Unit13 - Introduction to International Law. Fundamental principles governing International Relations PDF

Title Unit13 - Introduction to International Law. Fundamental principles governing International Relations
Course Introduction To Law
Institution Universitat Ramon Llull
Pages 5
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 MarLópezBarreiro 1ºInternationalRelations20152016 UNIT  13    INTRODUCTION  TO  INTERNATIONAL  LAW. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES GOVERNINGINTERNATIONALRELATIONS   Evolution  Sovereignequalityofallstates  Selfdeterminationofpeople  Prohibitiononthreatoruseofforce  Peacefulsettlementofdisputes  Noninterferenceintheinternalaffairsofotherstates  DutyofcooperationwiththemissionoftheUN  Goodfaith  1. Evolution   1rstperiod(until2ndWW)  ‘Laisserfaire’ attitudewithinthetraditionalinternationallaw  No state was powerful enough to impose its will and principles on all other membersofthecommunity  Legalprinciplesevolvednaturallybasedonstates’commoninterests  ThebasicpostulatessharedbyalltheStates:  Freedom  To form alliances with whomever a State chose, to enter into agreementsthatwerealignedwiththeirinterests  Equality  No state had legal authority to impose a set of norms on any other state  Effectiveness  International law took into account existing power relationships and translatedthemintolegalrules  Only those claims and situations which are effective can producelegal consequences  2ndperiod(from2ndWWuntil1970)  The massive lost of human life led the states to lay the foundations of a systemtoensurepeaceandsecurity  UNbirth–UNCharter  3rdperiod(from1970on)  Socialist and developing countries demanded that the UN Charter be expandedsoastoreflectthenewinternationalreality  DeclarationonFriendlyRelations( 1970)  Unanimouslyagreedprinciplesbutwithnobindingeffect  Theresult  Sovereignequalityofallstates  Selfdeterminationofpeople  Prohibitiononthreatoruseofforce  Peacefulsettlementofdisputes  Noninterferenceintheinternalaffairsofotherstates 1

 MarLópezBarreiro 1ºInternationalRelations20152016  

DutyofcooperationwiththemissionoftheUNGoodfaith Art.2UNCharteraccordingtotheDeclarationonFriendlyRelations,1970

 2. Sovereignequalityofallstates   

Afundamentalpremiseonwhichallinternationalrelationsrest Elements:  Sovereignty  It comprises the authority over individuals living on the territory of asovereignstate 1. To prescribe legally binding norms upon public and private entitieswithinitsterritory ○ Exceptions(extraterritorialauthorityorjurisdiction): i. States may enact laws which are binding on the basis of nationality and consequently, have extraterritorialeffect ii. States may enact laws that regulate conduct that is beyond the territory of the state but is deemedprejudicialtoitsinterests(terrorism) ○ Premise: it may not infringe on the sovereignty of other states by providing enforcement acts that take placeonforeignterritory 2. To adjudicate or settle disputes over legal subjects withinits territoryorsometimesoutsideterritory ○ Principle: Adjudicating disputes is based on territoriality, active nationality (based on nationality of offender), passive nationality (based on nationality of the victim), or the protective principle (jurisdiction overoffensesthataffectsastates’nationalinterest) ○ Exceptions(extraterritorialauthorityorjurisdiction): i. Universal jurisdiction (acts committed by foreignersagainstforeignersonforeignterritory) ● Restrictive and broad approaches (depending on whether the accusedis in thatstate’scustodyornot) 3. Toenforcelegalnorms ○ Acts of enforcement cannot be exercised by a state beyond its territory withoutthe consentofthestate whereenforcementwassought ○ Casesofnonrespectoftheprinciple:abduction i. When the accused is brought to its territory without requesting the cooperation of thestate where the accused resides and without demanding extradition (violation of internationallaw)  Legalequality 2

 MarLópezBarreiro 1ºInternationalRelations20152016  

Allthestatesareequal Theirequalitymaybedisturbedbyfactualfeatures  Example: geographical location, wealth, existing natural resources,economicactivity Legal constraints that one state may impose on another state are valid only if that state accepts them knowingly and in its free exerciseofitssovereignty

 3. Selfdeterminationofpeople  

Aprincipleestablishedin3scenarios: 1. People under colonial domination have the right to external selfdetermination by establishing their own sovereign state or by associatingwithanotherindependentstate 2. Subjectsofmilitaryoccupationhavetheabove2choices 3. Racialgroupsneedtobegivenfullaccesstogovernment a. If it is so denied, they can resort to external selfdetermination (achieve independence or integrate into an existing state) or internal selfintegration (pursuit of economical, political, social and cultural developmentwithinanexistingstate) Rightsanddutiesengenderedbytheprincipleofselfdetermination:  Rightsagainsttheoppressorstateandagainst3  rdpartystates  Examples: Claim to refrain from sending troops in support of the oppressor  Duty: every State is obliged to allow free exercise of the principle and it is notallowedtodenythisrightbyforce 3rdpartystates  They have the right to support people entitled to selfdetermination, except forsendingmilitarysupport  Theymustrefrainfromhelpingtheoppressor  They can claim respect for the principle of selfdetermination from states thatdenyit

 Therealimpactoftheprinciple   It extends the prohibition on the use of force (force can not be used to deny people’srighttoselfdetermination)  It has granted liberation movements the license to use force to respond to denialoftherightbyforce  No state can acquire land by annexation if it breaches the principle (a treaty providing for transfer of territories is null and void when no account is taken of the populationinvolved)  But…  Itsapplicationishasbeenverylimited  It is not applied to national, religious and linguistic groups (when they are not deemedtoberacialgroups) 3

 MarLópezBarreiro 1ºInternationalRelations20152016  4. Prohibitiononthreatoruseofforce  

All member states shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force(UNCharter)  Exception:selfdefense  Initsorigin,alooseprinciple  Not applied to colonial powers in ‘domestic’ conflicts (insurgentsandliberationmovements)  Powerful states used economic pressure to subjugate developingcountries  Some states resorted to force to conquer foreign territories without sanction from international community (e.g. Israel’soccupationofArabterritories,1967)  Nowadays,amorerestrictiveinterpretation  The prohibition is valid also in formerly considered ‘domestic’ conflicts if there exists a national liberation movement under one of the 3 selfdetermination scenarios (colonial people, people under foreign occupation, people fallingunderracistregimes)  ‘Anticipatoryselfdefense’isprohibited  Self defense may not be used to repulse an ‘indirect armed aggression ’ (→ a state tolerates or actively supports terrorist activities against the territory and assets of the attackingstate)  Territory may not be acquired through thethreatoruseof force (even if the situation is effective, there is no legal title of sovereignty)  Extreme forms of economic force equivalent to threat or use offorceareprohibited

 5. Peacefulsettlementofdisputes  

When a conflict arises between some states, they can choose any of the mechanisms they have to peacefully settle the dispute (negotiation, mediation, arbitration,judicialresolution)  Theydonothavetheobligationofchoosingonemeansoveranother  If one means of settlement fails, states are encouraged to pursue other peaceful mechanismsandrefrainfromactionsthatmayleadtothreatoruseforce 6. Noninterferenceintheinternalaffairsofotherstates

 

Aprincipletoensurethateachstaterespectstherightsofotherstates:  Prohibition of interference in the internal organisation of a foreign state (not bringing pressure to influence its institutions, not interfering in the relationsbetweenastateanditsownnationals) ‘Indirectarmedconflicts’ 4

 MarLópezBarreiro 1ºInternationalRelations20152016 

Can a state allow on its territory an organisation that aims at removing from powerthegovernmentofaforeignstate?

 7. DutyofcooperationwiththemissionoftheUN  

UNPurposes:  Maintaining international peace and security, including the prohibition of the useofforceininternationalrelations  DevelopingfriendlyrelationsbetweenStates  Achievinginternationalcooperationinsolvinginternationalproblems

 8. Goodfaith   

States are required ‘bona fide’  to settle any dispute that would arise with other states The principle means fair and open dealing in any interaction. It is deemed to require sincere,honestintentions,regardlessoftheoutcomeofanaction

 9. Conclusion   

Rights and obligations derived from these principles are erga omnes (applicable toallstatesgeneraleffect) They give legal entitlement to any subject of international law to claim compliance with these principles from any other subject regardless of the existenceofinjury Despite of being valid and applicable to all states, they rely heavily on UN mechanismsforimplementationandenforcement


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