Untitled document - Grade: b PDF

Title Untitled document - Grade: b
Author Abby Sebring
Course Skills For English Composition 
Institution Volunteer State Community College
Pages 6
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I had to write to write about something off the top of my head and i had to create the writing using my 5 senses. ...


Abbygale Sebring Professor Morgan English 0810 23, January 2019

Ladder Writing

Fear is a jaw dropping experience. Nobody likes to be afraid even though it might cause suspense. One big fear of mine is just as simply as the next day. I fear what is going to happen next, I fear what is going on in the current moment. My mind is always on the go. I stress out an abundant amount, I get anxious over the simplest things, I worry beyond measure. My fear is the next second. The fear is not where I am going eternally but it is whats going on around me, what I have on my agenda for that given day ad will I be able to finish it. I always ask myself crazy questions like are you going to be able to make it? Can you survive? What's going on in your head? And so many more. I get so anxious I drive the wrong way or get stressed out and have to pull over and it's just about life situations I face ever

Questions on Meaning

1. How would you describe the writer's purpose in this essay? What dominant impression does Birkerts create? ● The purpose in this essay is to always be aware of your surroundings and let your gut tell you how to handle the scary situation. The impression that Birkerts creates is very scary person and a very untrustworthy person and quite honestly a creepy old man. The fear also kept him from completing his mission of painting the old man's house. Things aren’t always as they appear and often change as we move or grow. 2. What does Birkerts mean when he says of turning his head while high up during his climb, “that little twist of the neck was like breaking the seal “(par 4 )? ● This was explaining how nervous he was and very shocked that he couldn't move any part of his body.Up until that point it was like he was having an out of body experience but when he finally looked down that’s when it hit him where he was and what he was doing. 3. Why did the author seek out odd jobs like a day of house painting? How do those circumstances hint at the deeper implications of fear ? ●

He was needing money to help with food and already having to buy dented food cans to get buy (cause they are sometimes free or at discount).Fear leads us to do desperate things sometimes especially when we’re hungry and in real need.

4. Why is Birkerts terrified by the ladder? What does it represent to him? ● It says on the second page, “ I was in my early twenties and had enough playing in trees and high places as a kid to have an idea. I'd always been reluctant climber, though maybe I’d later chalked it off as a fear outgrown --- as if if a decade of not testing the edge would have made it go away.” I think he was terrified of the ladder because of his childhood climbing. It represented all his climbing trees and and high places as a child and the fear he felt then.

Questions on writing strategy 1. What strategy does Birkerts use to connect with his readers? How well does he succeed in your estimation? ●

I think he uses the storytime strategy, he connects the reader by providing information that is going on each step of the way. He provides his feelings quite often and the characterization of the other characters in the story. He also includes information about his past life and the fears he has. I think he did a wonderful job expressing looks, feelings and characterization. One thing i think he could change would be the suspense, he could've made it more exciting and suspenseful.

2. How does Birkerts organize his description? ●

He uses very specific details about what is going on. He organizes his description by timing and his current feelings.

3. What is the intended effect on the unusually long paragraph ? ● The long paragraph is to explain what he is feeling throughout the story and how time seemed to pass for him while he was on the ladder. In reality it was probably only a few minutes but the long paragraph shows us that it felt longer to him due to his fear.

4. Other methods. Where does Birkerts use comparison and contrast? What do these passages contribute to the essay? ● He uses comparison and contrast when he first notices boss he says he’s “handsome” but then after the boss takes out his teeth he’s a different person. He uses it again when he describes his feeling before fear takes hold and after it takes hold. Using these comparisons and contrasts shows how often things are different than they first appear. It’s all about perspective.

Questions on language

2. In the paragraph 1 Birkerts describes his boss as “lady- killer handsome” What does that mean? Where in his essay does Birkerts return to his notion, and what is the effect of the repetition ? ● lady - killer handsome means he can attract all the ladies in a heartbeat and can have any of his choosing they’d all find him attractive.At the end of his essay he says again how he believes his boss to be “lady-killer handsome” but it’s almost with relief after being on the ground again and noticing he has his teeth back in saying everything looks as it should. 3. Point to a few instances in the essay that make particularly effective use of concrete details and sensory images to convey Birkerts feelings. ● The details of the man when he first meets him sitting in the grass.The details of the man’s face after he takes out his teeth.The detail of climbing the ladder and each sensation he feels while he grips it or turns his head.The sensation of being on the ladder in the air.All of these sensations and details show how fear took hold of Birkert from seeing the old man sitting in the grass and taking out his teeth to climbing the ladder....

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