Week 9 - Reid Technique and Peace Model PDF

Title Week 9 - Reid Technique and Peace Model
Course Investigation and Interviewing Techniques
Institution Algonquin College
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differentiating between the Reid Technique and the PEACE Model...


Week 9 –March 13, 2019 Reid Technique and PEACE Model

Learning Objectives - Explain the difference between an interview, an interrogation, and an investigative interview - Understand the stages and steps that comprise the Reid technique of interviewing and interrogation - Understand the stages in the PEACE model of investigative interviewing Chapter Objectives - Understand what research suggests about the effectiveness of the Reid and PEACE methods and the criticisms that have been made of these methods - Understand the importance of being able to articulate the reason for choosing a particular investigative technique and the importance of ongoing professional learning regarding various interviewing and interrogation methods Introduction Interrogation: accusatory process intended to elicit a confession Interview: non-accusatory process to gather information Investigative interview: process designed to maximize the amount of information obtained from a suspect The Reid Technique Reid technique: approach to questioning Three principle elements: 1. Non-accusatory fact-finding interview 2. Behavioural analysis interview to detect deception 3. Accusatory, persuasive interrogation to get confession Fact-finding interview: - Establish rapport, basic information, “baseline” responses Behavioural Analysis Interview (BAI): behaviour provoking questions to detect deception Three methods for determining guilt in this stage: 1. Observe/evaluate verbal/non-verbal behaviour for deception indicators 2. Behaviour-provoking questions (e.g., “Do you know why you are here?”) 3. Baiting questions/dealing with alibi Nine Steps of Interrogation 1. Direct positive confrontation: “You are responsible for…” 2. Theme development: Offering an explanation or “moral excuse” for the crime

3. Handling denials: Discourage suspect from repeating/elaborating on denials 4. Overcoming objections: Overcoming reasons why suspect would/could not commit the crime 5. Procurement and retention of suspect’s attention: Physical contact, moving closer, using first names 6. Handling a suspect’s passive mood: Focus on key reason for crime 7. Presenting an alternative question: Makes suspect choose between two scenarios, one more acceptable but both inculpatory 8. Having the suspect orally relate various details of the offence: Develop admission from previous step 9. Converting an oral confession into a written confession Criticism of Reid technique 1. Lack of evidence showing effectiveness of technique 2. Potential of technique to contribute to false confessions 3. Validity of Behavioural Analysis Interview Reid’s advice to not record interviews/interrogations Common strategies for obtaining Reid confession - Minimization: minimize seriousness of offence/consequences of confessing - Maximization: maximize seriousness of offence, exaggerate consequences of conviction The PEACE Model - Best practice approach, focus on information and using information to challenge suspect statements - Research indicates Reid and PEACE both generate confessions from suspects - Unlike Reid, PEACE does not contribute to false confessions 5 Stages of PEACE Model: 1. Preparation and Planning a. Consider how new information contributes to investigation b. Plan interview, develop timeline of events, plan for contingencies 2. Engage and Explain a. Engage in conversation and explain process of interview 3. Account, Clarification, and Challenge a. Enhanced Cognitive Interview (ECI): cooperative suspects b. Conversation management (CM): uncooperative suspects c. Three substages to “Account” stage i. Uninterrupted account ii. Clarification iii. Challenge 4. Closure and 5. Evaluation a. Allow suspect to correct or add to statement b. Consider information acquired in terms of whole investigation c. Conversation management: Technique for interviewing uncooperative subjects, create relationship with interviewee

Three core elements: Reciprocity, RESPONSE, Management of Conversation Sequence. Reciprocity - Form bond with suspect by being polite and decent (e.g., getting them a coffee). Response - Respect - Empathy - Supportiveness - Positiveness - Openness - Non-judgmental attitude - Straightforward talk - “Equals” talking to each other Management Sequence - Manage course of interview o Use stages of PEACE - Manage conduct during interview o Ensure interviewer/suspect speak and listen to each other - Manage content o Maximize information gathered, note, analyze, explore information Research and Criticisms - PEACE does not overtly persuade suspects to confess but has been shown to be just as effective in generating confessions as Reid - Does not contribute to false confessions - No drop-in confession rates from using PEACE in Britain Professional Practice and Development Investigators must: - Be skeptical of various investigative techniques - Ask if there is any evidence to demonstrate that they are valid and reliable - Keep up to date on new investigative interviewing methods and related techniques...

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