Unit Guide T1 2017 PDF

Title Unit Guide T1 2017
Course Health Behaviour
Institution Deakin University
Pages 11
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Unit Guide T1 2017...


Faculty of Health

HBS109 Human Structure and Function Deakin University Unit Guide Trimester 1, 2017


WELCOME ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 WHO IS THE UNIT TEAM? ............................................................................................................................. 2 Unit Chair: leads the teaching team and is responsible for overall delivery of this unit ......................... 2 Unit chair details ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Other members of the team and how to contact them ............................................................................. 3 Administrative queries .............................................................................................................................. 3 ABOUT THIS UNIT .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Unit development in response to student feedback ................................................................................. 4 Your course and Deakin's Graduate Learning Outcomes ......................................................................... 4 Your Unit Learning Outcomes .................................................................................................................. 4 ASSESSING YOUR ACHIEVEMENT OF THE UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES .......................................... 5 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Summative assessments ........................................................................................................................... 5 - Summative assessment task 1 ................................................................................................................ 5 - Summative assessment task 2 ................................................................................................................ 6 - Summative assessment task 3 ................................................................................................................ 7 Your learning experiences in this Unit - and your expected commitment ................................................ 7 Contact Hours ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Note .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 UNIT LEARNING RESOURCES ...................................................................................................................... 8 Essential learning resources ..................................................................................................................... 8 Recommended learning resources ........................................................................................................... 9 KEY DATES FOR THIS TRIMESTER ............................................................................................................. 9 UNIT WEEKLY ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................... 9

14 February 2017

Deakin University, Faculty of Health HBS109 Human Structure and Function - Trimester 1, 2017 WELCOME Welcome to the unit HBS109 Human Structure and Function. As your unit team, we hope that you will find this unit both intellectually stimulating and relevant to your studies in your current course and your future directions as a Deakin graduate. You may need to contact us at some stage during this trimester. Most communication will be via the discussion boards on CloudDeakin. However, for personal matters or in an emergency, you may need to contact us directly; our contact details are below. If we are not in our offices when you call, please send an email and we will respond as soon as possible. If you have not received a reply within 2 working days, please follow up with another email. For administrative enquiries you can also contact Health Student and Academic Services (HSAS) on your campus using the contact details below. We hope that you share our interest and enthusiasm for further understanding human structure and function.

This Unit Guide provides you with the key information about this Unit. For the best chance of success, you should read it carefully and refer to it frequently throughout the trimester. Your Unit site (inside DeakinSync) also provides information about your rights and responsibilities. We will assume you have read this before the Unit commences, and we expect you to refer to it throughout the trimester.

WHO IS THE UNIT TEAM? Unit Chair: leads the teaching team and is responsible for overall delivery of this unit Trimester 1: Craig Wright Trimester 2: Daniel Belavy Trimester 3: Craig Wright

Unit chair details Name Dr Craig Wright Role Unit Chair and Geelong Campus Chair email [email protected] phone (03) 5251 7777 Name Dr Anne Turner Role Burwood Campus Chair email [email protected] phone (03) 5251 7777 Name Dr David Francis Role Warrnambool Campus Chair email [email protected] phone (03) 5563 3083

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Deakin University, Faculty of Health HBS109 Human Structure and Function - Trimester 1, 2017 Name Ms Pene Shay Role IKE Coordinator email [email protected] phone (03) 522 71384 Name Matthew Quinter Role Burwood Deputy Campus Chair and Prac Coordinator email [email protected] Name Dr Simon Feros Role Geelong Campus Chair and Prac Coordinator email [email protected] phone (03) 5247 9723

Other members of the team and how to contact them Name Health Student Academic Services Role HBS109 Student Advice (Administrative Officer) Burwood - Building Y (Room Y1.01) Campus Waurn Ponds - Building DD (Room 2.125) Health - Student and Academic Services (HSAS) Email [email protected] Phone (03) 9251 7777

Administrative queries If you need help with any aspect of your life at Deakin, you can: Contact your Unit Chair or Campus Leader Speak to a Student/Course Advisor Drop in or contact Student Central Ask Watson (accessed through DeakinSync) Visit the Division of Student Life

ABOUT THIS UNIT This interdisciplinary unit provides an overview of the basic sciences of human anatomy and physiology, exploring issues of relevance to the health sciences. Specific topics to be addressed will include: organisation of the human body, outlining anatomical terms, chemical and structural bases of cell function, body tissues including integument, homeostasis and physiological control via neural and hormonal mechanisms that maintain a constant internal environment. Support and movement through an understanding of the musculo-skeletal system, and maintenance of key systems, including cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary and immune systems.

14 February 2017

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Deakin University, Faculty of Health HBS109 Human Structure and Function - Trimester 1, 2017 Unit development in response to student feedback Every trimester, we ask students to tell us, through eVALUate, what helped and hindered their learning in each Unit. You are strongly encouraged to provide constructive feedback for this Unit when eVALUate opens (you will be emailed a link).

In 2017 we are moving towards Cloud first learning. This is being implemented with the introduction of online learning activities replacing on campus seminars, and the ability to live stream classes from anywhere. Therefore class content will be delivered to an online environment significantly improving the online learning experience in this unit. We would love to hear feedback throughout the trimester not just on eVALUate. In previous versions of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the Unit have helped them to achieve the learning outcomes: Changing the sequencing of topics so that pracs align better with class content Incorporating multiple choice tests early in the trimester to give students a better indication of their progress Simplifying the due dates for the quizzes

If you have any concerns about the Unit during the trimester, please contact the unit teaching team preferably early in the trimester - so we can discuss your concerns, and make adjustments, if appropriate.

Your course and Deakin's Graduate Learning Outcomes GLO1 Discipline knowledge appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession and capabilities: GLO2 Communication:

using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change

GLO3 Digital literacy:

using technologies to find, use and disseminate information

GLO4 Critical thinking:

evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking and judgment

GLO5 Problem solving:

creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems

GLO6 Self-management:

working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal actions

GLO7 Teamwork:

working and learning with others from different disciplines and backgrounds

GLO8 Global citizenship:

engaging ethically and productively in the professional context and with diverse communities and cultures in a global context

Each Deakin course has course learning outcomes which explain what the Deakin Learning Outcomes mean in your discipline. Learning in each unit builds towards the course learning outcomes.

Your Unit Learning Outcomes Each Unit in your course is a building block towards these Graduate Learning Outcomes - not all Units develop and assess every Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO).

14 February 2017

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Deakin University, Faculty of Health HBS109 Human Structure and Function - Trimester 1, 2017 These are the Learning Outcomes (ULO) for this Unit Deakin Graduate Learning At the completion of this Unit, successful students can: Outcomes ULO1

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the structure of the human body using anatomical terminology

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ULO2 functioning of the human body and the role of the physiological systems in the maintenance of homeostasis

GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO2 Communication GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO2 Communication

GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and Apply knowledge and understanding of human structure and capabilities ULO3 function in a practical setting GLO2 Communication GLO5 Problem solving

ASSESSING YOUR ACHIEVEMENT OF THE UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES Overview In brief, these are the assessment tasks for this Unit (details below): Assessment task 1: 4 x Practical content quizzes (online) 40% Assessment task 2: 3 x Class content quizzes (online) 20% Assessment task 3: End of trimester examination (2 hours) 40%

Summative assessments (tasks that will be graded or marked) NOTE: It is your responsibility to keep a backup copy of every written assignment. In the unusual event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit the backup copy. Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism. When you are required to submit an assignment through CloudDeakin, you should receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission.

- Summative assessment task 1 Practical material quizzes (4 x 10%) 40% Students will complete a worksheet while undertaking the practical activities as outlined in the practical manual. Students will then complete 3-5 short responses via the CloudDeakin quiz tool relating to the exercises that they have completed. These responses will be graded. Brief description of assessment task

CAMPUS STUDENTS: You will not be able to receive a grade for the quiz if you did not attend the prac class. If you are unable to attend a prac class for a valid reason that can be supported by documentation please contact [email protected]

14 February 2017

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Deakin University, Faculty of Health HBS109 Human Structure and Function - Trimester 1, 2017

Detail of student output

No more than 400 words maximum for each practical. You can only open each quiz once and will have 1 hour to complete the quiz from the time of opening.

Grading and weighting (% total mark for unit)

10% per quiz

This task assesses your achievement of these Unit Learning Outcome(s)

ULO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the structure of the human body using anatomical terminology ULO2 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the human body and the role of the physiological systems in the maintenance of homeostasis ULO3 Apply knowledge and understanding of human structure and function in a practical setting

This task assesses your achievement of these Graduate Learning Outcome(s)

GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO2 Communication - written communication skills GLO5 Problem solving - application of knowledge GLO6 Self-management - managing time, other people and resources

How and when you will receive feedback on your work

Each short response submitted will be marked and feedback supplied via CloudDeakin to allow incorporation of feedback in the next assessment item

When and how to submit your work

The quizzes will be available between 3pm Wednesday to 3pm Friday in the indicated weeks (below). The quizzes must be completed during this time. Prac Quiz 1 and 2: Week 6 (19-21 April) Prac Quiz 3 and 4: Week 11 (24-26 May)

- Summative assessment task 2 Intra-trimester tests (Class content) Brief description of assessment task

3 multiple-choice tests throughout the trimester.

Detail of student output

You will complete 3 x 20-minute tests throughout the trimester, each containing 15 multiple choice questions.

Grading and weighting (% total mark for unit)

20% of total mark for the unit (~6.7% each)

This task assesses your achievement of these Unit Learning Outcome(s)

ULO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the structure of the human body using anatomical terminology ULO2 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the human body and the role of the physiological systems in the maintenance of homeostasis

This task assesses your achievement of these Graduate Learning Outcome(s)

GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO3 Digital literacy GLO4 Critical thinking GLO5 Problem solving GLO6 Self-management

How and when you will receive feedback on your work

Students will receive a mark once the test is closed to all students

14 February 2017

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Deakin University, Faculty of Health HBS109 Human Structure and Function - Trimester 1, 2017

When and how to submit your work

The test will be taken via CloudDeakin and will be open in the time frame from 3pm Wednesday to 3pm Friday. The quizzes must be completed during this time. Intra-trimester Quiz 1 (Lectures 1-8): Week 4 (29-31 MAR) Intra-trimester Quiz 2 (Lectures 9-14): Week 7 (26-28 APR) Intra-trimester Quiz 3 (Lectures 15-22): Week 10 (17-19 MAY)

- Summative assessment task 3 Examination Brief description of assessment task

End of session examination

Detail of student output

The 2-hour closed book final exam will consist of 80 multiple-choice questions examining all lecture content. The final exam will be scheduled during the normal University examination period. The exam will be administered by the Division of Student Administration (DSA).

Grading and weighting (% total mark for unit)

40% of total mark for the unit

This task assesses your achievement of these Unit Learning Outcome(s)

ULO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the structure of the human body using anatomical terminology ULO2 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the human body and the role of the physiological systems in the maintenance of homeostasis

This task assesses your achievement of these Graduate Learning Outcome(s)

GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO4 Critical thinking GLO5 Problem solving GLO6 Self-management

How and when you will received feedback on your work


When and how to submit your work

Scheduled in end of trimester exam period (5-16 June, 2017). It is your responsibility to ensure you are available for this entire timeframe.

Your learning experiences in this Unit - and your expected commitment To be successful in this unit, you must: Read all materials in preparation for your classes or seminars, and follow up each with further study and research on the topic; Start your assessment tasks well ahead of the due date; Read or listen to all feedback carefully, and use it in your future work; Attend and engage in all timetabled learning experiences.

14 February 2017

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Deakin University, Faculty of Health HBS109 Human Structure and Function - Trimester 1, 2017 Contact Hours Campus: 3 x 1 hour classes per week (students must elect to attend classes on campus or access a live video stream); 4 x 2 hour practical classes per trimester; Self-directed learning activities delivered online Cloud (online): Learning experiences are via CloudDeakin

Students will on average spend 150 hours over the trimester undertaking the teaching, learning and assessment activities for this unit. This will include 30 x 50min classes, and 4 x 2 hour practical classes, 8 x online learning activities as well as independent study. In Trimester 1, HBS109 is taught in Campus and Cloud (online) mode. Campus students will utilise classes, attend practical classes, as well as utilise the study guide, practical manual and online resources available. Cloud (online) students will utilise classes, the study guide, practical manual and resources in an online environment delivered through CloudDeakin. Communication between students and staff will be undertaken mainly in classes and using the discussion boards in CloudDeakin to allow students to share their learning experience. To discuss issues of a more sensitive nature, email or phone communication should be utilised. Students will also utilise the prescribed text to access information for their studies.

Note At Deakin, Lectures are referred to as classes (definition: a general meeting for all students, for which students do not need to register and where students are engaged through presentations and learning activities) Tutorials, workshops and seminars are referred to as seminars (definition: more interactive meetings for smaller groups of students). For the complete list of agreed definitions for learning experiences, see the Course Design and Delivery Procedure (https://policy.deakin.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00127)

UNIT LEARNING RESOURCES Your unit learnin...

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