Course Developmental and Biological Psychology
Institution Monash University
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                


Unit Guide 

PSY4131 Developmental and biological psychology Monash online 6, 2016    Handbook link: http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/2016handbooks/units/index-byfaculty-med.html


Table of contents Unit handbook information




Mode of delivery


Workload requirements




Unit relationships








Chief Examiner(s)


Unit coordinator(s) Administrative contact Academic overview

5 5 5

Learning outcomes


Teaching approach


Assessment summary


Assessment requirements Assessment tasks

8 8

Referencing requirements


Remarking of assignments


Feedback to you


Unit Schedule


Your feedback to us


Previous student evaluations of this unit Learning resources

17 18

Textbooks and Other Readings


Required resources


Technological requirements


Recommended resources




Other information




Academic Integrity


Clinical/Fieldwork Placement Procedures and Behaviour Guidelines


Honours and Minor Thesis Guidelines



Immunisation and Infection Risk


Police Checks


Working with Children Check Guidelines


Graduate Attributes Policy


Student Charter


Student Services


Monash University Library


Disability Services


Other unit information



Unit handbook information Synopsis Psychology is a scientific discipline which spans a diverse range of areas. This unit provides a continuation of two psychology topics that you will have learnt about in the foundational units. Developmental psychology encompasses physical, cognitive, and social-emotional changes across the life span and how these are shaped by macrosystems such as culture, and microsystems such as peers and the family. Biological psychology includes states of consciousness, mental disorders and addiction, mechanisms and disorders of learning and memory, and the regulation of emotional and motivated states. Unit activities provide further training in research techniques, report writing, oral presentations and teamwork.

Mode of delivery Monash Online (Online)

Workload requirements Students should expect to spend a minimum of 20 hours per week on this unit to achieve the learning outcomes. This time will cover: a) video lecture materials; b) synchronous & asynchronous discussion; c) synchronous web-based 'class-time' for skills-based activities; d) weekly readings; e) weekly skills-based assessment tasks; and f) content-based assessment, including revision and formative assessment. The assessment schedule has been specifically designed to encourage you to allocate some time each week to your psychology studies. This schedule will allow you to pace your study over the period of the unit so you can avoid ‘leaving things to the last minute’ and, therefore, more easily achieve your learning goals.  

Accreditation PSY4131 is an intermediate level unit that forms part of an Australian PsychologyAccreditation Council(APAC) accredited sequence of units in psychology. Completion of an APAC accredited sequence is essential if your goal is to pursue a career as a practising psychologist.


Unit relationships Prerequisites PSY4111, PSY4122.

Prohibitions None

Co-requisites Must be enrolled in course 4525.

Chief Examiner(s) Leah Braganza

Unit coordinator(s) Eloise Perini  Assistant Coordinator(s) Tony Mowbray Emily Adam

 All emails to the coordination team should be sent tto: o: [email protected] 

Administrative contact Student SupportAdvisor Phone:1300 655 491 Hours:Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:30pm Email:[email protected] 24/7 Technical Support http://monash.echelp.org/


Academic overview Learning outcomes Upon successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Describe how the range of human thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are underpinned by physiological and neural processes. 2. Identify the structural, chemical, and functional changes in the brain that accompany normal human development. 3. Evaluate the interplay between familial and cultural factors in determining the course of development from birth through to old age. 4. Compose a cohesive account of the etiology, neuropathology, and behavioural sequelae of a select developmental disorder, using current research. 5. Develop a literature review and interpret research results through comparison with past studies on a biological psychology topic. 6. Apply widely used psychological tests to an assessment of human behaviour.

Teaching approach This unit uses an interactive online learning approach, with a variety of inclusive teaching practices to support all students in achieving the learning outcomes of this unit. Students are encouraged to access the range of flexible resources offered to them. Video Recordings Recordings: All video recordings for each module will be available from the unit Moodle website.  Live Class Meetings Meetings: Each week there will be a live class meeting for you to attend online, utilising the virtual classroom software called Blackboard Collaborate. While we strongly encourage your attendance and participation in these weekly meetings, note that the sessions will be recorded and available for viewing from the unit Moodle website.

Assessment summary ● ● ● ●

Quasi-lab report (20%) Oral presentation and reflection (20%) Developmental assessment report (20%) 6 x Secure online quizzes (40%)

Assessment task


Due date

Quasi-Lab Report


See Moodle

Oral Presentation and Reflections

There are 2 components to this assessment, worth 20% in total the oral presentation (worth 15%) and 2 x reflections (worth 5%).

See Moodle


Assessment task


Due date

Developmental Assessment Report


See Moodle

Secure Online Quizzes

40% (6 x 6.67%)

See Moodle


Assessment requirements Students are required to note the Faculty’s assessment policy (item 1.2.1) regarding threshold standards at: http://www.med.monash.edu.au/policies/assessment-policy.html Students are required to refer to the University Academic Integritypolicy and procedure at: http://www.policy.monash.edu.au/policy-bank/academic/education/conduct/student-academic-integrity-policy.html The procedures state that:

Proofreading: The process of identifying errors and suggesting corrections to a text. This must not involve rewriting passages of text in order to clarify meaning; amending the words used by the author (except to identify the correct spelling of the word used); rearranging passages of text or code, or reformatting other material; contributing additional material to the original; and checking calculations or formulae. Academic Integrity and Technology In line with the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Facilities by Students Procedures, students are not permitted to use Information and Communications Technology facilities to sell, purchase or offer to write assignments or other assessable work, or to request help with such work. Furthermore, students are required to take steps to minimise opportunities for others to cheat by, for example, not saving work to a shared network drive that is accessible by others and not sharing work on social media sites. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in disciplinary action under Part 7 of the Monash University (Council) Regulations for collusion or general misconduct, as appropriate in the circumstances. Students should be aware that the University will monitor and act on information received about the use of cheat sites, paper mills and other online resources that promote dishonest academic conduct. If a student has been found to have used any of these sources to breach the Student Academic Integrity Policy, the University will pursue the matter in accordance with Part 7 of the Monash University (Council) Regulations.

Assessment tasks Assessment title:Quasi-Lab Report Alignment with learning outcome(s): 5 Details of task: For this assignment you will write a report on an experiment that has been designed for you. While you will have an

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opportunity to participate in this experiment, you will write up the study from the perspective of the researcher. The objective of this assignment is to enhance your lab report writing skills in two key areas: 1) critically reviewing past research to develop a strong and compelling justification for a research study and 2) interpreting and critiquing research results in the context of past evidence and theories. A description of the background to the study and the study methodology, along starting references and other digitised resources to help you complete this assessment,can be found on Moodle.  Structure: Your quasi-lab report should include the following sections: Title page,Introduction,Discussion andReferences. You can find detailed guidance on how to write a lab report in the recommended textbook by Findlay (2015) - in particular, chapters 1-4. Use your discretion here in reviewing this information. For example, as you are not writing a full lab report you can safely skip over the sections of Findlay (2015) that relate to the method and results sections. Release date (where applicable): Start of teaching period Due date: See Moodle Word limit: The word limit for the quasi-lab report is 1400 words. This should be distributed roughly equally across the introduction and discussion sections. See the assignment instructions page on Moodle for more information and important cautions on word limits. Value: 20% Presentation requirements: The whole report should be formatted according to APA standards, that is, the writing style described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). This is discussed in the recommended textbook by Findlay (2015). If you are in doubt about how to write, format or reference in psychology, ask your instructor for help. Estimated return date: One week after due date Hurdle requirements (where applicable): applicable):Not applicable Individual assessment in group tasks (where applicable): applicable):Not applicable Criteria for marking: marking:Detailed marking criteria will be provided on Moodle. You can write anything for the title so long as you limit it to 15 words and it captures the essence of your report. The marker can provide feedback on your title but no marks will be assigned for this. The bulk of the marks will be assigned to the introduction and discussion sections. In practice these sections have a formulaic structure that you can ascertain from Findlay (2015) and the marking criteria. There will be some marks awarded for writing style, along with correct APA formatting of in text citations and the reference list.

Assessment title:Oral Presentation and Reflections Alignment with learning outcome(s): 4 Details of task: There are two components to this assessment: 1) you will deliver an oral presentation on a specific developmental disorder and 2) you will attend the oral presentations of classmates and reflect on specific things you learnt about the different disorders from those presentations. These tasks complement the core materials for the developmental psychology modules of the unit by exposing you to a range of developmental disorders that demonstrate what happens when developmental processes are impeded. Note that you will prepare your oral presentation in small groups but will be marked only on the content you specifically present. Your reflections will be completed as an individual activity. See Moodle for detailed descriptions of exactly what is involved for each of these two assessments. Release date (where applicable): Start of teaching period Due date: See Moodle Word limit: Each student should present for no longer than 4 mins. Make sure you stick to this limit. Presentations that go longer will be

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cut short (and a penalty applied) to ensure we can get through all of the presentations within the allocated class time. Value: There are 2 components to this assessment, worth 20% in total - the oral presentation (worth 15%) and 2 x reflections (worth 5%). Presentation requirements: See Moodle Estimated return date: One week after due date Hurdle requirements (where applicable): applicable):Not applicable Individual assessment in group tasks (where applicable): applicable):Not applicable Criteria for marking: Your oral presentation mark will be based entirely on the content you present. You will be assessed on the quality of your content, the organisation of your information and your presentation style (including use of visual aids). Detailed marking criteria for both the oral presentation and reflection tasks are available on Moodle.

Assessment title:Developmental Assessment Report Alignment with learning outcome(s): 6 Details of task: For this assessment you will first raise a ‘virtual’ child from birth to 16 years of age using the interactive MyVirtualChild program that comes with your textbook. Following this experience you will switch from the role of a parent into the role of a psychologist and compile a Developmental Assessment Report on your virtual child at age 16 years. In doing this, you will be introduced to, and use, scales and assessment devices commonly administered by clinical psychologists and researchers when working with children and adolescents. We believe these two experiences combined will give you first hand insight into the influence of parenting styles on a child'sinnate personality type and environment. Furthermore, it will give you practical experience with administering the types of assessments commonly used in the field to evaluate behaviour in children. All the resources you need to complete this assessment, including the report template and instructions/forms for the various measures you will administer, can be found in the Module 6 assessment area of Moodle. See Moodle also for instructions on how to access the MyVirtualChild program. Release date (where applicable): Start of teaching period Due date: See Moodle Word limit: The overall word limit for this assessment is 350 words. See the template report on Moodle for specific section word limits. Value: 20% Presentation requirements: See the template report in the assessment instructions on Moodle. Estimated return date: One week after due date Hurdle requirements (where applicable): applicable):Not applicable Individual assessment in group tasks (where applicable): applicable):Not applicable Criteria for marking: marking:You will be marked on the extent to which you address the key points for each section, as outlined in the template report and marking criteria on Moodle.

Assessment title:Secure Online Quizzes Alignment with learning outcome(s): 1, 2, 3 Details of task: For each module there will be a corresponding assessable quiz. Each quiz will consist of approximately 20 multiplechoice stylequestions thatassess your understanding of concepts from the module readings and videos. Questions will be presented

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sequentially, one at a time, and you will not be able to revisit previous questions. To access the quizzes you will need to use the Respondus Lockdown Browser software, that you first install onto your computer. Quizzes will be 'open book', however you should be thoroughly familiar with the content before attempting any quiz. Quizzes have a set time limit, so if you try to learn the content during the quiz you mayrun out of time. There are some other important rules and restrictions in relation to how you take your quizzes. Refer to the Respondus module on Moodle as soon as possible for a full explanation of this softwareand how to set it up, along with a completeoutline of the quiz rules. Availability: Availability:Quizzes should be completed on a weekly basis - i.e., each quiz should be submitted by Sunday evening of the corresponding module week. While this may feel challenging, it will pace your efforts evenly over the teaching period so you do not become overwhelmed in the final weeks. Having said this, we do understand that you are likely to be juggling a range of commitments. So, to allow you maximumflexibility to manage your time according to your unique needs, thequizzeswill remain available for you to complete until the last day of the teaching period (i.e., 11:55pm on the Tuesday following Module 6). So long as you complete thequizzesby this final deadline, your marks will be accepted without penalty. Just be awarethat,becausequizzeswill be available throughout the entireteaching period, you will not be able to completethemafter the final deadline under any circumstances. So make sure that, if you do not stick to the recommended schedule, you at least attempt thequizzesearly enough such that you have sufficient time to accommodate any technical or personalissues that may arise and submit allquizzesprior to the final deadline. Release date (where applicable): Start of teaching period Due date: See Moodle Word limit: Not applicable Value: 40% (6 x 6.67%) Presentation requirements: requirements:Not applicable Estimated return date: You will receive your overall mark (e.g., 14/20) immediately after you submit each quiz. Specific feedback on individual questions (whether you answered correctly or incorrectly) will be released after the final deadline has passed at the end of the teaching period, after which time you will have two weeks to review your quiz answers and no more submissions will be allowed. Hurdle requirements (where applicable): applicable):Not applicable Individual assessment in group tasks (where applicable): applicable):Not applicable Criteria for marking: marking:Questions will be multiple-choice style. One answer out of four or five options will be most correct.

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Referencing requirements To build your skills in citing and referencing, and using different referencing styles, see the online tutorial Academic Integrity: Demystifying Citing and Referencing at www.lib.monash.edu/tutorials/citing/ All assignments for thisunit should be prepared in accordance with the APA formatting style outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association(6th ed.) and summarised in the recommended textbook listed below. Often you will be encouraged to work cooperatively in psychology units.Any work that ...

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