Unit 4 - unidad 4 top notch PDF

Title Unit 4 - unidad 4 top notch
Author Edward Cruz
Institution Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago
Pages 5
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Page 38. Exercise NOTEPADDINGD NOTEPADDING Write the name of at least one dish from your country for each category. an appetizer: fried plantain. a salad: Green salad. an entrée (main course): Mangú. a dessert: Three milk cake. a beverage: Mamajuana.Page 39. Exercise F. Inter meaningF INFER MEANING ...


Page 38. Exercise NOTEPADDING D NOTEPADDING Write the name of at least one dish from your country for each category. an appetizer: fried plantain. a salad: Green salad. an entrée (main course): Mangú. a dessert: Three milk cake. a beverage: Mamajuana.

Page 39. Exercise F. Inter meaning F INFER MEANING Check the correct answers, according to the Photo Story. 1- What does the customer order? an appetizer an entree a dessert a beverage 2-

What does the entree come with?

soup and salad salad and dessert carrots and grilled tomatoes salad and carrots or grilled tomatoes water

Page 39. Speaking A Practice ordering. First, use the menu from the World Cafe to complete the statements. Then read your statements to a partner. Your partner writes your order on his or her guest check. 1 I think I'll start with the Fried squid with spicy tomato sauce 2 Then I'll have the Mixed green salad. 3 For my main course, I'd like the Grilled fish. 4 For dessert, I'll have the Ice cream. 5 To drink, I'd like Bottled water.

Page 40. Exercise A A. Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. Add another food to each category. Fruit: 1-apples, 2-bananas, 3-grapes, 4-oranges, mangoes. Vegetables: 5- carrots, 6- peppers, 7-broccoli, 8- onions, potatoes. Meat: 9- chicken,10- lamb,11- sausage, 12- beef, pork. Seafood: 13- fish,14- clams,15- shrimp, 16- crab, 17- squid, octopus. Grains: 18- pasta, 19- rice, 20- noodles, 21- bread, Corn. dairy products: 22- butter, 23- milk, 24- cheese, 25- yogurt, cream. oils: 26- corn oil, 27- olive oil, 28-coconut oil, fish oil. sweets: 29-candy, 30-cake, 31- pie, 32- cookies, lollipop.

Page 41.. Grammar Practice

GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement or question with an affirmative or negative form of there is or there are. 1 There is some fish in the fridge. 2 There are onions in the salad. 3 Is there some cheese for my sandwich? 4 Are there any apple pies at the store? 5 There is some orange juice for your breakfast. 6 Is there anything in the fridge? 7 There isn´t anything to eat in this house! 8 There is any pasta for tonight's dinner.

Page 42. Grammar Practice GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each conversation with a, an or the. 1 A: What do you feel like eating tonight? B: Well, the seafood special sounds delicious. 2 A: I'm in the mood for a really spicy dish. B: Well, what about the Thai chicken? Thai food is usually spicy. 3 A: There are two kinds of soup: chicken noodle and mixed vegetable. B: I think I'd like the chicken noodle. I'm not a vegetable fan. 4 A: What would you like for your main course? We have a nice grilled chicken special on the menu tonight. B: That sounds good. I'll have the chicken special.

Page 44.. Exercise B B PAIR WORK Decide what to say to the server in each conversation. Then practice the conversation. 1

A: Oh, no! Take a look at this check! B: I'm not sure we have enough money. Excuse me! Do you accept credit cards?


A: Oh, no! They brought us onion soup. We ordered the tomato soup. B: You're right. Excuse me! This isn't what I ordered.


A: Oh, no! I left my money at home. B: Excuse me! Do you accept credit cards?


A: We can't order dessert. We don't have time. B: Right. Excuse me! We'll take the check, please.


A: Here's the check. Do we need to leave a tip? B: I'll ask. Excuse me! Is the tip included?


A: Where's the waitress? I'm starving. B: Excuse me! We're ready to order.

Page 48. Exercise B, C, D B Write examples of foods for each category. Spicy foods Jalapeño Popper Burgers. Spicy Shrimp Pasta Salad. Black Bean and Corn Jalapeño Poppers. Spicy Mexican Pasta Salad.

Salty foods Pasta Sauce.

Sweet foods Pancakes.

Mixed Nuts.


Fatty foods dark chicken meat and poultry skin. lard.

Tortilla Chips.



Instant Noodles.

Ice Cream.


C Write questions you can ask a waiter or a waitress. Begin each question with a capital letter and end with a question mark. 1 I Don't Like This Dish. Can You Replace It? 2 Can You Bring Me Warm Water? 3 How Long Will It Take For My Food to Be Ready?3 4 Which Beers Are on Tap?

D Complete each sentence with an affirmative or negative form of there is or there are. 1 there is too much pepper in the soup. It's too spicy. 2 Excuse me. I'm looking for a restaurant. Is there any good restaurants in the neighborhood? 3Are there any low-fat desserts on the menu? cake. Sugar isn' t good for you. 4 Is there an inexpensive restaurant nearby? 5 You should eat some fruit. There are some nice oranges on the kitchen table. 6 There is enough cheese in the fridge for two sandwiches. Let's go shopping. 7 I hope there isn´t too much sugar in the cake. Sugar isn't t good for you. 8 I'm in the mood for soup. What kind of soup Is there on the menu?...

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