sovereings via lineagae the descendents of the sun goddess amatarasu compiled in 712. Kokinwakashu an early anthology of the waka form of Japanese poetry, dating from the Heian period. It is an Imperial anthology, conceived of by Emperor Uda (r. 887–897) and published by order of his

son Emperor Daigo (r. 897–930), in about 905. Its finished form dates to c. 920, though according to several historical accounts the last poem was added to the collection in 914. The compilers of the anthology were four court poets, led by Ki no Tsurayuki and also including Ki no Tomonori (who died before its completion), Ōshikōchi no Mitsune, and Mibu no Tadamine. Kukai-Founder of Shingon Buddhism during the Heian Period. The main text that he followed was the Dainichi Sutra. Kuya-Kuya (903-972)Founder of Pure Land Buddhism. Genshin and amidsim during the Heian Period. Mappo was a belief of the end of days. Worship the Amida Buddah recitation of the nenbutsu. Genshi (942-947)Tendai priest author. Kyogen Theater-Delicious poison comedic piece of Kyogen theater. Functions as interlude to Noh plays.Kyogen actors attached to no troupes. Sometimes paraodies. Magatama-Part of the Kofun beads that were later made by Jade at the end of the Kofun period. They had a ceremonial and decorative function during the end of the Jomon period. Used for decorative purposes during the Kofun period. Mandala-Hand Symbols Mappo-The end of days Chomei An Account of his Ten-foot story hut. Talks about the instability of the capital. Natural disasters were another factor in the story and the moving of the capital became another factor. Need Amida Buddha in your life. Marriage Politics-Fujiwara no Michiinaga the boss of marriage politics. Minamoto Clan-One of the great Japanese clans that dominated Japanese politics during the Heian Period. Decimated the Taira clan in the battle of Dan no ura. Minamoto no Yoritomo-A person who took part in the Genpei War was refrenced in the tale of genji noh theater shoguns Emperor is never replaced. Pushes the Taira clan out of the capital. 1199 during the Kamakura period he dies and kills his family. Minamoto no Yoshimoto-The creator of the Kamakura Bakufu. Not a great general but a consummate politician and effective organizer during the Kamakura period. Mongol Invasion- 1st try was failure typhoon killed 2nd attempt failure than even before typhoon hits again but the government of Japan during this time is in a weakened state. Due to the Mongol invasion people defending Japan did not like the fact that they were not getting rewarded for there efforts. while defending the country against the Mongols. This led to conflicts between the people. Government could not do anything to reward them. Mt. Koya-The location of Shigon buddhism by the founder kukai. Shingon buddhism is practiced on Mt Koya Emphasizes the Enlightment as existing in the body. Esoteric practices mudras,mantras,mandalas. Mudra-Hand symbols based off the Buddhists Dieties. Mujo—Impermance like in the account of my hut reading with the capital going through diasasters and mappo and change affect society in more ways than one. Murasaki Shikibu was a Japanese novelist, poet and lady-in-waiting at the Imperial court during the Heian period. She is best known as the author of The Tale of Genji, widely considered to be the world's first novel, written in Japanese between about 1000 and 1012.[1] Murasaki Shikibu is a descriptive name; her personal name is unknown, but she may have been Fujiwara no Kaoruko ( 藤原 香子), who was mentioned in a 1007 court diary as an imperial lady-in-waiting. Heian women were traditionally excluded from learning Chinese, the written language of government, but Murasaki, raised in her erudite father's household, showed a precocious aptitude for the Chinese

classics and managed to acquire fluency. She married in her mid-to late twenties and gave birth to a daughter before her husband died, two years after they were married. It is uncertain when she began to write The Tale of Genji, but it was probably while she was married or shortly after she was widowed. In about 1005, Murasaki was invited to serve as a lady-in-waiting to Empress Shōshi at the Imperial court by Fujiwara no Michinaga, probably because of her reputation as a writer. She continued to write during her service, adding scenes from court life to her work. After five or six years, she left court and retired with Shōshi to the Lake Biwa region. Scholars differ on the year of her death; although most agree on 1014, others have suggested she was alive in 1031. Murasaki wrote The Diary of Lady Murasaki, a volume of poetry, and The Tale of Genji. Within a decade of its completion, Genji was distributed throughout the provinces; within a century it was recognized as a classic of Japanese literature and had become a subject of scholarly criticism. Early in the 20th century her work was translated; a six-volume English translation was completed in 1933. Scholars continue to recognize the importance of her work, which reflects Heian court society at its peak. Since the 13th century her works have been illustrated by Japanese artists and well-known ukiyo-e woodblock masters. Nichiren-(1222-1252)Kamakura Period Lotus Sutra. Nichiren opposed pure land but believed in the Amida Buddah because he believes the lotus sutra is the only thing for salvation. Believe and have faith in the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren compet...

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