WEEK 11 - Lecture notes 11 PDF

Title WEEK 11 - Lecture notes 11
Author Emily May
Course Film, Media, Culture
Institution University of Newcastle (Australia)
Pages 3
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Lecture 11 notes...


FMCS1000 WEEK 11

There’s nothing like Australia -

Recent ones Quieter, not as in your face ‘it’s like love’ song feel in it your veins breath it in your lungs it’s like love for the first time lover makes sense it’s like love for the first time


Quiet again Chris Hemsworth narrating Dramatic Sensual Mixture of Australians, not indigenous and immigrants but everyone and not about leaving. It’s not a place you see, it’s a place you feel.

Austrade video -

For industry, tourism, migration and business Les on the landscapes, shows the movies made here, businesses, events, etc. Technology. Energy sources, medical advances When looking at land, about the resources: grapevines and seafood, etc. Education and what they are learning, innovation “nurturing of inquisitive minds”.

All different but in many ways very similar Representation and narrative: -



Beaches, getting away from business. A slower, calmer, more laid back place Welcome and community sense Makes it seem like you have to be very wealthy to come here. The people who come here most are backpackers, but this doesn’t target them A very empty place everywhere they went No rain in any scene Not as multicultural as expected Exhibitionist of indigenous. Used the kid from the movie Australia to appeal to this, a representation of his culture not people in it, but attractions or guides for the events. Didn’t have any indigenous characters playing the role of a tourist or of the wealthy position Another narrative in the Austrade. Made it seem like we invented all these things. Showed the Wi-Fi system, but ours in shit compared to others. Trying to say ‘come help us’. Never showed mining. Overriding narrative is: opportunity and adventure, exoticness of both business and travel Why did it start with landscape-y tourist start? To show what we are seen as to extend to what we are. Tourism board created an imaginary view of Australia with too high expectations. Lord of the rings-esque. Not going to experience any of it unless you’re in a helicopter.

Q&A Personalisation/narrative -

‘poster boy for the left’ ‘puts a human face on the budget battle’

Sourcing/representation -

Putting yourself on the public stage is putting yourself on the stage for a ‘bit of scrutiny’ Tends to be dominant people who get to be sources to tell you what’s happening in the media Try to bring in the ‘every man, every woman’ perspective to show diversity and recognition of all voices. But clear that there is disparity in the voices heard.

Media ownership -

Bash the poor, bash the ABC and bash Labour, the perfect trifecta

Conflict between media outlets -



One says a hero for asking the question, dig into his past and becomes a villain to others Is this now what happens when you exercise your democratic rights? You become a hero or a villain although he didn’t ask for either Completely took away from the policy problem that they were talking about originally. Personalised it. Took away from the fact that he said something that can change the way people vote. Shows the control media have over what is portrayed about politics. Became more about the ABC, ABC’s hero. He was caught in the rivalry with news, government and the ABC essentially. Even those crowd fundraising are equally participating in making him a public face for a group of people and the public narrative. Less focused on the person, more on the character they created. Even less about the tax policy, just about Duncan. Joe the Plumber in America to turn away from actual discussion of policy

Australian culture much more boring, people want to see America’s interesting politics Only 3 channels Some mandate to provide more multicultural content – SBS. Increasingly pitching our TV for overseas. Neighbours for British, etc. Used to be the opinion that we made television just for us, then it was specific markets, then all overseas. Hoopla Doopla – Asian and Australian show. No speaking by characters, just narrative voice over that each country does themselves in their language/accent. Clever Man


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