Untitled document-5 - Perseus Notes/Review PDF

Title Untitled document-5 - Perseus Notes/Review
Author Jay Garcia
Course Classical Mythology
Institution Emory University
Pages 5
File Size 80.4 KB
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Perseus Notes/Review...


Perseus Nostoi: founders of cities/states (coming home from Troy) Danaus and the Danaids: son of Belus, daughters married Aigyptos’ sons but killed em at night (except Hypermnestra) Oikists: founding person of a city-state; buried in middle of town; rituals done by tomb by citizens Athanatoi: young male followers of Athena (protected by her too). Could be Greek heroes such as Perseus and Jason Harpe: small sword or sickle given to Perseus by the Graiai Kibisis: magical bag to put Medusa’s head in given to P by the Graiai Seriphos: after Danae’s father, King Acrisius of Argos, banished her and Perseus, they drifted off to sea to Seriphos and met Diktys who helped them Argos: birthplace of Perseus and Danae; Perseus ends up trading ownership of it for Mycenae (shame for killing father) Diktys: “nets” fisherman who helped Danae and Perseus Proitos: King of Argos, grandson of Acrisius, killed by Perseus when P shows him Medusa head Akrisios: King of Argos; father of Danae; banishes Danae and Perseus Kepheus: father of Andromeda, king of Ethiopia; leaves Andromeda for dead when his wife Cassiopeia said she was prettier than Aphrodite Phineus: uncle of Andromeda. To marry her. Killed by P. Polydektes: king of Seriphos. Who Perseus is to get Medusa’s head for. Wants to marry Danae. Peplum films: what critics and historians call films depicting myth from second wave of film. Kolossalfilm: German/Italian name for Peplums. Cinema Paradiso – explain context: after-dinner event. Quickly made. Not high art. Cheap. Italian filmmaking. Cabiria: 1914: Cabiria, 2nd Punic war – classical setting, muscle, barely repressed sexuality.

Translated well into US- 1958, Hercules – the drive-in, B programme, the living room Fasces: insignia of Rome. films favored Rome over Greece in US. Ketos: monster in film who traps Andromeda. Chains her. Makiste: Makiste, a Nubian slave who is brave and benevolent, becomes a focus of film in his own right Steve Reeves: bodybuilder type. Who modern heroes were based off of in time of post-WWII. Boost morale. Before Harryhausen.

Hercules Ate (divine figure): Zeus gets infested with ATE, or ruin, and proclaims: this child will be the ruler of all who dwell around born of blood of men who spring from me (i.e. house of Perseus). Eileithyia: goddess of childbirth, daughter of Zeus and Hera. postponed Alcmene’s birth so Hercules would not fulfill prophecy that he would be more powerful if born first. Horus Cippus: magical stela. Snakes in the cradle of Hercules sent by Hera. Eurystheus: who Hercules completes labors for. Galanthis (the aitiology of the weasel): interferred w Hera’s plan to delay H birth. Turned into a weasel. Be sure to know the major figures in Herakles’ genealogy, and the names of mythological figures discussed in class (see your notes and ppt) You should be able to detail each of the twelve canonical labors Apotheosis: glorification of a subject to the divine level. blood price: H must be forgiven for killing Megara and kids. Purification – Pythia – tries to steal tripod: the payment was 3 years slavery, price given to Eurytos (blood price)

Oistros: gadfly. Scatters cattle of Geryones. melouchos – explain: Greek for bra. Apple holders. horn of Amaltheia/ cornucopia: Won by wrestling with Acheloos –breaks off a horn He gets it

back through a trade with the horn of AMALTHEIA – daughter of Haimonios with a bull’s horn– provided food magically (cornucopia)Amaltheia – name of goat or nymph who nursed Zeus on Crete; immortal nourishment as well as phallic value of horn Kerkopes: they were warned by their prophetic mother to beware a "Black-Bottomed Man." They became thieves, until Hercules caught them trying to steal from him. He tied them to a pole and carried them behind him. They were forced to look at his bottom, which had turned black from sunburn and dirt. He was the 'Black-Bottomed Man' that their mother had warned them about. He eventually let them go because they made really funny jokes. Zeus then turned them into monkeys. Evander: Arcadian. settles the left bank of the Tiber, 60 years before the Trojan War / Faunus, king of the aborigines, welcomed him Faunus: king of Aborigines Hebe: daughter of Zeus and Hera. marries Herakles after he was given immortality. Ara Maxima: Great Altar of Herakles. Hercules found and killed the monster, then celebrated by sacrificing some of the bulls. Theomachy: a war or struggle against God or among or against the gods. Ataraxia/aequanimitas: a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquillity. Used by stoics. Jason Enipeus: river god. Poseidon disguised self as E, sleeps w Tyro, has Neleus and Pelias (king of Iolcus; Jason is to kill him) Aiolos: house of AIolos. Jason and Medea are distant cousins. Great great grandfather to Jason. Tyro: grandmother of Jason. Sleeps with Poseidon and births Neleus and Pelias. Chiron: centaur who raised Jason. Minyans: heroes of Jason’s crew. descended from Minyas, legendary founder or Orchomenos in Boiotia. Kyzikos: king of Doliones. Killed by Jason. Welcomes Jason. Doliones: neighbors of savage people that Jason meet.

Alexandrian: literature, educators, Apollonius of Rhodes Hylas: lover of Herakles. Lost by nymphs at Mysia. Harpies/Harpazo: afflicting Phineus, prophet who is blind by Zeus bc he could give away divine secrets. Sons of the north wind, Zetes and Calais,help him. Boreades: Calais and Zeus, sons of North Wind. Chalkiope: sis of Medea. Hypsipyle: Queen of Lemnos. All murdered husbands, sons, brothers, and fathers. Falls in love w Jason. Has his kids (he says give son to his parents). Amykos: king who killed Polydeukes. Polydeukes: son of Zeus and Leda. killed in wrestling match by King Amycus of Bebrycians (gulf in Propontis) Katoulas: starless, dark night. Jason prays to Phoibos to bring light so they can find Anaphe. Anaphe: where Euphemos has his dream that he nurses the earth and sleeps with it. Clod of land given to Jason by Triton. Bouphonia: Altar of Zeus Polias. Where stealth is used to sacrifice animal to Zeus. kalos thanatos: not given to Medea’s brother Aspyrtus. A beautiful death. Burial. Ability to go to Hades. Arkadians Enchelees: where Argonauts settle (some). Others settle where Harmonia and Kadmos are buried: the Land of the Enchelees, ‘eels, serpents’ Nasamon: in Libya. Hero in Africa. Son of Triton. Cyrene: Cyrene, one of the richest and most famous Greek cities of North Africa. Mopsos: While fleeing across the Libyan desert from angry sisters of the slain Gorgon Medusa, Mopsus died from the bite of a viper that had grown from a drop of Medusa's blood. Medea was unable to save him, even by magical means. The Argonauts buried him with a monument by the sea, and a temple was later erected on the site.

Euphemos: when Argonauts arrive at Anaphe, EUPHEMOS dreams that he nurses the clod of earth, it turns into a virgin, and he makes love to her as if it is his own daughter – his distress – her appearance in a dream in which she identifies herself as his children’s nurse, daughter of Triton and Libya – metamorphosis into the island of Calliste (‘most beautiful’), another name for Thera. Calliste: when Argonauts arrive at Anaphe, EUPHEMOS dreams that he nurses the clod of earth, it turns into a virgin, and he makes love to her as if it is his own daughter – his distress – her appearance in a dream in which she identifies herself as his children’s nurse, daughter of Triton and Libya – metamorphosis into the island of Calliste (‘most beautiful’), another name for Thera. - Euphemos’ children on Lemnos eventually move to Sparta, then leave Sparta for Kalliste, led by the hero named Theras – and the island is re-named...

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