What is Literature - Vorlesungsnotizen 1 PDF

Title What is Literature - Vorlesungsnotizen 1
Author Marie Schölens
Course Introduction to Literary Studies
Institution Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Pages 1
File Size 48.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 98
Total Views 210


Mitschrift von der 1. Sitzung WS 2019...


What is Literature? -


concerning the writing, study, or content of literature, especially of the

Vague: -

Writing belongs to the major genres: epic drama, lyric, novel, short, story - Qualitive connotations: literature is superior to other forms of writing But: expectations based on excellence of writing, originality, general aesthetic

Extensive Definition -

Everything that has been written

Intensive Definition which require choice and differentiation -

Genre identity University Permanence Excellence of writing, specific use of language Fictionality Purposelessness

Universe =World Work = Text

A) Text based theories of Interpretation Aesthetic Theories -

Artist = Writer

Text = purely aesthetic object Work of art: world-in-itself How well does the text establish itself as a unity “New Criticism”, “Practical Criticism”, Structuralism, Formalism, Deconstruction

Audience =Reader

B) Literary Texts Readers Pragmatic Theories of Interpretation -

Literature has a moral and social purpose (Prodesse et delectare = to instruct and delight, Horace) Does the literary text achieve its communicative aims? What do authors expect of their readers? How do readers contribute to the meaning of the text?

C) Literary Text Author Expressive Theories of Interpretation -

Literature expresses/ transports an author’s thoughts and feelings Esp. poetry = traces imaginative process of poet’s mind W. Worldsworth: poetry is “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Romanticism) Sincerity and genuineness (“authenticity”)

D) Literary Text World/Reality Mimetic Theories of Interpretation -

Mimesis= representation, imitation Verisimilitude = How well does a text represent external (historical or social) reality? Didactic Value= Art Holding “The mirror up to nature” (Hamlet)...

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