Week 7 - Lecture notes 7 PDF

Title Week 7 - Lecture notes 7
Course Operating Systems Principles And Applications
Institution Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Pages 12
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All of Week 7 notes for INFO 1211 operating systems....


Week 8: The Bash Shell and Scripting Introduction • bash, which is the Bash shell (or Bourne Again shell), is an open source shell that is the default shell for most Linux distributions - it’s backwards compatible with the Bourne shell (sh) - other common shells include csh and tcsh (the C shell and “T C Shell”), as well as ksh and zsh (the Korn and Z shells) • the syntax used for the shells differ, but general programming concepts such as variables, conditionals and loops exist in all the shells • for complex shell programming, you may use Python or another higher-level language; it is possible, though, to do a considerable amount of coding using shell programs, or scripts Login Files • when you log in to a Linux bash shell, commands in the file .bash_profile are executed - such commands can include setting of shell variables, setting aliases, configuring the environment, and so on • it is also possible to launch a subshell from within the login shell - this can happen, for example, when a script (program) is launched - when a new Bash shell which is not the login shell is started, commands in .bashrc are executed instead • it’s normal to not separate your initialization commands into “what I want when I log in” and “what I want when I launch a shell that’s not my login shell” - instead, you put all the commands that you want executed into .bashrc - then, you put the following in .bash_profile: if [ -f ~/.bashrc]; then . ~/.bashrc fi - what this code says is “if there is a .bashrc file present, execute its contents” - that way, no matter whether you are starting a bash login shell or a subshell, the same commands will get executed • to summarize: - .bash_profile - .bashrc

contains code to run when you log in and bash starts contains code to run when a non-login bash shell is launched,

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Introduction to Scripting • a script is like a batch file in DOS; it allows you to create a list of shell commands that can be stored in a file - when you want to execute the script, simply type its name - useful for automating frequent command sequences • the most basic of scripts is simply a list of one or more Linux commands • example: list contents of the root directory #!/bin/bash # Script to list root directory contents # # Usage: list # cd / ls - suppose that we create this script in a file called list - to execute the script, we have to give it execute permission, for example: chmod u+x list - we then can execute the script simply by typing list - the first line of the script starts with #! (no space), followed immediately by the full path of the script used to execute the shell; here, we specify that this is a Bash shell script - note that from any shell, you can execute a script written for a different shell - ex. use #!/bin/tcsh in the script’s first line, and even though you start from a Bash shell, the script is executed using the tcsh shell - any lines other than the first which start with a # are considered comments - as with all programs, it’s good to include comments throughout your script - the rest of the script is simply the commands we want to execute • when a script is executed, Linux runs it in a subshell, or child shell of your current shell - a subshell has its own current directory, so changing directories in a script doesn’t affect the parent shell’s current directory - note that if you start in your home directory and execute list, the script moves to the root as specified in a subshell, but when the script terminates, you are where you started • when you launch a script, you may include arguments on the command line - for example, suppose this is in lister #!/bin/bash # Display long listing of a file

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# # Usage: lister fname # ls -l $1 - here, $1 refers to the 1st argument on the command line for the script - in this case, $ lister Looky would invoke ls -l on the Looky file - here are the special variables created when you invoke a shell script: - $0 the name of the shell script - $n the nth command line argument (ex. $1, $2, $3, etc.) - $* all the command line arguments (not including $0) - $# the number of arguments passed to the script - $$ the process ID (pid) of the subshell - you can also use suppose this is in lister #!/bin/bash # Display long listing of a file # # Usage: lister fname # ls -l $* - here, $* repeats any arguments which we could use when invoking the script - we could use $lister file1 , $lister file1 file2 or even $lister * • example: write a shell script called letrun, which allows execute permission to all users to the file specified in the command line #!/bin/bash # Allow execute permission for the file in the command line # # Usage: letrun fname # chmod a+x $1 echo Permission changed for $1 - to use the script to turn on execute permission for a file called script1, you could then type letrun script1 - how would the script behave differently if we used $* in the script instead of $1? • example: write a shell script called words, which uses wc to count the words in a specified file and prints out the message “ contains words.” #!/bin/bash

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# Count the words in the given file # # Usage: words fname # echo $1 contains `wc -w < $1` words. - note the use of the backquotes to retrieve the outcome of the wc command - also note the use of redirection with the wc command; this suppresses wc’s usual printing out of the file name whose words are being counted • note that in using scripts, as well as using shells in general, you can enclose arguments in single quotes or double quotes, and that can affect a command’s behaviour (note that the $ represents the shell prompt; you only need type “x=2”, not “$ x=2”): $ echo 3 * 4 = 12 3 file1 file2 file3 4 = 12 $ echo "3 * 4 = 12" 3 * 4 = 12 - putting double quotes around something inhibits wildcard expansion - however, to inhibit wildcards, variable substitution ($) and command substitution (backquotes), use single quotes: $ echo "my name is $USER, date is `date`" my name is Kenward, date is Mon Mar 2 12:32:14 PDT 2020 $ echo 'my name is $USER, date is `date`' my name is $user, date is `date`

Handling Shell Variables in Bash • variables can be used without declaration, as is required in languages such as C++ or Java (note that the $ represents the shell prompt; you only need type “x=2”, not “$ x=2”) $ var=value


$ x=2 $ file=input.txt $ name="Kenward Chin"

• when you want to access the contents of the variables, put a $ in front of the variable name $ echo $x 2 $ echo $file

This means “display the value stored in variable x”

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input.txt $ echo $name Kenward Chin • if you forget to put the $ before the variable name, you will just get the variable name as output: $ echo file file • some variations on the basic $variable formula: ${var}

putting curly brackets around the variable name can be useful for separating the variable name from surrounding text; e.g. doing “echo $xing” and “echo ${x}ing” do different things


value is var if var is set, and word otherwise


value is word if var is set, and nothing otherwise


assigns word to var if it is not already set, and value is word

• some examples: $ x=Hello $ echo $x Hello

set x to the string “Hello” write out the value of x

$ echo $xthere

doesn’t write “Hellothere”, looks for a variable xthere

$ echo ${x}there Hellothere

write out x and “there” right after

$ echo ${x-Bye} Hello

x is set to Hello, so this writes its value

$ echo ${x+Bye} Bye

x is set to Hello, so this writes the text in the command

$ echo ${y-Bye} Bye

y is not set, so this writes the text in the command

$ echo ${y+Bye}

y is not set, so this writes out nothing

$ echo ${x=example} Hello

x is already set, its value is not changed by the command

$ echo $x Hello

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$ echo ${y=example} example

y is not set, so the command puts “example” in y

$ echo $y example

y was set to “example” by the previous command,

$ echo ${var+'var is set'}

could use this to see if var is set

Arrays in Bash • the syntax for arrays is similar to that in languages such as C++ and Java: $ cols[0]=red $ cols[1]=green $ cols[2]=blue

set elements of the array one at a time

$ cols=(red green blue)

set all the elements of the array at once

• to access the contents of list variables, you have to use braces $ echo ${cols[0]} red

use ${var[i]} to access the ith element

$ echo ${cols[*]} red green blue

use ${var[*]} or ${var[@]} to access entire list

$ echo ${#cols[*]} 3

use ${#var[*]} or ${#var[@]} to count items in list

• if you omit the braces, you will get the first element followed by the [ ] text $ echo $cols[0] red[0] • you can add to a list and remove items from a list $ cols=(red green blue) $ cols=(${cols[@]} yellow) $ echo ${cols[@]} red green blue yellow $ cols[4]=magenta $echo ${cols[@]}

set the array to its existing elements plus yellow

set the 5th item to magenta

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red green blue yellow magenta $ cols=(infrared ${cols[*]} yellow) $ echo ${cols[*]} infrared red green blue yellow magenta

set the array to infrared plus its existing elements

$ unset cols[2] list is indexed from 0, so this refers to green $ echo ${cols[*]} infrared red green blue yellow magenta

Scope of Variables in Bash • when you create a variable in a Bash shell, it is local to that shell; if you create a subshell, the variable values are not passed on to that shell unless you explicitly export them $ x=1 $ bash

creates a subshell, with a new set of shell variables

$ echo $x nothing is printed, because x exists only in the parent shell $ exit back in parent shell now $ export x $ bash $ echo $x 1

now it works!

- (note that Bash does not support exporting array variables) • variables in Bash can be made read-only, so they cannot be altered $ x=1 $ readonly x $ x=2 bash: x: readonly variable - note that if you export this variable, the variable’s value can be changed in the subshell • within a script, you may use the read command to get input from the user; for example: echo –n Enter your name: read username echo Nice to meet you, $username

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Arithmetic in Bash • to do arithmetic in Bash, you must assign the result of an expression to a variable just as in other programming languages - you must enclose the entire expression in double parentheses $ $ $ $ 3

a=1 set a and b to 1 and 2, then add them together b=2 ((sum=$a+$b)) echo $sum

- if you omit the double parentheses, a string assignment is done $ sum=$a+$b $ echo $sum 1+2 • the “regular” arithmetic operators from languages like C++, Java, etc. can be used here - *, /, %, +, -, ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /* $ a=2 $ ((a++)) $ echo $a 3 Conditional Statements in Bash • Bash supports two basic conditional instructions: - case…in…esac - if…then…elif…then…else…fi • case word in pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3 ) command list1 ;; pattern4 | pattern 5 ) command list2 ;; *) default command list esac

include multiple patterns separated by | if you wish the case will not work without ;; to separate cases

use *) for the default case

- case is the Bash equivalent of the C++ switch instruction

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- example: hockey teams echo –n "What's your favourite team? " read team case $team in "Edmonton" | "Oilers") echo "The Greasers? Ew." ;; "Calgary" | "Flames") echo "Flame rhymes with lame." echo "I hate those guys." ;; "Vancouver" | "Canucks") echo "Greatest team in NHL history!" ;; *) echo "How nice for you." esac • if test1 ; then command list1 elif test2 ; then command list2 else command list3 fi

the ; before “then” is required use as many or as few “elif”s and command lists as required the else clause is also optional

- this form of if allows you to do as many comparisons in a row as you want, and Bash executes the first command list that corresponds to a matching expression - any comparisons involving numbers must be enclosed in double parentheses echo –n "Enter a score: " read score if (($score > 100)) ; then echo You lie elif (($score >= 50)) ; then echo Pass else echo Fail fi - an alternative for the double parentheses notation is to use square brackets (with spaces) around the comparison, and to use comparison codes instead of comparison symbols: if (($score > 100)) ; then if (($percent >= 50) ; then

if [ $score -gt 100 ] ; then if [ $percent –ge 50 ] ; then

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if (($number < 0)) ; then if [ $number -lt 0] ; then - if you do this, the possible codes are -le, -lt, -eq, -ne, -gt, -ge - when using strings, you must use the square bracket notation, but you use the usual comparison symbols (make sure to put a space on either side of the symbol): echo –n "Enter a password: " # -n suppresses new line read password if [ $password == "12345" ] ; then echo Password accepted else echo Access denied fi - you can also create compound conditions using && and || if [ $country == Canada ] && (($age >= 18)) ; then... • another useful thing to know is that you can put special codes in front of a file name in a script, and the shell will give you a true/false value depending on the situation - for example, a script called alive that tells you if a file is present #!/bin/bash # Check to see if a file exists # # Usage: alive file # if [ -f $1 ] ; then echo Found the file else echo Did not find the file fi - some of the codes are as follows: - -d: is file an existing directory? - -e: does file exist? - -r: is file user-readable? - -w: is file user-writeable? - -x: is file user-executable?

Loops in the Bash Shell • Bash supports three basic looping instructions: - for…do…done - while…do…done

e.g. if [ -d $filename ] ; then … etc.

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- until…do…done • for var in wordlist ; do command list done - this is like the foreach instruction in some languages, where the variable takes on successive values from the list of words each time through the loop - example: loop through a literal list for colour in red orange yellow ; do echo $colour done - note that you do not enclose the individual words in parentheses, as in csh - if you want to cycle through a list, you can do this as follows: cols=(red green blue) for colour in ${cols[*]} ; do echo $colour done - or to cycle through the list of arguments to the script for arg in $* ; do echo $arg done • while test ; do command list end - this is like a while loop in C++ or Java, but the test has to be in the same format as what was used for the if instruction: double parentheses for numerical comparisons, and square brackets for string comparisons - example: countdown “timer” i=10 while (($i > 0)) ; do echo –n ${i}... ((i--)) done echo "" echo "BLASTOFF!!!"

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- example: interactive loop to prompt user until he/she wants to quit again=y while [ $again == y ] ; do echo –n "Enter file name: " read name wc $name echo –n "Go again (y/n)? " read again done • until test ; do command list end - this works just like while, but loops “until” the test evaluates to true; essentially, it is like while except it negates the test condition - example: countdown “timer” i=10 until (($i == 0)) ; do echo –n ${i}... ((i--)) done echo "" echo "BLASTOFF!!!"...

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