Unit 5 Reading Questions 3 PDF

Title Unit 5 Reading Questions 3
Author Brandon Walker
Course The Family
Institution Brigham Young University-Idaho
Pages 2
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Brandon Walker November 18, 2015

“Mothers Who Know”, by Sister Julie B. Beck 1. Explain what Sister Beck meant when she wrote about “Mother Who Know Bear Children?” Use quotes from the article. Sister Beck talks about how in today’s world, the idea of having children is becoming less and less popular. It is almost uncool if you are a woman who desires to have children and raise a family rather than pursue a serious career. Sister Beck says “the value women place on motherhood in this life and the attributes of motherhood they attain here will rise with them in the Resurrection…There is eternal influence and power in motherhood.” Women who understand the plan of Salvation and desire to follow God’s plan, will thus desire to have and raise children. The blessings of mother hood extend beyond this life. Compare that to spending all your time collecting a bunch of paper that will not go with you once you die. 2. Explain what Sister Beck meant when she wrote about “Mother Who Know Are Nurturers?” Use quotes from the article. “To nurture means to cultivate, care for, and make grow. Therefore, mothers who know create a climate for spiritual and temporal growth in their homes. Another word for nurturing is homemaking. Homemaking includes cooking, washing clothes and dishes, and keeping an orderly home.” Oftentimes this is perceived as a demeaning responsibility or something that is not as helpful or beneficial as say a career. But Sister Beck contradict that popular worldly idea when she says “Home is where women have the most power and influence; therefore, Latter-day Saint women should be the best homemakers in the world. Working beside children in homemaking tasks creates opportunities to teach and model qualities children should emulate. Nurturing mothers are knowledgeable, but all the education women attain will avail them nothing if they do not have the skill to make a home that creates a climate for spiritual growth.”

3. Explain what Sister Beck meant when she wrote about “Mother Who Know Are Leaders?” Use quotes from the article. “In equal partnership with their husbands, they lead a great and

eternal organization. These mothers plan for the future of their organization. They plan for missions, temple marriages, and education. They plan for prayer, scripture study, and family home evening. Mothers who know build children into future leaders and are the primary examples of what leaders look like. They do not abandon their plan by succumbing to social pressure and worldly models of parenting.” Mothers make all the difference in the world. While a husband is out at work, the mother is there with the kids and she can help be an example and can help plan for the future. She can be a leader by creating leaders out of her kids. I like that it says equal partnership though because both husband and wife can show different ways of being a leader to their children. 4. Explain what Sister Beck meant when she wrote about “Mother Who Know Are Teachers” and “DO LESS?” Use quotes from the article. Mothers have the time and ability to teach their children the Gospel. I know in my life, my mother through family home evening and just through everyday experiences taught me the principles and values of the Gospel. This prepared me for the future because I already knew the things that others were just getting a taste of. Like sister Beck says “That is influence; that is power.” A mother who does less is described in this way: “They permit less of what will not bear good fruit eternally. They allow less media in their homes, less distraction, less activity that draws their children away from their home.” In my understanding, they do less with the world and do more with the gospel.

5. Explain what Sister Beck meant when she wrote about “Mother Who Know Stand Strong and Immovable?” Use quotes from the article. “Latter-day Saint women will do this—women who know and love the Lord and bear testimony of Him, women who are strong and immovable and who do not give up during difficult and discouraging times.” There will be a lot of pressure and lot of people fighting against righteous Latter-day Saint mothers, but they will be courageous and trust in the Lord and they will not back down or falter. They will stand strong and defend their family and the family in general....

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