Verbi - tempi verbali + esercizi PDF

Title Verbi - tempi verbali + esercizi
Author Simona Melillo
Course Lingua e Traduzione - Lingua inglese 
Institution Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Pages 55
File Size 2.3 MB
File Type PDF
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tempi verbali + esercizi...



Le voci del presente del verbo be sono: I am

you/we/they are

he/she/it is

Nella lingua parlata si usano le forme contratte: I'm you're/we're/they're •


La forma negativa si ottiene aggiungendo not. I am not you/we/they are not he/she/it is not Forme contratte: I'm not

you/we/they aren't

he/she/it isn't

La forma interrogativa si ottiene invertendo la posizione del soggetto e del verbo. Forma interrogativa negativa: Am I?

Are you/we/they?

Is he/she/it?

Forma interrogativa negativa: Am I not?

Aren't you/we/they? Isn't he/she/it?

I'm from Chicago. Where are you from? “Io sono di Chicago. Tu di dove sei? “Is Rita married?” “No she isn't” “Rita è sposata?” “No.” My parents aren't at home today. I miei genitori non sono in casa oggi. •

Il Present Simple si forma con l'infinito senza to. I work Io lavoro

you work

we work

tu lavori/voi lavorate

they work

noi lavoriamo

loro/essi/esse lavorano

Alla terza persona singolare (he/she/it) si aggiunge s. Con i verbi terminanti in o, s, ch, sh, x si aggiunge -es. Alcuni verbi, come be e have, sono irregolari. She works

he goes

Bob watches he has

she misses

he wishes

he relaxes

she is

I verbi in -y preceduta da consonante terminano in -ies alla terza persona singolare. I play she plays

I study he studies

we try Bill tries

La forma negativa si costruisce con do not e il verbo all'infinito senza to. Alla terza persona singolare si usa does not nello stesso modo. I do not work

she does not work

Io non lavoro

lei non lavora

Nel parlato e nei testi scritti informali si usano le forme contratte don't e doesn't. I don't work

she doesn't work

Quando si usa? •

Realtà che sono sempre vere/ verità assolute The sun rises in the east Il sole sorge a est.

Azioni abituali Every day I wake up at 7.30 Ogni mattina mi alzo alle 7:30.

always--> I always get up at 7:00. often--> Pat often goes to the cinema. usually --> It usually rains when I go on holiday! sometimes--> We sometimes eat pizza for lunch. rarely --> Jane rarely listens to jazz. never --> My bus never arrives on time.

Il verbo have, spesso seguito da got, corrisponde al verbo avere in italiano con accezione di possesso: Forma affermativa: I/you/we/they have (got)

he/she/it has (got)

Forma negativa: I/you/we/they haven't (got)

he/she/it has't (got)

Forma interrogativa: have I/you/we/they (got)?

Has he/she/it (got)?

Secondo le regole del British English, come riportato quì sopra, essendo have un verbo ausiliare come be non necessita nella costruzione di negative e interrogative di do e does tuttavia nell'inglese americano il verbo have viene usato come un verbo qualunque e usa per tanto do e does nelle negative e nelle interrogative. *Nota Bene: il verbo have è ausiliare solo quando esprime possesso ! Esempio: I haven't a car --> possesso I don't usually have lunch --> uso particolare (fare colazione)

Exercises Put the verbs into the correct form.

always--> I always get up at 7:00. often--> Pat often goes to the cinema. usually --> It usually rains when I go on holiday! sometimes--> We sometimes eat pizza for lunch. rarely --> Jane rarely listens to jazz. never --> My bus never arrives on time.

Il verbo have, spesso seguito da got, corrisponde al verbo avere in italiano con accezione di possesso: Forma affermativa: I/you/we/they have (got)

he/she/it has (got)

Forma negativa: I/you/we/they haven't (got)

he/she/it has't (got)

Forma interrogativa: have I/you/we/they (got)?

Has he/she/it (got)?

Secondo le regole del British English, come riportato quì sopra, essendo have un verbo ausiliare come be non necessita nella costruzione di negative e interrogative di do e does tuttavia nell'inglese americano il verbo have viene usato come un verbo qualunque e usa per tanto do e does nelle negative e nelle interrogative. *Nota Bene: il verbo have è ausiliare solo quando esprime possesso ! Esempio: I haven't a car --> possesso I don't usually have lunch --> uso particolare (fare colazione)

Exercises Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. I (to like)

lemonade very much.

2. The girls always (to listen)

to pop music.

3. Janet never (to wear)


4. Mr Smith (to teach)

Spanish and French.

5. You (to do)

your homework after school.

Simple present with 'have' and 'be' Fill in the correct form of the verbs. 1. We (to have)

a nice garden.

2. She (to be)

six years old.

3. Simon (to have) 4. I (to be)

two rabbits and five goldfish. from Vienna, Austria.

5. They (to be) Negative Sentences Make negative sentences. 1. My father makes breakfast. → 2. They are eleven. → 3. She writes a letter. → 4. I speak Italian. → 5. Danny phones his father on Sundays. → Questions Make questions. 1. you / to speak / English → 2. when / he / to go / home → 3. they / to clean / the bathroom → 4. where / she / to ride / her bike → 5. Billy / to work / in the supermarket →

Sandy's parents.

d) diging/digging g) takeing/taking l) decideing/deciding

e) lieing/lying

f) riding/rideing

h) readding/reading m) useing/using

i) flying/flyeing n) waitting/waiting

4 Scegli la soluzione corretta. a) Jean is swimming/swiming in the ppol at the moment. b) Why you are/are you putting on your coat? c) Hurry up! We're/Wer'e waiting for you. d) Clare not is/is not doing her homework at the moment. e) What you are/are you reading? f) Look outside! Its/It's raining! g) Paula is studying/studing economics in Germany. h) Bob is watching/Is Bob watching television? i) I can't come now. I'm writting/writing a letter. j) Jack is'nt/isn't having a very good time.

5 Esprimi il futuro mettendo i verbi al Present Continuous a) What (you do) ….......................... this evening. b) I (not come) …........................... to school tomorrow! c) Tina (go).............................. to Italy next week? d) (you have) ….......................... a party this week? e) We (not go) ….................................... home on the bus after school. f) (Mrs Simpson teach) …............................... us today? g) Catherine and George (not arrive) ….................................. tomorrow. h) (Tom go)................................ to the football match tomorrow? i) Ann (not work) …............................. on Friday j) (you leave).................................. this afternoon?

6 Compleata le frasi scegliendo tra i verbi elencati come have

cook leave

do meet

get stay

go work

a) I've enjoyed my holiday here , but …..…........................... home tomorrow b) Mark ….........….................... a party on his birthday. c) Some friends .................................... to stay with me next week. d) …......................... anything tonight? Would you like to come to the cinema? e) What time …................................ in the morning? Do you want me to take you to the airport? f) Don't forget. You ….................................... dinner this evening. It's your turn! g) I can't see you at 4.30. I …................................ some friends at that time. h) Helen and Mike.................................. married in June. i) …............................ tomorrow? Or have you got a free day? j) I haven't got any lessons tomorrow, so I ….............................. at home.

7 Traduci in inglese a) Io esco, tu vieni? b) Il Milan gioca a Liverpool mercoledì prossimo. c) “Dov'è Philip?” “è in camera sua. Dorme” d) Ciao, Bill. Che fai qui? Aspetti qualcuno? e) Stanno costruendo una chiesa nuova. f) Cosa fate domani sera? g) Tim mangia continuamente caramelle. h) Il direttore è fuori. Sta pranzando con Mr. Swan. i) Lisa parte la settimana prossima. j) Piove. Non hai un ombrello?


Verbi regolari Il Past Simple dei verbi regolari si forma aggiungendo –ed all’infinito senza to. Con I verbi terminanti in –esi aggiunge solo –d. I enjoyed thefilm.(da enjoy) Il film mi è piaciuto I loved themusic (da love) La musica mi è piaciuta molto. La forma del Past Simple è la stessa per tutte le persone FI loved,you loved,heloved,ecc.+ Ortografia I verbi in –y preceduta da consonante cambiano –y in –ied: Try – Tried Cry – Cried I verbi che terminano con una sola consonante preceduta da una sola vocale accentata raddoppiano la consonante finale: Regret – Regretted Fit – Fitted Stop – Stopped Verbi irregolari Alcuni esempi: Past Simple Participio Passato Eat FMangiare+ Ate Eaten Drink FBere+ Drank Drunk WakeFSvegliare/Svegliarsi+ Woke Woken I paradigmi dei verbi irregolari si imparano con lo studio e con l’uso. Forme interrogative Le forme interrogative si formano con did + soggetto + infinito senza to


Checosahai/avetefattoieri?Perchéèpartita/seneèandata? NonsiusadidquandoWho/Whatecc.Fungonodasoggetto. Whophoned? Chihatelefonato? Formenegative

Ilcappottononmiandavabene.Carolnonhamangiatomolto. Ilverbobeèirregolare.Ilparadigmaè:be(infinito)was/were(PastSimple)been(participiopassato). LevocidelPastSimplesono: Formaaffermativa: You/we/they/were Formanegativa:



Dov’eri/Doveseistatoieripomeriggio? Ilverbohaveèirregolare.Ilparadigmaè:have(infinito)had(PastSimple)had(participiopassato).DisolitononsiusagotnelPastSimple.




IlPastSimple:Significato IlPastSimpledescriveazioni,situazioniostatideterminatinelpassato.Puoessereaccompagnatodauncomplementocheindicauntempo


AbbiamoascoltatodeiCDnuoviieripomeriggio. IlPastSimpledescriveancheazioniabitualidelpassato.Intalcase,sitraduceconl’imperfetto.


Esercizi 1 Completa ogni frase con il Past Simple del verbo tra parentesi a) Tom (look) …..................... out of the window. b) We (take) ….................... the bus from the airport to the city centre. c) Laura (read)........................ the book all afternoon. d) Kate (close) ….................... all the windows and doors. e) Sam (live) …................................ in a cottage in the country. f) An old friend (come) …............................... to see me yesterday. g) I (see) …............................. an interesting film last night. h) Sue (wait)............................. for her friends for more than an hour. i) Ruth (bring) …....................... her sister to my party. j) The bus (stop)............................ opposite the school.

2 A partire da ogni affermazione scrivi una domanda. a) Tim wrote a lot. (Tim) …........................................? b) Sam got up early. (Sam) ….........................................? c) Helen wanted to make a phone call. (Helen) …...........................................? d) Paul found the missing money. (Paul) …..........................................? e) Bill missed the bus. (Bill) …........................................? f) George ate a sandwich. (George) …...............................................? g) Jim opened the window. (Jim) …...........................................? h) Emma helped the teacher. (Emma) …..............................................? i) Alice won a prize. (Alice) …............….......................? j) Robert enjoyed the film. (Robert) …......................................?

3 Completa le frasi con il Past Simple di be o have. Usa le parole tra parentesi a) Lord Nelson …..................... a famous English admiral.

b) What (you) ….................... for breakfast this morning? c) I (not)........................ many toys when I.............. a child. d) (you) ….................... at home yesterday evening? e) The party ….............. super. We.................. a lot of fun. f) Mother (not) …............................... very happy with my school report. g) Rod …............................. an accident yesterday. h) We ............................. in the park when it started to rain. i) There (not) …....................... many people at the conference. j) I liked that shirt, but I (not)............................ enough money to buy it.

4 Usa la forma negativa di ciascuno dei verbi elencati per scrivere una frase che abbia lo stesso significato della prima Close



get up


a) David caught the train. ….......................................... b) Paula remembered her homework. ….......................................... c) The lesson continued. …............................................... d) John opened the door. …............................................... e) Jean failed the French exam. …............................................... f) Tim's new trousers were too big. …...............................................



sit down



g) Terry stayed in bed. …............................................... h) Karen hated Chinese food. …............................................... i) Chris's team lost the match. …............................................... j) I stood up on the bus all the way home. …...................................................

5 Trova gli errori nelle forme verbali e scrivi le frasi corrette a) Where did you went last night? …............................................... b) I didn't knew the answer. …............................................... c) Sue maked a lot of noise. …............................................... d) I didn't liked my new teacher. …............................................... e) Took you your medicine? …............................................... f) Helen comed home late last night. …............................................... g) I didn't got up early this morning. …............................................... h) What did you saw at the cinema …...............................................?

6 Compleata le frasi con il Past Simple dei verbi tra parentesi a) When (you, arrive) …..…........................... in this country? b) Jack (not turn on)….........….................... the television. c) Pat (leave) .................................... his coat in the hall. d) How many pages (you write)..........................? e) What (the teacher say) …................................ ? f) (you tell) ….................................... Tim the answer? g) (you go) ….................................... to the basketball match yesterday? h) Ann (not know).................................. the other girl's name. i) Which books (you take)…............................ to school? j) (Jane phone) ….............................. you last night?

Esercizi: 1 Scegli la soluzione corretta: a) What you were doing/were you doing at 6.00?. b) Ten people was waiting/ were waiting for the bus. c) It wasn't raining/weren't raining when I left. d) I was having/ were having breakfast when Pat phoned. e) What you were talking/ were you talking about? f) Mike and Jim were playing/was playing football at 4.00. g) Was it snowing/ were it snowing when you went out? h) Kate and Jane wasn't carrying/weren't carrying any bags. i) Sorry, you were reading/ were you reading this book? j) While Helen was doing/were doing her homework, her friends arrived.

2 Completa le frasi con il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi : a) (you,wait) ...... ...... for Bill when he arrived at the airport? b) While (Mary, have) ........................ lunch, it started raining. c) When the bell rang (we, play)................ ...... basketball. d) Who (dance)........... ...... with you last night? e) While (Sue, shop)............ ....... she met an old friend. f) (Some of the students, look)...................... out the window. g) While (we, wait) ............ .... for a taxi, a bus stopped nearby. h) While (I, walk)............. ...... home, I ate a sandwich. i) (Jim, work) ............ in a factory when he met Tina. j) Where (you, go)................ when I met you?

3 Scrivi le domande corrispondenti a queste risposte iniziando come indicato: a)Were ........................................................ Last night? No, I wasn't working last night. b)Was......................................................... Yes, that's right. Tim was waiting at the bus-stop c)Was.............................................. No, Mary wasn't talking. d)Was ............................................... Yes, that's right. Kate was wearing jeans. e)Were.................................................. Yes, Pat and Chris were playing football. f)Was .................................................... Raining? Yes, it was. g)Were................................ No, I wasn't reading. I was writing. h)Was.................................... Yes, that's right? Tina was doing her homework. i)Were......................................................................... Yes, the police were asking questions. j)Were.................................................................. No, David and Pat weren't living here then.

4 Trova l'errore: a) When I was arriving at David's house, he was waiting outside.

............................................ b) While we were writing a maths test, the head teacher was coming into the room. ............................................. c) While we swam, it started to rain. ............................................... d) While I was having a bath, the lights were going out. .................................................. e) John watched television when the storm began. ................................................... f) While I was walking to school I was losing my maths homework! ..................................................... g) What were you doing when I was seeing you yesterday?. .................................... h) I was walking up the stairs when I was hearing the fire alarm.. ......................................................................... i) When Helen left her house, it snowed. .................................................................. j) Ann was noticing a mistake while she was typing her letter. ..................................... 5 Abbina ogni domanda alla risposta appropriata:

1) What was Carol doing when you knocked on the door? 2) How did Brenda spend her holiday? 3) What happened when the lights went out? 4) When did you meet Kate?

5) What did Jean do when Tony called? 6) Did Ann hear what David said? 7) What did Pat do when the bell rang at the end of the lesson? 8) Why did Helen leave so early?

a) She went sailing most days, and sunbathed at the beach. b) She put the phone down. c) She was listening to the radio in the kitchen. d) She went to mee...

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