Village Surf Shoppe - Mini Project PDF

Title Village Surf Shoppe - Mini Project
Course Media Planning Buying and analytics
Institution Adelphi University
Pages 4
File Size 80.8 KB
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Mini Project...


Coby Schmutter Media Planning Buying and Analytics


Village Surf Shoppe SWOT: Strengths:  Established in 1969  One of the top retailers within Myrtle Beach  Attracts both the local consumers and tourists  Strong slogan relaying the message to those who truly enjoy their product category  Offers both products and services  Location is known as a “hangout spot” for Surfers and Skateboarders  Local teens offer a source of earned media by wearing and utilizing products with branding  Good Location Weaknesses:  Typical customer age range is only 18-24 (small age range)  Typical perspective customer salary is only $28,000 (low ended salary)  Most marketing strategies rely on word of mouth Opportunities:  Location is trending with Tourists  Education on how to serf, rentals, and sales  People included in that market segment often gather at their location (CROSS SELL)  US experiencing a market boom  Surfing movies/films being frequently watched/becoming popular by the general public  Typical customers form a network of those interested in the Sport  New inland surfing market  Inland market customers are located in many places, Columbia, South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, Charlotte, & North Carolina Threats:  Local competition (Waller Bear’s, Surf City & Eternal Wave) create need for new markets  Winter months (Bad Weather)  Shark attacks

Marketing Objectives:

Looking to increase sales by 20% within the next 3years o Goal: take the business to a higher level to fight off the competition Competition:  Local competition: Waller Bear’s, Surf City & Eternal Wave create need for new markets  National Competition 

Creative History:  Been around since 1969  One of the top retailers within their local area  Slogan: “The Surfers Choice Since 1969; We are surfers, we are skaters, we are surfboard shapers, we are artists, Village Surf Shoppe”  Mission is to provide the best customer service and share our passion of surfing and skateboarding with everyone Target Audience:  Over 5 million surfers worldwide  Local network of people frequently hangs out in the area  Typical customer age range is only 18-24 (small age range) o Marketable to both men and women o Individuals with active/adventurous lifestyles o Consumers of recorded music o Enjoy spending lots of time on the internet  Typical perspective customer salary is only $28,000 (low ended salary)  Location is trending with Tourists Geography:  Market exists in Columbia, South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, Charlotte, & North Carolina Timing:  US experiencing a market boom  Social media posts on Facebook platform range from 1-2x per week Media Mix:  Surfing movies/films being frequently watched/becoming popular by the general public  Hosts events on their property throughout the season to encourage consumers to join and utilize owned media from their property  Earned media achieved through product awareness  Teenagers wearing/utilizing brand accessories and clothes

Media Objectives and Strategies: Target Audience & Media Mix:

All media should focus on men and women age 18-24, who enjoy an active lifestyle and travel or live in Columbia, South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, Charlotte, & North Carolina o Middle class (Salary average of $28,000) Grow Instagram to connect with the Facebook platform as people age 18-34 make up the majority of Instagram’s users o Create hashtags such as #villagesurfshoppe in effort to better connect with consumers and create earned media Utilize 20% of the $200,000 budget to invest in promotion of posts/account on social media platforms to attain more followers o Facebook & Instagram allow users to set location/age range for viewers of advertisement so they can make it exactly fit the target market Utilize 30% of the budget to connect with consumers through their love of music by creating advertisements/connecting with local radio stations utilizing paid media tactics o Podcasts/Talk shows/events Utilize 25% of the budget to create paid media by continuing to develop Products consumers can enjoy and use with proper branding to lead to earned media o Further development of clothing/accessories with proper branding o Stickers/collectibles o Advancements on board customizations (allow consumer to fully design product with brand logo) Utilize 25% of the budget for paid media by connecting with public figures within the market to endorse the brand o Allows access to public figures network o Generates earned media as a result of the public figure using products/categories created by the brand and promoting them to the market

Reach, Frequency, GRPS:  Village Surf management goal is to increase sales by 20% in the next 3years  Social media posts should occur daily between product promotion/general info for the Surfing/skateboarding community o More promotion of unique artwork/customization available as the market is mostly teenagers  Radio advertisements of events/sales once per week o Majority of promotion occurring at the beginning of each Surf season  GRP check-ins every month to determine if the advertisements are effective and to stay on track within the 3year range

Scheduling & Timing:  Typical season for Surfing is April to September

  

Constant marketing year-round in effort to stay relevant Radio ads multiple times per day promoting products/services and upcoming events Target audience is typically on social media platforms throughout the afternoon and evening

Media Budget:  $200,000 committed for one year of inland advertising o $40,000 for social media platform advertising o $60,000 for Radio advertising o $50,000 for further development of products such as stickers/clothing/accessories that fit within the category o $50,000 for Public figure endorsement from a “famous” surfer/skateboarder Geography:  Continue to expand and develop South Carolina/Myrtle beach market  Utilize existing markets in other locations such as Columbia, Charleston, South Carolina, Charlotte, & North Carolina to ensure that they are included in target audience for new marketing strategies o Include above locations as targets for social media platform advertisements Sales Promotion:  Continue to expand and develop South Carolina/Myrtle beach market as well as existing markets within other locations  Generate paid media by creating a bigger online presence  Continue to develop more earned media by creating new clothing/accessory products for consumers to use and show to others  Since the peak selling period is April to September offer discounts clothing and accessories to generate more earned media  Discount Surfing lessons during the season to gain owned media and have more people learn how to surf and enjoy the products/services offered...

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