Week 11 Assignment Evaluating Presentation Aids PDF

Title Week 11 Assignment Evaluating Presentation Aids
Course Public Speaking
Institution University of Missouri
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COMM 1200: PUBLIC SPEAKING [Natalie Lay], [10/30/19] Week 11 Assignment: Evaluating Presentation Aids Speech One Watch the video at https://youtu.be/tOb1TFVEAY0. · Was the speaker’s presentation aid appropriately designed for the context (i.e., Aid is easy to read, hear, or see; any slides have minimal text; aid is appropriate for the audience and forum)? The speaker’s presentation aid, which was a powerpoint, was definitely appropriately designed for the context. You could clearly see the powerpoint and all of the words, graphs, or pictures that were on it. It had very minimal text on the slides where words were put on. However, the slide talking about hyperinflation could have been shortened a bit. · Did the speaker integrate verbal and visual (i.e., Aid is only used when necessary and is referenced by speaker; details and explanations are delivered verbally; speaker maintained strong eye contact with audience and did not present to aid)? The speaker did a fantastic job of using his visual aid, but also not getting stuck in it. He had excellent eye contact especially while transferring back and forth while explaining the slide weather it was a diagram or a picture. He also had very good non verbal skills such as hand movement. · Did the presentation aid add value to the speech (i.e., Aid does not seem unnecessary or “tacked on” to the presentation)? The presentation aid definitely added a ton of value to his speech. Some of the topics he was speaking on would have much more difficult to understand without the presentation of some sort of graphic or picture to visualize what he was speaking on. It flowed very well throughout his speech and he used it as an aid not as his entire speech. · Give the speaker two pieces of advice about how to improve their speech, delivery, and/or use of presentation aids. First, I would try and make sure you keep your camera very still. It was shaking a bit in the beginning which was very distracting in focusing on you beginning your delivery of your speech. Second, try and add some more lighting into your presentation. Although I could see your aid very well, I couldn’t see you that well which made it somewhat difficult to see what you were saying at times and if you were looking at the camera or your aid. Speech Two

Watch the video at https://youtu.be/9OcPENtGzSY. · Was the speaker’s presentation aid appropriately designed for the context (i.e., Aid is easy to read, hear, or see; any slides have minimal text; aid is appropriate for the audience and forum)? The speaker’s presentation aid was not appropriately designed for the context. It was very rushed, not explained, and she was laughing while showing her aid which took away any sense of professionalism. It was very hard to hear what she was saying about the aid as she was laughing and rushed the first 30 seconds of her speech. · Did the speaker integrate verbal and visual (i.e., Aid is only used when necessary and is referenced by speaker; details and explanations are delivered verbally; speaker maintained strong eye contact with audience and did not present to aid)? The aid only lasted for about 10 seconds which made it very hard to even see what the purpose of the camera was. She had somewhat good eye contact while presenting her aid, however, was laughing which took away the aids value. · Did the presentation aid add value to the speech (i.e., Aid does not seem unnecessary or “tacked on” to the presentation)? The presentation aid did not add value to the speech. Her starting off her speech with the way she did, laughing and not taking it seriously, set the tone for the entire speech. The aid started the speech off poorly and kept that same tone throughout the speech as I was distracted the entire time only thinking of what she would mess up on next. · Give the speaker two pieces of advice about how to improve their speech, delivery, and/or use of presentation aids. First, I would suggest her to move her presentation aid to the middle of the speech and to adjust her wording and presentation. If she would just try to show the camera and point out the different features, I think that would help very much in adding value to her speech. Second, I would suggest more practice. Multiple times she pronounced names incorrectly. It showed that she was unprepared which distracted me while watching....

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