Unit guide PDF

Title Unit guide
Course Spanish 1A
Institution Deakin University
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Faculty of Arts and Education

ALS100 Spanish 1A Deakin University Unit Guide Trimester 2, 2015


WELCOME ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 CONTACT DETAILS ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Unit chair details ...................................................................................................................................... 2 IMPROVEMENTS IN RESPONSE TO STUDENT FEEDBACK .................................................................... 2 UNIT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Unit code ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Unit title .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Unit prerequisite(s) .................................................................................................................................. 3 Unit corequisite(s) .................................................................................................................................... 3 Unit incompatible(s) ................................................................................................................................. 3 Contact hours ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Study commitment .................................................................................................................................... 3 DESCRIPTION OF UNIT ................................................................................................................................. 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR .................................................................................................................................. 4 UNIT TIMELINES ............................................................................................................................................ 4 UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES ....................................................................................................................... 4 UNIT LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................ 6 UNIT ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Hurdle requirements ................................................................................................................................ 6 Summative assessment ............................................................................................................................. 6 Note .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Assignment submission ............................................................................................................................. 9 UNIT LEARNING RESOURCES .................................................................................................................... 10 Essential learning resources ................................................................................................................... 10 Recommended learning resources ......................................................................................................... 10

30 June 2015

Deakin University, Faculty of Arts and Education ALS100 Spanish 1A - Trimester 2, 2015 WELCOME Welcome. Acknowledgement of traditional land owners Deakin University, and the teaching staff of ALS100 Spanish 1A, acknowledge that the present site of the Melbourne Burwood Campus is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people, and that the Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus and Geelong Waterfront Campus are located on the land of the Wathaurong people. The traditional owners are connected to these lands, have walked these lands, and continue to care for them and nurture them for future generations. We pay our respects to the local people for allowing us to have our gathering on their land and to their Elders; past, present and future. Welcome to ALS100 Spanish 1A Welcome to Spanish at Deakin. Bienvenidos. We look forward to meeting each of you and to embarking on the always rewarding experience of learning a new language. The Spanish Program at Deakin aims to prepare students for a globalised world. We will undertake task-oriented language acquisition practices, focusing on verbal and written communication, listening skills and reading comprehension. Language teaching and learning is intricately bound to the cultural and social contexts of language use and production, for this reason, the course will introduce you to, invite you think about and to critically reflect on, many different aspects of the Spanish-speaking world. The teaching team of ALS100 are all native or near-native Spanish speakers and come from multiple Spanish-speaking countries, including Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina and Australia.

CONTACT DETAILS Unit chair details Name:

Dr Eugenia Demuro


School of Humanities and Social Sciences


Arts and Education Melbourne Burwood Campus Office D2.03 221 Burwood Highway BURWOOD VIC 3125


[email protected]


03 9244 3861

Teaching staff Teaching staff:

Lecturer and Campus Coordinator (Burwood and Geelong): Dr Ramón López Castellano


School of Humanities and Social Sciences


Arts and Education


Melbourne Burwood Campus 221 Burwood Highway BURWOOD VIC 3125 [email protected]


03 92445115

You will be notified of your tutor/s and their contact details at the start of the teaching period.

IMPROVEMENTS IN RESPONSE TO STUDENT FEEDBACK You are encouraged to discuss all components of this Unit, and to provide feedback, directly to the Unit Chair (details above). In addition, towards the end of the teaching period you will be emailed a link to eVALUate, the Student Evaluation of Teaching survey for this unit. You are encouraged you to complete this (for the Unit as

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Deakin University, Faculty of Arts and Education ALS100 Spanish 1A - Trimester 2, 2015 well as for individual lecturers and tutors) as the results are used to help assess curriculum, teaching and assessment instructions and parameters in this unit.

Towards the end of the teaching period you may be emailed a link to the unit evaluation survey ( http://www.deakin.edu.au/evaluate/). I encourage you to participate, as constructive feedback from students will assist us to make improvements to this unit where necessary.


Unit title Spanish 1A

Unit prerequisite(s) Nil

Unit corequisite(s) Nil

Unit incompatible(s) Nil

Contact hours Campus: 1 x 1 hour Class per week, 3 x 1 hour Seminar per week Cloud (online): Learning experiences are via CloudDeakin

Study commitment Students are required to dedicate up to 10 hours a week to their Spanish Studies. On-Campus: 4 compulsory hours of class-time (as above); 3 hours of independent study, homework and revision, 3 or more hours of immersion in Spanish (through films, music, reading, etc.). Off-Campus: 4 hours of class work on CloudDeakin and Connect (as above); 3 hours of independent study, homework and revision, 3 or more hours of immersion in Spanish (through films, music, reading, etc.). We expect that you will participate constructively in learning in classes and online, and treat staff and other students with respect and courtesy.


30 June 2015

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Deakin University, Faculty of Arts and Education ALS100 Spanish 1A - Trimester 2, 2015 This unit will give students an introduction to basic vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure of Spanish for use in everyday contexts and daily activities. Students will be familiarised with the sociolinguistic and sociocultural aspects of Spanish communication at a basic level. In addition, this unit introduces the diversity of the Hispanic world through the study of the histories, societies and cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. This unit assumes no prior knowledge or study of the language.

ACADEMIC CALENDAR Trimester 2 teaching period begins Intra-trimester break Teaching period ends Study period Examinations begin Examinations end Inter-trimester break Results released

Monday 13 July 2015 Monday 10 August to Sunday 16 August 2015 Friday 2 October 2015 Monday 5 to Friday 9 October 2015 Monday 12 October 2015 Friday 23 October 2015 Monday 26 October to Friday 6 November 2015 Friday 6 November 2015


Week Week number commencing


Due date


13 July

Introduction to ALS100 Ch.0. Preliminary Chapter

No assessment due


20 July

Ch.0. Preliminary Chapter

No assessment due


27 July

Ch.1. Tema 1

No assessment due / Practice Quiz (Non-Assessable)


3 August

Ch.1. Tema 2

Online Quiz 1 (on Ch.0 Preliminary Chapter)

Monday 10 August - Sunday 16 August - Intra-Trimester Break 5

17 August

Ch.2. Tema 1

Online Quiz 2 (on Ch.0 and Ch.1) / Off-campus: Online Quiz 2 (on Ch.0 and Ch.1)


24 August

Ch.2. Tema 2

Online Quiz 3 (on Ch.0, Ch.1 and Ch.2)


31 August

Revision Ch 0, 1 and 2

Written Task. Information given during T1 (20%)


7 September

Ch.3. Tema 1

No assessment due


14 September

Ch.3. Tema 2

Online Quiz 4 (on Ch.2) / Off-campus: Online Quiz 4 (on Ch.2)


21 September

Ch.3. Tema 1 & 2

Online Quiz 5 (on Ch.3) / Off-Campus: Online Quiz 5 (on Ch.3)


28 September

Unit Summary

No assessment due

Monday 5 October - Friday 9 October - Study period X

5 October


Oral Test. Information given during T1. (20%)


12 October


Final Test (Online). Information given during T1. (20%)

UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES The Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) listed below describe what you are expected to have achieved on

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Deakin University, Faculty of Arts and Education ALS100 Spanish 1A - Trimester 2, 2015 completion of this unit. Each ULO relates to one or more of the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs), which describe the knowledge and capabilities you should acquire and be able to apply and demonstrate at the completion of your course (see below). Not all of the GLOs are developed and assessed in every unit.

At the completion of this The Unit Learning Outcome Unit relates to the following Deakin Learning unit Graduate Learning Outcomes Outcome students can: (ULO):


Understand simple utterances and expressions in Spanish, using simple GLO1 tenses (present, present progressive)


Use basic constructions to express ideas related to personal experience in Spanish.



Use online technologies to access material in Spanish. GLO3 GLO6


Use basic constructions to express ideas related to the GLO4 cultures and societies of the Spanish-speaking world.


Develop a basic awareness of the specific characteristics of culture GLO8 associated with the Spanish language.

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes describe the knowledge and capabilities graduates have acquired and are able to apply and demonstrate at the completion of their course. They consist of outcomes specific to a particular discipline or profession as well as transferable generic outcomes that all graduates should have acquired irrespective of their discipline area. Learning outcomes are not confined to the knowledge and skills acquired within a course, but also incorporate those that students bring with them upon entry to the course consistent with the Australian Qualifications Framework pathways policy. Deakin’s courses are designed to ensure that students develop systematic knowledge and understanding of their discipline or chosen profession appropriate to their level of study. They are specified at the course level (contextualised for a course), mapped across a course, incorporated in units of study within a course (as Unit Learning Outcomes) and are assessed. In professionally-accredited courses, discipline-specific graduate learning outcomes may be defined in part by the relevant professional body. GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities: appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession GLO2 Communication: using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change GLO3 Digital literacy: using technologies to find, use and disseminate information GLO4 Critical thinking: evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking and judgment

30 June 2015

GLO5 Problem solving: creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems GLO6 Self-management: working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal actions GLO7 Teamwork: working and learning with others from different disciplines and backgrounds GLO8 Global citizenship: engaging ethically and productively in the professional context and with diverse communities and cultures in a global context

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Deakin University, Faculty of Arts and Education ALS100 Spanish 1A - Trimester 2, 2015 UNIT LEARNING ENVIRONMENT The majority of material for this unit is available online in CloudDeakin and through the Connect Site (McGraw Hill). This material consists of a range of digital, audio, and visual resources. In addition, materials to practice language use, vocabulary and grammar, such as LearnSmart and Smartbook, are available for students to revise the content covered in class. This online material is used to supplement the “Experience Spanish” textbook (print and e-book formats) and to allow students to develop their mastery autonomously outside of class. On campus classes, and the equivalent BlackBoard Collaborate sessions for Off-Campus students, will cover the activities from the textbook, and are an integral opportunity to practice those aspects of language that students cannot do on their own, including speaking, interacting with other speakers, and learning the conventions of communication. Further, face to face meetings will be used to explain grammar and sentence structure and will highlight current norms of appropriate and colloquial communication in Spanish. The aim of this teaching approach, that is combining online autonomous study with face to face interaction in the classroom, is designed to prepare students for real world interaction with native speakers in a range of daily contexts and social settings.

UNIT ASSESSMENT Overview Preparation and participation 15% On-line quizzes (1500 word equivalent) 25% One writing assignments (300 words total) 20% Final on-line test 20% Final oral test 20%

Hurdle requirements There are no hurdle requirements for this unit.

Summative assessment Assessment primarily used to measure the level of a student’s success in achieving learning outcomes, which contributes to a student's final grade and/or mark for a unit of study. All unit learning outcomes are assessed via summative assessment.

Summative Assessment Task Item 1. Preparation and participation

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Deakin University, Faculty of Arts and Education ALS100 Spanish 1A - Trimester 2, 2015 Students’ before-class preparation and willingness and ability to use this preparation in class will serve as an indication of areas that require further study and will support Spanish language acquisition and competency. Students will be required to participate in all seminar activities. *See CloudDeakin for Preparation and Participation descriptors. Off-Campus Students ONLY: For off-campus students, the 15% assessment mark for ‘Preparation and Participation’ will be determined on completion of LearnSmart/SmartBook modules throughout the Brief description of trimester as specified in the Unit Calendar (please note you will do either of these, not both), and for participation in any four (4) Blackboard Collaborate sessions during the assessment task Trimester. Students are thus expected to complete at least one third of the proposed Collaborate sessions. At the end of trimester, information on the completion of LearnSmart/SmartBook modules as well as active participation in the BlackBoard Collaborate session will be compiled and a grade determined. Marks will be derived from the attempt of these modules, and for the time-spent on the revision of the material, and not for the number of correct/incorrect answers (unless it is obvious that the student has not made a serious attempt). Detail of student output

Class participation throughout trimester.

Weight (% total mark for unit)


Unit Learning Outcome(s) assessed

ULO1, ULO2, 3ULO Students will use their communication skills to demonstrate progression in Spanish language acquisition expected at the completion of this unit.

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcome(s) assessed

GLO1, GLO3 Class participation demonstrates mastery of the language, and of linguistic conventions necessary to express themselves adequately in Spanish at an upper beginner level. Class participation also demonstrates capacity to engage ideas related to the core topics and texts of the unit.

What early feedback will student get, how and when?

No feedback on participation will be provided through the trimester. Student may request their mark at the completion of the trimester.

Due date and form Ongoing, throughout Trimester of submission Summative Assessment Item 2. Five on-line quizzes (1500 word equivalent): These quizzes will provide students with an indication of their mastery of grammar and linguistic conventions, and will serve as an indication of areas that require additional study. Quizzes will test primarily comprehension and reproduction of grammar and vocabulary, but may also include questions related to cultural concepts or cultural material covered in the unit either through activities in class or as homework. The Brief description of quizzes will contain 20 questions (each), and will be ‘time sensitive’. Students will have assessment task up to 20 minutes to complete all questions. All students (Burwood, Geelong and Off-Campus) will complete these quizzes i...

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