Unit 4 homework - Microbiology Unit 4 Home Work PDF

Title Unit 4 homework - Microbiology Unit 4 Home Work
Course Microbiology
Institution Metropolitan Community College, Nebraska
Pages 4
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Microbiology Unit 4 Home Work...



Name: Frankline Olum

Unit 4 Homework

Date: 07/29/2021

For each scientist explain their contribution(s) to microbiology. (2pts each) 1. Pasteur- he is known for the discovery of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation where he discovered that the production of alcohol from grape juice was due to yeast thus microorganism fermented grains and fruits resulting to alcohol. He is also credited for Pasteurization where he invented the technique for treating milk and wine by gently heating them to stop bacterial contamination. He also faulted the concept of spontaneous generation where it’s grounded on the premise that life could arise spontaneously from inanimate/nonliving entities(abiogenesis) instead, he rooted for the idea of biogenesis with the premise that life originates from pre-existing life.

2. Leeuwenhoek- He invented the microscope that opened door to a new world of microorganism, he was able to correctly describe in details microorganisms like white blood cells, protozoa, and isolate numerous microorganisms.

3. Jenner-he is postulated the idea of body responding to foreign substances, he is considered the father of immunology for he was able to inoculate materials from disease causing microorganisms to develop a vaccine.

4. Hooke – he discovered the plant cell and coined the word cell which he likened it to the monastery cubes or cells.

5. Lister-He argued that microorganisms are responsible for wound infection and to address that, he invented the idea of sterilization and disinfection especially during surgery, disinfecting/sterilizing surgical equipment.

Matching. (1pt each) 6. _G___ the suffix meaning “to kill” 7. _E_ Destroying or removing all forms of microbial life 8. _D__ The absence of pathogens on an object or area 9. E__ The reduction of microbial populations to safe public health levels 10. _C The chemical disinfection of living tissue, such as skin or a mucous membrane 11. _F -he removal of transient microbes from skin by mechanical cleansing or by an antiseptic 12. __I___ Heat sufficient only to kill endospores of the botulism bacterium A. Disinfection

B. Sterilization

C. Antisepsis

E. Sanitization

F. Degerming

G. –cide

D. Asepsis H. –stat

I. Commercial sterilization

Short answer. (2pts each) What physical method of control would be most effective in each of the following situations? 13. To eliminate endospore-forming pathogens.-Autoclaving at 121 degrees Celsius,15 psi for about 15minutes will kill all organisms and their endospores 14. To sterilize milk for storage at room temperature.- The bill should be heated/pasteurized at ultrahigh temperature (UHT) treatment

15. To sterilize vaccines.-vaccines are made up of protein molecules (most),making them sensitive to heat because heat will denature and change their shape which is key for them to work properly therefore filter-sterilization is a better option. What chemical agent would be most effective in each of the following situations? 16. A puncture wound acquired while gardening.-an oxidizing agent would be more preferred in this case especially for an aerobic bacterium, the likes of hydrogen peroxide will be top of my list. 17. For presurgical scrubbing.-Finding an agent that can destroy both gram positive and negative bacteria would be preferred. 18. To sterilize packaged bandages.- Any effective agent that can penetrate the wrapping bandage would be among my choices, I googled, and ethylene oxide appeared. 19. To prevent the growth of molds in liquid cosmetics.-methylparaben

20. List and briefly discuss the nonspecific defense mechanisms that help prevent infection of the respiratory tract. (3pts)    

Epithelium/skin/anatomical barrier -first line of defense that prevents entry of most microorganism/pathogens to the body. Phagocytosis where white blood cells or leukocytes engulfs disease causing microorganisms. Mucus that traps some of the microorganism Fever- an increase will be led to a decrease of some disease causing organisms for the level of ions will also decrease which is needed by the disease causing organism.

21. What are cytokines, and why are they necessary? (3pts) They are protein in nature that are key in controlling the growth of immune system, they signal immune system to its job. They help take care of inflammation .

22. Compare and contrast attenuated and inactivated vaccines. Which type of vaccination usually provides better immunity? Why? (3pts)  Inactivated vaccines use the killed version of the germ that causes a disease. Inactivated vaccines usually don’t provide immunity (protection) that’s as strong as live vaccines. So, you may need several doses over time (booster shots) in order to get ongoing immunity against diseases for example flu vaccine, hepatitis etc.  While on the other hand, attenuated is a weakened but live form of the germ that causes a disease. Because these vaccines are so like the natural infection that they help prevent, they create a strong and long-lasting immune response. Just 1 or 2 doses of most live vaccines can give you a lifetime of protection against a germ and the disease it causes.  As to which one provides “BETTER” immunity, I will go with none of the two because I have a problem with the possibility of the germ both weakened and the killed one to defy the scientific assumption and develop into a more deadly disease-causing germ. I would feel comfortable going with mRNA or a recombinant version of the germ....

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