Vietnam-Essay-Note - History Grade 12 Vietnam essay PDF

Title Vietnam-Essay-Note - History Grade 12 Vietnam essay
Author Caylin Riley
Course History
Institution Further Education and Training
Pages 2
File Size 108.1 KB
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History Grade 12 Vietnam essay...


“America failed to stop the expansion of communism in Vietnam” Do you agree with this statement? Substantiate your answer by analyzing the causes and the consequences of America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. SYNOPSIS When the USA became involved in Vietnam; it was for all the right reasons in terms of the opinions America held about communists. Because of the USA’s superior resources and technology, they expected that it would be quick victory over North Vietnam. The outcome was very different from their expectations. This essay explains the reasons for the USA’s unexpected defeat. MAIN ASPECTS Candidates can take a stance with regards to the statement and elaborate on it. ELABORATION  Reasons for America’s involvement: domino theory As a capitalist country  USA believed they had the responsibility to protect capitalist South Vietnam from being overtaken by communist North Vietnam, which was being supported by China and the USSR.  The USA believed that it would be an easy war against North Vietnam.  They had superior resources at their disposal, sophisticated weapons, and innovative technology.  The Vietcong fought a very effective guerrilla war  USA sent advisers and military supplies only.  “safe village” policy where local peasants were moved into fortified villages, failed  Gulf of Tonkin persuaded Congress to support the sending of more troops to Vietnam  By 1967 there were 500 00 U.S. soldiers in Vietnam.  Operation Rolling Thunder to destroy the Ho Chi Minh Trail  Vietnamese unleashed the Tet Offensive in 1968 and captured almost 80% of all towns and villages.  This offensive played a major role in turning American public opinion against the war.  By 1969 14 000 Americans were killed.  Public opinion turned against Johnson and he announced (1968) that he would not run for presidency again.  Nixon introduced a policy of Vietnamisation.  He ordered the bombing of North Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to cut off the supply trail.  In reply, North Vietnam invaded Cambodia and Laos and set up communist Governments  By now the war was very unpopular in the US and in 1973 a ceasefire was agreed upon.  In 1975 the Vietcong captured Saigon. Vietnam became a single country again with a communist government.  The booby traps inspired fear in the US soldiers which in turn led to a low morale.  This was the first television war- night after night Americans were confronted with the horrors of war

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This led to anti-war protests: students and hippies denounced the war The shooting of four demonstrators at Kent state University made matters worse My Lai Massacre - hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians killed. Photographs of the massacre shocked the American public and more and more people turned against the war Agent Orange was the cause of cancers and birth defects that became widespread in Vietnam. For all these things America received much criticism from the world and people lost respect for them as a country that stood for good, especially as a result of brutal scenes involving citizens. The Vietnam War highlighted the failure of the US policy of containment The USA was defeated by the communist forces in Vietnam America failed to stop the spread of communism

Focus on the strategies applied by the Vietcong and Vietminh in resisting against the USA's conventional war: • The USA felt that the war in Vietnam was not a conventional like World War II • Guerrilla warfare by the Vietminh and Vietcong (difficulty in separating guerrillas from villagers – farmers/peasants) • Failure of Operation Rolling Thunder against guerrillas • Ho Chi Minh Trail and its significance • Failure of 'Operation Ranch Hand' (destroyed the environment but not the Ho Chi Minh Trail) • Villagisation (creation of new villages and attempts to separate villagers [farmers] from guerrillas) failed • WHAM (Winning the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese) signalled the failure of USA to stop Vietnam from becoming a communist state and its subsequent withdrawal • Highly effective use of guerrilla tactics by the Vietcong...

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