United States History unit4 study guide test PDF

Title United States History unit4 study guide test
Author Jaida Boardley
Course American Government
Institution University of Texas at Austin
Pages 7
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unit 4 lectures and study guide; chapters 6, 7, and 8. ie: civil war, slavery....


1 1. What was the 2nd Great Awakening? ~a religious(Christian) revival 2. what denominations became the largest Christian denominations in the USA during this era? ~Baptist and Methodist(Catholics' popularity didn't arise until after the 1840s the Catholics gain popularity//2 Million Irish immigrants move due to the potato famine) 3. in what ways did this movement appeal to women and slaves of the time?.? ~the great awakening emphasized equality for all women and slaves; salvation is for all 4. Who was Dorothea Dix &/or for what is she best remembered? ~She is a school teacher that focused on methods to care for people with mental illness; causes national reforms for decent and humane care 5. Who was the founder of the Mormon Church? ~Joseph Smith 6. Who or what were "abolitionists"? ~people aiming to end slavery (sought to "return" slaves back to Africa) 7. What was the American Colonization Society? List at least two famous/influential members of the ACS.? ~Henry Clay & Presidents Madison and Monroe 8. What nation was founded/started by the ACS? What was the capital city of this nation? ~Founded in the nation of Liberia; capital is Monrovia, named for James Monroe(even based has a flag based on the US') 9. What man published the anti slavery newspaper, "Liberator"? ~William Lloyd; wanted to end slavery immediately instead of "overtime" 10. what were the goals of the "Liberty Party"? ~political aim to end slaver; free soil later merged with Republican Party (weren't the most influential party, but so weren't the whigs; whigs had potential but couldn't agree on their view of slavery) 11. Many of the early Women's rights pioneers in the USA had been part of what other major movement? ~Women's Rights 12. Who said ""In striving to cut the slave's irons o, we found ...that we were manacled ourselves"? ~Abby Kelley 13. in what state did the Seneca Falls Convention take place? ~New York(1848) 14. Who was the main author of the "Declaration of Sentiments"? ~Elizabeth(listed goals/ideas that the society wanted—> equal rights) 15. What was the main goal of the American Female Moral Reform Society? ~wanted to eliminate prostitution( understood that most were prostitutes bc of lack of equal rights/poor income), improve conditions and rights for women; founded by Lydia Finnley 16. Who was the winner of the 1840 Presidential election? How old was this man? ~William Henry Harrison; 67

2 17. what was that winner's campaign slogan/song title? what political party did the winner represent? ~"tip and ty"(tippecanoe and Tyler too); Harrison was a whig(so was Tyler) 18. how long did the winner of the 1840 election serve in oce before dying? ~exactly one month(shortest presidency in us history) 19. who was the Vice President who assumed oce after the 1840 winner died?.? ~John Tyler{from Virginia(was the govn'r)} 20. what was the Webster Ashburton Treaty? ~Canadian border(resolved the question on where Mexico begins and the Canada ends with borders); enhanced the abolishment of international slavetrade 21. Did John Tyler support or oppose the annexation of Texas? ~Tyler favored bringing in Texas(annexation); sets the tone for the next election(Tyler doesn't run for president>which gives Clay the opportunity to run) 22. Who was the Whig Candidate for President in 1844? ~Henry Clay 23. Who was the ultimate winner of the Pres. election in 1844 and which party did he represent? ~James K. Polk; democrat thats pro Texas(popular view @the time) 24. tejano? ~spanish or mexican descent born in Texas 25. empressario? ~someone given the right to settle on Texas land in exchange for recruiting new Texas settlers 26. who was one of the largest "empressario's" in Texas? ~Stephen F. Austin 27. What did the Mexican government require of those early American settlers in Texas in exchange for huge grants of land? ~follow the laws and convert to catholicism (most chose to ignore laws; brought slaves even when not allowed so slavery became emancipated to enforce the ruling) 28. What man became dictator of Mexico in 1834 and led the attack on the Alamo in 1836? ~Santa Anna of Mexico 29. What reasons are mentioned for why the Alamo still appeals to Texans and Americans to remember the battle? ~Travis wrote a letter to the Texans/Americans that attracts their patriotism(American belief of independence) 30. List at least two of the famous people who fought at the Alamo on the Texan side.? ~Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie and William Travis 31. Approximately how many defenders were there inside the Alamo? ~187// all male defenders died 32. Sam Houston's victory at what battle in April 1836 established the Independence of Texas? ~Battle of San Jacinto(forced troops to leave Texas)

3 33. What man was US President during the Mexican War of 1846? ~1848? The USA oered-President James K. Polkhow much money to purchase land from the Mexican Government prior to the war? ~$30 million for California, New Mexico, and the Rio Grande border in Texas(twice the amount that the Louisiana Purchase cost) 34. What General was sent by this man in 1846 to advance US troops to the Rio Grande River? ~General Zach Taylor sent by Polk 35. was the vote in Congress for the Mexican War unanimous? (meaning zero no votes)? ~no but majority(mainly democrats/southern whigs) favored the war; (only 2 votes from Senate and 14 votes from House opposed) 36. What American General led an amphibious assault on Vera Cruz and captured Mexico City? ~Winfield Scott 37. How many American lives were lost in the Battle of Buena Vist? How many Mexican lives? ~US had 1,650 casualties, Mexico had 5,300 38. What treaty signed on February 2, 1848 ended the Mexican War? ~treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 39. What terms did the US & Mexico agree to as part of this treaty? (mention at least two)? ~US gains Mexican land in exchange for $15 million dollars and citizenship for all residents on the land 40. What was popular sovereignty? ~the idea that states should allow citizens to vote on whether to allow slavery or not 41. Where was gold discovered in California in 1848? ~Sutter's Mill 42. In what year had the Constitution banned importation of slaves from outside the USA? ~1808 43. approximately how many slaves had been brought to the USA prior to this date? ~660,000 slaves 44. About what percentage of all enslaved people brought to the Western Hemisphere did this represent? ~about 5% 45. approximately how many enslaved people were there in the USA in 1860 (on the eve of the Civil War? ~about 3.8 million 46. What man is credited with having invented the "Cotton Gin?"? ~Eli Whitney 47. why was this invention necessary to make cotton production profitable? ~Cotton seeds were dicult to remove and time consuming to remove by hand 48. American Cotton provided more than 70 to 90% of at least what two countries cotton imports according to your notes? ~France and England 49. What was manumission? ~The legal freeing of slaves

4 50. how was it changed legally in many areas in the early 1800's? ~during the revolution it was common but states that allowed slavery made manumission illegal 51. in what state did Gabriel Prosser's revolt take place? ~Virginia 52. In what year did this revolt occur? ~1800 53. Prosser and at least how many others were executed as a result of this revolt? ~Up to 1000 54. in what state did the Denmark Vessey rebellion/conspiracy happen? ~Charleston, South Carolina 55. In what year did the Vessey conspiracy happen? ~1822 56. how had Denmark Vessey gained his freedom? ~he purchased his freedom with $1500 he won in a lottery 57. What jobs did Vessey have as a free man?.? ~he was a carpenter and a preacher 58. in what state did the Nat Turner slave revolt take place//what year? ~Virginia (56 protestors executed/200+ killed); 1831 59. before becoming an "abolitionist", what other social movements had William Lloyd Garrison been involved in? ~temperance movement(anti-alcohol) 60. What AntiSlavery Newspaper did Garrison begin? ~the liberator 61. Douglass was born into slavery in what state? ~around 1818(in Maryland) 62. How did Douglass become educated? ~his slave owner's wife(after she taught him to read he self-taught) 63. Douglass escaped slavery by fleeing to where? ~New York(free state) 64. Douglass toured as a speaker with what group? ~the abolitionist movement 65. What was the title of Douglass' first autobiography? ~Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave 66. What was the name of the AntiSlavery newspaper started by Douglass? ~the North Star 67. Douglass became an advisor to what two Presidents? ~Lincoln & Johnson 68. how/why did Douglass & William L. Garrison have a falling out? ~Garrison believed the constitution was pro-slavery; Douglass believed the document was pro-liberty 69. approximately how many slaves permanently escaped each year using the Underground Railroad? ~1000 per year 70. conductors? ~guides that led the slaves from one stop to another

5 71. freight? ~fugitive slaves (cargo) stations- Places/homes where escaping slaves could rest/hide 72. Tubman was born into slavery in which state? ~Maryland 73. what book (type of book) shown in the video was used by Tubman as she helped slaves escape into freedom? ~a hymnal if those traveling with Tubman did not do what she asked, what did she threaten them with? -A gun;(if they were to turn back it puts everyone else at risk) 74. In 1863, Tubman was sent by the Union Army to lead raids and remove slaves from plantations in what state? ~South Carolina(as a spy) 75. what was one of the nicknames given to Tubman while working as a "conductor" on the underground RR? ~moses 76. Who was the long serving politician who was most responsible for the Compromise of 1850? ~Henry Clay 77. the Fugitive Slave law was considered extremely controversial at the time. Briefly explain why.? ~It forced abolitionists(northerners) to turn in fugitive slaves(taking their constitutional rights away), free slaves could not defend themselves in court. southerners viewed slaves as property and compared it to the North getting California 78. Millard Fillmore was a member of what political party as President? ~whig(the last whig to be president) 79. What state was Fillmore from? ~New York 80. Who was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin? ~Harriet Beecher Stowe (1851) 81. What did Lincoln supposedly say about her at their first meeting? ~"So you are the little lady who started this great big war." 82. Who was the Whig candidate for President in 1852? ~Gen. Winfield Scott 83. what was their strategy in picking this man as candidate? ~most war heroes that were nominated seemed to be successful (generals/presidents) 84. what candidate ultimately won the election of 1852 and what political party did they represent? ~Franklin Pierce(democrat) 85. What politician was the main supporter/developer of the Kansas Nebraska act? ~Senator Stephen Douglas 86. why was the Kansas/Nebraska act politically controversial? ~the division on anti vs pro slavery(pro slavery supporters won popular sovereignty) 87. What were "Beecher Bibles"?.? ~guns that Preacher Henry Beecher sent to Kansas in boxes named "Bibles"

6 88. What man and his family murdered 5 pro slavery settlers in Pottawatomie, Kansas? ~John Brown 89. Was the Know Nothing party 1) pro or anti immigrant? 2) pro or anti slavery? ~Anti-immigrant, slavery, and catholic ("Native American Party"//"I know nothing about being part of the party") 90. the Republican Party of the 1850's was made up mainly of members of what other parties? ~Whigs and democrats 91. How did the Democratic party and candidate in 1856 try to smear their Republican opponent? ~James Buchanan depicted Fremont as a Catholic(losing the chance of the Know-Nothing party's vote) 92. Who won the 1856 Presidential Election? ~James Buchanan(democrat) 93. Who was the Dred Scott case named for? ~Dred Scott(a slave who sued for his freedom after death of his mater) 94. Why have some called the Dred Scott case, "the worst ruling/decision in Supreme Court history? ~(Rising tension between the north and the south) the north believed the court should have no authority over slavery in their territory; the court decided that African Americans were not citizens so Scott had no ability to sue/closed the case and that it was unconstitutional to ban slavery in the Louisiana Purchase, which highly upset the North and pleased the South 95. what year was the Dred Scott Case decided by the Court? ~1857 96. about how many miles long was the route of the Pony Express? ~1900 miles 97. from what city did the Pony Express route begin (going in a westward direction) & where did it end? ~St. Joseph Missouri to Sacramento, California 98. About how many horses did the Pony Express use at any given time? ~400 horses 99. How many "main" candidates were there for the 1860 presidential election? ~four 100. which party split between Northern & southern factions? ~the Democratic Party 101. which candidate/party tried to ignore the issue of slavery and only focus on the idea of national union? ~John Bell 102. What was the first state to secede from the Union after Lincoln's election? ~South Carolina 103. how many states had seceded by Feb. 1861? ~seven states 104. What former US president tried to host a peace conference to avoid war/conflict in 1861? ~John Tyler 105. In what state was John Tyler born? ~Virginia(he was the govn'r)

7 106. Why wasn't Tyler a fan of President Jackson? ~he didn't like Jackson's dictatorial tactics 107. Tyler joined what party that fought Jackson and his policies? ~Tyler was in the Whig party 108. Tyler became president when what President died after only 1 month (the shortest Presidency so far)? ~William Henry Harrison 109. In his last days of his Presidency, Tyler arranged for the annexation of what state? ~Texas; didn't run a second term 110. What was one of if not the largest temperance groups of the time? ~anti temperance society 111. Who is considered to have been the founder of the religious movement the "Shakers"? ~Ann Lee of England 112. how did the shakers get their name? ~shakers("shaking quakers") because of the enthusiastic religious dancing 113. where was the Oneida Community located? ~Oneida, New York 114. who was its founder? ~John Humphrey Noyes(believed in "free love"/polygamy) 115. What was the Temperance movement of this era? ~anti-alcohol; main goal was to end the abuse of alcohol 116. what factors do you think motivated women to support the "temperance" movement? ~Men tended to be more aggressive when under the influence of alcohol and many domestically abused their wives; women wanted to end it. 117. What was William Henry Harrison's doctor’s name? ~Thomas Miller 118. What was Thomas Miller's diagnosis of William Henry Harrison? ~pneumonia 119. what symptoms did William Henry Harrison complain of ? ~anxiety and fatigue 120. what type of field downstream the white house in William Henry Harrison's time could have led to what two types of common fevers? ~typhoid and paratyphoid fever 121. what other two presidents developed gastrointestinal problems while living in the white house? ~james k. polk and zachory taylor...

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