Univ paper - project PDF

Title Univ paper - project
Course Intermediate Composition and Rhetoric
Institution The University of Texas at Dallas
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Dr. Michael Carriaga UNIV 2020

Online International Accredited Program Could Indeed Be the Solution for Vietnam’s High Unemployment. While the world economy is suffering from the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, third-world countries like Vietnam are getting hit the hardest. Although Vietnam did a good job at handling the pandemic, there are many other economic problems those needed to solve.Since there is a huge decline in consumptions, manufacturers and factories are forced to closed. Hundred thousands of workers are laid off from work. General Statistics Office reports for the first half of 2020 that “the worldwide pandemic has left nearly 1 million Vietnamese unemployed. About 900,000 people are currently unemployed. Another 18 million are underemployed” (English, 2020). Exported workers are also getting sent back from neighboring countries which make it even worse. However, if there are more online international accredited programs, which produce skilled workers, we can reduce the unemployment rate to a healthy level. Since Vietnam suffered from a series of wars and invasions, the country is still very underdeveloped compared to its neighbor. And for that reason, college and university degrees are worthless outside of Vietnam. Furthermore, bribery is a huge deal which greatly increases chance of getting into a school and eventually a degree. Education is not free in Vietnam. And since the majority of the population are poor, many remained uneducated and unskilled. Even when graduated with a degree, it is extremely difficult to find a job if you do not have connection. Part

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of it due to the size of the country and rapid growth in population. The other part is the communist party which run the country. For this reason, I propose a diverse set of online international accredited programs, which are paid by employers. In doing so, people who want a decent job could just take these programs instead of spending their fortune going to Vietnamese colleges. Nowaday, large technology companies have a high demand for skilled workers in the field of programing and other technology related field. For examples, Google just “announced that it is expanding its skills certification program to help more people land high-paying tech jobs without a college degree” (Dishman, 2020).The Grow with Google Career Certificates will be available soon for in-demand jobs including Data Analyst, Project Manager, and UX designer. These jobs pay between $60,000 and $90,000, on average. Furthermore, since the lockdown, many jobs are being done virtually through a screen. With that being said, there could be a huge potential market for jobs if Vietnamese people are certified and qualified for those type of jobs. Economically, in hiring people from third-world countries, employers would save quite a bit since many people are willing to work for minimum wage. They would also save a lot from other types of welfare programs and benefits those they would have pay if they were to hired people from their countries. In doing so, jobs those are not very demanding by people in developing countries could be exported. As a results, the world economy would soon be back to its prime despite the ongoing pandemic. Socially, exchange in ideas between countries also benefit small countries. For instances, people could improve their English by exposing themselves to native speakers. And once the pandemic is over, investors might have a better look at Vietnam since Vietnamese could speak English well. Learning Vietnamese’s culture also open more the opportunity for big firms like Walmart, Mcdonalds, etc. to set up their retail stores.

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However, there are some major challenges. Since Vietnam is a communist country, the party does not want too much foreign interference in their system. It might be complicated to get a deal with them. On the other hand, they would not want to much unemployment which heighten the risk of civil unrest. Employers could bribe Vietnamese officials which is a common way in doing business in Vietnam. Beside that, not everyone in Vietnam has the access to internet. To address this problem, employers could rent internet cafes which are literally everywhere and very popular in Asia. Without an urgent solution like this, many business will collapse due to the expensive labour cost and lack of consumers. Vietnam has almost no federal assistance since people do not really pay tax. And especially in situation like this, people are willing to do anything even if those are against their moral sense. Civil unrest is rising as people are desperate for food and shelter. Jobs that are lost due to pandemic are not likely to be recovered. Therefore, online international accredited programs might be transformative and an impactful solution to not only Vietnam but also many other countries who are suffering from the spike in unemployments.

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Works Cited Dishman, L. (2020, July 13). 'No college degree required': Google expands certificate program for in-demand job skills. Retrieved September 27, 2020, from https://www.fastcompany.com/90527332/no-college-degree-required-google-expands-ce rtificate-program-for-in-demand-job-skills English, V. (2020, July 25). COVID-19 Leaves Nearly 1 Million Vietnamese Unemployed. Retrieved September 27, 2020, from https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/covid-19-leaves-nearly-1-million-vietnamese-une mployed/5505487.html

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