Week 2 Experiment Answer Sheet NEW PDF

Title Week 2 Experiment Answer Sheet NEW
Author Antonio Rogers
Course Biological Concepts
Institution Park University
Pages 5
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WEEK 2 EXPERIMENT ANSWER SHEET Please submit to the Week 2 Experiment dropbox no later than Sunday midnight. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES FOR WEEK 2 EXPERIMENT ASSIGNMENT • • •

Experiment 2 Exercise 1a – Effect of substrate concentra0on on enzyme func0on Experiment 2 Exercise 1b – Effect of pH on enzyme func0on Experiment 2 Exercise 2 – Cellular Respira0on and Photosynthesis

Experiment 2 Exercise 1A: Effect of substrate concentration on enzyme function Review the Week 2 Experiment Introduc0ons, our online lecture on Energe;cs and pp 80 - 82 in your book. For this exercise, we are going to look at the effect of temperature on enzyme func0on, while holding enzyme concentra0on, pH and temperature constant. Open the following website to get started: Bioman. No date. Enzyma0c hOps://biomanbio.com/HTML5GamesandLabs/LifeChemgames/enzyma0chtml5page.html

Procedure A. Click on “Start a New Game” and follow the on-screen instruc0ons. B. When you get to the “Main Menu”, click on “Experiments”. You will have to click twice. C. Click “OK” and follow the on-screen instruc0ons. Please note that you do not need to submit the answers from the quiz.

QuesAons 1. In this Experiment, which variable is the dependent variable and which is the independent variable (2 pts)? The dependent is the enzyme while the independent is the temperature, 2. Describe the rela0onship between temperature and enzyme ac0vity (1 pts). When op0mal temperature is hit the enzyme can maximize the rate at which the substrate are broken down but when the temperature gets to hot the enzyme will denature and when to cold the substrate don’t move.

Updated October 2013

3. What is the temperature and enzyme ac0vity was the highest (1 pts)? Around 40 degrees Celsius 4. What happens when the temperature becomes too high? Cited your sources. (2pts) The enzyme becomes denatured and unable to con0nue to break down substrate.

5. What happens when the temperature become too low? Cited your sources. (2pts) The substrate don’t move to make contact with the enzyme intern resul0ng in nothing, essen0ally “freezing”

Experiment 2 Exercise 1b: Effect of pH on enzyme function Be sure to review the Week 2 Experiment Introduc0on, our online lecture on Energe;cs and pp 80 - 82 in your book. For this experiment, we are going to look at the effect of pH on enzyme func0on, while holding enzyme concentra0on, substrate concentra0on and temperature constant. Go to: Procedure A. Con0nue from the previous experiment by clicking “OK”. Follow the on-screen instruc0ons.

QuesAons 1. In this Experiment, which variable is the dependent variable, and which is the independent variable (2 pts)? The dependent is the enzyme while the independent is the pH

2. Describe the rela0onship between pH and enzyme ac0vity. At what pH did you see op0mum enzyme ac0vity (2 pts)? The pH that resulted in op0mal ac0vity was 7-8 while when the the pH got to high or low the enzyme would become denatured. 3. Explain your results based on what you have learned about enzymes this week and the factors that affect their func0on. Cite your source (4 pts)? For the enzyme to be able to op0mally perform its task it all depends on the temperature, pH, and amount of substrate.

Experiment 2 Exercise 2: Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis Updated October 2013

In this exercise, you will test the following hypothesis by predic0ng results based upon the experimental set-up. a. Hypothesis - Aquatic animals require the presence of plants to provide them with oxygen (via photosynthesis) needed for cellular respiration. The rela0onship men0oned in the hypothesis is illustrated in the diagram below:

In our experiment, we are using an aqua0c environment, but the concepts are the same. The snails and Elodea will produce carbon dioxide via cellular respira0on. The Elodea will use this carbon dioxide in photosynthesis to produce sugars. The oxygen required for cellular respira0on will be generated by the Elodea via photosynthesis.

One rack of tubes (1D-4D) will be placed in the dark box for 24 hrs, while the other rack (1L-4L) will be exposed to light. Indicator is added to detect the presence of carbon dioxide. Updated October 2013

• • •

Blue - no carbon dioxide Green - medium level of carbon dioxide Yellow - high level of carbon dioxide

Table 3. Predicted Results (6 pts). Test Tube


StarAng Color

Predicted End Color


0 snails, 0 Elodea



With out any snails or elodea no carbon dioxide will be produced


1 snails, 0 Elodea



With out sun and with only one snail I do not thing enough carbon dioxide will be produced


0 snails, 1 Elodea



With out sunlight the plant can not cellular respirate.



1 snails, 1 Elodea,



I think one snail and one elodea can produce enough carbon dioxide to keep it at a steady rate


0 snails, 0 Elodea,



With out anything producing carbon dioxide it will dwindle out 0ll there is none lej


1 snails, 0 Elodea,



With one snail in the sunlight I think it will be sufficient to be able to maintain the same amount


0 snails, 1 Elodea



Due to being in the sunlight this will ensure the plant to photosynthesis allowing it produce enough carbon dioxide


With both living organisms in the same tube and in sunlight this will op0mize the amount of carbon dioxide produced


1 snails, 1 Elodea


QuesAons 1. In which treatment(s) did you see the greatest amount of carbon dioxide present? Explain why this was true for each treatment that had the greatest amount; be specific (3 pts). 4L, 3L Due to the sun being able to help the plants grow and undergo cellular respira0on this helped produce carbon dioxide. Due to 4L also having a snail this helped greatly due to it basically teaming up with the elodea. 2. In which treatment(s) did you see the least amount of carbon dioxide present? Explain why this Updated October 2013

was true for each treatment that had the least and explain what happened to the carbon dioxide that had been present (2 pts). 1D,1L,3D Due to 1D and 1L not having a snail nor a elodea this caused no carbon dioxide to be produced. The carbon dioxide that was already present in the water has released its gas as bubbles and lej. 3D while it had the elodea it had no sunlight and plants die with out sun so this caused it to produce no carbon dioxide.

3. Was there any difference in your results between tubes 3D and 3L? If so, describe what the difference was and why (2 pts). Yes due to 3L being in the sunlight this allowed the plant to be able to grow and produce carbon dioxide while 3D was in darkness and could not. 4. Based on your results, how do you know that snails produce carbon dioxide (2 pts)? Because even the containers in the dar changed colors when it was just the snail. 5. What was the purpose of tubes 1D and 1L (2 pts)? A control to see that the carbon dioxide levels really would eventually hit zero.

Week 2 Experiment Grading Rubric Component


Experiment 2 Exercise 1A

Demonstrates an understanding of the rela0onship between temperature and enzyme func0on and the ability to conduct an experiment and interpret results (Ques0ons 1-5).

8 pts

Experiment 2 Exercise 1B

Demonstrates an understanding of the rela0onship between pH and enzyme func0on and the ability to conduct an experiment and graph and interpret results (Ques0ons 1-3).

8 pts

Experiment 2 Exercise 2

Follows instruc0ons, correctly sets up experiment and records data (Tables 3).

6 pts

Experiment 2 Exercise 2

Demonstrates an understanding of the rela0onship between cellular respira0on and photosynthesis and interpreta0on of experimental results (Ques0ons 1-5)

11 pts


Updated October 2013


33 pts...

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