Value Education.docx question bank (6).docx 5TH April Downloads 2019-converted.pdf Online 2021 April PDF

Title Value Education.docx question bank (6).docx 5TH April Downloads 2019-converted.pdf Online 2021 April
Course Business administration
Institution RVS Institute of Management Studies
Pages 90
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Value Education QUESTION BANK “Soft Skills (‘Mrudu Kousalya’) Paper”

For B.Com/BBA from 2017-18 V SEMESTER


SYLLABUS Unit 1 : Introduction to value education •

Meaning of value education

Need of value education

Purpose of value education

Significance of value education in present context

Different types of values

Role of family

Society and institutions in inculcation of values

Value education towards human development

Human values

Concept of human values

Personal development ways to improve personality

Sensitization of people towards differently able people

Women and child

Character formation towards positive personality

Unit 2 : Value Education for National and Global Development •

Value education for national and global development

National and constitutional values

National Integration and international understanding

Human Rights

Universal declaration of human rights

Classification of human rights

Human rights of women and children

Social practices and constitutional safeguards


Unit 3 : Environment and Ecological Balance •

Environmental and ecological balance


Need and importance


Prevention and preservation of natural resources



__________ transmit values to pupils. Adults b. Children c. Peer group

2. a.

There are __________ main approaches to value education. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

3. a.

___________ values is the example of transmitting or inculcating a set of values. Cultural b. Personal c. Educational d. Economic

d. God

4. Implicit values education can be related to the concept of __________. a. Hidden Curriculum b. Curriculum c. Bright Curriculum d. Public Curriculum 5. The discussion on implicit and explicit raises the ___________ problem of whether or not an unintentional action can be called education. a. Philosophical b. Material c. Real d. Physical CONCEPT OF EDUCATION 6. a.

____________ is the process of facilitating learning. Education b. Philosophy c. Culture

d. Values

7. The acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits can be called as__________. a. Education b. Game c. Culture d. Syllabus


8. ____________ methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training and directed research. a. Educational b. Cultural c. Material d. Technical 9.

Education can take place in ___________ settings.

a. Formal or informal

b. Educational or Non-educational

c. Horizontal or Vertical

d. Familiar or Non-familiar

10. Any experience that has a formative effects on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered ___________. a. Educational b. Material c. Technical d. Sociological 11. The methodology of teaching is called ___________. a. Pedagogy b. Tools c. Items

d. Device

12. A right to education has been recognized by __________ Article. a. Article 13 b. Article 23 c. Article 33 d. Article 43 13. A right to education has been recognized by the _____________ in 1966. a. United Nations b. Indian government c. State government d. Local government

CONCEPT OF VALUE 14. To describe the significance of different actions can be called as ___________, a. Axiology b. Deontology c. Drama d. Acting 15. An object with __________ value may be termed an Ethic or Philosophic good. a. Ethic b. Moral c. Physical d. Educational 16. __________can be defined as broad preferences concerning appropriate courses of action or outcome. 5



b. Values

c. Morals

d. Ethics

17. ___________ reflect a person’s sense of right and wrong. a. Morals b. Ethics c. Discipline d. Values 18. People should be treated with _________ and __________ they are representatives of values. a. Respect and Dignity b. Respect and humour c. Respect and sympathy d. Respect and discipline MEANING OF VALUE EDUCATION 19. Values education is a process of teaching and learning about the _____________. a. Ideals b. Practices c. Features d. Characteristics CONCEPT OF VALUE EDUCATION 20. The graphical presentations of values, a rainbow in the form of a _____________. a. Heart b. Eyes c. Lungs d. Mind 21. Values are nothing else than the colorful projection of our ______________. a. Inner light b. Outer light c. Sun light d. tube light 22. For our independence we had weapons like truth and _____________. a. Non-violence b. Violence c. Strike d. Hunger 23. If wealth is lost, ____________ is lost. a. Something b. Nothing c. Everything

d. More than everything

24. If health is lost, ____________ is lost. a. Something b. Nothing c. Everything

d. More than everything

25. If character is lost, ____________ is lost. a. Something b. Nothing c. Everything

d. More than everything


26. Values are needed to guide the human beings on the ____________. a. Right path b. Wrong path c. a & b both d. None 27. Values are needed to promote the ____________ in the individuals and in the society. a. Peace and Harmony b. Peace and nonviolence c. Peace and violence d. Peace and hatred 28. a. b. c. d.

The most important need is to inculcate all the five core values ____________. Truth, righteousness, peace, love and non-violence Truth, righteousness, peace, disobedient and non-violence Truth, righteousness, peace, lazy and non-violence Truth, righteousness, peace, insincere and non-violence

29. The ____________ play a pivotal role in imbibing values in true spirit. a. Teachers b. Friends c. Purohits d. Fakirs 30. The___________ has a major role to play in promotion of values. a. Media b. Radio c. Newspaper d. Television 31. By importing life skills education with values is the most important ____________. a. Ingredient b.Goal c. Principle d. Feature 32. The goal of ___________ is not only to acquire knowledge and skills, it should inculcate Holistic human beings . a. Education b. Tradition c. Customs d. Practices 33. ___________ is a systematic attempt towards human learning. a. Education b. Habits c. Tradition d. Customs NATURE OF VALUE EDUCATION HUMAN VALUES 7

34. ___________ education can play an important role in building positive attitudes about environment. a. Environmental b. Scientific c. Health d. Systematic SOCIAL VALUES 35. Love, Compassion, Tolerance and Justice are the basic teachings of most of our religions need to be woven into__________ education. a. Environmental b. Physical c. Biological c. Psychological 36. Love, Compassion, Tolerance and Justice are the values to be nurtured so that all forms of life and the ___________ on this earth are protected. a. Biodiversity b. Physical diversity c. Chemical diversity b. Biological diversity

CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS VALUES 37. ___________ values are the values enshrined in Vedas. a. Cultural and Religious b. Caste and Class c. Traditional and Untouchables

d. Power and Authority

38. Our ___________ customs and Rituals in many way teach us to protect nature. a. Cultural b. Religious c. Economic d. Social ETHICAL VALUES 39. The ___________ system should promote the earth citizenship thinking. a. Educational b. Economical c. Political d. Cultural VALUE BASED EDUCATION 40. Value – based education is an approach to teaching that works with ___________. a. Values b. Caste c. Power d. Authority 41. ___________ education creates a strong learning environment, that enhances academic achievement. a. Value based b. Syllabus based c. Material based d. Physical based 8

42. ___________ education develops students, social and relationship skills that last throughout their lives. a. Value based b. Contact based c. Media based d. Technical based 43. ___________ education provides social capacity to students, equipping them with social and relationship skills, intelligences and attitudes to succeed at school and through out their lives. a. Value based b. Customs based c. Educational based d. Religious based RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VALUES AND EDUCATION 44. Values are generally ___________ standards or principles that are used to judge the worth of an idea or action. a. Long term b. Short term c. Medium term d. End term

45. The Indian government currently promote values education in ___________. a. Schools b. Families c. Religious centers d. Social Institutions

46. The department of ___________ has taken strong step to introduce values among schools and teachers training centres in India. a. Human resource b. Forest resource c. Water resource d. Power resource 47. The department of Human Resource has taken strong step to introduce values among ___________. a. Schools and Teacher training centres b. Schools and Students coaching centres c. Students and examination centres d. Students and tutorial centres 48. ___________ is the land of introducing values. a. India b. Thailand c. Japan d. China 9

49. Values based education is progressing from the leadership of ___________ in India. a. B Shaji Kumar b. Britto c. Paulo Friere d. Prof. Edwin Fenton 50. Expand NGET: ___________. a. New Global Education Trust c. New Global Exchange Trust

b. New Glory Education Trust d. New Golden Education Trust

51. Values based education is progressing throughout the country among schools from ___________ in India. a. 1st standard to 12th standard class b. 4th standard to 12th standard class c. 6th to 10th standard class d. 8th standard to 12th standard class 52. Values education is a part of __________ school. a. Swedish b. Spanish c. Turkish d. Polish 53. Values have traditionally been taught within the context of ___________ religious education in Thailand. a. Buddhist b. Jains c. Islamic d. Hindus

PURPOSE OF VALUE EDUCATION 54. Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Dignity of individuals and integrity of the nation are the ideal conditions in the ___________. a. Nature b. Behavior c. Constitution d. University 55. University education commission ___________-mentioned the various aspects of morality as Loyalty, Courage, Discipline, Self-sacrifice and Spirituality. a. 1948-49 b. 1950-51 c. 1960-61 d. 1961-62 56. Value education critically evaluates the different ____________ of education. a. Aim and Ideals b. Unofficial c. Tertiary d. Social 10

57. __________ system is the backbone of any society. a. Value b. Economic c. Political d. Education SIGNIFICANCE OF VALUE EDUCATION IN PRESENT CONTEXT 58. The ___________ goals of education should be enabling students to gain knowledge and moral values. a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Minor 59. The sad fact is that a lot of kids are not learning moral values from their __________. a. Parents b. Teachers c. Syllabus d. Schools 60. ___________ values are considered essential principles on which we build our life and guide us to relate with other people. a. Personal b. Family c. Society d. Social 61. ___________ values are usually a blend of family values and social – cultural values, together with our own individual ones, according to our experiences. a. Personal b. Family c. Society d. Social FAMILY VALUES 62. ___________ values derive from the fundamental beliefs of the parents, who use them to educate their children. a. Family b. School c. Friends d. Business 63. ___________ values are the basic principles and guidelines of our initial behavior in society. a. Family b. Schools c. Peer groups d. University SOCIAL – CULTURAL VALUES 64. ___________ values are the prevailing values of our society, which change with time, and either coincide or personal values. a. Social – Cultural b. Social – Economical 11

c. Social – Political

d. Social – Business

MATERIAL VALUES 65. ___________ allow us to survive and are related to our basic needs as human beings. a. Material b. Immaterial c. Spiritual d. Cultural 66. Our basic needs as human beings, such as food and clothing and protection from the environment are ___________ Values. a. Material b. Spiritual c. Irrelevant d. Cultural 67. Material values are ____________ needs. a. Fundamental b. Cultural c. Spiritual d. Physical 68. Material values is a part of the complex web that is created between ___________. a. Personal, Family and Social – Cultural values b. Person, Friends and Institutions values c. Teachers, Parents and Friends values d. Social, Economical and Political values SPIRITUAL VALUES 69. Spiritual values refer to the importance we give to ____________ aspects in our lives. a. Non-Material b. Material c. Natural d. Physical 70. ___________ values add meaning and foundation to our life, as do religious beliefs. a. Spiritual b. Material c. Physical d. Material ROLE OF FAMILY IN INCULCATION OF VALUES 71. ___________ is the foundation on which values are built. a. Family b. Hospitals c. Temples d. Courts 12

72. The ___________ shapes the child’s attitude towards people and society, and helps in mental growth in the Child. a. Family b. Tools c. Instruments d. Discipline 73. ___________ atmosphere in the family will develop the love, affection, tolerance, and generosity. a. Blissful and Cheerful b. Sad and Unsupported c. Dull and Cheerless d. Unhappy and Cloudy 74. ___________ plays a major role in helping a child socialize and has great influence and bearing on the progress of the child. a. Family b. Temples c. Schools d. Hotels 75. Family is the first ___________ that provides the immediate proximity from which the kid can learn his behavior. a. Social Organization b. Institutions c. Social-economic organization d. Training centers IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY VALUES IN LIFE 76. A family is a unit of ___________. a. Parents and Children b. Teachers and Students b. Doctors and patient d. Police and Criminals 77. A ___________ is a unit of parents and the children. a. Family b. Drama c. Story d. Cinema 78. ___________ Standards and customs defined by a family provide the emotional and physical basis for a child. a. Social b. Economic c. Political d. Religious 79. Values developed by a ___________ are the foundation for how children learn, grow and function in the world. 13



b. Schools

c. Universities

d. Institutions

80. Family values enhance the character and turns the children to be good human being. a. Schools b. Family c. Institutions d. Universities 81. ___________ followed and taught by the family leads a disciplined and organized life. a. Customs and Traditions b. Individualities and ignorance c. Disbeliefs and bad manners d. Habits and Followings 82. ___________ built around a family helps the children to be responsible and conscientious adults. a. Beliefs and Trust b. Isolation and Selfishness c. Selfishness and Disbeliefs d. Opposing and Cheating 83. ___________ is important in developing the moral values of child. a. Family b. Marriage c. Functions d. Schools SOCIETY AND INSTITUTIONS IN INCULCATION OF VALUES 84. There is a close contact between the ___________ which determine the personality of child. a. Parents and Children b. Teacher and Students c. Friends and Friends d. Children and Schools 85. The ___________ is important in developing the moral values of child. a. Society b. Education c. Institution d. Temple 86. ___________ is the foundation on which values are built. a. Family b. Schools c. Play ground d. Tutorial ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS I INCULCATING VALUES 87. School is a ___________ for children. 14


Small society

b. Big society

c. Learning society

d. Teaching society

88. Children are members of a small society that exerts a tremendous influence on their moral development in ____________. a. School b. Peer group c. Family d. University 89. ___________ serve as role model to students in school. a. Teachers b. Peer group c. Mass Media d. Public 90. __________ at school diffuse boldness about cheating, lying, stealing, and consideration for others. a. Peers b. Guardians c. Parents d. Teachers 91. The ___________ institutions play a major role in developing ethical behavior in children. a. Mass media b. Peer group c. Educational d. Society 92. The ___________ are the first role model to the children outside their family. a. Friends b. Teachers c. Colleagues d. Media 93. The ___________ learn them by observing and imitate it with fellow peers. a. Children b. Teachers c. Parents d. Staff HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 94. ____________ development is defined as the process of enlarging people’s freedoms and opportunities and improving their well-being. a. Humanb. Physical c. Biological d. Psychological VOTING VALUES 95. ___________ process is an excellent way to introduce specific value issues into the classroom. a. Public Interview b. Rank Order c. Values Voting d. Dialectical Action 15

96. ___________ is simply a procedure that allows every student to make a public affirmation variety of issues. a. Public Interview b. Rank Order c. Values Voting d. Dialectical Action PUBLIC INTERVIEW 97. In ________interview the student can end the interview at any time by simply saying, Thank you for the interview. a. Public b. Private c. Organization d. Company SOCIAL ACTION MODEL 98. a. b. c. d.

The two models of social actions are __________and ____________. Elitist social action and Popular social action Governmental social action and Non-governmental social action Documentary social action and Non-documentary social action Popular social action and Non-popular social action

99. a. b. c. d.

Britto gives two models of social action as ___________ and ___________. Elitist social action and Popular social action Value clarification model and Social action model Legislative social action model and Direct physical model Conscientization model and Dialectical mobilization model

100. The Elitist social action and Popular social action are models of social action as given by Britto in ___________. a. 1984 b. 1986 c. 1982 d. 1980 101. Elitist social action and Popular social action are two models of social action given by ___________. a. Shaji Kumar b. Britto c. Puja Mandal d. Edwin Fenton MODELS OF SOCIAL ACTION 16

102. When social action is carried out with marginal participation of the masses it is termed as___________. a. Elite b. Popular c. Government d. Dialectical 103. When social action is carried out by the elite exclusively or with marginal participation of the masses, it is termed as ___________. a. Elitist social action b. Popular social action c. Legislative social action d. Social action model 104. Elite social action is essentially ___________. a. A group action b. A Individual action c. A School action

d. Social action model

105. The three sub-models of elitist social action are ____________. a. Value clarification model, Social action model and Just community Intervention model. b. Legislative social action model, Economic social model and Direct physical model. c. Conscientization model, Dialectical mobilization model and Direct mobilization model. d. Rank order model, Values voting model and Public inte...

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