Warrior shred 2.0 program from kinobody PDF

Title Warrior shred 2.0 program from kinobody
Author Noah Shafi
Course Biology
Institution University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Pages 49
File Size 651.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 174


Lifting protocol for those that want to look like warriors from kinobody. This is great program for beginners....


The Warrior Shredding Program 2.0 Welcome to the (New) Warrior Shredding Program To date, this program has transformed tens of thousands of people’s lives. People from all walks of life have utilized my system to slice off body fat, build strength and reveal a truly breathtaking physique. These are people that struggled to lose fat. These are people that followed every other strategy known to man, with little to no lasting results. Make no mistake, as Kino Warriors, we are doing things completely differently. We do not buckle under the status quo. We create our own status quo. This program is going to show you the exact strategies I’ve used to slice off fat and stay at single digit body fat with ease. These strategies go against the grain... So be prepared to forget everything you’ve been told about dropping fat and getting the body you want. This is without having to starve myself. This is without having to spend hours on the treadmill. And this is without having to give up the foods I love. You may think I have perfect genetics. But I remember struggling desperately to lose weight. I remember feeling like my body was working against me, like it was impossible for me consistently drop fat and stay lean. It took me years of studying, tweaking and testing to create the protocol that turned on the fat loss switch. I can’t wait to share it with you! But first order of business - I need you to say this with me: “It doesn’t matter where I am right now. It doesn’t matter how many times I failed. It doesn’t matter how much fat I have to lose. I am dropping fat and building the body of a modern day warrior. I am a Kino Warrior.” I want you to realize that the moment you joined this program, your entire life changed. There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that you will not achieve the body you want. The system is simple, it’s easy to follow and it works incredible well. If you have the drive and desire, you will most definitely achieve the body you want.

I don’t care if you have a slow metabolism. I don’t care if you have a hard time sticking to diets. This program is different. After you follow the program for a week, you will be locked in, your appetite and energy will adjust, and it will be effortless. Week after week, you will get leaner, stronger and more defined than ever before. Are you ready to begin? Let’s go!

What Is The Goal Here? There is a very simple equation for looking good. Like really, really simple. All it comes down to is this: achieve a low body fat, build a nice natural amount of muscle, and hold that muscle in the right areas and right proportion. If you do these three things you will frankly look unbelievable. Hollywood actors have to take advantage of this system all the time. They know that to portray secret agents, superheroes, fighters and heartthrobs, they need to be very lean to look captivating and they need to pack the muscle on in the right places at a specific proportion. You see, getting huge is not the look that sells and it’s not the look that women are undeniably attracted to. Not in the least. Not even close. Getting lean with a specific proportion looks unbelievable. Especially when you lock in the right shoulder to waist ratio. This is why people revere and admire actors like Christian Bale in American Psycho, Brad Pitt in Fight Club and Troy and Daniel Craig in the Bond series. None of these actors were necessarily massive or totally jacked. They simply had the muscle in the right areas and they had a low body fat. This is what turns heads and captives people. This is also the type of physique we are going to build for you. This will come down to slicing off fat and gaining strength on the right key lifts. But first, let’s talk about a few benefits of achieving a lean physique... After all, there is a lot more to being lean than just having 6-pack abs!


One huge benefit of being lean is the way it makes your face look. When you are lean your face appears more angular and chiseled. Jawlines and cheekbones become more prominent and defined and thus you appear better looking. This is one reason why models need to be so slim. The V-Shape

Evolutionary research states that the strongest sign of physical attraction in men, is none other than the coveted v-shape. It’s a shoulder to waist ratio of 1.6:1. In order to achieve such a strong v-shape, it’s imperative that the waist stays pretty taut. It’s nearly impossible to have a strong v-taper if you’re carrying excess fat. So if you want to look good year round, you absolutely must maintain a relatively low body fat and a narrow waist. Make no mistake, the v-shape will show through when you are wearing fitted clothes, gym wear, or a nice suit and even a jacket. You can’t hide your v-shape. So if you want to look your best, you must stay reasonably lean. Clothes

When you are sporting a low body fat clothes tend to look way more awesome. This is especially true when you are rocking stylish, well-fitting attire. Unless you are pretty lean it’s really hard to pull off the “GQ look”. Athleticism

Basketball players, gymnasts and sprinters all tend to be very lean! Fat is excess weight weighing you down. When you get rid of any excess body fat you can jump higher, sprint faster, run longer and lift your bodyweight with much more ease. Just imagine trying to do hill sprints, hurdles, pull-ups or muscle ups with a 20 lbs weighted vest. It’s going to be much more challenging. Health & Complexion

Getting very lean and maintaining that state requires that you eat according to your body’s needs. Additionally, you must eat healthy, nutritious foods while limiting excess junk. Most people eat too often and too much for absolutely no good reason.

Consequently they place unnecessary stress on their body to have to deal with, process and digest all of this excess food. What’s more, there is plenty of research supporting how both eating fewer calories and intermittent fasting (something we will talk about later) will improve health and even increase lifespan through a variety of mechanisms. So by staying lean you are supporting superior health and a longer more vibrant life. Confidence

Having the ability to be in complete control of how you look is a huge confidence booster. When you master the skill of eating/nutrition and learn how to lose fat and maintain leanness you will feel incredible! How many people can say they are in control of how they look? My guess is very few. THE DEGREES OF LEANNESS You might be thinking, " How lean is lean enough?" In my opinion, the 6-12% body fat range is ideal for the Kinobody Look. Over 12% and you lose the lean look. Under 6-7% body fat and you start to look freaky lean and it is simply not realistic to maintain. With that said you must choose your own level of involvement. For some people getting to 1112% body fat is going to be more than enough. And that is great! Other people are going to want to get to 8% or lower. That is also great! You have your own goals that you need to work towards. Now we will take a look at the different degrees of definition and I will provide examples of each… I categorize each of the stages by level of leanness: “Cut”, “Chiseled”, and “Shredded”. There are a variety of ways to measure and access body fat. You can go for a DEXA scan, do hydrostatic underwater weighing or even the BodPod test. Unfortunately, all of these tests are pretty expensive and timely. As a result, I recommend just basing your body fat range off how you look in the mirror or in a photo with good natural lighting. Here are some examples of different body fat ranges so you can pick your desired level of leanness.

Cut: 10-12% body fat This is a very solid level of leanness to achieve. At this level, you should have a nice slim waist and have pretty decent hits of abs definition, especially when you’re flexing. As well, your face should begin to take on a more angular appearance, your shoulders and chest will start to pop out more and your clothes should fit nicely. You will also notice that certain muscle groups will be slightly blurred by a small layer of fat.

Chiseled: 8-10% body fat At this level, your face will become perfectly lean and chiseled. Your abs will really start to pop and your muscles will take on that perfect classical sculpted proportion. You will easily and absolutely stand out from almost 99% of the people at your gym.

Shredded: 6-8% body fat This is a fantastic state to reach! Although it can be quite tricky to maintain, the noticeable visual improvement is definitely worth it. People will look at you and wonder if you’re PhotoShopped. Hence, this is the ideal condition to get into for a photo shoot or if you feel like turning heads everywhere you go. That said, I don’t recommend staying here for too long. Your testosterone levels may become down-regulated from being so lean and you’ll generally be stronger and be able to build more muscle staying in the 8-12% body fat range. I should note; this level of leanness doesn’t suit everyone. For some people their face may become too drawn in and some women may find this look to be too lean.

FINAL COMMENTS By now you should have a very good understanding of the benefits of being lean. You should also have a specific idea of the level of leanness you wish to achieve. If you feel like you are a long ways away to achieving any of these states - don’t worry. I am going to show you exactly what to do to start melting fat day after day, week after week. There is no reason why you can’t achieve the leanness and development you desire. Once we start utilizing the right nutrition and training, you will be blown away at the result you achieve.

Nutrition & Dieting For Getting Shredded What Creates Fat Loss (The Cold, Hard Truth) First order of business, we need to understand what creates fat loss. Self-proclaimed fitness gurus and shucksters with good marketing tactics and a desire for quick cash have completely and unquestionably misdirected people. We’ve been sold a million lies about what causes fat gain and what we must do to lose fat. But there is a simple and proven formula for dropping fat. Eat fewer calories than your body burns and you enter into an energy deficit. Your body is forced to make up the energy deficit from somewhere. So, it taps into its own fuel stores. Fat cells are shuttled into your bloodstream to be used for energy. This creates fat loss. If you consume more calories than you burn, you go into storage mode. The goal is to get your body to burn fat, maintain and even build muscle, and maintain a strong metabolism and keep hunger at bay. Let me repeat that. A perfectly designed shredding program will allow you to consistently drop fat, maintain or build muscle, maintain a strong and healthy metabolism and keep you satisfied.

Why Fat Loss Is So Hard (And How To Make It More Enjoyable) Dropping fat comes down to being in a caloric deficit. Maintaining and/or gaining muscle requires that you maintain strength or even increase strength on the key lifts (while also getting sufficient protein and not going too low in calories).

Keeping a healthy metabolism also requires you don’t go too low in calories. It requires sufficient carbs to avoid a down-regulation in thyroid health and leptin (hormones that regulate metabolism). It also requires that you incorporate higher calorie days and maintenance periods to increase your metabolism. Finally, being satisfied requires we structure the eating plan in a way that allows you to feel completely satisfied and liberated - while still adhering to the deficit and the proper macros. More on this later... WHY DROPPING FAT IS SO DAMN HARD Now that we know how to drop fat - create an energy deficit - let’s talk about why it’s so damn hard to do this. It’s very important to realize that being in a calorie deficit is primarily through diet regulation. You can work out for hours, trying to burn calories, and undo all that hard work in a matter of minutes by overeating... But if you don’t dial in your diet habits, your chances at getting lean are all but lost. Contrarily, you can be bedridden all day, but if you eat low calories, you will almost certainly lose weight. The reason dropping fat is so damn hard is because eating less sucks. We live in a society of plenty of food availability. We live in a society where acquiring food is a simple as the swipe of a credit card. It’s not like we have to hunt and forage all day. Food is at our fingertips. And we live in a consumer based society where food is designed to be as tasty, flavorful and delicious as possible. This makes it hard to know when to stop eating. We also for the most part have been raised to eat, even when we’re not hungry. If it’s breakfast, lunch and dinner, we are forced to finish everything on our plate. Invariably, we get used to eating when we don’t want to. Our appetite adjusts and we tend to eat more than we need or burn. Changing those habits, trying to eat less, and it’s almost always uncomfortable. We feel hungry, we have cravings, and we brood about food all day. Eventually, it’s pretty damn easy to give in. We for the most part, live stressful lives and sometimes that stress results in the pleasure and comfort of eating. My goal is to show you an exact strategy that will break the attachment for food. But also make eating (and food in general) far more rewarding than ever before.

Enter Intermittent Fasting What if I told you we are most certainly not designed to be eating all day? That eating and digesting food is a very taxing process. That the idea that we should be eating three squares per day and snacks is not only untrue but harmful.

You see, for almost all of human evolution, we have been fasting and foraging during the day. We would celebrate with big feasts at night. Interestingly enough, this style of fasting and eating is insanely productive and healthy. And yet, we are told upon waking we must get our energy from somewhere. We are told breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I call bullshit. In the morning, we are perfectly designed to be fasted. What happens is pretty damn near amazing: insulin levels are low, cortisol spikes in the morning, and growth hormone levels begin to rise. This creates the perfect storm for fat loss. What’s more, when you’re in this state, you feel incredible focus and clarity. This is because the fasted state turns on the sympathetic nervous system. This keeps your sharp, alert and focused. When you eat a big meal, especially one that is high in carbs, you go into the parasympathetic nervous system mode. This is where you feel relaxed, tired and sleepy. It makes sense we should be fasting and eating light during the day and feasting and eating big at night. Moreover, there are plenty of studies showing superior results to eating more calories and carbs at night. In fact, this study shows greater weight loss and hormonal changes with calories eaten mostly at night. Yes, we have been lied to. We have been fed a false strategy and plan. By fasting every day, we maximize fat burning. We boost growth hormone. We improve nutrition partitioning (the ability to direct nutrients into muscle tissue not fat storage). We also boost health through increasing cellular repair (fasting boosts autophagy). Fasting is amazing for the brain as it increases brain derived neurotrophic factor. Best of all, by fasting during the day, you can eat big and deeply satisfying meals while dropping fat and staying lean.

Once you adapt to the strategy I am about to teach you, it is going to be not only easy but deeply enjoyable. Your productivity will skyrocket. You will no longer slow down your day by having to prepare, cook, clean and eat. You will also experience incredible mental focus that is produced during a proper fast. When you are ready to eat, you will enjoy food like never before. You will develop a greater taste and appreciation for healthy natural foods. You will also break your addiction and reliance on overeating and eating when bored. You will break your attachment to food. This will make getting lean very, very enjoyable. HOW TO DO INTERMITTENT FASTING I’ve been steadily fasting since 2011. After a few years, I finally found the most enjoyable and effective way to do it. Here is how to fast for maximum benefits and enjoyment. The goal is to fast for the first 4-6 hours of the day, upon waking. So, let’s say for example, that you wake up at 8am. You will have your first meal between 12-2pm. This is the meal that will break your fast. You will then have your second meal around dinner time, for example, 6-8pm. And if you have calories left, you can have a light snack or bite before bed. During the fasting portion of the day, no food should be consumed. You should drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Sparkling water or carbonated water is very good at keeping feelings of fullness during the fast. As well, drinking black coffee is very effective at blunting appetite and boosting energy. Let’s take a closer look at what this looks like:    

Wake up (until first meal) - water, sparkling water, black coffee Lunch (4-6ish hours after waking) Dinner (normal dinner hours) Late Night Snack - (if you still have room in your calories)

Important Note: 

I’ve recently been substituting my second cup of coffee with the pre-workout my team and researchers formulated. It’s called Kino Octane. It’s a zero calorie all natural pre

workout / energy drink. It contains natural caffeine, L-theanine, ginseng and L-citrulline to boost training performance and recovery and increase energy. So my preferred strategy is a cup of coffee in the morning and then a few hours later I’ll have a serving of Kino Octane. You can check it out here.

Hunger During Fast

For some people the first few days of fasting can be quite difficult. This is because your body is used to eating breakfast for several years. So your hormones are adjusted to trigger hunger in the morning. It will just take a few days to adapt and then you should find you have no hunger issues during the morning. As well, make sure to drink black coffee, kino octane and some sparkling water and you’ll find you can tolerate hunger pretty well. It’s also important to note that the busier you are during the fast, the easier it will be to fast. Get your mind off of food, put your focus somewhere else. Also simply by understanding how beneficial fasting is and understanding that you are designed to fast, will make fasting a lot easier. There are huge and enormous benefits with fasting during the day. It improves health and gives your body a chance to detoxify itself. When I began fasting I pretty much got rid of all my acne and breakouts and felt much better. So simply understanding this will help a lot. Can You Work Out During the Fast?

Yes, you can absolutely workout during the fast. In fact, I love fasted workouts. One thing I do to ensure an amazing workout is I’ll have a scoop of Kino Octane 20-30 minutes before my workout and I’ll have 10g of branched chain amino acids right before the workout. Branched chain amino acids will prevent protein breakdown and trigger protein synthesis. Pre workout BCAA’s have also been shown to increase metabolism. Moreover, I find that 10g of BCAA’s before my work out completely turns off my hunger. So I’ve actually been taking 10g of BCAA’s daily near the end of my fast to blunt my hunger. While technically, 10g of BCAA’s has a calorie load of 65 calories. And technically, it may take

you out of the fast. I call it strategic fasting. Since it’s so few calories, it supports muscle growth and it blunts hunger. By all means, taking BCAA’s daily is not necessary, but it’s worth trying for yourself to see what you most prefer. Since most of the BCAA’s on the market are very expensive and loaded with artificial ingredients, we decided to make our own. There is no sugar or artificial ingredients added and they taste great. What if I feel light headed and/or dizzy during the fast?

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