Week 1 Key Events Newsletter PDF

Title Week 1 Key Events Newsletter
Author Anonymous User
Course ELL Curriculum and Methods of Instruction
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Anissa Mendoza SEI-223 Professor Lorena Brown July 7,2019

ELL PROGRAMS In Arizona many English Language Learner programs consist of pulling students from general classrooms for four hours a day and spend an hour each for Oral English conversation and vocabulary, grammar, writing, and reading. This puts focus on the student ability to learn English but takes away the ELL students from learning academic with native English students creating a separation. TWI is another program that teaches a new language with three categories beginner, intermediate, and advanced. TWI is dual language education that combines students from two language groups for instruction in both of their languages, has been in existence for nearly 40 years, and its popularity has grown. Nineteen Elementary schools and preschools follow the Two-Way immersion program within Arizona.

ELL Timeline 1840s 1840s- The first state systems of public education were established. Some schools were bilingual or taught in primary European languages of the community.


1992-2014 Flores vv.. State of Arizo Arizona na na-- “Parents of students in Nogales alleged that the civil rights of English learner were being violated with poor instruction without language acquisition support. The courts rule in favor of the parents and the Arizona Department of Education entered into a consent decree. Decree includes standardized assessments to determine placement in ELL programs. In 2006 the court determined that Arizona had met the conditions of the consent decree.”(Grand Canyon University, 2019, P. 1)

Standards- “English Language Proficiency ELP Standards Standards are the standards that align with state academic or content standards. These standards focus on different levels of language acquisition within each grade level. Two-W wo-Way ay Immersion (TWI): Dual language programs use two languages for literacy and content instruction for all students. The programs provide the same academic content and address the same standards as other educational programs. They provide instruction in the two languages over an extended period of time Arizona English Language LLearner earner Assessment (AZELLA) - an assessment developed by Pearson and the Arizona Department of Education as an augmented version of the Stanford English Proficiency (SELP) Test; a criterion-referenced test aligned to the Arizona K-12 English Language Program (ELP) standards.“(Grand Canyon University, 2019 p.1)

2000 Proposition 203 203-- Arizona voters passed the English Language Education for Children in Public School Act. Classroom instruction in English and English will be taught through Sheltered English Immersion 2006 House Bill 2064- The basis of Arizona Revised Statutes. Created funding for English learner programs, first year English learners to receive four hours of language instruction, and annually test English proficiency.


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Pro’s for English Immersion Programs

-The Pro’s with English Immersion programs is that it has continued to grow within schools today. There is greater support for ELL students along with native language learners learning a new language while still keeping the cultural background. -The program provide both groups of students with core academic instruction in both languages. “There are two main program models in twoway immersion education that are generally referred to as “90/10” and “50/50.” In a 90/10 model, 90% of instruction in the first year or two is in the partner language and 10% in English. Over the course of the primary grades, the percentage of instruction in the minority language decreases, while the percentage of instruction in English gradually increases.”(Howard, Sugarman, Perdomo, and Adger, 2005 Para. 5) Citation

-The positive effects of TWI can be seen as early as preschool which demonstrates that “young language-minority students in TWI programs can reach native-like proficiency in English, while improving in their home language as well, demonstrating that one can create an additive bilingual educational environment for language-minority children even in the early childhood years.


TWI breaks down barriers of stereotype that English-only student have superiority over ELL students. TWI programs also encourages ELL than being discourage and left out being having their voice be “stripped away” which in return the students achieves better academically.”(Yoon Kim, Lindsey Hutchinson, and Adam Winsler 2013, Para.1)

English Language Proficiency Standards

Watch To Learn More about Two-Way Immersion.

Arizona Department of Education. (2019). English Language Proficiency Standards. Retrieved from http://www.azed.gov/oelas/elps/ Arizona Project. (2007). Arizona English Language Learners Task Force. Retrieved from https://cms.azed.gov/home/GetDocumentFile?id=55257a851130c008a0c55c0b Ki m,Y.K. ,Hut c hi s on,L.A. ,&Wi ns l er ,A.( 2015) .Bi l i ngual educ at i oni nt heUni t edSt at es :anhi s t or i c al ov er v i ew andex ami nat i onoft wowa yi mmer s i on. Educ at i onal Rev i ew, 67( 2) ,236–252.ht t ps : / / doi or g. l opes . i dm. oc l c . or g/ 10. 1080/ 00131911. 2013. 865593 Grand Canyon University. (2019). English Language Teaching. Retrieved from https://www.gcumedia.com/lms-


Howard, E., Sugarman, J., Perdomo, M., & Adger, C. (2005). Two-Way Immersion Education: The Basic. Retrieved from http://www.cal.org/twi/toolkit/PI/Basics_Eng.pdf...

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