Wanklestein Oasis: A Brief Summary PDF

Title Wanklestein Oasis: A Brief Summary
Author Anonymous User
Course Wiener Studies
Institution Wagner College
Pages 5
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Fo Bidly on quatrill no quitrip skeet. Slatty Slatt Slatt. On my momma and fonem, no kizzy...


PARTICIPANTS: Dana Trujillo  TITLE: General Manager ORGANIZATION: Pipes Cafe 1. Key Industry Issues Question 1a: What are some of the most challenging issues facing hospitality and tourism organizations these days?How do they pose problems for managers working in these organizations? Right now being that everyone is getting subsidiary income and it's making people not want to work. We are having trouble finding people, they aren’t taking any job, instead they demand considerably higher than minimum wage. 2. Managerial Challenges Question 2a. Has the manner in which you manage employees in service areas changed over the past few years? How has this caused a challenge for line managers? I have always tried to treat my employees the same, if they are doing their job well and want to continue to work they have a place to work. We had to downstaff with covid so we just eliminated some positions, other than that I have managed the same for the past couple years. Labor and revenue have changed but that is about it. Question 2b. How has the shift in employee needs impacted your management staff? 3. HTM Leader Competencies 3a. Business-Savvy: i) Numberwise - Number wise skills are important as a manager of a restaurant, you can't expect your business to run efficiently without monitoring your records. As you get comfortable in the industry you want to naturally record things and make sure that you can measure your performance as a business. ●

I am the person that orders the supplies, and I use a par to refer to supplies used when it is a busy or not busy week. It’s pretty simple math but it's important to pay close attention to what you need and don’t need. You have to be organized, you are dealing with recording daily overhead, labor, bills and reaching that level of daily income to make a profit. If you mess up the math or recording of supplies that can cause a considerable loss.

ii) Planning - Planning is made up of a combination of skills and heavily impacts your ability to make decisions, give good customer service and maintain records. Things like time

management are really important as you need to prepare your plan with ample time to adjust it if needed. Good planning skills will transfer over to other areas and help you prepare for the worst. ●

A good planner can make a plan to handle the overcrowded patio of our cafe. They prioritize getting food out to people, while bussing tables and clearing out the trash bins on their way back. This keeps customers satisfied while opening up tables for new people to sit. A planner that is experienced will be able to predict a problem such as decreased staff and have a plan in place to solve it. In the case of Pipes Cafe, at the end of every Summer we have some employees going back to school, so we need to get some people that can work weekdays in their place.

iii) Strategic Decision-Making - Similar to planning, you should refer to a checklist of things that need to be done and what are the top priorities. Good decision making means that you understand what needs to be done to get the checklist completed and what things are most important within the list. In some cases things go wrong and you have to make a quick decision on how to solve the problem. ●

If we are running out of a certain syrup for our coffee bar, I am going to try and order that syrup as soon as possible. If the place I usually get it from is out of stock, I find another way to get it done. A strategic decision maker doesn’t take no for an answer when wanting to solve a problem. Similarly if I have been notified that an employee might not make it into their shift, I am going to do anything I can to try and get someone else to fill their spot. If no one answers and we are short staffed by one person, I have to decide what our “plan of attack” is.

iv) Superior Technical Service - Superior Technical Service is shown by understanding the entire process that goes on within your workplace. This understanding makes you better at determining what people would do better in certain positions. This also could relate to your process of cooking the food, using the computer systems for orders, and closing up the restaurant. ●

Something we did at pipes was make changes to our cash register tablet. Things like adding items that aren’t really on the menu but are common orders from customers, adding substitutions for many different items so that there is less confusion. This process makes it faster for our cashier to take orders and correctly enter them into our system Being the person that is in charge of the others on your shift, you should be picking up on things and taking note of them. This could be who is the best at opening the front of the restaurant, or which employee is getting the best reviews from our regular customers. These things should be acted on and done so that the business can be efficient and maximize profits.

3b. People-Savvy:

i) Interpersonal Communication - Having a high emotional intelligence, understanding verbal and nonverbal cues and how to react to them. A skilled interpersonal communicator is able to talk to other employees with respect, respond properly to an upset customer and is generally skilled socially. As a manager you are keeping a positive friendly work environment, while maintaining professionalism. ●

A manager that shows great interpersonal communication would be able to talk to an employee that has been underperforming, in a calm way. They are able to explain their disappointment with the performance of that employee and make it clear they want to help them get back to their satisfactory level. Interpersonal communication could be shown by building strong relationships with customers and other employees at a more local scale cafe. As a cashier you would be greeting regular customers by name, making sure they are getting great service.

ii) Networked - Networking can be done in many forms, through building relationships with regular customers, employees of surrounding businesses, delivery companies and more. In a general way we build trust with employees, managers and executives if you are part of a larger organization. These things can lead to opportunities for new positions for you to move into or new employees to work alongside you. ●

Pipes Cafe is close to many other businesses with a rather large customer base, we build relationships with the surrounding businesses and they will refer people to us. If our cafe is known to have great coffee we make that known and when others want Mexican food we send them to Lourdes next door. This happens vise versa as we develop a reputation for being friendly and a great place for coffee, through our interactions with others. Of course developing good relationships with loyal customers can lead to opportunities. By having stellar service and work ethic, you may have others recognize your talent and want you to work for their business.

iii) Coaching/Training - Coaching and training are very important as they lay the groundwork for what the values and standards are for an organization. Managers should train all employees thoroughly and with respect. It is important to make expectations clear to employees while being honest in your assessment of their performance. ●

A manager with great coaching skills will make the expectations clear to a trainee. The individual should be a reflection of the coach and be a positive sign to others that training and business is taken seriously. Skilled managers are able to assess employees strengths and weaknesses, and plan on how to improve them in certain areas and work where they fit best. As a “coach” they are trying to put their best “players on the field”, while also aiming for improvement for everyone.

iv) Superior Expressive Service - Giving exceptional service is really important in the restaurant industry and for the location of Pipes. Being a business with regular customers as

well as tourists, the strategy for giving that customer the best experience can be different. The bottom line is making sure you achieve the goal of the customer while making it clear you care about their experience and wants. For every customer you want to start by greeting them, giving eye contact and potentially asking how their day is. ●

The body language you give off is very influential in how others perceive you. This is why it is important to smile, have an open posture and give eye contact to customers. Following these actions will build a sense of trust between the two parties, and that is the goal as someone working in the hospitality industry When dealing with regular customers, it is important to get to know them as people. This relationship makes customers not only come to your business but come expecting to interact with you and have an enjoyable experience.

3c. Self-Savvy: i) Professionalism - Many things make up professionalism such as being on time, being mentally prepared, dressed appropriately, using appropriate language. You can think of professionalism as how you present yourself to others, you are honest, respectful, organized and motivated. You want to acknowledge that you are representing where you work for and want to give out the best impression/performance possible. ●

An unprofessional thing to do is make plans to go out drinking the night before an early shift. You are prioritizing personal life over work responsibilities, as it is obvious that it will affect your ability to wake up at 7am and give customers a top level experience. Professionalism can also be how you deal with situations at work. If you notice that one employee is touching and flirting with another employee excessively, the professional thing to do is intervene. It is important to make it clear why that will not be tolerated and investigate if this could qualify as sexual assault.

ii) Time Management/Priorities - Time management is using your time effectively so that you can maximize productivity. This can be keeping track of things that need to be done and carrying them out when you have downtime, being aware of how long processes should take to predict how to act and more. Similar to planning and strategic decision making, you need to be able to identify problems and understand what must be done to achieve them. ●

People that are skilled in managing time will make plans and alter them based on reality. In one case you could plan to take out all the orders to customers, but there has been a delay in the cooking of dishes. In the meantime you run to clean off tables, take out trash, ask customers if they need anything, refill water etc.. This means using your time effectively and not waiting to act. Multi tasking is really important when managing time correctly. This could be carefully observing how many customers are in line, waiting on food, or waiting on a table, meanwhile you are running food out to tables. To put it simply it is being able to manage multiple things of similar importance and adjusting your actions depending on what situation you are in.

iii) Self Development - Self development is extremely important in the workplace, as many say in the industry,“ If you aren’t getting better you are getting worse”. This is very true, as there should always be a desire to get better at your job or maybe to get a “better” job with more responsibilities. This should be consistent within all people of your business and will help in creating a more positive work environment. ●

An employee that has a want for self development will be eager to try new jobs, responsibilities or positions. They will want to improve in every aspect of their job and may take time away from work to educate themselves or train. For employees that lack self development they may say they want to be better or try new things but they don’t follow through. While this could be being given advice on how to better serve customers, this person would not take that criticism well and could reject the idea that they can improve.

iv) Spirit of Optimism - Spirit of Optimism is incredibly important at creating a positive work environment. This is because it motivates employees to do their best, instead of them being afraid of if they aren’t doing well enough. By building a team environment with all members doing their best, processes can not only be made faster and more efficiently, more revenue can be made for everyone involved. ●

Some examples of things you can do to positively impact others is reaching out to help them, and limiting frustration. By helping another server while they are overwhelmed they won't only feel valued, they might be more willing to return the favor and help others out. Although this is more structured, creating incentives or goals for employees is great at achieving a collective spirit of optimism. Of course we want employees to be intrinsically motivated to do a good job, but these techniques are helpful as they can start to build that tendency within people. By giving employees a goal to push for you are able to measure their performance and see how much of an impact it makes....

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