W1 Lesson 1 - Introduction to Physical Fitness - Module 1 PDF

Title W1 Lesson 1 - Introduction to Physical Fitness - Module 1
Author Anonymous User
Course Physical Education 1
Institution AMA Computer University
Pages 9
File Size 507.8 KB
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Total Downloads 150
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Module 1 – Introduction 1Module 1 IntroductionIn this lesson, you will discover the different objectives of the PE101 course and its general requirements. You will also learn what Physical Education is all about, its goals and purpose, and why it is such an important aspect of a well-rounded educati...


PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Module 1 – Introduction


Module 1 Introduction In this lesson, you will discover the different objectives of the PE101 course and its general requirements. You will also learn what Physical Education is all about, its goals and purpose, and why it is such an important aspect of a well-rounded education. At the end of this module, you will be able to: 1. know the different requirements of the course and the overall assessment tests that the course requires. 2. determine the importance of Physical Education as an integral part of a well-rounded education. 3. understand the main objectives of Physical Education and its goals in achieving a lifetime of physical activity. Throughout the lesson, the general requirements of the course will be tackled and its relationship in helping you start your fitness journey in a safe and systematic manner.

Physical Education A subject where individuals can engage in physical activity of sufficient quantity or quality to promote health benefits (Coalter, 2009).

Goals of Physical Education 1. Physical Education aims to develop your motor skills. Motor Skills – refers to anything that allows you to move and use your body to expend energy and use it properly. Examples: dancing, walking, & running Physical Education will address your specific needs to improve on your movement patterns. It is ultimately aimed to help develop the necessary motor skills that you need to fit any activity that requires you to move.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Module 1 – Introduction


With poor motor skills, you won’t be able to move your body from one point to another. Having a poor set of motor skills puts you at risk for experiencing injuries and a lifetime of health and other physical complications.

2. Physical Education aims to hone your knowledge. Just like all other subjects, Physical Education will require you to learn concepts, principles, and strategies. These concepts would help increase your knowledge about physical activities, general fitness, and health. Learning Physical Education is not only about relying on theories and general knowledge, it entails you to use your Applied Knowledge in all aspects during this course. When your wisdom about Physical Education increases, the learning does not stop there. One of the beautiful things that Physical Education offers is that it equips you to use the knowledge and concepts that you’ve learned in the actual setting, when you are really exercising or doing physical activity. Moving and learning how to move properly are two different things, and in the same way that, exercise is different from a training routine. Learning about these concepts and how to differentiate between them would then help you in the future when you want to develop your body for a specific type of activity/ies. 3. Physical Education aims to enhance your outlook about yourself. Through constantly learning and having a strong foundation of physical fitness you will be able to perform daily tasks with grace and poise. Physical Education directly affects your outlook about yourself---how you seemingly move your body in coordination through space. Having that sense of confidence gives you the ability to believe in yourself more and the physical abilities that you possess. 4. Physical Education aims to develop and enhance your positive traits and attitudes. The long-term effects of Physical Education on individuals like you is that, your physique and overall health will improve. When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you tend to look at the world on the positive side at all times. Having a healthy body, gives you a positive disposition about life and the dealings that you do on a daily basis.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Module 1 – Introduction


Physical Education gives you the opportunity to develop this in yourself---to help you go about a healthy and active lifestyle.

5. Physical Education equips you with the knowledge and skills to pursue a lifetime of physical activity. The most important goal of Physical Education is to help and guide you to pursue a lifetime of physical activity. The lessons that you will learn from this course will inspire you to change your overall lifestyle choices and guide you towards a more healthy and active lifestyle. Pursuing a lifetime of physical activity is a choice that you have to constantly choose for yourself day-in and day-out. Physical Education is an instrument that you can use to start this endeavor.

Expected Outcomes for the Course The lessons will be composed of fifteen (15) different topics that would motivate and help you achieve the objectives of Physical Education and physical fitness in general. Here are the different expected results of this PE 101 course: Short-term Goal To make you stand up and move. In between the lessons you will be required to do and perform certain activities, gradually. Do not hesitate to try out the exercises or activities presented to you. You can always pause the presentation and copy the activity/ies as you please. This way, you are already maximizing the use of this Physical Education course. Long-term Goal: To make you move and choose physical fitness over and over again. Physical fitness is an important component to a lifetime of health and wellness. The ultimate goal of this course is to make you choose physical activity and integrate it with your daily habits and overall lifestyle.

Course Requirements As a primary requisite of the course, you should submit general information about your physical status and some contraindicated activities that you are to perform. You must first secure the following documents for the course you are about to take: Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Module 1 – Introduction


1. Doctor’s Clearance A Doctor’s Clearance, also known as, a Medical Release Form is a document strictly filled out by your doctor upon your general check-up. Before engaging in any physical activity (inside or outside of this course), you must consult with a doctor whether you are fit enough to perform series of exercises or strenuous activities. A Doctor’s Clearance ensures your safety and it prevents untoward incidents from happening. A sample of the Medical Release Form is shown below:

Image Source: Screenshot taken by the developer of the course

The Medical Release Form is a document that includes all the activities that are to be performed within the course. It also includes specifications about medications that you have taken or currently taking that would affect your exercise throughout the course. Basically, the Medical Release form is a transparent document that permits or disallows you to engage in physical activity with the guidance of a trained physician. 2. Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaires

Image Source: Screenshot taken by the developer of the course

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Module 1 – Introduction


The second requirement of the course is known as the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaires or PAR-Q. It is a document that contains questions gauging your overall health and current physical capacity. The PAR-Q is a protocol commonly used in fitness facilities to determine the possible activities the client can and cannot do. Overall, the purpose of the document for this course is to determine how you are currently feeling, as well as, to determine the different disease/s or condition/s you have experienced in the past. This way, AMAESHI will be able to gauge whether you are fit for physical activity or not. You are required to answer all the questions in the PAR-Q in all honesty, this way, we can ensure your safety throughout the course. Should you answer “YES” to more than three (3) questions within the PAR-Q, AMAESHI deems that you are not fit to work-out and you can just do the other course requirements that do not require physical work. 3. Waiver/Agreement to Participate The final requirement of the course is known as the Waiver or the Agreement to Participate form shown below:

Image Source: Screenshot taken by the developer.

This document will serve as an agreement between you and AMAESHI that you are willing to partake in the physical activities of the course through online learning. The form also includes that AMAESHI is not held responsible for any untoward incidents that might occur during the course of the lessons. This simply means that, you are solely responsible for yourself throughout the course and you are agreeing to partake in this activity.

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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Module 1 – Introduction


All of these three forms will serve as your first task for this course: 1. Download then print the three (3) forms provided. 2. Fill-out all the necessary information asked from you. 3. Scan the three (3) documents and save in .pdf or .jpeg file. 4. Upload the documents on the PE 101 Online Course Website.

Other Course Requirements 1. Exercise Equipment Since this course is an electronic type of learning, this requirement is optional. Although, there are parts in some of the lessons that require you to use some form of equipment or materials, we made sure that these things can be easily obtained. If somewhere along the lines of the course you’d really want to pursue the activities demonstrated here, you can freely purchase some basic items mentioned in the presentations for your physical activity to be more comfortable and progressive.

During the time of the Spaniards, Physical Education was not included in the curriculum of schools. It was only in 1901 when Americans introduced physical exercise in public schools. A regular program of Athletics and Baseball were among the first sports taught only to young boys during that period.

2. Tests in Comprehension Along with the physical activities provided within the course, there will be tests along the lessons to check and see your progress. The following are the different assessment tests that you will encounter throughout the course: Assessment Questions These are very short questions provided at the end of each lesson to gauge whether you have retained and understood the lesson well. At the end of each lesson, you are required to answer two (2) to three (3) simple questions that are related to the topic discussed. Quizzes Quizzes are several questions that are also provided at the end of each lesson. The quizzes may come in an EASY level or HARD level. The quiz questions may range from 5 to 15 items, depending on the length of the lesson. All of the quizzes may come in the form of: a. Multiple choice/Fill in the blanks/Matching Type – this type of test will require you to choose the letter of the correct or best answer. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Module 1 – Introduction


b. Identification – this type of test will require you to identify the term/s being described in each number. c. True or False – this type of test will require you to determine whether the statement/s are stating a fact or not. These quiz forms are all designed to target a specific level of learning to enhance or deepen your knowledge about the topics discussed within the course. Long Exams The last form of gauging your level of learning and comprehension are the Long Exams. There will three (3) different Long Exams in the module ranging from fifty (50) to one-hundred (100) items. The lessons are all subdivided to fit the coverage of the Long Exams that you are about to take, and these are: a. Long Exam 1/Mid-term Exam: Lessons 1-7 b. Long Exam 2/Review Exam: Lessons 8-15 c. Long Exam 3/Final Exam: All lessons covered (1-15) Before you take the exams, there will be OFFLINE REVIEW QUESTIONS comprised of fifty (50) questions provided in the course. These reviewers are not included in your total grade and will only be used as a testquestion guide to help you get higher marks on the tests. 3. Physical Fitness Tests To be able to determine your physical capacity before you begin the activities presented in this course, you will be required to take pictures or videos of yourself while performing the different Physical Fitness Tests. The series of Physical Fitness Tests will also serve as your baseline for your overall health and physical capacity. The results of these tests will serve as your point of comparison. You can use it to determine whether you have improved in some aspects of your physical fitness journey towards the end of the course. 4. Uploaded Photos/Videos The course is about Physical Education and it is expected that along your learning you will be required to perform physical activities. To be able to gauge your physical skills, some parts of the lessons in the course would require you to upload videos or photos of yourself performing the specific skill asked (i.e. circuit training, warm-up routine, etc.)

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Module 1 – Introduction


Make sure that when you do upload these photos and videos your whole body is clearly seen in the frame. The specific requirements of this requirement will be further discussed in the next few modules.

Don’t hesitate to ask! Ask the help of a partner to take photos and videos of yourself doing the activity/ies. This way, you are sure to upload materials of good quality.

Glossary Agreement to Participate – a document of agreement stating that an individual is willing to partake in the activity/ies included in the course. Applied Knowledge – the ability to use learned concepts and theories into action. Doctor’s Clearance – is a document signed by a doctor indicating whether a person is capable of performing strenuous activities. Medical Release Form – see Doctor’s Clearance. Motor Skills – refers to anything that allows you to move and use your body to expend energy and use it properly. PAR-Qs – Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaires; a pre-exercise screening document that contains questions gauging a person’s overall health and current physical capacity. Physical Education – a subject where individuals can engage in physical activity of sufficient quantity or quality to promote health benefits. (Coalter, 2009). Waiver – see Agreement to Participate.

References and Supplementary Materials Books and Journals • Bryant, C.X., Ph.D., FACSM, & Green, D.J. (2010). ACE personal trainer manual: The ultimate resource for fitness professionals (4th ed.). San Diego, CA: American Council on Exercise. • Corbin, C.B., Lindsey, R., Welk, G.J., Corbin, W.R. (2002). Concepts of fitness and wellness: A comprehensive lifestyle approach (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. • Fahey, T.D., Insel, P.M., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Fit & well: Core concepts and labs in physical fitness and wellness (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. • Hoeger, W.W.K., & Hoeger, S. (2000). Lifetime physical fitness & wellness. Englewood, Colorado: Morton Publishing Company

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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Module 1 – Introduction


Online Supplementary Reading Materials Physical Education Definition & Goals • Nabofa, O.E., PhD. Health Related Physical Fitness Responses to Sport Education Practicum Among University Students. Published: Exercise Physiology Unit, Department of Physical Education & Health Education, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. RETRIEVED from https://www.academia.edu/4212259/HEALTH_RELATED_PHYSICAL_FITNESS_RESP ONSES_TO_SPORT_EDUCATION_PRACTICUM_AMONG_UNIVERSITY_STUDENTS (July 11, 2016) • With ORIGINAL CITATION RETRIEVED from Coalter, F. (2009). The value of sport: physical fitness and health. RETRIEVED from http:/sportengland/uksport.htm (December 16 , 2010) by Nabofa, O.E. PhD. Fast Facts on Physical Education: • Rovelyn Basilad. Historical Development of Physical Education in the Philippines. (June 22, 2013). RETRIEVED from https://www.slideshare.net/rovelynbasilad/historical-development-of-physicaleducation-in-the-philippines on July 11, 2016.

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