UNIT 3 Industrial ARTS: A Lecture about Industrial Arts PDF

Title UNIT 3 Industrial ARTS: A Lecture about Industrial Arts
Course Bachelor of Elementary Education
Institution Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Pages 68
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TOPICS PAGE NUMBERUNIT I: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIPLesson 1. ICT and Entrepreneurship in Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 2. Strategies in Teaching ICT and Entrepreneurship in Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 3. Preparation of Instructional Materials for Teaching ICT and Entrepren...






Lesson 1. ICT and Entrepreneurship in Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 2. Strategies in Teaching ICT and Entrepreneurship in Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 3. Preparation of Instructional Materials for Teaching ICT and Entrepreneurship in Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 4. Lesson Planning in ICT and Entrepreneurship for Grade 4, 5 and 6 UNIT II: HOME ECONOMICS

Lesson 5. Home Economics in Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 6. Strategies in Teaching Home Economics Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 7. Preparation of Instructional Materials for Teaching Home Economics in Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 8. Lesson Planning in Home Economics for Grade 4, 5 and 6 UNIT III: INDUSTRIAL ARTS

Lesson 9. Industrial Arts in Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 10. Strategies in Teaching Industrial Arts Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 11. Preparation of Instructional Materials for Teaching Industrial Arts in Grade 4, 5 and 6 Lesson 12. Lesson Planning in Industrial Arts for Grade 4, 5 and 6

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OVERVIEW Try to recall your elementary days, what are the things that you learned when you are in Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan? Maybe some of you will recall that you sew, cook, sell products and use computer, right? In connection with that you are going to look back on those topics, but this time we will be focusing on how you are going to teach those topics in EPP 4 to 6. As a start, this unit will help you to learn the content knowledge in ICT and Entrepreneurship. Furthermore, as a future educator you need to be equipped with pedagogy that can help you to teach efficiently and effectively. In this unit also, you will learn about preparation of instructional materials and writing lesson plan in ICT and Entrepreneurship. Feel motivated? That’s good, with that let us now start. OBJECTIVES At the end of the unit, I am able to: 1. 2. 3. 4.

identify the content in ICT and entrepreneurship in grades 4, 5 and 6; use the strategies in teaching ICT and entrepreneurship in grades 4, 5 and 6; demonstrate the utilization of IMs in teaching ICT and entrepreneurship in grade 4, 5 and 6; and write a lesson plan in ICT and entrepreneurship for Grades 4, 5 and 6.

ACTIVATING YOUR PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Picture Analysis: A. Make an essay about the picture and connect it on the teaching ICT.

Source: http://computingcomplete.co.uk/truth-about-ict

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________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________. B. Make an essay about the picture and connect it on “becoming an ENTREPRENEUR.”

Source: https://eyee.eu/the-profile-of-the-european-and-ethical-entrepreneur/

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EXPANDING YOUR KNOWLEDGE Content Knowledge: What am I going to teach? Now it’s time to deepen your understanding about this unit, let us first discuss the content knowledge in teaching ICT and Entrepreneurship in Grade 4 to 6. According to the K to 12 Curriculum Guide here are the topics which will be the focused across Grade 4 to 6, since the approach used is Spiral Progression. Moreover, you should be reminded that, in teaching EPP 4 and 5 you will use Filipino as the medium of instruction (MOI) however, when you are about to teach in grade 6, the MOI will be in English. Here are the topics in ICT and Entrepreneurship for Grade 4, 5 and 6: Entrepreneurship  The Concept of Entrepreneurship  The Ideal Entrepreneur ICT  Safe and responsible use of ICT  Gathering and organizing information using ICT  Analyzing information using ICT  Communicating and collaborating using ICT  Creating knowledge products As you can see there are two main focus in entrepreneurship: the concept of entrepreneurship and the ideal entrepreneur. Meaning, those are the content you will teach to your students across grade 4, 5 and 6. The Concept of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is the capacity and desire, along with all of its uncertainties, to create, organize and operate a business enterprise in order to make a profit. Starting new companies is the most famous example of entrepreneurship. In economics, a profit can be created by entrepreneurship connected with land, labor, natural resources and capital. The entrepreneurial vision is characterized by discovery and risk-taking and is an integral part of a nation's ability to compete in a global marketplace that is ever evolving and more competitive. In EPP/TLE, it simply defines as the science and art of creating and producing goods and services. Furthermore, it defines a person's ability and willingness to start a business. Entrepreneurship is considered the fourth factor of production. Other words for this are business, employment or livelihood. Entrepreneur or businessman is the name of a businessman. This is an important factor in economic growth. It has the necessary processes in its inception and in its continuous growth. One business principle used in entrepreneurship is called PDCA, or Plan, Do, Check, Act. Need to plan, implement the plan, be able to manage and continue to progress. Entrepreneurship is not just important for the business itself. It plays a big role in the economy of a country. First of all, it creates new jobs. When an entrepreneur starts a business, he or she needs to hire someone else to build the company. Moreover, entrepreneurship brings economic growth. There are four types of entrepreneurship: 1. Small business. Any business, restaurant, or retail store started by a founder may be a small company without any intention of expanding the company into a chain, franchise, or conglomerate. Opening a single grocery store, for instance, falls under the small business model; building a national chain of grocery stores does not. In order to get their businesses off the ground, small business owners typically spend their own money, and they only make money if the business succeeds. Page | 5

2. Scalable Startup. Scalable startups, while they appear to draw a lot of media attention, are less popular than small companies. These companies, sometimes as just the seeds of an idea, begin on a very small scale. 3. Large Company. These businesses are evolving around their core product by delivering fresh goods and retaining creativity. The importance of consumer needs and expectations and advanced technologies must be provided as they launch a new product on the market. We also understand that these types of businesses do this by collaborating with creative businesses or acquiring them. 4. Social Entrepreneurship. True innovators are social entrepreneurs. They build goods and services in which social needs and issues are solved. Keeping the planet healthy is their primary priority. Maximization of benefit is not their theme. Non-business, profit, or combination can be among these types of entrepreneurship. The Ideal Entrepreneur The Entrepreneur is the coordinator of the previous factors of production to produce the product and service. He also organizes, controls and ventures into decisions on matters affecting production. An entrepreneur has the mindset to be creative, full of innovation and ready to change. To do that, he must:      

Has self-interest and high business motivation Keep up with change Great at handling finances The customer becomes the focus He has a strategy about growing his business to be competitive Able to communicate, ask for help or support

Those are the simple things you are going to discuss about entrepreneurship, furthermore, entrepreneurship will be discussed deeply in EED 17 or EPP 2. Safe and responsible use of ICT Information and communication technology (ICT) is a range of technical tools and resources used for knowledge transmission, storage, development, sharing or exchange. Computers, the Internet (websites, blogs and emails), live broadcasting technology (radio, television and webcasting), recorded broadcasting technology (podcasting, audio and video players and storage devices) and telephony (fixed or mobile, satellite, video conferencing, etc.) are included in these technical tools and services. As you are going to train children in elementary level, you should inculcate on their minds the safe and responsible use of ICT, especially in this violent and cruel world in physical and virtual. Let us tackle the ways on safe and responsible use of ICT ( from https://nairnacademy.files.wordpress.com): 1. Be Secure  I will keep passwords to myself and not share them with anyone, even my close friends.  I will always log out and log off my account on any the device that I am using.  I will always lock my computer when I walk away from the screen (even for a short while). 2. Be Respectful  I will always be respectful and use language that is acceptable.  I will not access, create, store or distribute files that may be deemed offensive, pornographic or cause anyone to be hurt or upset.  Without their permission, I won't look at someone else's data.  I know that bullying is inappropriate and can lead to very serious consequences through the use of text, visual messaging, email or on social networks.

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3. Be Safe  I am not going to share my personal information or that of other people (home address, phone number etc.)  I would be careful of emails demanding some personal details from me.  I'm going to consult with an adult or report it to a teacher about something I see that worries me.  I would not put any personal information in emails, blogs, comments or updates about other people.  Without a parent/carer or trustworthy adult, I will never meet someone offline whom I have only met online. 4. Be Responsible  When I concentrate on learning assignments, I will think carefully about the places I go online and keep focused.  I am going to take good care of the ICT devices I use.  I recognize that I will lose my access to ICT if I am reckless in my use of it.  I understand that only at accepted times will I be able to use my own laptop or cell phone in school.  If I use it without permission in class, my computer will be temporarily confiscated and reported to my parent / carer. 5. Be Legal  I will just copy / upload / print / distribute suitable materials.  With their full awareness and permission, I will only take pictures or videos of other students, friends or employees.  Without their permission, I will not copy/upload/publish/distribute others' photos or videos.  I know that unless they are copyright free, I can not copy materials, songs, videos or pictures from the internet and use them in my own work.  I'll note that everything I do, including my browsing history and material that I can copy/upload/publish or distribute, can be tracked back to me. Gathering and organizing information using ICT Now let us discuss the features of the following search engines.This is necessary for your students to know so that they can use efficiently and effectively the ICT in gathering and orgainizing information: It is a Microsoft developed and operated search engine, replacing its previous offerings of Live Search, Windows Live Search, and MSN Search. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bing_Mobile



This is considered the most popular search engine. This search engine has the ability to perform advanced search. It has a special feature for searching for academic and more scientific works using Google Scholars. It produces results based on the most popular or most visited websites. It can translate pages based on the automatic language set in the setting. It also has the ability to search for videos because Youtube is also one of their products. Yahoo Search is a well-known former yellow page directory. It is better known as an email provider site. The results it produces are according to relevance or importance of want to find. It does not have the ability to translate pages. The words used as search keywords are can be found in the title of the article. It has the ability to search for local results because are Page | there 7

localized versions.

Those are the common reference software that can be used to search information, how about you do you know other reference software other than this? Every website has a purpose. It can provide information, help with your learning, be on the road to faster communication. Although there are different features of different search engines, it is better to use two or more search engines so that it will help you to get more reliable information. There are still many search engine options like Ask.com, ogpile, Mahalo and more. But not all search engine is capable of gathering the data needed so it takes prudent and patient searching. Analyzing information using ICT Then the next question will be, “Ma’am how we are going to analyze the information we gather?”, hence the next thing you will share to your future students is to organize information using ICT. In the EPP 6, the ICT tool introduce is the Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet in analyzing information. What is MS Excel?

It is a Microsoft-created software program that uses spreadsheets with formulas and functions to organize numbers and data. Excel analysis is ubiquitous around the world and is used to conduct financial analysis for organizations of all sizes.


Moreover, here are the other uses of MS Excel:  Data entry  Data management  Accounting  Financial analysis  Charting and graphing  Programming  Time management  Task management  Financial modeling  Customer relationship management (CRM)  Almost anything that needs to be organized! Here are some basic function in MS Excel which you can help your future students to explore:

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Communicating and collaborating using ICT Typically, young people are comfortable using a variety of digital technology to connect with one another. Here are the different technologies work with different-sized groups: One-to-one  email  video calls  instant messaging One-to-many  blogging  personal website  publishing on YouTube  podcasting  posting to social media Many-to-one  searching the web  watching YouTube  browsing social media Many-to-many  discussion forums  Wikipedia How can pupils work collaboratively? The internet makes it easier for students to function and work collaboratively online, just as they have always been able to do in class. Web-based systems such as Office 365 mean that pupils can work together on files, either through allowing others to comment and review, or by collaboration in real time. This can be a very exciting mode of work due to the effectiveness with which collaborative ventures can be performed and reviewed. Teachers and pupils alike would be aware of Wikipedia's interactive existence. This will provide students with a good opportunity to become more discerning in digital content assessment, and indeed to correct mistakes or add content to Wikipedia when they can. The Basic English Wikipedia is much less 'complete' than the main version, and so 'adopting' pages here, editing or tracking these for other users is practical for primary classes. Otherwise, teachers can set up their own wiki for their class, using one of a number of online tools. A very significant aspect of software development is online collaborative working. Pupils themselves can get some experience in collaborative software development through the re-mix feature built into platforms such as Scratch, TouchDevelop and Kodu. Creating knowledge products In EPP 6, the knowledge products which is being stated here refer to those multimedia presentations the students can produce and put emphasis on MS Power Point Presentation. Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation is the program was created in a software company named Forethought, Inc. by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin. It was released Page | 10

on April 20, 1987, and after 3 months of its creation, it was acquired by Microsoft. The first version of this program, when introduced by Microsoft was MS PowerPoint 2.0 (1990). It is a presentation-based program that uses graphics, videos, etc. to make a presentation more interactive and interesting. The file extension of a saved Powerpoint presentation is “.ppt”. A PowerPoint presentation comprising slides and other features is also known as PPT. Here are the features of MS PPT:  Slide Layout Multiple options and layouts are available based on which a presentation can be created. This option is available under the “Home” section and one can select from the multiple layout options provided.  Insert – Clipart, Video, Audio, etc. Under the “Insert” category, multiple options are available where one can choose what feature they want to insert in their presentation. This may include images, audio, video, header, footer, symbols, shapes, etc.  Slide Design MS PowerPoint has various themes using which background colour and designs or textures can be added to a slide. This makes the presentation more colourful and attracts the attention of the people looking at it. This feature can be added using the “Design” category mentioned on the homepage of MS PowerPoint. Although there are existing design templates available, in case someone wants to add some new texture or colour, the option to customise the design is also available. Apart from this, slide designs can also be downloaded online.  Animations During the slide show, the slides appear on the screen one after the other. In case, one wants to add some animations to the way in which a slide presents itself, they can refer to the “Animations” category. Since creating presentations will hone the skills of your students, it is better to have a demonst...

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