Welfare Aziendale - Lecture notes 1-2 PDF

Title Welfare Aziendale - Lecture notes 1-2
Author Marj Gentino
Course Fluid mechanics
Institution Universiteti POLIS
Pages 11
File Size 966.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Complete company environment...


MARKET ANALYSIS Corporate welfare is an important tool to encourage dialogue between entrepreneurs and workers, to improve the quality of life inside and outside the company, to grow the company under a productivity point of view and its sense of belonging. Moreover, it involves the surrounding community, creating a favorable environment with medium-long term prospects, because the entrepreneur can check the needs of those who work with him to improve their quality of life; create networking with other companies; adhere to platforms and evaluate welfare plans understanding if there are infrastructures that can help him. Companies can manage the welfare plan internally, but using the provider reduces the impact in terms of opportunity costs. In particular, a provider makes it possible to reduce the costs borne by the organization, thanks to the bureaucratic streamlining and the reduction of the plan constraint times; moreover, we talk about "ease of use for the user" associated with the free choice of the employee, thanks to the possibility of designing a plan capable of responding to different needs. Until a few years ago there were 3 operators, today there are 78 and they were all born in the last 5-6 years. The small and medium-sized companies defined as active in welfare have increased from 25.5% in 2016 to 41.2% in 2018. - Easy welfare is a provider born in 2007. Its customer portfolio is 4 600 companies. - Eudaimon is actives in this sector since 2002 and supplies more than 250 companies. - Jointly is an innovative start-up which works since 2014 for more than 40 companies. - Willis is growing fast with 4 200 customers in Italy. - Sodexo since 1974. - Welfare Company since 1994 as MYWelfare. - Welfare.it - Pellegrini born in 1985 with 2000 customers. - Ecostilla with 200 employees and 24 customers - Edenred born in 1978 with more than 10 000 users - Blube (2016) - UPLife (2000) with 420 customers - Day Welfare has more than 16 500 customers - … This market consists of about 1 691 652 independent employees who benefit from this service. Companies with at least one service of well-being active, are therefore 19 090 divided as follows: a) industry 45.9% b) services 22.1% c) trade 19.3% d) construction 9.6% e) agriculture 3.1% Among the respondents who have a welfare plan at the moment, the largest companies are the most numerous (77.5%); however, the small companies that are planning to implement it in the short term are increasing (62.5%). In this sector there is a potential market of 21 billion euros but only 17.9% of Italian workers have a precise knowledge of what corporate welfare is, 58.5% know it only in broad terms. Faced with the possibility of transforming premium portions of remuneration into welfare benefits, 58.7% of the personnel declares themselves in favor, 23.5% against. The most favorable are those who already have above-average salaries: managers and middle managers (73.6%) and those with medium-high family incomes (62.2%). To these are added those who have children up to 3 years

(68.2%) and therefore could derive specific benefits and concrete savings, even in the face of increasingly public services for children. Among the most desired company welfare benefits from workers, some areas show significant growth: above all, work and life balance (from 33% to 41%), thanks to the greater diffusion of hourly flexibility and measures in favor of new parents, then there are corporate security initiatives (from 34% at 42%) and also the increase in training for employees is substantial. The 53.8% of employees indicated the area related to health or to supplementary pensions (33.3%), then meal vouchers and company canteen (31, 5%), transport from home to work (for example, the public transport pass: 23.9%), shopping vouchers and agreements with shops (21.3%), reimbursements for school expenses for children (20.5%). O mettiamo I dati scritti o i grafici dell’immagine

To sum up, the priority areas on which they intend invest are those with a medium-high rate of initiative, high dynamism and high priority perceived by companies, in particular employee training, work and life balance, safety. The areas perceived as non-priority are probably those linked to emerging needs or perceived by circumscribed segments, of which companies still seem little aware: welfare extended to the community, support for the weak and social integration, culture and free time, support for the education of children.

PORTER PESTEL TRENDS Among the younger employees, the need to feel good inside and outside the workplace prevails, and in particular are considered very important the initiatives with a strong social and value dimension compared to those that lead to an individual economic advantage. Younger workers express not only the need to attribute more importance to work-life balance services to the detriment of more "classic" welfare services, but also the chance to have more quality time to devote to themselves, to their personal growth and education, to their psychophysical and relational well-being, while services that generate economic benefits are considered less important. This highlights the limit of pre-packaged solutions equal for all, and only those who will listen to the needs of their employees and build new initiatives by involving them in the design, will be able to increase the sense of belonging, satisfying employees. According to recent researches, one of the areas considered as a priority in the coming years, after the health care services, is the reconciliation of the needs of family life with the working hours. Businesses are progressively playing a role of increasing importance in the context of reconciling family and work and this dynamic is confirmed by the approaches adopted in some European countries that place greater attention on employers than in the past. The company conciliation policies are usually traced back to three areas: work schedules and work organization - in this group the measures in part-time, job sharing, teleworking and smart working, the strengthening with respect to the law or to the collective contracts of reference of expectations, licenses, flexible hours for entry and exit, bank of hours, flexible shifts -, concessions for workers with care responsibilities - company crèche, baby parking, agreements for places in structures for non-selfsufficient elderly, rooms for children , after-school and summer camps for employees' children, etc. -, optimizing time with all those services that allow workers to carry out activities in the workplace that they would otherwise have to do once the working day is over, and finally support the person as a psychologist business, corporate counseling services for family problems, support and training for workers returning from maternity, etc. Businesses that implement flexibility measures are more than doubled in the last two years, passing from 16.1% to 34.3%: this trend has been determined by numerous factors, both organizational and technological, but above all influenced by the corporate culture.

Within the great theme of flexibility there are the measures to support parenting because in eight years, between 2008 and 2016, births fell by 100,000. The baby bonus and other family bonuses introduced by the government to support parenting may not be enough to reverse a trend that is also the result of the difficult reconciliation between private life and working life. In fact, the daily management of time is above all the difference between hectic private rhythms and business commitments. Precisely in this perspective, corporate welfare policies attentive to families with children could be the keystone to ensure that between career and family is not a forced choice. The company's attention to those with children has tripled in two years: it concerned 6.5% of companies in 2016 and has reached 19.6% in 2018. The number of additional paid maternity and paternity leave increased significantly, from 4.2% in 2016 to 13.5% in 2018. While the hourly flexibility has jumped in a few years, support services families still have a limited spread. Between 0.3% and 0.6% of companies have implemented initiatives such as company nurseries or affiliated, nursery schools, play centers, after-school activities, contributions to finding baby sitters. In many cases the services help more than permits and give real support to parents who often have to deal with the lack of childcare facilities in the area. To understand how much these measures of corporate welfare can affect women's employment and can help the companies themselves to value women's work, just look at ISTAT data: the drop in employment rates in the comparison between profiles of women without children and with children and the different distribution of domestic work between men and women in couples with children.

CASE STUDIES Thanks to the smart working, the employee establishes the optimal work-life balance, calibrating it to his own family and private life needs. It is not necessary to stamp the time card, the work becomes "fluid" and can be done from anywhere: just a pc, a phone, and an internet connection because the company sets goals and the employee has only to achieve those by independently managing spaces and times. Recent research shows significant improvements in relationships with superiors and in the level of productivity (+ 15%): this is why 305 thousand smart workers are

already in Italy, with 60% growth over the last three years. Many large companies have embraced the model with considerable benefits in terms of productivity and employee satisfaction. Of course, not all tasks are "virtualizable" or remotely manageable: there are jobs that cannot be done outside the company premises and for a parent this can be a problem, especially if the children are small. Baby bonuses and family bonuses are not always enough to cover the costs of a nursery or a baby-sitter and then there are a last-minute meeting, a postponed phone call which can create serious problems for a parent who has to collect the children in kindergarten or school. In these cases, family and productive needs can be reconciled in company nursery: here employees can leave their children during working hours, knowing that they are safe and easily accessible. The idea dates back to a century ago, when Luisa Spagnoli, founder of Perugina, founded the first in the establishment of Fontivegge: since then many companies - including Ferrero and Vodafone - have been equipped with company or inter-company nurseries and today there are 132 in Lombardy alone. La Nuvola, type A social cooperative, offers assistance, support and help to people - children, families, psychiatric patients and people with disabilities. Among the main initiatives, the Nonna Ninì inter-company nursery active since 2006, which benefits from the Law 215/1992 on female entrepreneurship and whose catchment area also includes some neighboring Municipalities. Employees' children benefit from a nursery school with a reduced fee of 30% and can take advantage of flexible hours compatible with their working hours. A significant economic investment by the company to guarantee new mothers to return to work with serenity and with the certainty of entrusting their child to a quality service. "In other words, corporate welfare allows us to take care of those who care." Over the years, children's autonomy increases, but their needs also increase. Studies, sports, vacations are all activities that have a cost in terms of time and money. Thus, in their corporate welfare programs some companies have also included trips for children, scholarships, language courses, reimbursements for the purchase of books and even educational guidance services....

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